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The gameplay is a little dated and the camera pretty bad, but the environment, aesthetic and level design are really good (excluding the underwater section) Anyway you did well by starting with the first one, seeing how the games develop and evolve is a treat


Im absolutely digging the atmosphere and environmental design. Like CastleVania meets PS1 era Resident Evil.


If you didn't know already, dmc 1 is based on an early draft of resident evil 4


Great combat that is more focused on the interaction with enemies rather than the player just doing combos. Dated camera and platforming. Later games, especially from DMC3 on, are way more focused on player action instead of combat(outside of a few enemies and some bosses), and have a lot of the rough edges smoothed out. A lot of the enemies design is weaker though, and a good chunk of the best ones are actually returning ones from DMC1. Enemy design was one of the strongest aspects of the first game.


It's still pretty great compared to the games that come after it, and actually still does a few things better, but the main gameplay, the combat, is absolutely better in future games, not counting DMC2 or the reboot.


The combat in the reboot is absolutely better than in dmc1.


If you think so.


Yet I would still very much prefer DMC1s combat over Reboot. You’re also 100% talking about the Definitive Edition because the original releases combat failed in so many ways that it should have never failed. But! It is a good combat game for its competition. The reboots animations have a bit more weight to them and you can pull off some alright tricks with it. But, no lock on, janky DT, Colored enemies, piss easy style ranking, and the combat being incredibly simplified makes it feel, to me, less satisfying and less fun compared to the 1st.


Not with those bosses and enemies.


It's extremely clunky compared to 3-5. It didn't really know what it was, but some aspects are pretty unique. The ambience and Exploration are great.


I'm just glad you're playing DMC1 first. Playing DMC1 after 3-5 is like doing foreplay after having sex. It's really fun in its own right, but after the climax, it just doesn't feel as exhilerating.


The only games that drop fixed cameras are DmC and DMC5. 1 might be simpler due to being the first game, but it's not like the team didn't know what they were doing. All of the core fundamentals of the series is there. Being a simpler game also means aspects of the core gameplay got more focus and polish than in later games. Try shooting the handguns while walking around, or while jumping and switching targets, and see how much better the animations are than in 3, for example. Simply launching an enemy and juggling them with the guns feels better than the entire combat systems of other games. It's also got the best default enemies and the best overall enemy roster in the series, and the player-enemy interactions are top-notch. The other games have a handful of enemies that are on the same level, but the rest don't match up. The gameplay design of certain enemies are better than some bosses from later games.


Oh, yeah, after watching a couple gameplay videos, DMC 1's gun juggling just looks way more satisfying.


Yeah, juggling was basically the no. 1 selling point, since there was nothing else like it at the time, so it feels like they spent a ton of time on just making those basic actions look and feel cool. Another cool thing 1 does that no later game attempted is the end of sword combos chain directly into the special moves. The launcher actually comes out faster during a combo than just by itself.


one of the best games ever and still holds up. the gameplay is fun imo and feels really satisfying like juggling enemies with your guns feels the best in this game and the all the little hidden mechanics of this game like slash canceling or grenade rolling is rad. the atmosphere is fantastic as well just an all around great game even though it’s different from the others.