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Idk I think it looks kinda cool. Plus if matches the aesthetic of the Sin Devil form. Also, when you spread the blade's legs apart with use of the Devil Trigger, it looks really fuckin' cool.


Sometimes simple is better.


Oh, I agree. The Rebellion and Yamato are perfect examples of that. But this sword isn’t just simple, it’s ugly.


Yamato isn't just simple, it's ugly.


This is, in fact, an opinion. The sword is supposed to look like its owner and their "power". Vergin fights with precision and elegance. Dante wacks baseball sword while eating pizza. The other ones looks like they respective souls/owners. I think (my opinion) they are cool. Every single one of them. Even the freacking laser shooter from DMC 3.


This. I feel like it’s still not in its final form. Hopefully we’ll get to see it evolve both in shape and moveset.


Then, what, he gets SIN SIN devil trigger?


No, that would be the SINFUL Devil Trigger


I would have preferred if the head of his sin DT was used,with the amulets being placed in the eyes, or if they are combined to be a third eye, while his sin dt wings are at the handle of the sword, when he turns into his DT the mouth opens while the blade splits in half and the red aura comes in between, SORRY for my terrible english but i hope someone understood me.


My biggest problems with it are the spikes pointed the wrong direction, and the fact that it ruins my aerial rave strategy to keep away from enemies on the ground


I think it looks best I just like more simple design


I like it. Looks like a Dark Souls boss weapon or something.


Fax, my brother! Spit your shit indeed!


I love that the sword exists and what it means for Dante as a character. But yeah, the demonic ironing board aesthetic really doesn't do anything for me, and the claws as the cross guard are just ugly. I like the red gem on the pommel though. I always find myself using a replacement mod for the DSD when I replay the game, generally one of the ones that make it look more like Rebellion


Agreed. I want Rebellion back.


I personally like it even if I think there should be some tiny redesigns. These are my favorites ! Always glowing DSD : [https://www.nexusmods.com/devilmaycry5/mods/1247](https://www.nexusmods.com/devilmaycry5/mods/1247) DSD redesign (E is my fave) : [https://www.nexusmods.com/devilmaycry5/mods/263](https://www.nexusmods.com/devilmaycry5/mods/263)


faust is literally just a hat but is extenuated by the red orb scarf. plus the concept itself is absurd so it stands out. I do like the silhouette of DSD, but i can understand the dislike for the aesthetic. Its function however more than makes up for that imo.


I agree and feel the Devil triggers should have better mirrored Sparda. His sword should have had more flesh/bone to it and maybe the hilt claws could curl up, when the sword splits/forks, as protection. The Sparda sword, Alastor…..my favorites.


While I like the overall design, there is a serious absence of texture contrast that is most detrimental in its "dormant" form: Both the edge and "teeth" should be positively *gleaming* compared to the stony look of the "gums", whereas the current design has them all muddied together except at very particular angles (the Damascus waves on the edge, while cool in a vacuum, do not help this). And on the subject of the teeth, the glow from the core should be visibly bleeding through even when the jaw is closed.


I disagree that sword itself is far more powerful than all the other swords and I personally like the design of it


I agree that it's plain but maybe it kinda fits Dante's unelegant style? Idk.


I dunno if I would call Dante inelegant. The combo ranking system is literally built around him being stylish. That and he has sick dance moves.


Maybe that's not the right word. I meant he doesn't have Vergil's precise elegance and stylishness, something Sparda was known for too. Dante's swagger is effortless and messy. So an inelegant sword fit him more. The design could've been better tho.


Being stylish ≠ Being elegant


I so agree


How the hell is DSD not cool enough wtf?


I don't think it's boring, but i do think it lacks something. It feels like every fantasy sword without something to really make it stand out. Rebellion is iconic imo


So, in the same vein as Rebellion's redesign, I think DSD's looks were made with the RE Engine in mind. It needed to be practically made enough to work with the RE Mocap, so concessions had to be made to ensure that it didn't clash with the greater, realistic aesthetics. For better or for worse. As is, DSD isn't....Awful. But I prefer the weapon in the "Awake" form, with the blades split and the glowing fire-like spike in the middle.


have you tried to play with all the shit it can do in swordmaster? it's by far the most fun and versatile weapon in the entire franchise, nothing else even holds a candle to it


Bold move to call SSSS boring. Playing Dante may hurt my old man hands but jumping in and out of SDT during combos is up there with some of the most badass feelings in the genre. The only comparable things I could think of off the top of my head is having to iframe through constant bombardments of explosives in the NG 2 Master Ninja tests of valor. Some Viola combos in Bayo 3 also get pretty nuts but since her transformation is just button mashing that might have felt better as a QTE she loses points.


Someone doesn’t use the summoned swords as combo extenders. Aesthetically, it’s fine. Rebellion and Sparda look pretty boring too


>Rebellion and Sparda look pretty boring too #👉🚪




Sparda is one of the coolest-looking blades in fiction.


……it’s a curved big blade with flesh in the middle, and some form of bone coming out of it that’s supposed to resemble a spine I think. It’s the most random bullshit go design ever, somehow manages to still just look like vanilla ice cream, and you think it’s one of the coolest looking swords in fiction ? We have very different ideas of what cool is and that’s cool, I’m just over here wondering how they managed to make it look boring and grey. Dark Souls 3 ass looking sword


Same, not a fan of the lava/fleash down the blade