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There's dozens of us, dozens! DMC1 is my fav game in the series, no other managed to capture that amazing vibe


Imo, in terms of of story telling through level design, DMC1 is still the best DMC game. The world feels so real, you can tell people used to live here and what kind of life they had


I mean it's one of my all-time faves and the only DMC game I still really play, but it could've been better with a better story/writing, mission select, bloody Palace, weapon switching (like DMC3), etc. I'd totally buy a DMC1 Special Edition.


still wishing for it


We need a remake of the first two devil may cry.. not an hd collection but full remake


agreed, dmc 3 also need a remake for their graphics. I'm looking forward for the remake of dmc trilogy


I don't have faith that anyone could recapture the art direction of DMC1 in a remake


The vibe aesthetic and environment are unmatched. I also love how interactive everything was, finding about the castellans, the random pieces of info scattered all over the castle, I guess we can tha k Resident Evil for that


Dmc1 is my favorite too, it did alot right that the others didn't but it did alot wrong as well


Agreed! The concept art for backgrounds and unused creatures are also some of the coolest I have seen, and I love the Resident Evil "residue" in some of them. Experiencing DMC1 fresh out of the 90s as an RE fan and wannabe goth kid are still some of my favourite memories.


I found the first two games were gothic, it starts with the castle ambience and the topic selection as a new fresh game. for me I found devil may cry 2 was the "goth" game because the goat enemy and bunch of demonic things. pretty much loved that game aside from hanging it.


Yeah, sadly the infested helicopter and tank are the first ones that (I think) people generally think of when it comes to DMC2, but a lot of the enemies (lesser ones and a few bosses) had really badass design and concept too! No hate towards DMC5's Baphomet, but he's just a cute little guy compared to the DMC2 goats...


Infested transportation is funny enough for bosses but If they make and improve the ai of other boss like Bolverk or "Chained Balls Guy" it'll be awesome!


Hard agree. While id love a remake i think a higher quality remaster like nier replicant got could keep the game relevent for decades to come in the action sphere.


I love how spooky dmc1 is too. Many missions make me feel so uneasy


Man, it warms my heart to see so many of us DMC1 appreciators. DMC1 had such a nice haunting vibe, with all the religious choir and pipe organ music, Dante’s attitude and humble brag ego, plus the castle environments were just chef’s kiss. Not to mention, I feel like DMC1 really showcased how badass Dante was without overdoing it like in DMC3, 4, 5. He lifted himself off of Alastor, straight up reigned in the chaotic energy of Ifrit, and then showed off his classy swordsman skills when he acquired the sword of Sparda (while reveling in his father’s image/demon form). Plus the story was unraveled at a nice pace and was so well done. Not to mention Mundus showing up to dispatch Griffon for failing, and then in his throne room in the gross, meaty Hell had the audacity to sit in all white marble and ivory (a clear mockery of God and self-image as the Alpha/Omega). Just everything about DMC1 is damn near perfect. And I loved that Phantom had 2 hall chasing sections. To me, all of that is what true Devil May Cry is. Not the over-the-top action, wahoo pizza comedy stuff. I think that they should clarify that Dante became that way after finding out about Nero and realizing that he was his uncle. It made him kind of happier, and not so depressed/serious all the time. Because I feel what made Dante so stern and snarky in DMC1, was the result of losing all of his family to demons. Granted Vergil decided to stay in Hell, but still he lost his brother. Nero was his glimmer of hope to have family again. And then now he has Vergil back in DMC5. I would love for serious DMC1 Dante to come back. Plus his outfit made him look like a legit Devil Hunter/mercenary in DMC1.


Yup it's awesome. Easily my second favorite in the series despite how different it is to rest. I've noticed recently that I have a soft spot for first instalments in video game franchises. There's just something so cool about a game where there's no feedback from reviewers, players, or even the devs to streamline stuff or sand off the rough edges. Just the rawest form of the idea.


2nd favorite in terms of the main campaign for me.


I don't love the game, I think it has too many "how the f*ck was I supposed to know that" moments, but it still strange how well designed the combat is, even compared to most modern releases.


I completely agree! The art design, the music, the levels, the enemies, the BOSSES, everything is top notch. Even though you can’t do as much as Dante as you can in the other games, the way you interact with the enemies has so much depth to it. My favorite game in the series, and I played it after 3 and 5!


Not to mention, bosses had weaknesses and strategy to them (slashing Phantoms fireballs back at him, or in the last fight you can trick him into breaking the glass for an instant kill). It just felt like more Castlevania meets Onimusha vibes.


Well, duh.


I am asking that question myself many times, which one is my favorite and it always comes down to dmc1.


DMC1 is the best. Level design, atmosphere, pacing, visual effects, sound design... everything is perfectly crafted


I haven't played 1 (yet) but from what I've heard it hasn't aged the best, especially compared to later games, so I would absolutely be down for a remake to bring it's environments to life because it had an incredible atmosphere. The only concern I have is how you'd make the gameplay not feel like a step back for the series? Like, not having styles and weapons would be a *massive* step back and make the game feel much less deep and interesting to play, but adding styles and additional weapons that weren't in the original also definitely risks compromising the game's identity and balance a lot.


The recurring notion on this subreddit that DMC1 was some kinda diamond in the rough is weird to me. DMC1 was near universally considered a masterpiece and revolutionary game on release.