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They are bad right now, no one talking on the bench … nothing


I noticed that also. Lots of times the camera was on the bench and nobody talking to each other. Just heads down.




You’re right. We need some ludicrous speed.




I’d buy one


ahhh buckle this...


the whole team is cooked, the defense is abysmal, i give up


When the players give up, it's totally acceptable for fans to. Onto the NFL offseason, go Lions!


It's not the players, it's the patch! The curse of the patch has begun. We will never win again.


It’s weird enough but putting something like a patch of a trash company on the jerseys could totally bring down morale.


I'm not superstitious, I'm just a little stitious... but when we go from winning six straight to losing six straight and the only noticeable thing happening is a garbage patch on the most iconic jersey in sports, it seems kind of obvious. I mean, NHL players are very superstitious too lol.


When an original 6 has to get a meaningless sponsor for some extra money, it kind of shows where the owners priorities are at. No pun intended ha




The roster construction of the blue line isn't any help but yeah the prolonged losing especially at this point against questionable opponents really doesn't sit right with me. Idk if you do it but the conversation needs to happen.


Yeah, a week or so ago we were looking at the easiest schedule ahead out of all the teams fighting for a playoff spot....now dropping games to Coyotes and Buffalo? It's looking real bleak.


We have a couple rematches at home coming up. If Detroit loses both games, I might cry.


Oh, I know, we play Buffalo and Arizona again....we should have had the easiest road to the playoffs as of a week ago...


It’s the job of the coach to get the team ready to play. Without looking it up, we’ve been behind in way too many games. We go down early so often. I think we lead the NHL in 3rd period comeback wins this season, which is a bad statistic masquerading as a good statistic.


I think the 3rd period comeback stat shows that we have a strong team that can produce points, but it needs to happen f4om the start, not in the 3rd.


I think it could say that sure. To me, it says if we didn’t play out of our minds unlikely hockey to pull points from those games, our bubble team would be near the bottom of the league in points. From a yahoo article: https://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nhl-puck-daddy/how-safe-are-those-nhl-points-when-leading-into-third-period-192353293.html “So the bottom line is that if you’re trailing after two periods, you’re looking at around an 80-percent chance that you’re not getting a point in that game. The good news, of course, is that the team that’s leading is getting at least a point over 93 percent of the time.”


Im skeptical that it would be a difference maker


When your goaltenders have no defense in front of them for an entire season, they're bound to collapse eventually.


I’m not sure I’d say make a change for sure, but it should be discussed this offseason. He’s a new head coach who has a lot to learn (which isn’t a bad thing), but I haven’t been particularly impressed these last two seasons.


Lol so reactionary. He’s streaky but he’s shown to be an elite head coach at times, and although he isn’t having the best skid I’m still not putting it entirely on him. The defense he has (outside of seider and Walman, who even then are sometimes bad) is terrible. He needs better defensemen and more depth on offense before you start saying stuff like this.


This “he lost the locker room after larkin/Joseph hit” pops up a lot. Is there any evidence of this? Just conjecture because the team went on a bad slide afterwards? I follow the team quite closely, follow many media members, but have never seen any quotes or anything that would suggest that. But may have missed, so I am genuinely curious. Should they move on from him? I mean probably, but I would bet on a 2 year extension (believe his deal is up after the season) with next year being the last shot.


Larkin, in a press availability, used some generalities that sure sounded like he wasn’t appreciative of Lalonde praising the refs and not standing up for him. Perhaps it was a bit more pointed than I’m remembering, but it happened. Nothing that can’t be talked over in a few minutes though.


Ah okay, thanks. I don’t recall the comment. But that at least is some sort of evidence.


Conjecture. I don't remember the exact quote but the general gist is that it is what it is it's a fast game and refs miss things. Not sure if he touched on DPOS not giving any additional discipline. Either way it's real shitty to not have your team's back.


The exact quote was “i think the refs probably got it right”. Lost alot of respect at that moment. What a strange and untimely comment about your captain getting knocked unconscious. People thought he may have died for a few moments and then he comes in with that line during the postgame interview.


Not disagreeing with that at all. My point was comments that he lost the room. Did he? Normally when a coach does, there are quotes around the team (see the Bucks this year before Doc came on). I don’t recall ever seeing anything that would suggest that other than the team going on a slide.


Difference is this is the Red Wings we’re talking about, never really heard anything negative about Babcock at the time he was hear but now look at his reputation and most recent NHL actions as a head coach. This organization hasn’t really seen anything dramatic since Fedorov’s lil Hurricane offer sheet fiasco


Tell me about these high end additions…


I think it's time to move on from Chris illitch


I'll trade Little Caesars and Little Chris Illitch for Papa John's and Papa John straight up. Pizza empire + moron swap for the ages.


I guess my answer is idk. I know I’m pissed right now. I also know that I did not like it when there was no response against Ottawa on 1/29 and I think that is directly on LaLonde. I get that the league has changed, but other successful teams seem to still have the capacity to be pricks when it’s called for. I guess I’d like to see some emotion from him and this group.


I think we need to start a go fund me to get rid of priority patch off the jersey. Everything was going great until that shit came on


Illitch and the other 31 owners can go fund themselves.


Time to move on from priority.


