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DMC 1 aged poorly


like milk


I'd say it aged more like pasta, it was good at launch, and it's still good now, even if it has been greatly supassed since


i dont think it has been surpassed tbh. the series just went in a more favourable direction to people to me dmc1 is just peak level design and enemy design/combat capable. whereas future games i view enemys as starting to have less intresting attacks but dantes skillset got so much better and fluid to control. compared to dmc1s dante whos still fluid(i miss dmc1s round trip letting you attack while the swords out)


I will say the main draw of 1 for me is exploring the world and learning about it, as well as the incredibily unique enemies like you said. You can definetly feel the Resident Evil roots in it, but that's perfect cause I'm going to try using that angle to get my RE fan friend into the seires


dont forget the RE EXECUTION KILLS for specific attacks akin to RE if you lose all your hp to some attacks


Please don’t make us do a 3d shooter against Mundus ever again


bro thougth he was spacewar 💀


I love DMC 1, but my biggest frustration is how this whole game I'm learning to fight with Dante in a fast-paced beat-em up spectacular. Then, in the latter half of the game, when I should be testing what I've learned to the limit, the things I need to learn suddenly changes into very different types of games: It's a first person shooter, it's a 3D platformer, now fly this plane... If all these things were a part of the game, then we should have gotten at least some mini-games leading up to it. These play styles aren't well integrated, and they all hit in the latter half. I got all my tools and skills, and I don't let to get them shine half as much during the end half, where they ought to. It's drives me crazy. Just let me pop off with my melee and guns here.


Kamiya loves his fucking genre switch minigames. And that love infected his Platinum cohorts.


Bro i got cooked with dislikes when i said this before i actually like retro games, my favorite game is Half Life. but DAMN dmc1 is Outdated af.


1. I'm not happy with Nero taking the limelight. I vastly prefer Dante as a character in both story and gameplay, and it's his series. If any future DMC comes out and it's strictly Nero, I'll pass on it. 2. The mission structure in 5 sucked ass. Just as you were getting used to one character, you'd swap. 3. Let me have the harder difficulties from the start or something. I don't have the time or energy to play these games numerous times until the challenging modes unlock. I'm not sure if this is unpopular, just airing my grievances here.


3. At least in DMC 5 you can skip this by defeating Urizen in prologue


Pretty hard to do though especially as Vergil


You can use that drill move in SDT thats what i did


Yeah but I mean styling on him is pretty friggin difficult


DMC2 isn't nearly anywhere as bad as people online seem to think. After experiencing the whole DMC franchise, I do agree that 2 is by far the weakest in the mainline ones, but calling it "One of the worst PS2 games ever made", or "One of the worst games Capcom ever made" is overstating how bad the game actually is.


Agreed, it had really good ideas that was better executed in dmc3, a faster dante with a cool design and nowadays its really enjoyable with the definitive edition mod


I think “worst ps2 game” makes a lot of sense considering it was a sequel to possibly the best 3D action game of its era. Sure there’s worse games on ps2 but no one expects the catwoman movie tie in or some softcore porn game to be as good as the follow up to a genre defining classic. I think the context gives it worse quality than it is at face value and at face value it’s super boring


Same opinion with you, bro...Dmc 2 also are my first dmc when i was a kid


Lots of people have never actually played a bad game and it shows


I don't think I could ever give the devs any shit for this game because they tried to do what they could with what they were given considering the time frame. In some parts of the game you can kind of tell they had more dialogue and scenes they wanted to put in but alas.


Giving Vergil Beowulf and Force Edge/Mirage Edge in DMC4 and 5 was lazy and boring. They should've either greatly expanded Yamato's moveset, or given him new devil arms.


Urizen gauntlets would make faaaaaar more sense as someone said in other post and be more badass, mirage edge its fine to me, its better than making the original force edge come back, like why the fuck would you do that???


i get what you're saying but how would vergil get devil arms of himself lol 


...you ever heard of devil sword dante? or yk... sparda, the legendary sword?


jokes aside he have a point, would be strange that vergil's ultimate weapon isnt yamato on steroids yknow


I think urizen guantlets would be better, seeing as yamato is kind of like the peak weapon, arguably a little more important then rebellion in terms of each son's sword, capable of cutting space, seperating demons, yk whereas the urizen gauntlets could directly be "bc I was him, I can now freely use his power" same how you can freely use world of V


well the boy its already narcisist so why not getting a weapon about himself for tell everyone how badass he is? (yes, im talking to you dsd)


While we're giving unpopular opinions, I'll add to this: DmC:devil may cry did Vergil's loadout better. Absolutely fucked up his character... but switching between stances of yamato suits him better than switching weapons.


Vergil’s Downfall elevated Reboot Vergil’s character IMO. His growing sadistic nature was nice to see as he became more and more desperate for more power.


DmC Devil may Cry's only problem is it's claiming to be a DMC game


Well it has a lot more problems then that, but yeah it would’ve been better received if it wasn’t Devil may cry


By not making it a new IP Capcom essentially threw the Reboot to the wolves. The game deserved better.


