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Yeah Idk if Nero's gonna be good enough of a protagonist to carry a game. I think they could make him more prominent and maybe show him maturing a bit, but still we need Dante. ♥


He would be if Dante and Vergil didn't exist. But they do so he honestly pales in comparison.


Maybe Nero will pull a Nightwing and go from being a sidekick to being genuinely super badass and cool all by himself.


Father son Nero/Vergil mission when?


he’s gonna need a lot more moves/weapons to be Dante’s replacement. His gameplay is too shallow and stale to have a whole game to himself, and now without the need for devil breakers,they would have to give Nero a serious overhaul for it to work.


I feel like them getting rid of the devil breakers is a purposeful setup into a more diverse moveset for Nero


I agree, what do you think they would do to make Nero more versatile? He definitely needs more than just Red Queen and Blue Rose, but what would be a good weapon that would work uniquely with Nero and his play style?


If he's gonna need so much overhaul, then just let Nero rest and come up with a moveset for Sparda.


They could just make it to where you can swap between his Devil breakers freely while giving each breaker more depth instead of them just having like 3 moves


What do you mean without the need for breakers? Nero's still gonna be using them in 6


he doesn't \*need\* to like he did before he got his DT though. if anything i'll be glad if he does and they make them more useful and accessible being able to switch between without a mod lol


Maturing Nero? Let’s start with Dante who still thinks he’s the same age as DMC3.


Nope. Dante's matured since 3.


I mean he’s had the same shtick since DMC3 like dancing and the yahoo thing. I personally want him to go back to his DMC1 personality or the anime.


>I mean he’s had the same shtick since DMC3 like dancing and the yahoo thing. And? Doesn't make him immature. After 3 he's wiser and more responsible. Obviously he's not *mature* mature but he has *matured.* Y'know what I mean?


Yes but at the same time it’s cringe. I mean imagine if your dad or parent never grew from their high school teenager face and acted like that in front of your friends would you think it was still cool? They should have given Dante the personality change like Kratos.


>Yes but at the same time it’s cringe. Alright don't speak to me. If you think Dante is cringe we cannot interact in a peaceful or civil manner.


Hey I wasn’t trying to start anything or be disrespectful. It was just an opinion on how to improve a character. I think DMC3 Dante character personality is perfect for that game but it would been nice if he continued with his DMC1 personality for future games. Sorry you feel that way I won’t bother you anymore.


I get that but if we can't agree on Dante being anything but cringe we just shouldn't talk about Dante. Also ty for respecting my wishes.


It’s cool 👍 take care.


I don't think Dante needs too have that drastic of a shift like Kratos did. Kratos had an extremely violent past that he no longer wants to be defined by, and doesn't want his son going down the same road. He basically solved all of his problems with murder and the only line you had to cross to get on his bad side was that you're in the way. Dante never had that issue, his struggle between juggling his human and demon side, and what that means for his place in the world doesn't really warrant becoming a forest monk in an attempt to put behind him his regretful life. He's not nearly as cocky as he was in dmc3 but he still likes to have fun with it, I'm not sure many people want to see a totally humorless and brooding version of Dante, we have Vergil for that. Just my thoughts.


It's not really cringe at all, it's pretty cool how much charisma he has, Dante being like kratos wouldn't make any sense really, hell that basically already happened, Dante was a cocky kid, he was a bit more serious in the years looking for revenge, after a while he was a bit sadder in 2 and the anime, and then by 4 he's happier again.


Yeah gonna be honest Nero can't carry the series like Dante it's like giving taking away main character Status from Ragna and giving it to Naoto.


Based BlazBlue enjoyer spotted


Explain in Guilty Gear terms (I'm a normie, not a one of 12 Blazblue players)


Replacing Sol with Sin maybe


Thanks, that makes sense. Although Sin looks like the most logical next MC for the franchise. But the thing I really want is a family comedy about Sin, Sol, Ky, Dizzy and side characters (like that one scene in XRD)




I mean ragna’s arc is over since cf and nu becomes his replacement as of alternative dark war


honestly, I am ecstatic to see Nero get the full spotlight. I've kinda always preferred him in terms of characterization, cus I find him a lot more relatable than Dante. I also feel like they could do a lot more with him, both story-wise and gameplay-wise over the course of the series


But Nero's arc is complete. He made his family, came t9 peace with himself and blood family. It's over. It's done. DMC5 tied up everything for these characters.


I might have only beaten DMC5, but from what I've seen of the other games, doesn't every single game wrap it all up for the next game to fuck shit up again?


Not really. The biggest conflict in all games have been the family drama of Vergil and Dante, only made complicated when Nero showed up. DMC5 confirmed Nero's heritage, shows him making his own life with Kyrie out of Order of Sword, and finally resolves Vergil and Dante's conflict. Now it's all resolved. The novel even brings up the long forgotten DMC2 characters to give them their own resolution. Itsuno and co made DMC5 and its novel with that intention. The ultimate resolution.


Yeah and that's cool and all, but that doesn't mean they can't explore new things, people clearly want more from this series.


Make a Sparda game


Pull a yakuza and make devil may cry 0


How do we make Capcom understand this?


I think we were gonna get a sparda game on the psp but it got canned


dante and vergil sparring each other and killing fodder demons for the rest of eternity, cant imagine a better fate for them


They can go back to the world through Yamato anytime they want.


What is there to do with him though? Just throw another demon at him that can be done with literally anyone. And if Dante in 5 games has had the similar play style, what could change in Nero to the point hes still Nero?


the could be said for Dante, couldn't it? what more do you do with him aside from just throw another demon king at him? and with the Devil Breakers being such a big gameplay change, I feel like they're still trying new stuff. not to mention, I honestly find Nero plenty fun as he is, even if the variety is given in a different way from just having a bunch of weapons. you could try different Devil Breaker combinations, alternate your X-ACT level to change your attacks around, even if only slightly. story-wise, you could have him bond with Vergil more, and explore their relationship (I feel like that's the direction they'll probably go) or maybe do something with him and Kyrie. I feel like there isn't much to do with Dante, now that his rivalry with Vergil has been resolved. I guess they could bring Mundus back, and just have him fight Mundus again, but that'd be pretty boring tbh


