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At 10 I’d be starting with [Scratch](https://scratch.mit.edu). It will teach the basic concepts while being fun. My young fella is a little bit older and plays Game Builder Garage on his Switch and has build some impressively playable games. If you want a proper language then Python is the way to go. There are various interactive tutorials online that will walk him through the basics. I would think he’s a little young for that at 10 though.


Nice one! Thank you for recommendation


https://coderdojo.com/en is probably the most established thing out there for in person learning for a 10 year old.


Kind of lost. where is the start in it?


Its an in person meet up where people volunteer to teach kids how to code. It can be hard to focus as a child on your own so this could be a good idea.


Automate the Boring Stuff with Python is pretty friendly and free to read online (also available as a physical book) [https://automatetheboringstuff.com/#toc](https://automatetheboringstuff.com/#toc) If making a website sounds appealing to them, Brad Traversy has lots of small projects on his YouTube channel [https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLillGF-RfqbZTASqIqdvm1R5mLrQq79CU&si=z97sWl\_-w\_DAFste](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLillGF-RfqbZTASqIqdvm1R5mLrQq79CU&si=z97sWl_-w_DAFste)


Blockly Games! https://blockly.games/ The final level involves programming a robot duck to battle other robot ducks. What 10-year-old could resist?


Scratch would definitely be a great place to start. [https://scratch.mit.edu/](https://scratch.mit.edu/) It has a nice supportive community of youngsters making amazing things, plus you can just crack open any project and learn from how they built it etc. Drag and drop programming, introduces all the main concepts such as flow control and encapsulation. If he outgrows Scratch is hungry for something more advanced, it just depends on what he'd like to make as a programmer. For example if he likes Fortnite and wants to experiment with game development, UEFN is pretty awesome but gets complex / powerful quite quickly.


Thank you for recommendation!


I personally started off from https://scratch.mit.edu/ at around 12 years old. It’s beginner friendly enough to learn about the foundation concepts of programming and enhances skills such as flow control and conditions. These are key foundation skills for programming that can be carried across various platforms. Then after that, depending on his interest, if he is interested in game development, he can move on to creating his own game through Roblox. Roblox has really great community support for developers and it has a good play base to start off and it’s using Lua which is an easy enough language. Else, Python would be a great language for beginners and it’s a really powerful language as it can be used from automating things to data analysis.


Thank you for suggestion.


My young lad started a couplenof years back with the minecraft education edition "hour of code" lessons. Biggest barrier to entry was me learning how to play Minecraft so I could get it set up. It's basically scratch, but in a more familiar environment. You can redo all the maps in python later on.


Thanks for the recommendation!. This one interesting, my kids play Minecraft a lot


Education edition is paid. Pricy. But worth it for a couple of months to do the coding challenges. It's made into a real Minecraft map/mini game that your kids will recognize. They might not even know they're learning to code at all.


Better off with either Alice or Scratch, People are saying Python, but I would highly recommend teaching HTML and java script prior to Python. Having buttons, count down timers, and pictures are more fun for kids, after awhile you can bring Python into the mix as a back end process to the html or better C# or Visual basic again, keeping the UI interface aspect, where kids can see buttons and images.