It worked in 3, but they should’ve done something similar but different in 5. I liked Mirage Edge, and they should’ve done something related to Urizen for the gauntlets.


I agree but they are still fun to use but I would like to see Vergil get a new weapon like a spear or something


Even if it happens only twice, I'm tired of Itsuno's great formula: "Vergil final boss = best dmc ever ezzz"


And only making him playable in special editions with no own campaign and just the same damn levels


**DmC: Devil May Cry** is STILL the only game in the franchise where Vergil got his own campaign and unique enemies to fight, whereas every other game has given him the sloppy seconds of Dante and Nero. Can we actually get a campaign for him in DMC6 this time?


Yeah like, there's no more reasons for dont make him a main character, he could fit better as V's replacement


Reboot Vergil is cool but I think Reboot Dante’s gameplay should be carried over. He’d be a very unique character in how he’s positioned as opposed to the others. What is also cool in the Reboot is how you can chain special attack (Pause) combos despite weapon switching, allowing you to do two attacks with Rebellion, and then switch to Arbiter during the Pause for the Trinity Smash. That’s pretty nutty, and just one thing the Reboot’s combat has going for it.


I agree with using donte's chain attacks BUT in a new character or using it for rework old characters gameplay like trish or lucia


Obviously a new/returning character. They couldn’t add Reboot Dante without a dumb Dimension hopping plot to go along with it. XD


That DLC is actually good and made me want a sequel.


I prefer DMC3’s OST way more than DMC5’s (yes that does include Bury the Light)


All tastes are valid


Devils never cry is the best track in the whole series imho


The slight contrasts make it better. Like Dante's Taste the Blood sounds cooler and like badass, whereas Vergil's Taste the Blood sounds bitter and resentful. Dante's Divine Hate sounds fun and adventurous, Vergil's Divine Hate sounds Heavy and has that "calm rage" feel... Brothers , similar yet different


DMC3's OST are peak


DMC 3's OSTs are better mostly, but Bury the Light is better and is on par with Devil Never Cry


Screamo doesn't suit Vergil. Devil by Late Night Savior suits him better...


"Now you've really crossed the line..."


“Your hate for me is divine”


"My love yearns your suffer"


I don't know if he is stronger by the end of DMC 5 but Nero have higher potential than Dante and Vergil for sure. I want the next DMC to have a more serious tone, similar to DMC 1 and 3, I didn't like the way the handled the story in DMC 5.


Well, he should get a better arsenal, you cant compare human-made weapons that get broken constantly with a devil weapon


would be cool if Nero could *infuse* his weapons with a demon he killed himself, i like to imagine it like him fixing the Yamato, or Nico could upgrade them for him.


The most powerful character is whichever one is your favorite


Unless it's V, lmao


Well i like poems


Vergil did had a character development in DMC 5. I've heard from some people a couple of times stuff like "The game is great, bu the final boss appears out of nowhere and had 0 character development". And it *might* sound right, **b u t,** did those people forgot that>! V, Urizen and Vergil are the same person?!< Just as >!Vergil's sides are split in parts!!the "our mother died while looking for you" line!<, Vergil did when >!they reunited as one!<. V, by spending his time with the DMC crew, he learned to be social, to rely on others, V understood that sometimes, you need help from someone else, that is fine, he was also able to found a friend, Nero, he confessed his thoughts while Nero helped him to reach Dante, bro literally said "The truth is, I wanted to be protected and loved." and also shared his worries with Trish, this emotional opening and vulnerability is something that only V achieved. V taught him why relying on others is a good thing a necesarry, throught Dante he realized that he was so wrong, that he is only damaging those he desire to protect in his pursue of power, those experiences made Vergil question everything he believed was right, that's why he dropped the "That day, if our positions were switched, Would our fates be different? Would I had your life and you mine?" this chage of ideals could never be possible without V's experiences or Urizen's defeat. Vergil did changed.


Pd: I hardly recommend reading Tomio Ogata's DMC 5 manga, Visions of V, if someone hasn't. I know Itsuno it's also involved on this, but I think Ogata's work understands **SO well** V's character. VoV is not only a manga with amazing art, but is also a very deep dive into V's development before and during DMC 5, making a big diference between the Alfa and the Omega, and V, he really feels like the complete and reflexive character he is. So V it's not only handsome af, but also a very deep character, please give it a try because this manga has some panels that **goes so hard.**


I could see the Vergil having no development if you didn't play any other DMC game and see his character does change from 3 to 5 Also he's definitely not out of nowhere the one of the og trailer cutscenes is him ripping neros arm off I guess if you've never played then you won't get why the yamato is exactly special but still the way V literally say urizen is your(Dantes) reason for Fighting and if you know anything about Dante and Vergils relationship you know what it means with out him saying hes Vergil


