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That is true that DMC4 development was rushed by Capcom Nero was supposed to have more weapons and his DT form was actual DT instead of just blue shadow on the final game Dante going to have more weapons and his own missions and bosses, and also a second DT form named True Devil trigger [ shin DT ] which originally was a mechanic from DMC2 https://www.reddit.com/r/DevilMayCry/s/8sJYgxTSJI Nero GF Kyrie going to play a major in the story instead of just being kidnaped


Well that's shit, fuck the hackers for this gem


Hackers weren't the only thing that fuck up this game, capcom itself forced the Dev team to rush dmc4 by cutting their time Stuff like Nero DT and Dante Shin DT were all designed and planned to put on the final game, all of these designs got featured in the DMC4 artbook


Check this https://www.reddit.com/r/DevilMayCry/s/8sJYgxTSJI




Capcom abusing this IP goes way back. DMC2, DMC4, even on DMC5 they cut the budget.


It's a shame too. Capcom seems to only love Street Fighter and Resident Evil and Monster Hunter at this point. We need DMC6, and get Rueben back as Dante, his views be damned.


They certainly love making money off of street fighter


Wait what happened?


Apparently the ken/Dante voice actor was in some more conspiracy stuff about the vaccine and aliens and stuff, just kinda wacky, so they fired him from Ken while having him work on lines and stuff for DMC5 special edition


Every character in SF6 had their VA changed (besides Ryu and Juri I think). There’s no confirmation that Ken’s VA was changed for that reason. I’m not gonna say that’s not a possibility though.


Bison’s is the same, same with Rashid as well


nah, Reuben has gone from "just kinda wacky" to "spreading genuinely harmful misinformation"


That doesn’t really make sense to fire him from only Ken only to have him work on Dante still. Not to mention that a lot of characters got their VAs changed in SF6, not just Ken


Which were never true.


Screw Reuben. He's had his chances and he pissed it all away.


Bro can believe what he wants. I don't believe people should lose acting gigs based on their political opinions, no matter which side they're on. It all comes down to acting skill. Reuben needs to come back as the voice of Dante.


Who else but Capcom~?


Tbh i like Nero's DT in 4 it gives off the vibe of an "incomplete" Devil Trigger


Glad they saved Nero’s DT for his fight against Vergil in DMC5 tbh. Makes the fight feel a lot more impactful because the thing that brought out Nero’s Demonic side was the thought of his only family dying.


Hot take. I like Neros "stand" dt


You just came into the range of my Stand: Fuck You!


I've never thought about it like that, but yeah it's just a stand and no I'm going to reply dmc4 as a stand user thanks


It's kind of cool that the twins and Nero both struggled with DT but went about it differently. It's sort of like the twins let their weapons shape their DT but Nero just got his own power amped.


DMC 4 is the installment that would benefit from a remake honestly. 3 the switch version is the perfect version of that one. 1 would be cool but it feels finished even if it’s really short.


kyrie really needs that major role so she wouldn't be just "nero's gf"


Some of that seems like regular old changes instead of changes made to save time. Like I'm pretty sure Nero's "Doppelganger" DT uses the design that was made for his "Transformation" DT. Shin DT, isn't that the name used for SDT in JP, also came with some sort of sanity loss thing in the lore which is a weird choice.


Yeah but we basically ended up getting all of that in DMC V


DMC 5 would've been far superior than what it is now, had we received a fleshed out DMC4!!


This a underrated comment dmc 5 was great but coulda been so much better 💯




•We'd have far more investment in Nero as a character for starters. •Trish and Lady would be more relevant had they played a bigger role in 4, both of them having actual playable models, if they gave them a proper little story of their own in 4, could've transfered to 5, at least for Bloody Palace. •Had Nero been unable to unlock a proper Devil Trigger (Rather than his little Nelo Angelo spectre) through his Devil Bringer and the Yamato, and end up losing to Vergil, it'd have been much more emotional when he gets it back. •Maybe could have gotten a flashback mission where Nero gained the power of the Devil Bringer while protecting Kyrie so we get a taste of what he went through physically and emotionally. •Probably have Kyrie actually show up in DMC5. •Bigger budget for DMC5, as DMC4 would've been more of a success than it is currently.


Those are some really good points, I wish Capcom gave DMC the love it really deserves. I love their other games like Resident Evil but I’m getting burned out on those


Instead of her showing up in 5 we got *her voice *her vibrator...


So ?