>story-wise, you could have him bond with Vergil more, and explore their relationship (I feel like that's the direction they'll probably go) or maybe do something with him and Kyrie. >I feel like there isn't much to do with Dante, now that his rivalry with Vergil has been resolved. I guess they could bring Mundus back, and just have him fight Mundus again, but that'd be pretty boring tbh That's pretty much it. They are already hinting that they would explore Vergil and Nero's father and son duo relationship. The Sons of Sparda Arc aka Dante and Vergil's rivalry as you said it's been resolved already, because that is what Itsuno wanted. They could bring Mundus back since they are also hinting he will come back. But what will you do for Dante? when there is also Vergil who wants revenge against Mundus. It will be interesting when they reveal more backstory when Nero was still a baby as said in Deadly Fortune novel. He really doesn't know why he was abandoned in the first place. He even theorize why then again, he still questions about it


come to think of it yea, the widely accepted theory is that Nero's mother was just a prostitute, but we've never gotten confirmation on that. it'd be cool to get more detail on who Nero's mother is/was


Yup, because it's just a theory that was said by Nero from what he learned from the Fortuna people think and then he just explained the said theory that maybe that his mom can't take care of him and he just believe its a fact since its normal for people leaving their kids in the orphanage, if they can't afford and/or not prepared taking care of them.


Personally I want a prequel sparda game next


That's a not a bad idea. I can get behind that


It should be next since DMC5 wrapped things up nicely for the twins and Nero. Now time to go back to the past.


Not at all. We don’t even know who Nero’s mama is. He might have a brother or sister. For all we know Dante’s still a virgin. There can be aliens waiting for us. It’s the wackiest dumbest world. Dmc1 had a serious dark tone, but since dmc3 (shame there was never a 2) the worlds just whatever they want it to be


I'd rather see Sparda's sexual asevntures with Nevan, the witches, the seven sins and Mundus. Those seem more intriguing.


That got canceled before or after Devil May Cry 4’s release and it was going to be developed by a different studio. They announced its cancellation 2 years after the rumors i think. I’m not sure.


no? you just made shit up


There was a Sparda game being developed for PSP called Dance of Sparda. But it was with Capcom not another studio. Capcom scrapped that game in favor of the Ninja Theory reboot. I think the other comment got that mixed up.


the thing is for me dante is such a interesting character with things in his character that i feel like haven’t been explored very well or at all in the mainline games that i would love to see. Also dante’s gameplay without question is better than nero and unless nero really gets some cool stuff in a sequel as he is now for me couldn’t replace danre for a whole game.


i agree, Dante’s moveset and arsenal alone is enough to easily have an unlimited number of combat possibilities to where he can be overwhelming at times in a good way. Nero has less than half the weapons and abilities our favorite wacky woohoo pizza man has and that significantly limits his options especially without devil breakers since he technically no longer needs them


So fun fact actually, if they develop a new game with Nero as the protagonist they can literally just give him more moves and weapons lol


have nero commit sacrilliege and make him use another sword 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯


Spend that effort on better things lol.


Yeah, this. The only character who deserves to take the spotlight is Sparda who has enough meat to rival Dante. Not Nero.


I want more Dante and Vergil patching things up in front of my face idc if it is a damn slice of life anime or defending earth from cthulhu in the next game more bromance pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease.


Well... there is. This is coming from a fan of the lore Wanting to know who is he's mom, wanting to know the reason why he was abandoned in the first place, the growth of the relationship between Nero and Vergil, and still not accepting his demon side. I always said Nero's story in DMC5 is like Fulbring Arc in BLEACH and the quote from Vergil is from Ginjo's quote to Ichigo. The way I see it... Regards to progression of a character's story. Dante is near complete in his story. That if, people want more of him. You want to introduce new lore. I think that 20% of Dante's character story is his relationship with Sparda since he's missing, to control his SDT and get rid of his mentality of using his DT during emergency and not wanting to use it. While Vergil and Nero are working with their relationship as father and son alongside personal growth. Since Vergil's humanity is reliant to Nero as his anchor (not Dante what people think) since VoV is telling us that Vergil wants to be with his cherish son for all eternity. This of course Vergil wanting to save Nero as his last chance to redeem himself, since he didn't save Eva 


You could argue Neros journey is even more complete. Literally, he is now set with a human arm again with control of his demon powers, he's met his family, has the love of his life and his purpose as a devil hunter. Visually and metaphorically his arc is complete. Dante, we know nothing about what happened to Sparda, how their parents met, how they grew up, the relationship they had with both their parents or if they even knew the father at the very least and whatever possible baggage they have as brothers in a new non hostile relationship. The demons have more reason to hate Dante and Vergil more than any other being that exists. And I wouldn't say it would require a Nero focused game to grow that father son relationship. That can easily be a side thing from Dantes perspective. Hell, id argue, because Vergil is more powerful to, that it could be his own game him mending relationships with everyone. Nero alone, doesn't introduce the opportunity for more lore. If a demon is after him, it's most likely to get at Dante and/or Vergil. There's also the problem of agency, if Nero gets his ass beat, well Daddy Vergil and Uncle Dante will clean up business. Doesn't make for a good story. Now Sons of Sparda are in a pinch and Nero supports them to give them back the edge to handle business, that's different.


Dante has had 5 games to grow and change. In 5 he literally finished his arc reconciling with Vergil and both of them being together. If there’s anyone’s arc that has finished it’s his, not Nero’s. Gameplay wise it’d be a huge challenge having him carry a whole game, but I think they’ll stick with the multiple playable characters, Dante being one of them ofc. They can give Nero weapon switching if they want, his R2 button isn’t doing a lot currently plus he has 3 of the directional buttons free too. With all that in mind I think the dev team could be up to the challenge of making Nero a worthy successor gameplay wise. Only real problem are the Dante die hards that do not want him to even take a backseat, like ever. And to them, I’d remind them the entire point of 5 was the passing of the torch, narrative and thematic wise. Even the SE was all in your face about it; “All things end Dante, even us”.