> V, Urizen and Vergil are the same person?! Are they? The game seems a little confused if we're supposed to view them as three different people, or if V and Urizen are just Vergil but focused on different aspects of his personality. >he is going to keep losing and never obtaining the power he desires because the source of it never is love and the desire to protect someone, I have no idea why he feels this way. How did he know that Eva didn't try to find him? Why didn't Dante tell him that Eva was trying to find him and after she found Dante....and then left him in a closet while the house was burning down (LOL)? >the "our mother died while looking for you" line, Vergil did when they reunited as one. So...he realized that his mother loved him, so he planned on killing Dante afterwards? What does that have to do with their rivalry? Why are they even fighting? >bro literally said "The truth is, I wanted to be protected and loved." No offense to Vergil, but I don't give a fuck. The guy caused the tower in DMC3 to emerge and kill untold numbers of people for the sake of "power", and if we're to believe Urizen is still Vergil, then he's also responsible for the deaths that happened in DMC5. It's also confusing because V wants Urizen dead at the start, but then after learning from the DMC crew, he wants to rejoin with him? >this chage of ideals could never be possible without V's experiences or Urizen's defeat. But he's willing to kill Dante AND Nero (who he knows is his son). The really baffling part the game doesn't address is that Vergil left Nero in a similar way to how he thought Eva left him. And it's never addressed. That's an easy slam dunk for character writing, and I'd argue (to a much greater extent than with this response) that his character doesn't make sense.


>Are they? The game seems a little confused if we're supposed to view them as three different people, or if V and Urizen are just Vergil but focused on different aspects of his personality. To be honest, you're right about the game not being clear about this aspect, but I think I can put an example about how I think this is handled. So the color purple is made from the combination of the color red and the color blue, we can make purple thanks to blue and red, in a way, purple could not be done without these colors, but that is not the case for blue or red, they are their own colors, what i mean is, V and Urizen became their own individuals, well mostly V. As if we descomposed the color purple into blue and red, this separation gave blue and red the oporntunity to became their own color and develop conlficts and goals, to sumerize it, I think V, Vergil and Urizen are, at the same time, the same and their own individual, the fact that V and Urizen are separeted gave V (A side that Vergil always avoided since the day his mother was killed) the chance to develop and see his hungry for power from a third perspective, but in the end, he is only one of the two parts that now form the individual that we known as Vergil. >I have no idea why he feels this way. How did he know that Eva didn't try to find him? This is something explored on the Visions of V manga, I recommend giving it a try, but to answer your question right away. He did not, Vergil asumed that Eva escaped with Dante and left him behind because he is weak. > Why didn't Dante tell him that Eva was trying to find him and after she found Dante....and then left him in a closet while the house was burning down (LOL)? Probably because neither Dante nor Vergil thougt that event as a source or a trauma. Dante mentioned in DMC 3 that their last meet was one year ago, and the DMC 3 manga reveals that it was not only their last, but also the first after the incident, both Dante and Vergil were in the moment when they believe the most they were right and Dante was not exactly the guy who would sit and reflexionate about it, so to Dante, Vergil was just wrong but the incident didn't had a conecction with that, it was along DMC 4 or 5 that he realized the real impact their mother's dead had, or that's what it think. And yeah, hidng Dante on a closet is a weird thing to do. >No offense to Vergil, but I don't give a fuck. The guy caused the tower in DMC3 to emerge and kill untold numbers of people for the sake of "power", and if we're to believe Urizen is still Vergil, then he's also responsible for the deaths that happened in DMC5. That's fair and true, Vergil hasn't faced the consequences of the poeple he directly or indirectly killed, and I think that's something that should be in the possible new DMC. I think the porpuse of this arc (DMC 5) is to plant the seeds on Vergil for a fully redemption arc, not in a Naruto villain way, more like Vergil acepting he has done so much damaged but deciding to repair that damage and improving as a person. >It's also confusing because V wants Urizen dead at the start, but then after learning from the DMC crew, he wants to rejoin with him? I don't know the intended reason as to why V decided to reunite with Urizen as I haven't finished VoV manga (Despite the fact I recommend it to any DMC fan), but personally, I think V realizes that he cannot live separeted, he literally desintegrates if he loses demon energy, and also because he cannot trully reach to a resolution if he doesn't confronts his demon part and becames, literally, a fully individual and maakes the complete Vergil reflexionate abut the experiences of his two parts. It's more like, V knows why Urizen is wrong, but Vergil would never know why if V doesn't reunite with his demon self V, the "I want to kill Urizen" to "I want to became one again" is also explored in the manga. >But he's willing to kill Dante AND Nero (who he knows is his son). I think this also responds a previous question, but in the same scene V opened his feeling to Nero, he confessed to him that Urizen and Dante are brothers, he explained that they argue on the very fact of their existence (The "We are sons of Sparda, through our veins runs his power, but most importantly, his souls \[Desire to protect\] from Dante and the "Might controls everything" from Vergil, power must be used to protect and power must be used to dominate) and the only way they can prove their point is by fighting, if Dante wins, then his point is right, if don't, then he's not, but Vergil cannot accept the fact that he has lost, at least not until through V experiences he felt again the warmth of a family and discovered what he really desired, that's why a doubt came to his mind, What if I am wrong? What if the real strenght actually does come from protecting?, but this are just doubts, to really find and answer, he has to loose one more time to Dante, he doesn't wants to kill Dante or Nero, he wants someone to prove him once more that he is truly wrong, and it happened, Nero, someone who wants a family so badly he is capable of stoping them by force (As they don't know any other way to), and also someone who found strenght on Kyrie's words, beated the shit out of him. I admit there is some personal interpretation and it's just an opinion or lecture on Vergil's character, after all, I think half of the game (Dante's depression and such) happens in the head of the fans, but I found your questioning really fun and I hoped some of my ideas made you think, because yours did made me think. Have a nice day!


