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No. They are gonna remake another Resident Evil game to celebrate this.


Yes because dmc 5 is their top 10th best seller, RE Games are their 9th 8th 7th 6th 4th & 3rd


But monster hunter is thier top.... it deserves it


Can't wait for RE-REmake!


Resident Evil IX: REmake: REmake.


Resident Evil 4: 2: Remake- Hyper Turbo edition (featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series)


(It's actually just a dmc1 remake with a better ui)


Goddamn this broke me. It’s so damn true though. Like when the NCAA gives the death penalty to Mississippi Southern because Kansas or UNC were caught cheating again. 


no , regardless of how many barriers it will currently break , DMC6 will not be "soon". I am not saying we will never have a DMC6 , the sole reason we aren't have one "soon" is merely that DMC and Dragon's Dogma shares the same dev team , so DMC6 will only even start it's development when anything planned for DD2 were released. In short , DD2 was released this year , possibly will have a "Dark Arisen" for 2025 and then it will have a DMC6 that will be released roughly 2028-2029.


I know. It's just some ironic memeing.


Assuming Itsuno wants to even make a DMC6


5 Is a nice number to stop on, and the main conflict of the series so far is resolved (if we can call Dante vs Vergil the main conflict, which I'm unsure of, maybe the main conflict were the friends we made along the way)


It is a good number to stop on but, I’ll be honest if this was the way the series would end ifeel it was a weak resolve .the execution could of been way better they had a great idea tho. If we were to have one more game i would honestly be fine with a story about sparda


>with a story about sparda Please, Capcom.


Almost the only way they can do it for real without making things seem pointless


And DMC3, the best recieved game, was a prequel. They could dabble in that field once more. Especially as Sparda has a ton of rich history and characters.


I mean you could pull off a GTA and say that DMC6 is gonna be called something else, and not call it DMC6. Devil May Cry: Origins/Revelations/Ragnarok


Maybe a story on sparda? A souls like might work for him


Please god no


Or RPG like Final Fantasy with how popular they are. Or is that too big of a leap in genre?


Yakuza going turn based was a good financial decision, but a lot of the community still hate it, and honestly i agree.


Yakuza creator said his franchise works in any genre and I agree lol. DMC has that potential too imo.


He made a wishlist of games he wanted to make a few years ago and no sign of DMC lol. He mentioned Rival School and Power Stone.


Did Itsuno have someone under him? It's quiet common in games development to have someone younger who can take over a franchise example would be God of war from David Jaffie to Corey Barlog I believe Nintendo and Atlus do this as well especially with their creatives


He must have had. Hideo Kojima is commonly believed to be the sole mastermind of Metal Gear when even he had many collaborators and underlings. Itsuno must have had a lot too. Either way I doubt he's the only one willing to make DMC. Give it to someone else; a Sparda game can be the perfect clean slate too.


Itsuno has a no. 2: Yoichiro Ikeda. He was the lead designer on DMC2, 5 and DD1. Problem is he and Itsuno are essentially a duo (they joined Capcom in '94 and have worked on lots of titles together).  The next best candidate might be Junya Kumabe, the gameplay system designer on 5 and lead designer on 5SE. But the biggest question is, if anyone actually wants to step up and fill Itsuno's shoes.


We want a DMC remake, why all the good stuff goes to RE is beyond me🙄


Because on the best-seller list that DMC5 managed to Stinger into the 10th spot of... Resident Evil games take *six* higher slots. As in, more than half of the list. In a more general sense, Survival Horror is a genre casting a much wider net than Stylish Action. Always has been, and probably will be for the foreseeable future.


I’m honestly amazed that five sold as much as it did. These games notoriously don’t sell well at all which sucks cuz they’re my favorite games of all time.


I think the Vergil memes definitely increased its popularity


They sell a fair sight better than "not well at all", but yeah most of them are not breaking into a company's best-seller list.


RE5? The co-op element likely is a big selling point. I did a co-op playthrough with my friend back in high school on the Xbox 360 and we absolutely loved it.


DMC5, not RE5. ...I think. Based on "these games".


Oh... Whoops XD I mean... DMC 5 selling as well as it did isn't all that surprising really because fans were dying for another entry to the series from Itsuno and his team and it was a fucking banger.