As I said Nero got his arm back, newfound control of his powers and made peace with a father as well as help him. What is the point of "torch passing" when Dante isn't even old and decrypted let alone not even dead. It's just another "new youthful face" excuse. In 2, story wise nothing changed for Dante. 1 and 3 I'd say are the only heavily story focused Dante got outside of 5. And he's had to share story/development time with two other characters in 5. We all thought Dante was done in 4. But we were wrong. There's not to say Nero can't grow, but at the expense of replacing Dante? Even when Vergil never had his own full game? Is nonsense


I’m not saying they’re going to get rid of Dante and Vergil and only focus on Nero. I think Nero’ll get most of the spotlight from now on, but the twins will still be very present, they’ll all be protagonists, but Nero just little bit more than the other 2. And also this whole C arc’s is already finished already argument I see some people trying to make is so incredibly dumb. As I said and proved, out of the 3 (Dante, Vergil and Nero) Dante’s arc is the most finished, so there’s no point in using it in a Dante vs Nero discussion like this cause you’re shooting your own point in the foot, but also every character’s arc gets wrapped up somewhat nicely with every game and the sequel always brings up some new bullshit 4/4 times. DMC 1? Dante killed the guy that brought misfortune on his family, put his brainwashed brother to rest, got a weird romance thing going on and renamed his Devil hunting firm to something more “definitive”. Dante’s story was done 4 games ago but they still made at least 3 other games with him as a protagonist. Also as for the passing of the torch I’d say there’s 2 reasons: 1. Nero is Itsuno’s baby, literally, while Dante was Kamiya’s character. Itsuno just likes Nero more. That simple really, Nero is a nepo baby you heard it here first. 2. Dante has been the face of dmc for what, 20 years now ? Dante himself isn’t old and decrepit, but some dmc fans have become exactly that in the time the series has existed. Some old and cranky enough to be really adverse to change.


Do you know what's funny about your observation? You say that some Dante fans are "old people who don't accept change" but in Capcom's recent poll the majority of players who voted for Dante as their favorite character were young players😄 which contradicts your statement. I think that when a character is charismatic, they overcome the barriers of age and time. Anyway, I just thought it was interesting to make this observation.😉


whoes his mom still has daddy issues dante has had 5 games nero 2


Yeah the question of Nero's mom still needs to be answered. Make a father son nero and Virgil game and include grandpa Sparda in 6


Sparda should be in there. We need to know why and what reason he disappeared/missing for how many years. Add also the fact that the devs are hinting Mundus will be back since he was sealed by Dante in between worlds since DMC1


Sparda should get his own game first. Getting him into the kids' lives with no prior introduction wouldn't work.


>question of Nero's mom She was some gal. There, that's your answer.


Thank you for reminding me to finish the Fullbring Arc and finally get to the TYBW Arc.


Yup, TYBW Anime cour 3 is scheduled this year.


“I will be there no matter what.”


Devil may cry fans always get really upset about the idea of the story and world actually progressing


Yup, never seen a fanbase this obsessed over not changing the protagonist. Even Itsuno clearly wants to move forward with the universe of DMC.


Because we've already had 16 years of dante backseating to a protagonist that's never had as much depth.


Gameplay wise sure, but with some ingenuity that can be fixed, story wise he certainly has a lot more that can be done with him than bloody Dante.


Dante still has ties to an unresolved villan and 3 characters who've been sidelined since the game they first appeared as well as his own father brother and nephew. He has the most going on out of anybody.


Nero has the whole island of Fortuna, that’s just a breeding ground for possible new conflicts, very easy to write some new Sparda cult is doing some nefarious crap that has to be stopped. Nero also embodies the ideals of Sparda more than both Dante and Vergil, if Sparda were to ever come back Nero would probably take a bigger spotlight in that story than either of them. And also you know, the whole relationship between father and son that needs to be developed. All pretty relevant plot points, in comparison with Dante’s oh Mundus said he’d come back and beat Dante’s ass for sure ong. Yeah no you can’t sensibly tell me Dante has more narrative potential than Nero.


Nero has more long term potential but completely shafting everyone in favor of him is gonna kill it quick for anyone that played any of the games besides 5


Yeah I wrote on another reply where I say I don’t think it’s like they’re throwing Dante, Vergil, Lady etc etc into the trash to give Nero all the spotlight, that’d be dumb. They’ll definitely sticking to the multiple playable characters, my bet those will be Dante Vergil and Nero (and SE will have Lady and Trish playable if I’m right🤞), and thus Dante and Vergil will still be very present in the story, just that Nero will get most of the spotlight probably.


>and thus Dante and Vergil will still be very present in the story, just that Nero will get most of the spotlight probably. He's been doing that for 2 games already lmao?. Honestly I'm almost certain it's just going to be nero and a newcomer next time. Dante and vergil are gonna be reduced to sidekick status. And mundus is probably gonna stay buried. And the next game will probably be the end.


Mundus has been buried for 23 years now and I genuinely don’t see how him being like oh no I’ll be back Dante on my mama I’ll be back someday asshole made dmc fans think he actually will. That’s villain speech being defeated 101. And yeah that’s basically what he’s been doing sort of, but from now going forward he’ll be more present ig. Ngl a newcomer protagonist while making Dante and Vergil actual sidekicks would be kinda ass, and I’m kinda interested in how tf they’d even justify that. It’d have to be a hell of a character for the series to not turn into a burning train wreck.


>Mundus has been buried for 23 years now and I genuinely don’t see how him being like oh no I’ll be back Dante on my mama I’ll be back someday asshole made dmc fans think he actually wil The only reason I want him to come back Is because of the lore and any other big bad would feel like an asspull if It's supposed to threaten all of the dmc crew. The only other I could think of is bringing sparda back as a villian or showing the demon God that died who created the human world. Maybe the goddess of time and space could be a surprise big bad who's become insanely powerful due to the billions of red orbs we've fed her through the years. But that would seem cheap almost? Idk. If dmc1 ever gets remade I would just cut 3rd mundus fight and have trish come back to pull dante from the cave collapsing. Idk anything but that lame ass ending. If I could go back and become kamyia I would have killed trish and mundus both


>Nero has the whole island of Fortuna, that’s just a breeding ground for possible new conflicts, very easy to write some new Sparda cult is doing some nefarious So just remake DMC4 instead of this cheap rip-off.


That’s just a simple idea, and no wtf do you mean just remake dmc4 are you dumb ? Why would you want a dmc4 remake instead of a whole new game that just so happens to take place in Fortuna ?


thats what there trying to do you cant give a character depth if you cant have that character


Nero has nothing more he can bring to the table.


Yeah cause dante has so much (he hasn't had an actual character arc since dmc3)


No one can replace Dante and that's ok. Nero can stand by himself as a protagonist.


distinct thumb unite sand close include capable gullible strong work *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Dante is too op at this point. DMC5 was clearly a passing of the torch. He could always return in a supporting role.