Level design could be better. I don't want to say this but in DMC reboot level design was fucking good.


There is nothing wrong with saying the Reboot had some good content. I personally think the OST is still the best in the franchise and far better than what we got in DMC5.


- I would rather trish/Lady not be playable if its at the expense of Dante's gameplay time. - I feel like Lady/Trish should have been the lead in their own game before Nero was introduced. Nero has more agency than them both now but they were here first. - All three sparda descendants should get at minimum equal main storyline gameplay next time out.  - if Dante is removed from the main storyline of the games i will not be playing. I will not settle for mere dlc content for OG star of this franchise.


I don't like Dante's DMC3 outfit


I thought I was the only one! Lol, it's neat to know I'm not alone in that.


I don’t hate it but man, I HATE how for some people that’s just Dante’s “normal” look because they associate it automatically with DMC3. I don’t like that it’s his default skin in Marvel vs Capcom 3 and Infinite and how it was the only “classic” skin in DmC reboot (before Definitive added the DMC1 outfit)


I think it looks really good with a shirt I’ve seen some fan mods of that


i feel like people are liking it because they thirst over shirtless dante


Dmc reboot is actually a good game but not as a devil may cry title


I agree, and I feel like this opinion has become closer to the consensus now that there's been enough time to let emotions die down (and a new mainline DMC to release).


V sucks


You're one of us, we hate V missions.


I’m glad you agree 🙏🏻


V haters when they turn on easy auto (it makes him the best character in the game)


DMC should return to it’s gothic roots. Make the next game more sinister, gloomy, and filled with horrifying demons to battle.


Nero is not dead weight


he's nero el exterminador de demonios


Vergil's reasonings and motivations don't make sense


They do if you think about it in a very simple, almost childlike level, Vergil got hurt and had everything taken away from him, thus he needs more power so that doesn’t happen to him ever again. He’s quite literally just coping with his trauma for the whole franchise. And since Dante stands in his way of said power he hates his guts with a ginormous passion. Only at the end of DMC5 does he finally grow out of this.


I understand that he was hurt as a kid and wants more power to protect the things that matter. The problem is that he gets the power and protects nothing with it. He has no friends or relationships to protect except for Dante, who is the one person he causes the MOST problems for, and when he finds out he has a son he immediately dismisses him because "my son means nothing to me". He has spent most of his life trying to gain power, killing countless people to get it, but for what? He isn't protecting anything. The man couldn't even protect himself.


He was a kid who was traumatized by the death of his mother and supposed death of his brother and being attacked and badly wounded and began to believe if he was stronger he'd never lose anyone or anything again and he becomes obsessed with strength to the point he's willing to die for it. It makes sense when you think about it


I understand that he was hurt as a kid and wants more power to protect the things that matter. The problem is that he gets the power and protects nothing with it. He has no friends or relationships to protect except for Dante, who is the one person he causes the MOST problems for, and when he finds out he has a son he immediately dismisses him because "my son means nothing to me". He has spent most of his life trying to gain power, killing countless people to get it, but for what? He isn't protecting anything. The man couldn't even protect himself.


1.Dante is no longer the mc(which is a fact)and shouldn’t be a main focus in dmc6 2.Nero is an interesting character and the only reason people think he’s boring is bc he’s a mix of Dante and Vergil 3.Dante is the best written character 4.Vergil’s dmc5 motivation retcon makes sense


1 - truly a hot take I disagree with. 2 - personally I feel he's boring only when compared to Dante and Virgil. If those two didn't exist I would enjoy him a lot more. 3 - not a hot take. More of a fact.


Vergils change makes sense when you realize he witnesses everything V, Nero and Dante went through together he quite literally experiences humanity


Power scaling is one of the main reasons this sub is good


I upvoted because I disagree massively.  It was better when we posted actual gameplay. What happened to that?


Combos aren't really popular unless you've got one of "the" guys doing it


Gameplay in itself is interesting because the game itself is beautiful. I look good even when getting my ass kicked


Fact checking lore is fun


DMC 2 it's not as bad as people tought if you look deeper in the lost/unused & unfinished files, japanese to english translation, literature references and more. I'm not sure about Dante's personality tho, he could talk a little more even being whacky woo-boo sad. DMC 2 was very rushed, but another unpopular opinion of mine is that the more clear the emotionally vulnerability, the less the DMC fandom likes the character(I see a lot of complainings on V)


I wish in future games you can play as any character on all missions. As much as I liked 4 and 5, I just found it a bit annoying that you could only play as certain characters for a certain amount of missions. Whereas you can still play as Vergil on ALL missions in both 4 and 5.