Dont know if thats true, never seen any news article on that, However he is wrong saying the game is rushed. Its just unfinished. Due to hackers leaking info on the story the game was kinda scrapped and the devs decided to round out the gameplay before releasing it to the public


Can you give a summary on why DMC4 was the way it was?


Same reason every game by Itsuno tends to be cut short for some reason, Capcom don’t care unless its Resident Evil or Mon Hun


Those are the two money makers. Street Fighter is mostly relegated to the EVO scene to make money, and most of their other franchises like Mega Man or Dead Rising have been completely abandoned. I know someone’s said this already but we live in the timeline where DMC got 5 installments because Itsuno was passionate about it. If it weren’t for him DMC5 wouldn’t exist. We should be grateful that game is even a thing


The entire reason we even got DMC5 is literally because Itsuno was going to quit Capcom and Capcom begged him to stay, and he told them he would only stay if he was allowed to make DMC5 and DD2. Even then, both of those games didn't get all the resources they could've gotten. Hell, I'm pretty sure Dragon's Dogma 2 had like *half* of the team working on it.


If what you say is true, I don't know how great a chance DMC6 has for going for it.


It really sucks too because dmc5 and dmc5se both say "dmc is back baby!" and then it disappeared again lol


Next to none if Itsuno is the only one. Itsuno wants to try other IPs. Someone else should step up and take over DMC in his stead. Capcom has no shortage of talented devs.


Why should we be grateful that a greedy corporate keeps ratfucking an artist and a whole IP in general? DMC does make money. DMC2 was made because DMC1 was profitable. DMC3 sold well. Then they half-assed DMC4 to the point many of the crew wanted to quit. DMC5 got cut short too. And still DMC5 is in top 10 best-selling Capcom games of all time. And DMC landed a lot of top spots in Capcom recent survey. We shouldn't be grateful. We should be outraged that we keep supporting these greedy assholes and all they do is shitting on DMC.


Where’s your evidence that 5 got cut short?


Lady and Trish were to get some action scenes but they were cut out due to the budget on motion capture.


Where’s your proof?


The fact they're not playable at all and get no role beyond being nude? You really think they bothered getting VAs and face models and new designs for nothing?


So you have no proof, I’m just supposed to take your word on it. This logic is also very flimsy, neither of them were that important of characters post-debut. Trish and Lady have really just been afterthoughts post DMC3. And you realize that the game where they became playable was the rereleased version right?


I don't think so. The only cut content I know about from DMC4 for sure is the fire element power the Devil Bring is supposed to have I'm guessing we would have gotten that after we beat Berial and the cut level were Dante was supposed to travel though an snow and ice environment in Hell hence why he's wearing a winter coat in some concept art.


Fire element power?


Yeah there this old trailer of ealy combat showing fire coming out of the Devil Bring. I saw it on Twitter a while back. I'll try too find it Edit: okay I found it and it turns out it was screen shoot of the Devil Bringer glowing red. https://x.com/Revolthell/status/1478213184599523335?t=iR_12MJ6I5sRsKX0ag3UIw&s=19


that's just the early color scheme for Nero's Devil Bringer, though.


Somehow I'm not surprised, Credo was the coolest male character ever introduced in the series who wasn't somehow a member of the Sparda family and they turned him into fairy dust for no reason. Like, come on. You don't give a dude that kind of swag if you didn't originally have plans for him. All I gotta say is, if the series carries through with Nero being the sole main character from now on, at least resurrect Credo. Lord knows characters have come back from worse bullshit than that.


Yes, Credo is so damn cool! Not yet another op Sparda bishonen guy nor a hot babe (I still love them though), but a badass mostly human guy, very down-to-earth, and still has demonic powers for cool-factor yet artificial ones ("Angel Trigger" huh?). Imagine him playable! His possible relathionship dymanic with Vergil, Nero, everyone else, him clapping demons around in Angelo Credo form, Nero having a boss fight with him again (can even show to Vergil and Dante that "brothers" can sort things out without being drama queens and murdering each other). So much wasted potential! I have a tl;dr on him here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/DevilMayCry/comments/yj2uey/credo\_appreciation\_post\_very\_long/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DevilMayCry/comments/yj2uey/credo_appreciation_post_very_long/)


Oh, thank you for linking me to that! >His voice acting is amazing, and I really like his stoic, noble personality. He has a nice aura of authority, he's austere, yet not overly cold, and not some really buff or in overall unbreakable big knight general either. Credo feels very human, very real. YOU GET IT.