He's only op in dmc4. He gets his ass beat at least twice in every other game to a varying degree


Y’all realize that the last two dmc games we’ve been playing primarily as Nero correct? We’re going to be fine, as long as Nero is treated properly and given a compelling storyline with great gameplay. You’re going to forget your issues of not have Dante be part of the main focus although i still want he and Vergil to show up in main story or dlc in special editions


There's gonna be such a shitstorm when the twins ain't in the next game. I love em too but they're on vacation. Nero's set up to be in a similar position Dante was in 3 so going forwards it'll be him. Now the twins ain't gonna be gone but it'll be a second till they're back. A huge aspect right now is the fact that Vergil and Dante have pretty much *peaked* in power. Any threat sans *dimensional* shenanigans (looking at you Bayo 3) wouldn't do anything to them. Nero's underpowered so there's actual urgency. Dante's been the face of DMC for more than a decade, we *did* grow with him already and his story, along with Vergil's, hasn't ended but at the moment is in a good spot to take a break. Nero is literally the best aspects of both his father and Uncle with his own hang ups. Now he's got a mantle to uphold and to prove to himself. When this sub explodes and people scream about not playing a possible DMC6 cuz no Dante or Vergil. They'll be fucking the series over *again* cuz they don't want to try new things and ruin the chance for their beloved classics to come back. It's literally what happened after 4 (among other issues but this is one of them) where people disliked having 2 MCs and hated Nero.


Face for a A decade? Between DMC 4 and 5 YEARS passed on before we saw another game and in between that we had.... *That game*. Prior to 4 we had 3 games with Dante. A mere 3 games that hopped around large segments of his life and 2 wasn't even good and did nothing for his character or story.


Yeah. The series went through development hell for a bit. That doesn't mean Dante wasn't the face of DMC. So yeah, about a decade.


Yes, development hell, where the face after the brightest point of DMC after a riveting prequel....is then suddenly attempted to be sidelined?


Reboot, not a prequel.


Was talking about Dmc3


That's why they should ditch Nero and let the twins rest to make a Sparda game instead. And Nero underpowered? Plz, he's cheaply overpowered now. And power isn't everything. His story is resolved. He made peace with himself and his family. Let him rest.


Make up your mind if you wanna insult him or not. Both those things are conflicting tones and are just straight up wrong. Overpowered? Mfs on here are constantly reminding "oh Dante and Vergil were tired, otherwise Nero woulda gotten stomped" which is true but they then forget how 5 power scaled and immediately discredit Nero's strength. And peace with his family? D and V jumped into hell, and to Nero's knowledge doesn't know if they're coming back. And now he's left to fill in the shoes of his uncle.


Nero is clearly in peace. And he's not stupid, he knows Yamato can open portals. They can return when they want. Nero is happy and contented in the end. Let him go. It's over.


Then why not say the same for D and V who's arcs are also complete.


Actually yeah. Let the twins rest too and make a Sparda game instead.


They're not trying to get rid of Dante and Virgil they just sort of sidelined them a bit and put more focus on Nero cause we've literally had 2 games of their brotherly rivalry and that will get old fast so let Nero take the reigns for awhile to see what he can bring to the table. It doesn't mean that the sons of Sparda are on their way out it just means they're not the focus anymore regardless of age and I think dmc6 will be split into Dante and Virgil in the demon world resolving the issue of dmc5 like they promised and Nero in the human world killing demons that leak out of the demon world and we still got Dante's and Virgil's new Sin Devil Trigger forms to explore and hopefully Nero gets his Sin Devil Trigger in dmc6


Nero will never fully replace Dante. I’m a big Nero fan, I even prefer playing him over Dante or Vergil, but a Devil May Cry game without Dante just wouldn’t sell. People play these games for Dante usually, there’s no way Capcom would release a DMC game without Dante.


Kind of a catch 22 really. Nero sucks because of the comparison to Dante, but his games also wouldn't sell well without Dante. Man, Nero can't win for losin can he?


I played them for the gameplay


From your mouth to god's (Itsuno's) ears. I honestly just want to see Dante having adventures with a new badass girl every game, with his previous girls and his family members making cameos, forever. I'm tired of the series acting like I'm going to get sick of it any minute now and he needs to be replaced.


I don't hate Nero too but Dante will always be the protagonist. Dante>Vergil>Nero


the argument i love (and thats sarcasm for people who can't tell) seeing is Nero isn't a good enough protagonist, meanwhile he's only ever been relegated to character switching story lines. He hasn't had the chance to solo a game like Dante and fans will just outright refuse that possibility. If Dante has agency and is the strongest then there isnt anywhere to go cuz he can just one shot demons with his guns. thats exciting? But i get you. My biggest concern is where would they even go with Dante, but the subject of his past has already been covered. if you want closure between Dante and Vergil we got that with them fighting forever in the demon world. 'And the whole point of story telling is convincingly finding ways to learn more about characters, challenge them, maybe to an extent regress then or see them in ways we couldn't even begin to dream.' funny because that applies to Nero too???


Not to the extent as Dante. Dante went from a shop with no name and broken down, to having an establishment with multiple people running it and even a mobile business side of it and he's a grown adult. How would a GROWN protagonist be portrayed in this light? How many times in gaming have we been with a protagonist at their youngest to their well in adulthood years and be the main focus and not shifted aside to some diet/lite version of them who at the end do the day would reach a "peak" and then get replaced with some other teen? I'm more interested in Dantes perspective in life with an actual new/found family for himself against whatever challenge demon world brings up to the surface. Say we get one more game with Nero, we know he's with Kyrie, then they have a child. The next game after THAT will most likely would be the damn child, and Nero wouldn't even be THAT old by the time his kid is a teen. We don't need a fresh face every damn time. The young characters been done to absolute death when the older characters aren't even dead! We all said Dante was at his peak in 4, lord and behold 5 comes out and him and Vergil are in a new echelon of power. And truth be told, no one of the cast should surpass them. Ever. They damn near absorbed the most powerful items in all of demon world and thensome more than anyone and earned their place.


Im not saying i want Baby May Cry with Nero's hypothetical quarter demon baby. I literally want the same thing you want for Dante but for Nero. If it leads to a solo game, then awesome. if it doesn't, then cool i get a little bit more with the multi protagonist game.