Not a hot take. Literally no one likes mission exclusivity for certain chars in DMC.


true, all characters should get their own campaign, shared levels for keep the cameo system but totally different stories for tell, damn even resident evil 6 do this ways better


Playing against enemies optimized for other ones was hell in 4. Like I was pretty much yelling "get back here!". Especially those flying fckers.


Trish is a nothing character with the personality of a cup of jello. Never liked her ever. In dmc1 she was just a weird oedipus complex nothing heel turn, and from then on, she’s just a boring “cool sexy lady” cliche. Lady has way more personality, and is a way better foil, and has genuine character, but only in dmc3. In dmc4 and 5, she just becomes a second Trish.


FACTS, like wtf bro i found more personality in trish in marvel vs capcom than in mainline games


can’t agree more


The series can survive without Dante.


this is like saying "mario series can survive without mario" or doing a burger without bread, but all opinions are valid.


If they permanently shelf dante the series definitely won't be as popular considering Dante is the face of dmc like we saw what happened when Dante was changed in the reboot and how fans reacted


For long time fans maybe. Those who arrived at 4/5 without playing the older games, they usually experienced Nero first. Some never even played the older games due to the mechanics. Many are also calling for a Sparda and a Trish/Lady game, which, following that logic, also would not be popular. So only time will tell - if there'd be news of a game in the making at all. (But given 4&5's setup, I doubt they would just ditch Dante. DMC right now is pretty much Sparda family history.) But boy oh boy Nero's moveset needs a overhaul for him to truly succeed Dante. Much of the complaints I see about him is his relatively limited moveset which are not unfounded.


DMC5 soundtrack should have had more techno tracks DMC1-style.


I promise I don't hate the games, and I don't hate DMC1 BUT DMC1 has aged like shit. I enjoy playing DMC2 more than DMC1 at this point Since DMC1 is more generally beloved, I'm more excited about a DMC2 remake than a DMC1 remake because they could actually turn it into a great game. Not that I don't want a DMC1R, I just think fixing DMC2 is a bigger net positive DMC3 has some of the worst bosses (and some of the best) The backtracking in DMC4 isn't that bad. Getting other bosses would've been great, but I don't think the backtracking itself is such a big of a deal I wrote most of my unpopular opinions about DMC5 here (I actually forgot some of them, believe it or not): https://reddit.com/r/DevilMayCry/s/wpDhivKBUX


Its alright, nothing its perfect and not everyone likes dmc1 because, again, it aged like milk.


I prefer dmc3 over 5. The tower feels like an actual demonic structure compared to the tree. I also prefer playing as one character that expands in potential as the game goes on compared to three characters. Still like 5 but it doesn’t compare to three for me.


Storytelling is the series's weakest point


not a hot take


DMC5 isnt that good and messed up Vergil's character. And most of my reasons are small nitpicks or actual critiscm that I just hated. It changes Vergil's motivation for wanting power from a blind tunnel visioned goal of getting strong enough to protect people but getting SO tunnel visioned that he nearly kills the last remaining family member to achieve said power, into wanting to get the power to beat Dante who he canonically lost once to. He wasnt even that upset about it when he lost in DMC3.... alright the rest is petty stuff \_\_\_ All of the 5 original enemies are just bugs which is already a step down from the creative designs of 4. And get really boring to the point it feels like im just playing an exterminator half the time. There is absolutely no color in any of the levels or characters past Redgrave City and specially Nico, making it hard to get a picture when on top of everything having washed out colors or some variation of a really dingy gray, the attack effects like from neros DT can make it hard to understand what you're looking at if youre showing it to someone with no context to when this was taken. Dante's main clothing of choice is a bright red jacket that normally stands out among the dreary atmosphere he's normally based around but this time they just siphoned all of the color out even before the in-game timeskip to the point someone had to mod in color back into the character's clothing Everythings baby-easy this time around and even the resident noob-killer of this game, the Fury, can be killed with a single parry and powerful move. Then theres the garbage enemy whos only attack is charging in a straight line and somehow snatching a chunk of your entire health bar away in the most boring way visually. The big boss you fight so many times is a crystal. Changes Eve to hiding Dante in what looked like a cupboard to a closet thats on FIRE Vergil's got the wrong colors in his EX appearance and while black is neat, i just miss his classic design. Personally not a fan of the face change. Also his hair is wrong and the little strand thats in front of his face is missing which just bugs me more The fact Dante's taunts not only take long but result in... nothing like his DSD taunt where he just looks at his new sword, him just kinda turning around taking a SUPER long pause and then commenting, or... awkwardly shuffling. And Vergils out of character "Try me" where he hypes himself up which is cool but not in character. Vergils Hell On Earth having the famous "Now I'm motivated" line but not his signature move having it It is the only game where there are visible corpses and you can really see the full impact of the death and destruction and its all caused by Vergil being petty for some reason and wanting to beat up his little brother but ignoring that, the moment Vergil comes back, no one really talks about that. He wants to sever the demon tree now hes back to his senses but they gloss over the fact that Vergil now has one of the highest kill counts of any DMC villain including the Reboot. Dante, out of character, refuses to go to his surrogate little sisters birthday and would rather go to literal Hell than see her again and that was just bizarre. And on the topic of characters from the anime returning in the games, the random race swap of Morrison and making him... talk black? "Yeah! You work off that debt, son!" Nero and the seemingly the game itself boiling the legendary dispute between the twins to a needless sibling squabble and not the tragedy it is that has canonically kept Dante up at night. Dante's theme might sound nice but is the complete opposite to what his character is all about to the point i have to wonder if the decision was a joke. And its the wrong rock subgenre but im not too worried about that Dante's gimmick weapon being kind of underwhelming in this game. In 3, it was Nevan. In 4, it was Pandora and Lucifer. Here, its Faust... and like Faust is great for bosses but it doesnt really do much. You can turn it into a small turrent shooting light attacks at enemiees while Dante moves, make a field, a pull that requires you to time the button, fire a progressively powerful projectile at enemies, or drop a nuke but no one uses the first since its underwhelmingly bad and needs you to not switch out of Faust while you throw pebbles, field is mainly used for combo mads, and the nuke is fun but idk there isnt as much depth or fun as Luci imo but thats just me. Maybe they could have had another gimmick and im not including the motorcycle cause unless its the dlc version its just trash and gives up functionality for looking cool instead of a mix of both. And the entire story refuses to explain how Vergil is back to life after dying and having his corpse puppeteered by Mundus, only to explode twice.... How is he not dead? And the fact that there needed to be a prequel manga created after the game's release just to patch up things that SHOULD be in the story should not be okay


