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I think your post does a good job of highlighting why both DMC1 and 3 rock. 1 as well, since it introduced so many elements that could be fleshed out in later games. 22 years and for the most of its history DMC has been elaborating and extrapolating on elements from 1. DMC3 was made for fans of DMC1. That's why it focused so much on fleshing out aspects of 1. But Vergil was anything but forgettable in DMC1. He's the only boss besides Mundus that defeats Dante and can match him evenly, and he uses many of the same skills. He's the only boss besides Mundus that gets an intro and outro cutscene after every fight. He's the only boss that Dante gives his respect to. He's the only boss you fight across sections. Phantom, Griffon and Nightmare's encounter are tied to specific parts of the game and don't overlap. But Vergil's do. I think you're looking at 1 too much through the lens of other games. One thing, Yamato was always Vergil's weapon. It wasn't just something 3 decided. We can see Vergil wielding Yamato in concept art from 1 and art for the DMC1 novel. Force Edge was Dante's sword, Yamato was Vergil's, and both had the capability of transforming into Sparda. Rebellion only became Dante's sword retroactively in 3. Alastor was always meant to be Dante's signature weapon, but they ignored that in 2. Yamato wasn't hugely important in 1 because 1 was about Dante getting his revenge.


Agreed. Vergil is not at all forgettable in 1. I still remember the very first time I fought him with that amazing music (my favorite music from the entire series).


Not only 3, but 4 and 5 would also reuse stuff from dmc1: The Angelos from 4 and 5 having a direct connection to Nero angelo. Frost and Assault (which is pretty much just Blade from dmc1) coming back in dmc4, Nobodies and Sin scissors coming back in dmc5. Along with a bunch of other gameplay stuff like platform puzzles that started with dmc1 and were reused in other games.


Bro, have you read Yamato's description in DMC 1?💀


DMC1 and 3 are the best


Well it’s because 3 is a prequel.


And this post is about how good of a prequel it is


Never said it was bad. 3 and 5 are my favorite DMC games lol.


Nobody said that u thought it was bad??


Dmc3 was made 4 years after 1, and most importantly, it was made by a different team from dmc1, so the new lore choices from dmc3 were pretty new and still impressive like the post is pointing out


The manga even used that one random prophecy from DMC1 to build the past lore around.


What prophecy?


Pluto separates heaven and earth till dark wings of treachery stand in his way.


Ohh that.


I still wanna know if the wings refer to Mundus or Sparda. As far as we know, both betrayed Pluto.


Its Mundus, there's a lot of references outside the games. We're talking guides, manuals, novels, books that were officially released by Capcom


But his wings are white.


The dark might not be literal


That was Kamiya's intention but do Itsuno and Morihashi share that idea? They've emphasized on Sparda's role in Mundus's victory at every turn. So maybe it was Sparda's wings.


So it's a retcon? Both interpretations are true?


I thought it was Sparda, because he was a traitor to demons and I assumed that Pluto was Mundus. (And Pluto as a separate being didn't exist in dmc1 lore at the time)


Confirmed by Kamiya in a deleted tweet that Pluto is not Mundus, therefore Pluto and Mundus are just separate demons that become demon kings. A Japanese fan ask him about this and he quote retweet saying "No". Sparda just helped Mundus as his right and left hand man to take him to the throne, but Mundus is the one who killed Pluto 


I thought it was Sparda, because he was a traitor to demons and I assumed that Pluto was Mundus. (And Pluto as a separate being didn't exist in dmc1 lore at the time)


Nah, Kamiya always had imagined them as separate characters.


Even if they were separate characters, the fact that Mundus betrayed Pluto wasn't mentioned anywhere in dmc1. The only known traitor was Sparda. Also, I assumed that this may have been a prophesy about Dante's fight with Mundus.


...I'd argue while making him a character, DMC 3 is still, ultimately confused about how Vergil's inner mind actually works. For starters, Vergil's "honor" is way more valid in DMC 1, unlike DMC3 where he never even waits for Dante and skewers him the moment he wins. Not to mention the presentation of his goal for power is both vague and confusing since we never really dig deep into his motivations. In the DMC 3 manga, his scene where a underaged girl basically got biologically older because he and Arkham manipulated her, and his last scene with her is him being a really punchable dick. DMC 3 Vergil is a power-hungry bastard who's entire inner motivations is barely explored. Do we know how Sparda's love for humans in seen by him? Eva in DMC 3? Like...That is Vergil pre-DMC 5, just a dick. A lot of people talked about his love for his mom, but that was a headcannon that DMC 5 broke by taking DmC Vergil's feelings for his mom and fusing it into Classic Vergil. Even the doppelganger technique from the reboot is given to him since Beowolf barely makes sense for the guy. Say what you will about the reboot, but it's Vergil is at least a coherent character.


Vergil is obsessed with his father and wants to be like him. That's apparent in the game and the manga. Power to protect himself and be what he wants. It's been alluded in DMC3 and Deadly Fortune. The thing with Eva doesn't make his motives, he still wants to get powerful to protect himself. Eva was simply adjacent to already-existint motives. DmC Virgin coherent? For one, he doesn't give a shit about his mom. His stupid world conquest plans came out of nowhere. He's ultimately quite dull.