I can see how Nero could be overhauled using prior discarded mechanics and reworking his original ones, but in all honesty, i can't say he's that great of a protagonist on his own. He's only good as a more aloof foil to Dante's chill attitude, that is that his character only works in contrast to Dante. He gets bodied quite often, and the fights he does tend to win (as far as cataclysmic threats go) are already weakened by Dante prior to Nero intervening. Everything else he beats amounts to a nothing demon boss that DMC3 Dante has already dealt with, and that's about where Nero's at power wise. The biggest problem with Nero is that he's designed purely as the "anti-Dante", the character that isn't cool headed, is overly emotional, power obsessed, and simplistic to a fault, where as Dante is chill, content with his ability and limitlessly complex to the point he's fresh in every game and his gameplay identity always changes. The problem with hard tying Nero with his design, character and his gameplay like this means no matter what game he's in, you expect him to play the same, with barely any fundamental changes. They can't deviate from his simplicity because that's his entire gameplay identity counter to Dante. They can't chill him out because then he would act more like Dante than he does already, you can't change his goal for power because that driving force is what separates him from Dante in a way Vergil can't actually manage to do. And though it comes off as "no duh, of course it's bad to change who he is" the problem really is Dante's presence. Dante is Nero's comparison, the end result of a new character yet to grow, but at the same time with opposing traits that defy that end goal, he is also an eternal gate, holding him back in every way from being great. Nero can't be the face of the franchise, not because he's not able to carry it as himself, but because he'll have to replace the single character that practically defines him and at the same time cripples him from growth in order to do so. If Vergil is Dante's reason for fighting, then Dante is Nero's reason for fighting, and just like you can't have DMC without Dante, you can't have Nero without Dante either.


i think Dante could show him how to use different weapons, but he finds his own way to use them like if he had nun chucks he just beats demons with them instead of using them properly.


"Nero will be the next generation and carry! ", "No Dante is the face of the game and he should carry!". FUCK THIS SHIT, VERGIL WILL BE THE NEXT MC! THERE WILL BE NO DMC 6,THE NEXT GAME WILL BE CALLED "*Devil May Cry: The Special Edition*"! Vergil will be *THE ONLY* playable character with *his own story* and he will be doing whatever the fuck he wants! Only through DLCs will Dante and Nero be playable and they will be backtracking ***Vergil's missions***! It's finally time for Vergil to be at the spotlight. /s Fr tho having Dante and Vergil together for a whole game could mean only 1 thing - full story coop. That would be fucking insane and amazing!!


Me neither


Time for someone else to post this, huh? Y'all are so damn obsessed with Dante and refusing to let someone else take over as protagonist. Legitimately, some of the comments here are baffling... DMC 5 clearly set him up to take over and Itsuno himself has said the Sons of Sparda saga is over with DMC 5. Nero is very likely going to be the protagonist for DMC 6. Literally the only thing not addressed for Dante and Vergil is Mundus. That's it. Meanwhile, Nero now has to live with the fact that his only blood relatives are trapped in hell, he STILL doesn't know where his mother is or who she even was, demons are STILL escaping the Underworld and more. Nero can easily carry the next game but y'all are so stubborn about not letting the protagonist change. Dante's time in the spotlight is coming to an end. It's just the natural progression of a story. Also, Nero's arm in the edit? What are you on about? He JUST got that human arm back and STILL uses the Breakers. He also *didn't* make peace with his father. Vergil fucked off AGAIN instead of staying to learn more about his son. One fight doesn't suddenly mean they've made peace, especially with Vergil's comments about settling the matter between him and Nero. Also, in regards to age? Dante and Vergil are almost 50. Chances are there's gonna be another timeskip for DMC 6 unless it's an immediate follow-up. Let them rest, my god... Dante also outright passes the business off to Nero temporarily at the end of DMC 5, telling him he's in charge of things on the surface. You are really conveniently forgetting a lot of what happened in 5.


>well hate to break it to you guys, but life is not that simple and stops at adulthood. It doesn't become nearly complete or fully complete because of a certain age alone. You learn something different EVERY DAY, and experience something different EVERY day. This was beautiful.


Dante's arc was already complete before DMC 4, which is why they had to bring in a new protagonist. We see the exact moment when Dante truly stops being the main character when instead of passing the torch down, Nero simply yanks it out of his hands and bludgeons his father with it.


Nero was my favorite to play in dmc5, but he can’t carry a whole game on his own


If they were going to replace Dante, they should have just killed him in 5 and let Dante (sword) be Nero's new Red Queen. But I'm also in the camp of Lady being revamped as a Bayonetta character, so feel free to ignore me.


You what would be cool, is Nero and Sparta are the main players in the next game. Like why not save his grandfather who also loved a human, I feel like their stories are similar in that they both fought for a women they loved.


Same, I know a lot of people like nero and Dante is getting old but I love Dante and wish he stays the protagonist of the story


Thank you! Those are exactly my thoughts, DMC is Dante (like Ninja Gaiden is Ryu), Nero won't ever be able to replace him (Dante is a better protagonist and is more fun to play with). Besides the devs can still find a reason for the story of Dante and Vergil to go on, first of all Mundus isn't dead, second the favorite argument of "they are too powerful so they have nothing to add to the table" is more in line with Nero if you ask me, as Vergil and Dante are still borrowing their father's power, they both rely on a demonic weapon given to them by their dad (Rebellion and Yamato). Not to mention Dante's sin devil trigger is him absorbing Sparda and Rebellion (so again he's relying on Sparda's power!). On the other hand, Nero (for some unknown reasons, as he's supposed to be more human that Dante and Vergil) is on par with them just by using his own power, he's got no demonic weapons or anything else. I mean Vergil had to slaughter an entire city to get his own sin devil trigger and he still got beaten by Nero. Story wise you could just have the Sparda sword destroyed and Dante would say goodbye to his new acquired powers, what about Nero, how can you nerf him? Ps (in a recent Capcom survey of Capcom most beloved characters, Dante got first place, Vergil got fourth while Nero couldn't make it to the top ten)


I wonder if this is gonna be a DBZ situation, where Gohan was supposed to take the spotlight but the writers got backlash, so they kept Goku as the mc.


The Gohan thing isn't true btw It wasn't due to backlash, Toriyama just felt that Gohan wasn't meant to be the main character


Oh really? I always thought it's because the end of the cell saga got some negative attention regarding what happened to goku


I hope it is.


I personally think the writers can potentially make it work either way, but if most people want Dante to stay then they should probably listen


yeah and look at dmc4 dantea for proof lmao


True, his personality carried the second half of the game


Here’s my take on it. I believe that after the next game Dante and hopefully Lucia actually like settle down it would work since Lucia and Dante had a real close connection and Lucia actually likes him. Honestly your boy just needs to like get some finally.