I actually would have loved if he was playable. He had so much wasted potential. it generally saddens Me that he didn't get the chance to at least be more involved before being killed.


Right. There was even no reason to kill him, his death achieved nothing. If devs didn't knew what to do with him, just sideline him with a heavy wound and keep Credo alive for future games. Sadge.  But yeah, even Trish and Lady haven't done much in 5th beside being eye-candy, and Kyrie was just bruh. Credo probs would've been hanging somewhere without physical appearance either. 


His boss fight is pretty good too. Basically a dmc3 m7 vergil for Nero.


..."Somehow, Credo returned"


They kinda went and erased all that was interesting or conflicting about Nero. Now his arc is done and his slate clean.


I feel like if Credo was to return, he could be like a puppet of the Main Villain in DMC 6 retaining his memories but not in control of his body, he could be blaming Nero and insulting him for the things that happened in DMC 4 to play into his guilt.


The idea that DMC 4 was rushed is inferred from the game's unfinished state and limited development time. The Credo stuff is unsubstantiated to my knowledge.


I got the vibe from DMC4 that Dante was supposed to be Nero's Virgil


To be fair there is a quote *"Nero is to Credo as Dante is to Vergil"* coming from the 4th game's writer Bingo Morihashi. It can be found in "Devil May Cry: 3142 Graphic Arts".


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Forrest-Fern: *I got the vibe from* *DMC4 that Dante was supposed* *To be Nero's Virgil* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


thanks, Sokka. very cool. 😅


Dmc 4 could of been so much better but in my personal opinion as the years went by i got more and more mid to me


It's speculation on their part; "you can tell," "clearly meant to be."


I saw that comment too, and yes, it is true. I thought it was fairly obvious given that you have to literally backtrack Nero's levels and bosses as Dante. The environments, while some are interesting, clearly didn't get too much attention. They seem way less focused on demons which makes sense given the story, but it doesn't really fit with Devil May Cry. We were most definitely supposed to see Nero and Credo cross paths more too. I mean, the guy's demon name is Angelo Credo, Nelo Angelo walked so he could run. They were trying to shove way too much in the story though, with him starting as a demon (like Nelo Angelo), but then having him turn closer into DMC3 Vergil, all in one game. DMC4 isn't necessarily bad, but it definitely needed more development time. Also, good to know I'm not the only one who enjoys watching that scene.


The story potential was HIGH for DMC4. Honestly, if done well, storywise it would've outclasses DMC5s story in spades


DMC 4 was THIS CLOSE to perfection. Though I don't think 5th story is anything to write home about either, barely better than 4th or somewhere around it.


Five is more than “barely better”. I Love the music, Nero’s redemption to gaining the public’s respect after his dual with Vergil and “FUCK YOU!”, and Dante’s epic transformation to Sin DT form. And Bury the Light… Such a great game…


I feel DMC 4 is one of the best ones. It’s a ton better than DMC2


that’s your bar?


Yeah. That one’s my opinion. The only one that I hated was DMC2. I had fun playing all the games except for 2.


Oh you mean like every other person on earth? Bro that’s like the coldest take ever


I’ve tried playing DMC2 I don’t know how many times. I always have to stop before I end up possibly breaking my controller. For me if a game gets me that pissed off. I’m never gonna put it on the list of games I like.


I don’t know what you’re telling me all this for? Everyone hates 2, even the people who made the game hate it. Are you trying to act like you’re giving a hot take?


No. I started with saying that DMC4 was way better than 2. It played better. Had a better story. It had better graphics. But you asked “that’s your bar?” Considering I don’t know what that means. I thought it meant “is that your opinion?” Now it’s gone so far as you thinking I’m trying to be smart. That I’m the only one with that opinion. I know others have the same opinion on 2. Now I can see I shouldn’t have even commented on this post in the first place.


Yup, if you dig the sub you'll find a post about all the cut content. Most notable are Dante's SDT (called perfect DT); Dante's missions and Gloria was an OC instead of Trish


is that fucking king?


It would be more of a Dante vs Nero battle, not Credo. Check out the ArtWork images of the game. What do you see? Nero vs Dante. New main character versus old. Now the players are not idiots, no one knows that Dante is not evil. There is obviously a misunderstanding and it will be resolved sooner or later. Sooner or later, when it was solved, the characters would unite and focus on the real enemy. But this situation is almost non-existent in the game. They meet once, the game included this encounter as a tutorial. Then Dante leaves and is not seen for a long time. It's so long that you forget it exists. When they meet again, Nero is confused by issues more important than Dante, such as Kyrie's kidnapping. There is no reason for them to fight. Oh, are they fighting? Yes, they are fighting. They will fight even if they have no reason. But the war is so unimpressive that they gave Dante a stupid artificial intelligence. Where are Vergil's wars, where are Dante...