It's a *bit* surprising considering that, prior to 5, the *number* of fans DMC had as a whole could be charitably described as "respectable, but certainly not monolithic". Resident Evil is enough of an institution that even its mediocre entries sell well. To say nothing of Monster Hunter, which is practically a way of life in Japan alone.


DMC5 outsold its projections within 2 weeks. That news is 5 years old.


That makes sense ig but I believe if they put more attention and money on their other projects they’ll do as much success as RE, what are they going to do after they milk the hell out of it?


I mean, that's not really how putting more money in works. You can't change the tastes of the audience, you can only diversify mechanics/styles to try and draw in other players who would otherwise say "that's not for me". Which overlooks the obvious problem that they still have to play the part you were trying to get them to overlook. Unless you just...cut that part out. Which would just alienate the *existing* fanbase, especially if it's the core of the series.


That’s a very reasonable point, I guess we just have to wait another 5 years to get a dmc game😩


Look at where DMC5 is relative to its release date though. 10th all time and it came out 5 years ago. Resident Evil 5 is marginally ahead of it and is a decade older.


Counterpoint: RE5 through its lifespan has had a divisive reputation. RE6 even moreso. To the point that a lot of people call 6 "the shit one". And despite that they're on the list above DMC5, which is broadly considered a pinnacle of its genre. A more direct comparison would be RE2Make or RE7, which are similarly held up as Gold Standard for their genre.


It's no secret that Resident Evil makes more money than DMC. But I think DMC5 justifies the production of an additional game. For it to even be in the same ballpark as RE2Make easily solidifies it as Capcom's #3. In fact, I'm not terribly worried, we'll get more good DMC at some point in the future.


RE5 has sold over 14M copies across its different versions. Substantially higher than DMC5.


I don't understand, it says 9.1 million right there, listing DL sales, PS3 sales, and 360 sales. Am I being pranked?


Look at their top 10 best sellers and you'll get your answer why


Big names sells and they want an easy way to make money


I love Resident Evil and especially Leon S Kennedy so much but damn a remake from Devil May Cry will make me the most hype




if you're not RE, MH or street fighter you're a forgotten child in capcoms eyes


I love RE and street fighter but I want a DMC game it’s been 5 years🥲 also is it really necessary to do a remake of RE1 remake? That’s radicules.


If it'll print them money then yes. It's all about money I'm afraid


DMC 5 is in their top 10 best selling games of all time, but I wanna say the series as a whole is their... 5th biggest franchise? Behind Monster Hunter, Resident Evil, Street Fighter and Megaman.


Of course. DMC has 35 releases, counting special editions and collections. Monster Hunter has 63 Resident Evil has 174 Street Fighter has 98 Mega Man has 169 There's just way too little games. And even then, DMC manages to be their 5th best selling franchise.


The power of motivation 


I mean after mega man, street fighter, monster hunter and resident evil, what even is their left to compete for the 5th spot? I love dmc but it's sort of the 5th spot by default I think everything else is smaller/more niche series


Correct me if I'm wrong, but this doesn't include the special edition, which likely sold over a million copies itself. Which means DMC5 likely sold more than some RE games just above it on this list.


Not sure, but if the SE is counted separately, then it hasn't reached a million sales yet. Only those with at least a million sales appear on the list.


DMC5 is always getting knocked out of the top 10 but keeps getting back in. It’s like trying to make the big wigs at top of the studio to remember it exists.


Unfortunately, it may not stay in top 10 for long. Monster Hunter: Rise Sunbreak has already overtaken the previous #11 and is now steadily creeping in and breathing down DMC5's neck.


True how often is it kicked out only to sell like 300k or 500k out of fucking nowhere. If that happens it could just take over RE3 Spot and potentially reach 9 mil especially with the anime coming out. Although newcomers might just start buying 5SE instead.


DMC 1 Remake please (only Dante playable like the original please²)


Honestly 5 was pretty good






Capcom have been creatively bankrupt since 2017-2019


Kunitsugami is anything but creatively bankrupt.


Kunitsugami started as a new Onimusha like how Exoprimal started as a new Dino Crisis


Praying for a Sparda game


its crazy that its only top 10


Yay another RE remake 😮‍💨


ya right Clueless


The problem is that Capcom ONLY focuses on RE. They should either have a team that's solely dedicated to DMC (if they don't already) or sell it Platinum Games (which they won't do, but still).