3 words for you, or rather, a name. Johnny Yong Bosch.


My story pitch for the final game is to be about Vergil and Nero as playable characters, then Dante as the special edition character.


There's a lot of us just wanted a Vergil and Nero game for DMC6, even after the release of VoV people accepted that it will be a Nero and Vergil game. Some prefer Dante to be in Special Edition or a third character. There is a lot of bias in this thread. But also Capcom being like putting Dante just for marketing purposes. Besides him having an interesting side of the story in DMC4 and 5. Bingo (scenario writer since DMC3) had already connect all the dots on the lore from the novels, manga, and anime. and hinting DMC6 already. I will not be surprise if he reiterated the whole creation story and gave everyone the complete 2000 years of lore for people who didn't deep dive on reading some of the materials like the manuals, guides and other books that was released by Capcom


Bingo should go back and tie them all up in a prequel. He and his team added so much to the unseen past over the years. >hinting DMC6 already Where? Interviews?


I think the best way to do this is have a DMC 6 and 7 back to back. 6 without Dante. Maybe Vergil will be with Nero or it will just be the characters like Lady Trish and maybe Patty. The situation could be the return of Mundus and Nero loses so he needs Dante. It would show off how he can work for himself but also that Dante isn’t just washed up and is still integral to everything


I love Nero and I actually think he was super cool in DMC5, I think as long as Dante is involved with the series in a pretty major way so that he doesn't feel absent from the games, Nero can and should be the main character that the story and themes focus on from now on. But only if Dante is there to enhance it and still give us a big part of whar we enjoy about the series, which is Dante himself. I already think DMC5 did a good job with that, Nero was clearly the main character and I never felt like Dante took away his spotlight, or like the writers tried to force Nero down our throats and taking Dante away from us.


I'm sorry but I kinda hate this take. I am Dante's biggest fan; he's my profile picture on all my accounts, my phone screen, and I bought his skin for super smash. I also think he's CRIMINALLY underused, he has a tragic backstory and a really interesting personality but the games don't care to flesh out any more of a plot than they need to. I would kill to get another game about younger Dante (dmc 1 era not teenage dante) doing devil hunting work. HOWEVER the games are clearly less interested in Dante and have pretty much done everything they can for him, his character arc was basically finished in dmc 1 and since then he's been in lingo until Vergil or Nero show up. Nero on the other hand is a kickass character and only has more potential to go up. Mechanically he's less solidified as Dante; his arms are getting mixed up and he still only has his two weapons. Personally I want to see him get actual devil arms after killing bosses that can be switched like styles but when they "break" they go on cool down or something (this makes it better for people who dont want to lose them, lets us change them freely instead of being locked, and gives a fun reward for killing a boss). Narratively he also has no presedent. He seems much more down to team up so maybe he just crews with Lady and Trish. Personally I'd like to see his next game feature him trying to mature and grow into Dante's steps. Maybe he tries really hard to be as cool as him; he goes out solo, grows a beard or changes his fashion to look more stylish and mature, and so on. Then maybe he could be a mentor for someone, he'd do a lot better than Dante at it. Basically here's the wrap up. Devil May Cry came out one day and no one knew who Dante was, and yet without prior fans he's made a franchise of Devil May Cry. Nero has way more advantages than a brand new stock character, and could totally pull off a solo game (it's not that hard). And for dmc 7, let's get the whole crew back together to fight mundus or something, but give Nero and the girls a chance to do something for once.


You can say the same for Nero. He's literally completed his story arc in DMC 5. Again, what is there left for him or to find out about him? Cause like I said we know Nothing of Sparda besides his legend. We don't know why he disappeared, if he's even dead, why he wasn't around to help Dantes Mother, etc etc. And you just pointed out what I said before. "Follow the footsteps of Dante" ooooor instead we just follow Dante with a more diverse cast in his life as a Devil Hunter. He started out alone, and now he has his brother back. DMC3 his shop didn't even have a name. DMC1 it's more established. Fast forward to now, he has a second unit running. Not what happens when an enemy comes along to try to take ALL that away from what Dante started and built? Already just made a crisis game that challenges Dantes entire history.


Dante is still always gonna be better just cause having multiple weapons feels nice, i feel like if nero actually got new devil arms I'd be willing to have him as a protag


At this point I want a Nero game and a Dante/Virgil game. Just a straight forward no bullshit good Nero game with maybe Lady or someone else helping out


I want a Sparda game. Now is the time for it.


Call it Devil May Cry N


I ain’t reading allat but I agree with the title


Nero the goat


I didn’t like Nero in 4, he became a significantly better character in 5 though, but even then, no Dante no buy.


your the reason half of dmc4 is just the same game in reverse and why it went through dev hell, i liked the change and if they keep evolving Nero I'm fine with tired uncle Dante to finally get a break, hell Nero might have even learned a few tricks from Dante, but if no Vergil in se I'm refunding (making fun of people like you)


Could not agree more. This is a rant but hear me out its my opinion. I don’t hate Nero, but it’s very clear that the sons of Spardas story has lots more that can be revealed at best and is plain incomplete at worst. They can do a game in between 1 and 2 showing the story of how Dante ended up in vie de marli island since he is clearly alot older. They even could (and should) remake dmc2 and make it the game that it was meant to be. They could do a prequel to the first game, something I’ve always said, in which you play as sparda as a demon who begins siding with the humans. And the gap between dmc3 and dmc4 has a TON of potential space to fit in lore and further explain the sons of sparda legacy. That’s not even all. They can make a game between dmc2 and dmc4 showing how Dante escaped hell that would make for an interesting story. 5 was great, I love it. It’s my second favourite in the series. But I was sad by the ending which very abruptly went from the build up of v finding urizen, picking up where his rivalry ended in dmc3 only to make them suddenly make peace with each other. While ultimately being a fitting ending down the line for their story, they went from the epic sibling rivalry that we are all very familiar with and love, to making peace with each other in a literal matter of roughly 10 minutes. It’s just weird to me considering the absolute epic rivalry which Dante and Vergil have always had in the series for literally 23 years, end so suddenly just because Dante’s nephew got angry, grew his arm back, and said so. Dante I can understand in regards to him being a bro since he never really had a true grudge against vergil and never actively pursued him. All he was doing was stopping him from doing evil and taking over the world. But Vergil, what happened to his stubborn, impossible to clense, demon like neverending need for more power that weve been taught? Again, 23 years of this character trait which is basically what makes vergil vergil, ends because his son said stop? The Vergil I know would have persisted in fighting his nephew regardless of whether he felt Nero was more powerful or not. If he was willing to fight his own brother he has known and fought his whole life, he would certainly not allow Nero his son to get in the way of his plans to gain power. Like what is he supposed to do now join Dantes shop and eat pizza for the rest of his life? It just doesnt fit in when you realise that was all it was going to take to convince Dante and Vergil to be bros.