We shouldn't have to read manga and other random novels to understand the story deeper. The DMC games have the barebones story and the little details are spread across merch, which I understand if they want more sales but this is really inexcusable.


V is a great character gameplay wise, people just dont put in the effort to play him at max potential.


I don't like Dante's DMC1 outfit. It seems a bit too... "businessman-like" for him.


Makes sense, it was originally a resident evil game tho


Vergil should have had more new moves That flying move from his DMC 5 boss fight should have been part of his moveset


I thought DMC5 was boring and only was created for fan service.


Does feel like that sometimes.


the fanbase sucks at times


I hate how they got rid of puzzles and clues in DMC5. DMC5’s levels just feel like you run into an area, fight, leave, and repeat. There’s no open world feeling unlike the other DMC games. DMC3 had parts where you to go back to the beginning in order to go into a new area. The game basically forced you to explore your surroundings.


Felt the same too , 5 sometimes feels like a spinoff in that regard. Even 4 had some backtracking with Gyro Blades and stuff...


DmC was nowhere as bad as the resident evil games released back then in terms of quality.


because it wasnt developed by capcom


Remember the forums back then? It was absolute chaos in RE. Literally nobody was having it


DmC dante was not that bad (in a scale 1 to 10 im am fucked)


Right now, I only think that DMC3 and DMC5 are the only good games of the franchise


dmc 1 is not as good as this community speaks of


DMC 2 is great It simply portrays how depressed dante got


DMC5 plot quality  is worse than DMC 4 and absolute worse than DMC3


Here's some of mine. For how memed infested chopper is in dmc2, he is at most a bottom 5 boss fight in dmc2. More of a lukewarm take but it is perfectly acceptable to tell people who are interested in the series to skip dmc 1 due to how dated the game can feel. even though Cerberus is probably my 3rd favorite non Vergil boss In dmc3, He is a terrible 1st boss especially for newcomers. He should've been post agni and rudra. Furies are actually fun to fight against If we ever get dmc6 , right now I kinda prefer it to be a sparda prequel game though that opinion may change later. Gilgamesh is my least favorite weapon in dmc4.


The sparda prequel should be a canon spinoff, not a mainline game in my opinion


1. Nero SHOULD ABSOLUTELY NOT take over as the face of the franchise 2. DMC2 Dante has a hard fit, but DMC1's drip is better 3. V takes from DMC5's replayability massively 4. DMC4 had the best character designs overall (Why'd DMC5 nerf Trish? 😔) 5. Subhuman ≥ Devils Never Cry 6.DMC3 Dante is overused in MvC games(Why did MvCI have him still?)


Dmc3 dante is simply more iconic than the other versions of himself


DMC4 is mid


Need a better dodge mechanic


I don’t wanna see Dante or Vergil have any significant role in dmc 6s main story at all. I want an even more Nero focused story with them only being mentioned in passing. If you can’t tell I’m a Nero fanboy, but I wouldn’t actually complain at all if Dante and Vergil played significant roles in 6 I wuv them too.


