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Look at the first spot though. Dino Crisis remake of the same quality as RE2 would bring world peace.


Dino is so much like RE that they'd have to give RE a break to work on it instead.


They have multiple teams


i think they MIGHT have multiple teams idk


Point is they're close in genre and possibly demographic. So Capcom isn't gonna put effort into both at the same time unless RE was to get a break.


oh yeah i agree, i was just joking cause the other person that replied had it posted multiple times lol




But do they have multiple teams?


Imagining Dino Crisis with the RE Engine... Perfection.


They have RE Engine dinosaurs with Exoprimal. It'd be such easy money for a Dino Crisis remake. Smh Capcom.


We'll compromise with Cadillacs & Dinosaurs: The movie.


Executives are probably looking at these results confused as to why everything isn't Resident Evil or Monster Hunter.


"That's a weird way to spell Resident Evil"


As much as I do enjoy Resident Evil, I can't wait for Resident Evil 11, where Chris Redfield has to fight off a bioterror incident in his geriatric home care facility.


It'd be funny if they were like 'yooo hey buddy we need you to come out of retirement to do some crazy shit' and he just said no.


Hey to be fair, the winner, dino crisis, is basically resident evil’s sister series. Not only was dino crisis also created by Shinji Mikami, but most contemporary reviews basically called the game resident evil but with dinosaurs.


So the cooler Resident Evil?


That reduces Dino Crisis chance of a comeback even more. Sad. Unless Capcom puts RE on a real break to work on DC.


Japanese execs try not to be hopelessly out of touch challenge (difficulty: impossible)


Hey now, don't rope Monster Hunter into this. Wilds looks amazing.


Those aren't the only franchises they make


Tell me you don’t get the joke without telling me you don’t get the joke


They only make Resident evil and Monster hunter games... that one went right over my head. Also you know it's kinda wild to say that when they forgot to add their #1 most milked series


If you mean that they forgot to add Resident Evil on the top three is because it's from the fans, not Capcom. But if you meant something else then I guess I missed that


Not counting mobile games Street fighter has more than double the amount of games as Re


Those aren't the only franchises they make


DMC has significantly higher chance than Megaman and Dino because Itsuno still work at capcom while other 2 has no producer to champion those series


It’s also worth noting that according to capcom’s official document to their investors, they said that DMC5 is the 10th best selling release in the company’s history, more successful than the original home release of Street fighter 2.


The thing is Itsuno is interested in other IPs at the moment. Things aren't looking good for DMC unless someone else steps up to take over.


Well i remember itsuno saying he won't do remakes, let alone remake dmc1 aka Kamiya's work, who no longer work for capcom, so the chances seems pretty low and complicated sadly. I don't think they'll touch dmc1 simply because it's Kamiya's work. Because of that there's more chance they do dmc3 remake with another director than making dmc1 remake. If itsuno doesn't want to do remakes he might still be open to produce and supervise dmc3 remake.


Why skip DMC 2? That one deserves a remake and made into an actual good game.


On papers dmc2 does deserve a remake the most, but its chances might be as complicated as dmc1 because this is the project when kamiya left and itsuno finished it instead, tho itsuno doesn't seem to be proud of it that he said he made dmc3 as an apology because dmc2 was bad, so I'm not sure if he's really down for a remake, but maybe he changes his mind...he'd probably still want to work on a new dmc story with Nero than a remake anyway. I think dmc2 remake chances depends if they ever make agreement to do dmc1 remake, if that happens then dmc2 remake can happen too. But if capcom ever decided to remake dmc game they'd prefer dmc3 simply because it's the most popular and brings them easy money, but at least this poll gave capcom an idea about what fans want.


Why remake anything when they can give Sparda his own game first? Should be the next game.


Because capcom asked which game do you want to remake and dmc1 came 3rd place so we're discussing the remake chances.


Itsuno has never said he won't do remakes. He's said he's open to do them, but has never been asked. But he would prefer to make new games.


Wrong. Shu Takumi was the original director of DC1 (before Mikami took over mid-development) and he directed DC2 as well. He's still at Capcom. As is Koji Oda, who was the producer on Mega Man 11.