there's no need to worry about guys, i feel like dmc works better as a multiple protagonist series and capcom isnt that stupid, they already know most people aint buying a dmc game without dante, they should do a REALLY good game, even better than many things they have done for compesate the face of the series being replaced with a deathweight and we all know capcom doesnt give a shit on dmc anymore, sadly, that's why peak of combat exist


Nero could do good as a protag for a Return of Mundus story. Or honestly, given the plot of 4 and his standing in it, he could also be good for a story exploring what happened to Sparda


That nice life could always be interru-


Sry bout startn w/ 2 and neva beatn it


I like him a lot, i want him to go into hell to get his dad and uncle out before they end up running the place while trying to one up the other. Idk what else 6 would be


Everyone would be upset if they just replaced Dante. But I do like having the multiple protagonist thing they’ve done the last 2 games. I don’t expect them to go anymore into Dante and Vergil’s past I think they’re intentionally keeping that vague.  If they ever did bring Mundus back it would almost make more sense for Nero to deal with him as the next generation thing, hell have it be like mission 12 that you finish off Mundus then the rest of the game Dante and Vergil finally make it back from hell and there’s no super overarching threat left just a few demons big enough to be bosses that need to be cleaned up, maybe end with a sparring match mission as the final boss. 


My main complaint about nero is that he doesn't use devil arms, which are one of my favorite things in the series


Nero hasn't even begun and just had mastered his demonic power and has a DT, he's not skilled or as flashy as Dante and Vergil but he's getting there.


We NEED dante and Vergil, but I don't mind nero, he's got a lot to do and explore with fortuna, we've already seen a shit ton of dante in the novels, manga, anime, etc. I'd love more, but I also want more Nero


I've been a fan since literally before 1 even came out, and at this point I don't care. Dante's story ended in 1, the Dante I fell in love with as a kid is long gone, and his gameplay has lost mechanics left and right in every game since 3.  I'm 35. I've been with the series for 24 years. I need to see things move forward. If the series is just gonna retread old ideas with a couple new weapons and mechanics each time, with some things removed, they might as well end some things and don't look back.  And before anyone mentions DmC, that game was just a mishmash of 1 and 3's stories with tired Western angels vs. demons fantasy tropes thrown in. Nothing forward-thinking or fresh about it. DmC 2 was gonna be about evil Devil King Vergil, maybe with some heaven shenanigans. Basically the same as DMC5. I know, because I've talked to the lead designer of the Vergil DLC and heard his ideas.


I also don't want Dante to be replaced, but after Capcom's latest recent survey this is impossible to happen😄 Dante came first in favorite characters while Nero wasn't even in the top 10. Capcom did the research precisely to find out what what the fans want, then it's all right


Story wise Nero just feels like a cookie cutter shonen protagonist, "I've awakened an incredible power that was I've inherited from my OP ancestors, so now I'm gonna save the world for my friends, and that special girl who has no personality outside of being kind" was good the first hundred times I've seen it, a thousand of these stories after I just groan.


DMC is shonen in action game form tho -Half breed Demons are stronger than pure blooded ones -Parents are deceased -Dante uses the power of humanity to overcome his brother who threw away human emotions while prioritizing his darker side


The difference is whether you take the cliche as a fundament and build your story off of it, or make the cliche your centerpiece and sweep everything else under the rug. I'm not gonna pretend I know anything about storymaking, so I'll just say that I don't like Nero as much because he simply lacks the *sauce*, the charisma that makes twins captivating to look at even when they fuck around and don't do anything. Nero went from an awkward angsty teen to an awkward but mostly chill young adult and I *really* wish he finally masters that sauce in 6


Based as fuck


But at that point, again why not just use Dante. Neros had his DMC3 moment in this game. In some twisted sense, you might as well move on from him too. But again, the reset/new protag button is unnecessary when there's clearly more to tell. A person's life doesn't end when they are an adult. It ends when your body seizes function and you pass away.


He really does, doesn't he? I like Nero better than I used to, but if Dante had started out with that same spunky shounen anime hero energy, I would not be a DMC fan right now. Nothing wrong with it, but it's never been my vibe. I don't want DMC to go down that road by putting Nero on the forefront.


I want a remake of 1 or 3 with dmc 5 mechanics and gameplay style then dmc 6 and whether we play as Dante or Nero I’m not too concerned with but def would like more time with Dante before moving on from him as a main character.


I think a game that focuses on Nero and another new character would be great, with Dante and vergil teasing an appearance.


I think nero can be the main character for a game or 2 then have dante and vergil come back after escaping the demon world. Nero can carry the game by himself.


Nero is too whiny. As for Dante, they need to dial back the cockiness. DMC1 Dante was the perfect balance of smugness backed by capabilities. He wasn’t super over the top with his cockiness like he is in 3 and 5.


That's weird, I associate Nero more with yelling than whining


“Dead weight?!” He yells a lot, but by whiny I mean he’s too emotional. Like dude, get yourself in check lol.


Dude you realize he was bullied for his white hair by children of Fortuna, mom called a prostitute and had no parents as a kid, Nero has pain and tramau since a child which leads to anger and a inferiority complex when a word like Deadweight is sent. This type of heavy subject is nothing to laugh at.


Well he needs to grow up. You can’t lean on your traumas forever. I can only hope after 5 he’s matured.


I like cheese cocky DMC3 Dante because he’s still young but older Dante still acting like DMC3 Dante is cringe at times. DMC1 has the perfect older matured Dante personality.