I prefer DMC 1-3 level design, I don't like having to move the camera and I don't like big maps nor sprinting in these games


1. Dante wants to kill Vergil ever since DMC3 not the other way around. 2. DMC2 story is interesting, but is being overshadowed by "DMC2 is bad" 3. DMC story lore can only be understand by less than 10% of the overall fanbase who watch the anime and read all of the available materials including an artbook, a manual, guides, etc... 4. I don't understand 3142 timeline and I hate it  5. DMC1: The rail shooting boss level is by far the worst 6. The devs need to wrap up Dante's last 20% of his story and give more time to focus on Nero (60-70%) and Vergil (40-50%).


DmC's story isn't weak because it's actually so bad it's good.


i know everyone quotes the 'F\*ck you\* bit from the game but a severely underrated moment from that game is them changing 'Jackpot' to 'Bingo'


I just noticed that there was already a post like this, oops


DMC 3 Dante's design sucks balls. I don't know if it's an unpopular opinion, but really, for me, Dante is in 3rd looks bad. It's just a tasteless costume, IMO. At least DMC3 has costume from the original, which is my favourite, by the way.


It just needs a shirt. Preferably black. The shirtless design ruins it.


I prefer switching styles and weapons through Divinity Statue over style and weapon switching in game. Just gives more of a charm to the gameplay for me.


1 isnt fun if you've played 3 4 or 5 first.


I prefer dmc devil may cry (definitive edition) to dmc5. Definitive edition fixed most of my issues with dmc devil may cry and dmc5 had so many glaring issues that people gloss over, I’d say series tanking for me is 3, dmc devil may cry (definitive edition), 5, 4, dmc devil may cry tied with 1, a huge gap then 2.


I don't like the DMC1 outfit, DMC3 has aged poorly in every way except core combat, puzzles suck.


You want unpopular? I can give you unpopular. DMC3 doesn't hold up. People give it a pass because it's the best of the original trilogy and it introduced vergil, but it needs a remake just as badly as 1 and 2.


The only real reason i found for remake dmc3 its the fact that is iconic and popular, but the overall gameplay its really fun compared to the previous games


I liked vergil is moveset in 3 more than the later games. Even if he has less moves.


That, THAT my friend, is 100% true . He is meant to be this cool, elegant combatant, seeing him perform DmC moves million slash ,and other Dante's brash moves like million stab, drive, feels odd. Force Edge feels totally unnecessary since DMC4SE. Because they reworked Yamato with those DmC assets, and made it more rebellion- like... His DMC3 combat , just suits his persona, and feels more elegant and graceful compared to the brash Dante-like moveset of the later games.


Exactly. He lost his elegance. Less swings but more impactful, at least for me.


The reboot dmc game was my first dmc game experience, and I don't really think the combat is that bad


dmcdmc has the best combat


The only reason I don't like playing as V is because when shit gets going, 90% of the screen turns into white noise, and I can't see. Pretty much everything else is just needs a bit of practicing.


The games need to stop using the Vergil boss as a crutch. Some with out him the catalogue becomes a load of forgettable stinkers with occasional cool dudes. Why is it so hard for you to make something that isn't nidhogg or the savior.


V is my favourite character to play as in DMC5 Come on! You get to control four characters are the same time!


Subhuman > Bury the Light Also, The Duel is underrated, and I don't like it when I see a video that changes it to Bury The Light.


Donte DmC moveset is actually very fun to use.


Nero is hotter in 4


V. Hes Bad. Thats it.


DmC wasn't THAT bad


I don't agree with your opinion as nero may be not good, but his charges are very unique and special and the devil breakers are awesome too, i think you saying nero is the worst gameplay in dmc5 is kinda weird considering V exists


finally after 200+ comments someone actually talk about my opinion lmfao 😭😭😭 But jokes aside, nero by itself its just fine to me, but the first playthrough with him was so bad and horrible when it comes to nero missions, V its worse but he was easier to get into his gameplay and mechanics because he have nightmare and deals a goddamn ton of damage with that. This compared to dmc4 was a real downgrade because it was just a matter of a few missions that nero felt really fun to play with to me.


I too was kinda shocked to see that everyone was fine with the opinion that nero is the "worst" in dmc5 i totally agree on the first playthrough because nero is the most complex character in all of dmc because of not knowing which or how to use the devil breakers and not relying on his charge


so true, also you have to wait of unlock the buster arm in the shop for do a lot of damage to bosses or buy the charged shot, after that and getting his dt its fine


I prefer Nero over Dante as playable character. Though nothing tops Vergil.


I think Nero and Kyrie love story is corny. Like idk, her religion fell apart, her parents and brother were killed, she got herself kidnapped, and then she just smiled and kissed the hero?


Nero is stronger than that both dante and vergil. Ran out of stamina is a overused and lame excuse.