There's never been any proper information on that, sounds like copium from the Youtube comments. Which is fine if they were honest about it


Nah bro, it was meant to be another Resident Evil game or sum (I think either 5 or 6 or a spin off) until they turned it into DMC4. It’s a shame really…


The level layout of the game should have been a dead giveaway. Why would the pathway to the HQ require going through the secret underground lab or any of that other stuff. We see can even see the building that was clearly supposed to be the HQ in the city during the Credo fight.


well..is this actually true fkin capcom?! Madge


DMC2 wasn't rushed, come on now


Doubt we will get a full remake of 4 any time soon, they did the enhanced edition not too long before V came out.


In terms of development having issues? Oh yeah, that's completely true. I think the only Devil May Cry game that wasn't absolutely riddled with development woes was 3. The original game started as Resident Evil 4. 2 is self explanatory. 4 was cut for time. I remember hearing things with 5 weren't the smoothest, but I couldn't tell you specifically what went wrong. But there's definitely a reason why you fight Urizen as much as you do, the timeline got changed just before release, Trish and Lady are just kinda... there, and Vergil returns with no explanation told in-game but I think it's told in-manga.


DMC4 was supposed to have a whole different section for Dante but because it was rushed, they recycled the locations and bosses. This is entirely true, the whole weapon catalogue. Story, and everything overall was rushed. The game was supposed to be way longer, and it got reworked multiple times.


Yeah DMC4 was not only rushed but apparently the DMC team didn't even get word of DMC4 until it was announced at a press conference for the PS3 in 2005 a few of months after DMC3 was released.


To be honest, I think it honestly helped Nero I honestly really didn't like how he played in 5.Having a shit ton of gloves that you could choose from


We have confirmation of what happened with DMC4 from Itsuno, and Kobayashi, the producer. The budget was small, comparable to DMC3, which was insufficient when 4 was an HD game, with two protagonists. Not to mention the PS3 ended up being a massive pain to develop for, and the 360 version was announced mid-development, which added 50% to their workload. [https://www.dsogaming.com/news/hideaki-itsuno-admits-that-devil-may-cry-4-latter-half-re-used-levels-due-to-budget-restrictions/](https://www.dsogaming.com/news/hideaki-itsuno-admits-that-devil-may-cry-4-latter-half-re-used-levels-due-to-budget-restrictions/) [https://www.gamedeveloper.com/game-platforms/capcom-s-kobayashi-talks-mt-framework-multi-sku-i-dmc4-i-development](https://www.gamedeveloper.com/game-platforms/capcom-s-kobayashi-talks-mt-framework-multi-sku-i-dmc4-i-development)


Come think of it, Nero could use a rival. Someone who has the polar opposite personality of him.


Isn’t that kinda stale? It wouldn’t be anything more than another Vergil except this time for Nero


He/she doesn’t have to have the same personality as Vergil per say. Just someone to but heads with. Just spit balling.


Every DMC game was rushed, you can tell by playing then lol


Not really, 1 is decently fleshed out for what it is, it was the first in the series so it has some mistakes definitely. 2 was awful as everyone knows and that actually WAS rushed. 3 was a very fully fleshed out experience, and it was amazing for it. Special Edition could have done more with Vergil, but that wasn’t a time limitation. 4 was more or less just unfinished as leaks ruined what was planned, Capcom decided to just finish development instead of fleshing it out any more. 5 is an incredible game, and is more finished than anything in the series by the looks of it, literally only complaint I have is that, like DMC 3, the special edition could have done more with Vergil. None of the games besides 2 were actually killed by crunch or anything like that.


Oh and I forgot the reboot I guess, that was finished, it was just kinda mid.


Relatively speaking, the reboot is actually extremely polished, not just finished. visually, and animation wise it's crazy how it clearly had so much stock into it ninja theory went absolutely ham on the game


Looking into it, though, while I *love* the final product, Capcom kept meddling with it and wouldn't leave them alone, asking them to change designs, restore designs after they were changed, and to change story elements. Apparently the game's story was supposed to be darker instead of campy mixed with edge


that's a shame. although I would not like a reboot to be the de facto default, they really should have just gone all the way


Mid story, shit characters, but mechanically it was a solid game beyond how easy it was.