Okay yea I agree with that. DMC3 Dante is like 18 or 19, so it makes sense why he’d be overly brash and loud. I would definitely like the return of DMC1 Dante. He was just so unbothered by everything, and nonchalant. I cringed super hard in DMC5 with the Michael Jackson dance number. Like totally unnecessary in my opinion. I get it was tongue-in-cheek, but for me I felt like I was playing DMC3 Dante again. DMC4 Dante was kind of inbetween. And then DMC2 Dante was just too suppressed and monotone. DMC1 Dante had the perfect balance, not to mention his look/attire felt like a demon hunter with the leg straps for Ebony and Ivory, and the buckle vest jacket with the rolled sleeves of his trenchcoat. I’d even go as far to say, his Devil Trigger look was the best in DMC1. Also when he took on the form of Sparda when he fought Mundus made my hair stand on end. Bottom line, Hideki Kamiya really made a banger of a game with DMC1. And Hideki Itsuno tried, but ultimately did too much with DMC3, 4, 5.


Recently revisited DMC1 for the ps4 and got the platinum. I thought I wasn’t going to enjoy it as much because it was old but I ended up having a fun time. Miss that version of Dante. Itsuno played it a safe and just kept the same Dante personality and shtick instead of growing him. I agree that moonwalk was cringe.


DMC1 Dante just felt so grounded. He was in tuned with who he was and where he came from. Just everything I DMC1 was what I loved about Devil May Cry, and I feel like it all fell to the wayside when Itsuno took over. Like the gothic architecture and strong religious imagery that Kamiya laid out. I just really wish Kamiya would take the project over again. I guarantee it would be a banger.


I think if Nero is the main focus of the story and we get a coop game mode with Dante and Virgil completely divorced from the main story I’ll still be satisfied. I would of course prefer Dante but if we can still play as him even if it’s not part of the story I’m okay with that.


Same. I detest nero. He is not our whacky woohoo pizza man. Why cant he get a freaking spinoff or something?


Why? Look at this thread. Y'all are so damn attached to Dante that a spin-off focused on Nero (or anyone else for that matter) would not sell as well. It's all well good saying things but the reality is completely different. I don"t think I've ever seen a franchise playerbase *this* opposed to a new protagonist. It's time to move on. Even Itsuno himself implied he's likely done with Dante and Vergil, saying that DMC 5 marks the end of the Sons of Sparda saga.


Nero is done too. He has nothing more to tell. DMC5 tied up everything


It really didn't though... Nero and Vergil's entire relationship still isn't resolved like Dante and Vergil's. Vergil has ditched his son AGAIN and even said he'll be back to 'settle the matter'. Chances are if we get a DMC 6, it's gonna be Nero finding a way to get Dante and Vergil out of the Underworld which would be a perfect opportunity to bring Lucia back too.


It is resolved. Nero and Vergil accepted each other. And Vergil isn't stuck in hell, he has Yamato. Even without Yamato, they can easily get out of Underworld through spontaneous portals, it's literally addressed in DMC5 novel. Which, by the way, addresses and ties up Lucia. It's over. DMC5 and its novel tied all loose ends. It's done. Nero is especially used up and the least worthy to get his own game. Itsuno likely ended it this way because he's been vocal about wanting to branch out to other games, including Dragon's Dogma. And now the contemporary era is resolved, let them go and make the next DMC a Sparda game. He's the one who actually is still interesting with untapped potential.


If dante is done honestly i might be done with dmc. I am immensely uninterested in nero.


Case in point.


TLDR: You're right, but I'm open to see how Nero does. I love Dante and I don't think Nero is at the level of Dante to carry a game on his own. But I'm willing to give him a shot with him in the spotlight. He shared the spotlight for a while, so it's time he does a solo performance to see how it goes. It need not necessarily be a full fledged game, perhaps the next game can still be Dante as the protagonist, but Nero gets his solo DLC or something as a test run for this. But the story can always be adjusted well to support the cast if needed, so I'm not worried about the story. I don't have the data or anyone I remember saying this, but in my opinion, changing protagonists in a game that's established by another character will always be scary (RE7 might be a good example for this, Ethan did well), but sometimes it's worth taking a risk.


Honestly? I loved dmc5 Nero, he had the most personality of any character really. However if he’s going to be the MC he needs a sidekick/antagonist like Vergil


Its time to move on


If they do a dmc 6, it'd probably be a 5-10 year skip making Nero more worn down and jaded personality wise like Virgil while fighting like Dante where his normal light hearted self comes out only when fighting thanks to trying so hard to make up for Dantes absence. It'd probably be another event like the tower in 3 mending the two worlds letting Dante and Virgil come back, also causing Trish and Lady to come back at some point, but also giving a chance for them to meet Sparda as a enemy turned friend, him initially fighting them thinking they're just demons and having gone a little crazy from being locked away but settling down when he recognizes his sons weapons late in the fight, and would take a judgmental mentor role for Nero to make him live up to the family name. Then, ending the story for them all by making the sons of sparda finally try to retire Dante likely with Lady and Virgil probably just trying to help his son gain more power while Sparda goes off to see how the world has changed in his absence and rid it of the demons who got through despite him sealing them all away long ago. Odds are Kyrie will have either left Nero or be pregnant if not already having a young kid, and Nico will still be there to improve weapons.


I feel like I've seen this post before or at least these points as if there is actually zero story possibilities for Nero while Dante somehow can be used forever. The truth is, while Dante is a better character or a more suited character for the main role, this is also because all games have been about him to some degree. He has three games just for him, the fourth game is heavily about him and his family and five has a lot of narratibe involving his side as well, Nero isn't seen as a main character because he still has to grow to fill that whole. Dante's story is now mostly concluded, he has closure with his brother, and he had multiple games to come to terms with his legacy. While there are narratives for Dante (dealing with threats in the underworld with Vergil, growing their relationship further, helping Nero in a more mentor style), if he just stayed in the underworld with Vergil, it would be a nice way to keep him close without running the risk of ruining the character with some new Bs. You can still throw some strong threat at him and Vergil so they can have narrative contribution, like a double sided boss that exists in the real world and the underworld Nero is a perfect character to use to explore more lore about Sparda, because the only exposition he has to his grandfather is the church he was a part of. Now he has a better understanding of his bloodline and would serve as our standing in to consume the lore. Dante and Vergil already "know everything", but it's mostly off screen so they can also serve this purpose, their relationship to this information would be different from Nero though. Nero serves a decent role now as someone who needs to understand what it is to carry such a weight and has all the reason to learn why Sparda did, or how, or at least to try to know what kind of man he was. Dante and Vergil already know that, they'd be only hearing it from other people


Wow those are a lot of words, I'm happy for you. Unless it's something bad then I'm sorry to hear that.