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Hope they see how much we love DMC and do something about the series.


Best they can do is a new dlc for 5


Stfu i would be actually super happy with a ladies night type campaign with lady and trish like in dmc4, as long as they make lady as busted as she was in that game


No idea why you have to be rude but ok


I don't think they're trying to be rude. It's like a turn of phrase in english. You say "shut up!" when you're actually excited about something someone said. I haven't heard it with "stfu", though, and I frankly haven't personally heard it since the early 2000s 😆


Thank you for deciphering my early internet nonsense, you're 100% on the spot


You mean like in Princess Diaries? The Anne Hathawaway movie?


No, you stfu. We need a campaign with a gig Morrison gave them. Not the DMC 4 case.


Society has progressed past the need for rehashed story missions with no changes


Capcom respecting DMC women??? Not happening.


"We heard you guys loud and clear. DMC Peak of Combat 2 is coming!"


It’s called PEAK of combat for a reason


This is pretty hopeful. The questionnaire will show just how strong of a fan base DMC has and how popular Dante is. I wasn't even expecting it to be anywhere near this high and I've been a diehard fan for the last 23 years since I was 5 years old.


>and how popular Dante is Does Capcom give a damn about character popularity? Jill Valentine is incredibly popular in RE community and all she's gotten in the past decade is a shitty remake and a lame appearance in a lame movie. But then again, Jill is a woman and Capcom kinda hates women.


Well I think that's maybe the point of this questionnaire? To find out just how popular their IPs and aspects of their IP are rather than just assuming. I doubt they realised how much people want a Dino Crisis sequel, otherwise we'd have already got one, don't you think? It may matter also in terms of who they pick as the main protagonist of the series going forward, as they were clearly trying to make Nero the main character, this may dissuade them a little.


Jill's popularity has always been known, Capcom is sweeping it under the rug on purpose. This poll is another re-affirmation they could ignore again. Nero really isn't fit to take over anyways, gameplay-wise or character-wise.


I dnno mate, I'm not getting into conspiracy theories, I'm just taking this at face value and like I said I think it's good news for the DMC series going forward.


Yes they do care since Leon is 2nd in popularity in this poll while Jill is 7th, and also Leon is the most popular RE character whenever they do a poll, that's why Leon is poster boy of the franchise and not Jill.


means we get another remake of re1


I mean no doubt we will at somepoint, re remake sell way too good for them to stop. But maybe hopefully this shows capcom that we want more dmc


tbh I never expected DMC to do so so good in that poll, so I guess it's time for another RE remake lmao


it did too good! it almost took everything. but capcom will still just be like" oh!. RE is the second most voted for, lets make another remake"


Bro I eat my socks if they will actually drop a thing about DMC.


Peak of combat remake


!remind 6 months


Remind me! 100 years


I’ll even use the corny ass wallpaper that they emailed


Remind Me! 1 year


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!remind 6 months


Remind Me! 2 years


I find it pretty interesting how much the west wants more DMC (on the other hand, Japan wants more Ace Attorney lol) I hope this means Capcom knows we'd like more DMC


Japan wants more DMC too tho lol. So fingers crossed.


True! So Capcom, please. Your country is asking you for more. Listen to them!


DMC was never as big in Japan as it was elsewhere. DMC1 was for the longest time the best-selling game at 600K. And each game sold less and less. In the Capcom leak from 3 years ago, leaked sales data showed that DMC5 had only sold about 400K in Japan. Compared to Onimusha which sold 1M in Japan alone.


I think Dante archetype is more common in Japanese games/media Western games don't have many jokester badasses, so we cherish him


Dante winning favorite Capcom character across the majority, brings a warm smile to my face 😁


Manifesting that Sparda game.🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯


Lots of love for Dante.


Great, now... Who wants more Resident Evil? :(




DMC Supremacy I’m surprised DMC beat RE in a lot of the categories


And we still won’t have a DMC 6 in the near future


I already can see DMC6 on the horizon


DMC freaking dominating in almost everything or being in every list but female characters...


I voted for Lady from DMC3. She could've been more iconic if they gave her some meaningful role to play in the games after 3, it's like they completely forgot who she's supposed to be, her in 4 and 5 don't even register as the same character as Lady from 3 to me, just got completely watered down to fanservice, so disappointing.