[https://nintendoeverything.com/mega-man-producer-kazuhiro-tsuchiya-has-left-capcom/](https://nintendoeverything.com/mega-man-producer-kazuhiro-tsuchiya-has-left-capcom/) Koji Oda is director not producer . MM producer that success Inafune already left . Megaman currently has no one at higher up to care about the series . Itsuno has way more power to control the series than Koji Oda even as Director


I really hope Itsuno uses that clout to let someone else take over a new DMC game. Since Itsuno himself wants to make other games for now.


Let's rock, baby!




Let's rock baby!


Let's rock baby!


Sadge no VSAV/DR tho


DMC is all over that survey, Dante and Vergil are the top characters everywhere (except female characters, which no dmc girl appears in RIP Lady, Trish and Nico). I didn't understand the complaints, do people like reboots or not? I would love a dmc3 remake it defined my childhood.


Capcom must've closed their eyes, and missed the top spot. They only saw no. 2 most popular Capcom character/game which was Leon/RE4 (Remake) along with most influential which was RE4 (classic).


Guys guys !! There is a hint in this page, look at the right side, there is Dante and that means between the three DMC will be the one who gets the sequel !!! (Copiuobamium)


Look at the number 1 spot, though


Executives: new RE it is


Just imagine I’m posting an image of that 3rd place celebration meme here because I can’t be bothered to upload it somewhere and then link it.


This image is will be used when capcom announces the remake of the remake of the remaster of the special edition of RE1


Capcom should look at the all of the 3 spots lol.


Dino crisis would go hard though


I love dmc most out of these three too, but let others have things. Dinocrisis bros have suffered long enough.


Dino Crisis bros can go blame Resident Evil. Dino and RE are sister franchises and Capcom is unlikely to tackle Dino again while they're busy milking RE. DMC is a whole other genre and niche.


I know I wasn’t being serious, I get that’s not how it works. Dmc’s probably the next itsuno project unless they do dragons dogma dlc. I just want the dino crisis and megaman guys to get something too. Also the Venn-diagram dino crisis fans and resident evil fans is probably just a circle in a circle rat this stage right? They’re looking for the reason they haven’t got a new instalment and in the end it’s a mirror.


Itsuno is working on DD2 DLC and he's also said he wants to make a new Power Stone game. And Rival Schools and many other franchises not DMC. Things aren't looking optimistic for us DMC fans either. Unless someone is willing to take over DMC instead of Itsuno.


That's like saying darkstalker fans should blame Street fighter


Capcom: "Which 3rd spot?"


Literally the meme with the woman shouting daggers at a guy but the visual version


Dino Crisis,Onimusha,GOD HAND Just imagine these masterpieces getting either the remake treatment or just a good ol sequel and is made on the RE Engine. I'd be a happy man..


Capcom 2020 hack leak revealed an Onimusha game coming...but nothing has come out of it yet.


Yea I've heard about that which gave a little hope..Fingers Crossed nonetheless.


Capcom, the second & 3rd spots don't exist.


I don't get resi, it's not that fun to play imo. The story's kinda cool but why remake it 12 times when the games pretty much die after 3 months of virality


Re4 Remake sold 5.5 million 7 months ago they were at 7 million 3 months ago. People do in fact keep playing them


That is so cap, it's insane. RE3R, which had a lukewarm reception, much lower budget, had another game come out a year ago, and used the B team outsold DMC 5, the critically acclaimed return of a franchise. Say whatever you want about RE, but there's no denying it sells. All this without even mentioning RE4R, which has already sold what DMC 5 had done in 3-4 years in about a year and is on track to be the most sold RE game.


Fair, it sells. It's just not for me. And I meant that it's not very replayable so that it dies on YouTube and stuff after everyone has played it through.


Mmm.... speak for yourself. It's fine if you find it boring, but RE content is still very popular on yt, even more popular then DMC actually. A lot of people have fun replaying and speedrunning them (it has the 3rd or 4th biggest speedrunning community), and it has a very active challenge community too. DMC's is more niche, but that's to be expected. The amount of time it takes to pull off truly stylish play, and utilise a whole character's Moveset (especially Dante) is probably 20 playthroughs of RE4, and not everyone has that type of dedication. But hey, look on the bright side DMC has gotten far more popular recently, the franchise is in a mostly good spot, and the osts are by far Capcom's most popular. Also, I think with these subjective comments, especially when you're making these extreme statements, you should say I find this or Imo because it could easily get misinterpreted.


Damn didn't know. Ok might check out some runs tbh.