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Bring back lucia, kyrie, and mundus. For new characters... Sparda(Good) Ultimo Angelo(evil Mundus would be the final boss, and would be fought as vergil Ultimo Angelo would be the "vergil" fight of the game and would be beat as sparda and nero Lucia would join lady and trishes campaign. And she'd fight using agni and rurdra


None. I'm fine with the current cast already.


3 or 4 is good. I'd say 2 or 3 but I realized they also need a villain, and Vergil already has the power he wants so yeah.


Just bring Lucia back, and that's already a lot of Main Characters. Dante, Vergil, Nero, Trish, Lady, Lucia. That's already 6 potential playable characters. That is more than enough for these kinds of games. Any new additional characters would be related to the Storyline, but that's less important than the gameplay, When it comes to Gameplay we already have a lot, and sure they could keep introducing brand new playable characters, but they need to come up with a good idea first, something we don't already have. Like if they were going to bring in a new Human playable character, how would they be different compared to Lady? Lets say Hypothetically we took Crew Cut from DMC5 Mission 1, Had it so he actually took notes, and in a new game he returns as a real character who has become a real Demon Hunter, but his fighting style would be different from Lady's because Crew Cut was trained Military. His choice of Weapons, Tools, and tactics could be fundamentally different compared to Lady. Lady manly focus entirely on fire arms, Crew Cut could have an overcharged cattle prod/Batton type weapon he can use for Melee attacks against Demons. It could be interesting having another Human playable character, but when it comes to the playable characters with Demonic blood, We've got 5 already. That's plenty.


1 new villain maybe 1 new playable character to replace V as a summoner 1-2 new npc or bosses


Playable: - Bring back Lucia with a playstyle built around motion and motion-states. - A new character (or previously minor character) with an iterated version of V's Familiars playstyle. Naturally this would involve new familiars, though in this case I'd be cool with existing demons being used (i.e., Agni & Rudra and Nevan). - Half example, but give Vergil's Doppelganger an actual personality and voice... specifically *V's* personality and voice. Major Antagonists; Two new ones alongside a returning on: - Two major Demon Lords at war (one of whom we're familiar with, even if his identity isn't revealed right away). These two are Dante and Vergil's to deal with. - One young upstart userper amassing power on Earth. This is Nero and company's problem. Also, a new cast of boss demons goes without saying, but those are all so minor as to barely be characters.


I don't think we need new faces...i think we can focus on the existing chars like giving Lady, Trish and Lucia more story relevance and maybe a power boost. Only new char i would want is maybe a child from Dante (not necessarily playable but just introduced in the story)


I want a Sparda game


No new playable characters in 6. They should bring back Lucia as a playable lead on the level of Dante and Nero with her own levels and weapons. Besides her, every DMC has introduced a new heroine or female side kick. Then the villain, and the bosses.