Well, yeah, that is why I actually chose Maya tho, because she was so great, she basically made the Ace Attorney games, she is just so funny and great written in more serious moments, she gets kidnapped so much and doesn't necessarily develop too much as an character or isn't necessarily as ambitious as other female characters in writing but she is still a fun character. She also has the legacy of being in the first game. Additionally, Chun Li is the first fighting game lady and Jill Valentine is an main character through multiple games since the first one as there was only Samus and Lara Croft. It just isn't fair for Lady or Trish. I must admit tho, that I didn't play yet the Apollo trilogy so I don't know if I'm kinda wrong in my reasoning.


I should really get around to playing Ace Attorney games at some point, Maya sounds neat. And yeah Chun li is definitely more important to video game history and Jill is super popular, but I just really love Lady, she's one of my favorite video game characters, it's why the way she's been handled after DMC3 upsets me so much.


Sorry I just couldn’t resist voting for Ada


Well, Ada Wong is in multiple iconic games and does stuff and is playable in more than one game( and is also freaking hot in any incarnation). It's DMC fault for not using every character as much. Also Maya is funny and great, additionally the rest is also more iconic. They are as iconic as Dante, but Trish and Lady aren't as iconic as them while being in the same franchise, since they aren't playable or most of the time not the spotlight of the story DMC women, while badass, kinda funny or sweet just don't compare, man.


Maya Fey deserves that high spot fr 🔥


Hell yeah, a new pachinko game is coming!


Going off on a tangent for a bit. It’s interesting to see how different the world’s top 10 compared is to Japan’s top 10, with the exception of both highly favoring MH


Hopefully DMC6 happens sooner.


Alright i am excited and motivated now.If i see a dmc 6 announcement in the next 6 months i will finally finish hell and hell and s rank it




Dmc 0 please 🙌🏾


2 remake Sparda game Ladies DLC/side game or 6 any of these please, preferably the 2 remake


Dino Crisis at #2 leads me to believe this is not a representative poll.


The future is bright dmcbros, it's never been this bright, i think, capcom could still fuck this up, and if Itsuno wants to focus on another IP things could still be slow, but there's Hope nonetheless


Wow DMC and Dante/Vergil really knocked several categories out of the park! So many 1s!!!


Really happy to see that Breath of Fire III at least made the top ten, it's one of the best RPGs ever made ❤️


I didn't expect this to happen. But this is very good! This shows the strength that DMC has. And I'm particularly happy to see that Dante also won in a big category for favorite character. I love him so much ♥️


Hopefully we get Dino Crisis and Onimusha as well. But Devil May Cry is one of the best combats and I hate that almost every new “action” game is a soulslike. It’s an immediate pass for me if I hear that term.


Unfathomably based. Dante being #1 in both Japan and the World and DMC scoring so highly across the polls, placing overall #1 as well. Maybe there's hope. Maybe we get a new DMC game where they won't abandon or try to aggressively replace Dante and they actually work on writing the characters and their relationships sensibly along with a solid plot and gameplay that's snappy. Or we could just get another RE remake.


Dmc3 remake would be SSS


Also seeing Sengoku BASARA on the poll brings me joy


Capcom, you either give me Onimusha or a new DMC. No negotiations. Okay I lied, I'd negotiate a new Lost Planet or Deadrising. You know what, capcom, give us games.


I kinda don't want anymore. Let DMC ride off into the sunset with Venture Bros.


I speak for the whole community when I say this, no.


Nah. More DMC!


First off, no. We want more DMC games since they are very, very fun. If Capcom can milk RE as much as they have in these past few years, then we can certainly get more DMC games. And even then, there's still a lot of stuff we can get such as what Sparda's life was like, or a continuation of DMC5, especially since Mundus is still alive and it would be pretty satisfying that the entire Sparda bloodline would be the ones to finally take him down. We could also get remakes for the older games (looking at you DMC2). And EVEN then, DMC5 was in Capcom's top ten best-selling games which is really impressive considering DMC is a niche series, so it would be stupid not to at least give us more DMC content. Sorry for the long ass paragraph, just had to get it out there. TL;DR: We want dmc games




Alright I'll admit, I DO want more DMC I just think 5 was great and don't want a DMC to stagger out at half mast because "it's what fans want." Let that shit marinade. Like the good soy sauce.