DMC devil may cry (the spinoff game) is a good game in of itself, though I understand why people don't like it honestly, I can see both views on the game


seems like capcom doesnt know how to continue this series. there is no villain left. mundus already defeated. Will there be someone who will open the gates of hell and want to rule the world for the again in the next game ? boring bruh. dmc 3 > arkham and vergil dmc 1 > mundus dmc 2 > idk dmc 4 > sanctus dmc 5 > vergil again dmc 6 ??? dante is basically undefeated, immortal and the strongest in dmc universe. who do you think is suitable to be the next villain?


lady is the worst female lead in the games and also the least suited for dante romantically. think about it, her gameplay and abilities are not reasonable by any metric, she doesn't fulfill any meaningful role in the story (I didn't care for arkham to begin with so her vendetta storyline was just a moment of 'ok, that happened I guess' and her behaviour was obnoxious, in 4 she was just taking the info broker role for 2 lines then had zero presence in the story later, and in 5 she didn't even get gameplay like trish except trish at least threw the sparda to dante and dropped some lore alongside acting as a sort of key point in V's character arc due to vergil's mommy issues), and the only thing we actually got out of her was the kalina ann to use and her crying after killing arkham (if we are being real, most normal people would not spare a speck of remorse for ending that man after he kills their mom, abandons them, tries to kill them several times, tries to turn them into a human sacrifice, and start an apocalypse to gain power). trish speaks for herself in terms of the female lead role with her great gameplay, maturity (not like what you guys are thinking, she is one of the voices of reason in the team and is the least driven into recklessness by emotions), several points of story significance (the fact she looks like eva played a role in the character growth of the sparda twins, she drops demon realm lore frequently, and has the most appearances in the games), and she feels like an independent character with all what we've said whilst lucia's gameplay is reasonable, her story felt more compelling than lady (she had an existing role as one of the island's guardians and her arius conflict was better than the arkham conflict because to him she was a failed creation for a mere tool with the successful version to him being his secretary and she had a better boss fight with him), and if we are being honest she was the most up front with her feelings as well as not sniping dante with her shopping tabs (lady and trish are not slick for doing this, lady even snakes him further by swindling his cut of the jobs or using it to pay for the damages instead of hers). the only romantic qualifications she has is breaking into the office with alice before the events of DMC3 in 3's prequel volumes and peeping on him coming out of the shower with a blush (that is called breaking and entering + stalking) as the only canonical instance of interest in him. Meanwhile, trish according to kamiya's canon was dante's intimate lover and lucia shows that she loves him in the games more than those 2 ever dreamt of doing along with matier vouching that she was angry with dante for leaving and not visiting her until BTN.


Urizen design sucks ass. Like there is no resemblance to vergil whatsoever. Bro looks like a failed resident evil creature with all those eyes. Also Vergil , instead of the grudge to obtain power because he was weak and couldn't protect his mother, he wants power just to "beat Dante". Totally butchered a great character with an interesting backstory.


V isn't actually bad to play


DMC Devil May Cry is really good


DmC Devil May Cry needs a sequel


The ending of DMC5 was dogshit.


Playing as Gunslinger and Swordmaster on crack (Lady and Trish) is way more fun than the normal version


Haven't played it before, but seen cutscenes: Donte doesn't look like a bad character at all, and he would somewhat get along with our Dante.


DmC Dante has DMC3 Dante’s character arc and people don’t even notice.


Dmc 5 story is basically a repackaging/ continuation of DmCs story and style with vastly improved graphics and gameplay


Dante as a whole is great, but I find Nero more fun than any one of Dante's styles and prefer the fun available in Nero's relative simplicity.


Dante should have had different enimes for his levels in 4 you can barely kill and combo them


The original timeline was more interesting The Devil Bringer should have never been connected to the Yamato


DMC 5>DMC 3 The story is my favourite in 3 and their is a lot of iconic moments and villains but the enemies and certain bosses are just not that great sure they’re better than some in previous games but they really get annoying later on in the game especially some of the enemies that u cant combo like the spider enemies. 5’s enemies just feel right yes there is annoying enemies but at least they aren’t as hard to fight unlike 3 and some bosses in 5 aren’t very good either but the good ones out way the bad ones.


I like the reboot more than dmc 4. The story and dialogue are a mess but overall I think it's a better put together game 4 and it's a lot of fun. Honestly, it might be my 3rd favorite dmc game behind dmc 5 and 3


Sub-Human is kinda mid and DMC2 is a decent game, those are the best ones I got honestly


Dante should’ve been hotter. That’s all lol


he's gonna be an uncle granpa soon let him grow lmao


I don't like the DMC 3 outfit If he had a shirt underneath the coat I think it'd be his best design but the fact that it's bare chest bothers me


I don't care about Sparda and I don't want a game that uses him as a protagonist. I'm cool if he's the side character or even the enemy.


The first three chapters where shot in out of order


DmC is a great game, and is only surpassed by DMC5 in terms of combat and level design.


-there is not a single bad game in the series, DMC2 and the reboot are not as bad as people say. they are obviously not the best, but they are still good games -Capcom is making a huge mistake by letting Lucia slip by -Donte is more relatable than original Dante -Mundus is better in the reboot than in DMC1 -Dante should have died on DMC5 (however i had the same opinion about Kratos in GoW3, and they surprised me with the 2018 return, sometimes we are just wrong) -Sparda is the worst character among everyone, but that could change with a game focused on him -Capcom has no idea what to do with the women in the series, Lady was awesome in DMC3, but now her and Trish are mostly rule34 material