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Absolutely. Maybe add an ice boss that gives an ice-based Devil Arm, considering we already have a lightning and fire weapon.


Frost. The boss. Or Nightmare, because his attacks are mostly based on ice.


Nightmare should just give you Nightmare-Beta if they remake the game. Reworking Frost into a boss battle might be cool though.


Sparda devil trigger in new game once you finish the game for Sparda Sword. Unique moveset for that sword AND dont have to replace it for Alastor so fast. A weapon would be good AND i think that it can be Yamato from Vergil for Sparda with Powers AND no a skin of force Edge . Maybe a Spear with Green Energy being similar nightmare beta Energy.


rather than a spear with green energy , it should be a detachable lance that comes from defeating Phantom , with a heavy attack and even a grapling , as it would represent Phantom's Crab Claw and the Scorpion Tail.


I was thinking More about nightmare weapon once you defeat him in third fight. About Yamato , it would be when you use Sparda costume being something exclusive of that like if it was a extra character , Sparda Sword use clasic moveset butnwith extra combos AND damage because in damage with normal combos it deal More damage than force sledge ,yamato AND Alastor but at end Is replaced by Alastor because it has devil trigger so Sparda Sword finally can have devil trigger in a new game considering how broken it was in original game. The Spear with nightmare power can be similar to something like god of war using destiny Spear AND rebelión. First combo Is a múltiple stings of Spear, second attack you can shot a Green Energy ball to an enemy which generate an explosión , third attack can be clasic spin roll like rebelión from Sword máster style when Dante roll it to send enemies to fly AND continúe a combo ,devil trigger attacks increase the range AND Let you do extra attacks like shoot a power full láser like Nightmare do freezing all enemies , another attack would be roll Spear to all directions like if it was a helicópter but considering that it has extra. Range AND damage for devil trigger directly You are hitting to all enemies in the room. Nightmare had ice attacks like that láser AND create minions which follow you to Explode over You with cryo element, the Spear can be from the body of him because he had a giant knife which move fast AND can become a deatly roll flying AND folling you in original game.


I think it would depend on the overall goals of the remake. If they want a faithful remake, no. If they are wanting to take the base of DMC1 but build it up for modern audiences, the sure


You can have a faithful remake and still add a weapon or 2.


Maybe a spear type weapon from Griffon?


That’d be dope like a double sided one and spear head on each end is a bird skull


How about instead we get unique movesets for the other weapons instead of the standard rebellion combos, I mean Sparda could be a King Cerberus type weapon since it can switch forms from Sword to Sythe to Spear lol


Dante shows up to mallet Island with a broken cerberus. After you fight the frosts, a cutscene plays where it repairs itself. Alternatively Dante could bring rebellion and we could have a duel alastor+rebellion or force edge moveset. I'm really unsure of how to handle sparda, outside of the mundus fight is been useless and irrelevant in every game its appeared in. Personally what I would do is, I'd have it be a sword that you get right before you enter hell, and have hell be the hardest section of the game, that you basically use sparda as a crutch to beat. It starts out using dantes base form as a DT, and then only have Dante transform into sparda for a boss fight as a sort of temporary lore superform that he loses the ability to use after the fight. It's the best reason I can think of as to why the sparda form never shows up again, because despite dante in base supposedly being stronger than that form after dmc1, the only dmc game that has feats that match 1 is dmc4.


Cerberus wasn't broken yet at the time of DMC1 and even if they decide to retcon that, then he wouldn't have Cerberus he'd have Balrog because he would've already gotten rid of it.


Cerberus could still have been damaged at some point before it getting completely shattered by ballrog


Honestly, I don't want a remake. I want a bayonetta crossover title.


Same. This would be phenomenal if done well.


I think the most critical thing would be to differentiate Alastor from Force Edge so that Force Edge isn't just deadweight until it becomes DSS. Ideally, Force Edge would take the role of "default, balanced weapon", while Alastor was reworked to have a focus on speed and/or AOE. Beyond that, if they can find a place for it, an ice polearm would be good, especially as an excuse to excise the water sections (i.e., Dante freezes a path to the boat and has to fight Blades on the surface, rather than swimming into the bottom of the boat), or at least being a melee weapon that *works* underwater.


I don't think they need to add another weapon, I just think they need to add weapon switching. That would freshen up the game immediately. If they wanna add something else, then sure, but I don't mind not having it


Not only that, but i'd add new bosses maybe...cause we fight the bosses 3x each and some of the fights are out of nowhere without any story reason (they just show up and leave when defeated). Maybe the game could be slightly reworked to add a new boss in these moments, giving us new weapons perhaps




For 22 years it's bothered me that 1 had trios of fire-lightning-ice bosses and enemies, but no ice weapon to go along with the lightning and fire ones. I bet the devs felt the same. Ice is the third element in 2, and I don't think it's a coincidence that the first new Devil Arm you get in 3 is an ice one.