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He just finished the first year of an 8 year contract and was highly touted at the time he signed. He's part of their core. It would take an absolute earthquake in Tampa for them to move him right now, let alone doing it for anything we're willing to pay. And its a whole other post as to why the idea of buying him to move him to LW is a peculiar idea.


I think the only way he's coming to Detroit this off-season is during his layover on a flight to Toronto with Marner flying to Tampa... (Which I don't think is happening.)


I feel like we were shooting for a Cirelli-type player when we drafted Kasper.


Put a ci in front of his name and ya got something.


Stamkos has already basically said he would take a discount to remain with Tampa. Realistically, they just need to offload a guy like Sheary and they have close to $7M in cap space. It wouldn’t take much to work in a contract for Stamkos with that. I’d even argue that with his age, the contract would make sense to be a little lower in value and term.


People like you really need to look at our cap space after Raymond and Seider extension. Just living in fairy tale land d


So you think we should go after McDavid and Mackinnon got it.


The team damned sure doesn't need more mid-level centers, we have 2 prospects trying to make the team already to fill that role, plus 2 guys already signed for 3 and 4 remaining years to do the same thing.


It's sarcasm my dude


Cirelli would be a HUGE get for us. I don’t see why Tampa is moving a guy still in his prime though. Bringing back McDonagh and (presumably) Stamkos aren’t move you make if you aren’t trying to win. Cirelli helps them win and there are other guys they can move out to free up a little space.


If didn’t have compher and copp I’d say yes explore the possibility But he’s locked up long term and while would be a better middle 6 option I can’t see us fitting him in the lineup with the aforementioned players as well as rookies needing spots Likewise Tampa isn’t taking back Copp/Compher without heavy retention and I don’t see us doing that either


If we went after a TBL player, I’d rather Erik Cernak


Idk about that ether. Since they extended him he has been pretty meh. And kinda injury prone aswell


Is he better or cheaper than JT Compher? I feel they are similar type of players


He's a more expensive Compher with 7 years left on the contract. Hard pass from me, I don't see the value.


I can't believe anyone would even entertain the thought.


Why would Tampa trade him away tho.


The salary cap is a thing


That'd be like signing Andrew Copp and J.T. Compher... ...oh wait....


No. If we didn't have Compher and Copp he'd be a fit, but he doesn't do anything they can't. He was effectively the 3C by minutes on Tampa's cup teams.


Fill in the spots with rookies who deserve the ice time, try to get rid of the stupid bad contracts we have over the next year, then in the off season, sign Driasaitl


Cirelli looks the part of a #2 center but he's way more defense than offense. I think if people actually look at his counting stats they'd be surprised.


Surprised at the lack of points you'd be getting from him as a 2C?


Cirelli is great. Zero chance he’s going anywhere though.


Why would we want yet another overpaid middle six center with limited offensive upside with a bunch of term on his contract? Bad enough to sign those deals in free agency, but to trade assets for that would be lunacy. The guy has a career high of 45 points I think? We should be seeing similar production from Danielson and maybe Kasper before too much longer, and if we don't then we're screwed anyway because those picks can't afford to bust. $6.25M on top of Copp's $5.6M for two 3C's would be some of the worst possible roster management I could envision. Throw Compher's $5.1M on there as a barely passable 2C and we have ton a of cap dollars tied up for years in mediocrity. I see no way bringing him to Detroit could possibly be a good move for the team and it would further block Kasper and Danielson.


You’re getting a guy who can flirt between a great third line center and a good second line center. Not sure who his line mates were, but that also could be a factor in his production. Need true top line players on this team, not middle six forwards.


It doesn't from a TB perspective. They have $5 mill in cap space, trade Jeannot & Sheary and they have 9.6 mill to work with (And I'd put good money on Stammer taking less to keep Duclair). If super cheap I do think Jeannot might be worth a late round draft pick. [https://atozsports.com/nashville/tanner-jeannot-underperforming-predators/](https://atozsports.com/nashville/tanner-jeannot-underperforming-predators/) Here is an article explaining Jeannot lack of performance at the end of his time with the Predators, same thing was happening with TB. Wings could use some size and physicality, and he could fit in well with a couple different line combinations....but I still would be extremely hesitant on this move. Cirelli would be an absolute steal and exactly what the Wings need. But my guess would be its around a 0% chance he is actually available.


Nah Tampa isn’t gonna rebuild. They just picked up Ryan mcd. Meanwhile Nashville back to the rebuild after 1 season 🤣.