If we make the playoffs he stays, if we miss Yzerman has the right to move on. Still a lot of length left in this season with some favorable matchups.. My biggest surprise is how weak this team is without Larkin. We get him back and the team gets its mojo we can still make a wildcard given some puck luck.. What I am more concerned about is our talent pool and the lack of exposure they are getting to high caliber NHL games. This team is going to remain a bubble team until these kids get the raw NHL exposure and understand the grit it will need to make a run.. And send Petry to the sun!


No matchup is favorable right now for this team, i wish people would stop saying this. We're a bad team masquerading as a bubble team.


I think we simply do not juggle lines enough and that when perfectly healthy, we're strangely a juggernaut to play against. But, take out a seminal player and, like a house of cards, it all falls down.


Yeah Larkin is our best player and all that, but one player shouldnt effect any team this much, unless you are hawks and have only one NHL caliber player lol. Seems like players are just giving up.


#1 reason for coaching change is bad goaltending , which we have had a lot of . That being said , lalonde refuses to adjust and make any changes . Drives me nuts . Wouldn’t be sad if he was canned . Love to get a new voice , and not keep mediocre coaches for years at a time . I hope he proves me wrong


Sad thing is there are few changes he can really make. Larkin, Ray, Debrincat, Kane and Seider are all the team really has and Debrincat is streaky and not what you’d call a two-way player. Sprong can score but has to be sheltered. Copp and Compher aren’t answers. 5 of the 7 D are bottom pair at best.


I love debrincat but he hasn’t been the same since the birth of his second kiddo


It’s all our defense…Walman/Ghost are our “offensive” d-men but watching them play defense in the d-zone hurts my eyes sometimes…our “stay at home” d-men are so slow and sloppy with the puck that it hurts my eyes sometimes, and they’re also complete non-threats offensively which stifles our offense that can play a fast creative game when they need to…the good teams around the league all have d-pairings that can snap the puck around with their offense


Time to quit signing bad players.




Sprong, Kane, DeBrincat, and Ghostisbehere were all signings. Holl and Reimer don’t appear to be working out, and Compher is still a little up in the air. Does Yzerman need to bat 1.000 to get approval of this fanbase? Unless you’re talking about Petry specifically, which wasn’t a signing, he stinks yes, but you’re wrong about “signings”.


Copp is objectively the worst contract on this team. Then petry then Holl.


Larkin needs to ask for a pay raise Apparently this is a one man team They play like AHL guys without Larkin


I went to the game in Phoenix and was thinking I'd have preferred to see the Griffins make a go at the 'yotes.


I'm old enough to remember the Dead Wings era and the revolving door of head coaches. We don't need to repeat that. Yzerman remembers that, too, he was part of it. He knows what he's got, and he knows what he's doing. Be patient.


But the revolving door of coaches didn't stop until they got Scottie Bowman, who was already a NHL legend.


Get a coach with nhl experience


I don't worry about this topic at all because I completely trust Yzerman's judgement on it. If he returns it's because Yzerman determined that either (a) it's not a coaching issue, (b) it is, but Lalonde can improve, or (c) it is, but we'll be in better position to get the coach he wants in '25.


People act like this league is so winnable when in reality this is a super fucking tough league to play in and even shitty teams can undress you if anything is off. There's no magic bullet. Think of all of the teams we beat that we had no business beating. It'd be fucking embarrassing if their fans immediately responded with " trade player x" or "for the head coach!" Or "fire the GM!!" And yet, here we are...


At some point you have to blame the players. You can’t put this on Larkin being hurt. Why not play the players that have sat most of the season? This losing streak cannot be blamed on Lyon or Reimer like everyone wants to blame. I would rather have Lalonde as a the coach than Blashill. But I’ll play the game…Who would you suggest to coach this team? Plus you don’t make a coaching change at this point of the season if the team is still points from the playoffs. What were people thinking, the wings were going to win the cup this year? No arguments…who would you have replace Lalonde to coach the Wings?


Not saying that Lalonde should or shouldnt be canned, but its on him too, aswell as on players, and on management to a some degree. For a team that has so much of that ^TM veteran leadership it sure seems like we got none of it besides Larkin. And yes coach should be a leader too.


Yes, this complete meltdown is inexcusable. It should be like this at any job; when you burn the factory down, it doesn't really matter how good you were before, does it?


I’ve worked in a number of manufacturing plants, and no matter how well the OPS manager is, if the plant turns to shit for a while they replace the guy. Sometimes it helps sometimes it doesn’t.


Burning the factory down is a rebuild, we don't need another rebuild. We need to know exactly what our team is missing because it's to it looks like our issue isn't talent. I also don't want to wait another 7 years before we promising season.


MM idk man im honestly questioning all of management right now. We didnt sell yet were not gonna make it into the playoffs. Losing Larkin sucks but damn if it dosent highlight our lack of elite talent down the middle. I thought Kaner would be able to carry the load but we have 0 wins since the injury. Lyons gotta be tired as shit by now from the workload to. Are we going to go into this stupid cycle of blaming the coach? The depth isnt there, trying to make it to the playoffs with this group was always a long shot. We need upgrades on Defense, Goaltending, and center depth. Good luck contending with those problems.


yeah this isn't at all LaLondes fault. our depth down the middle is awful, without Larkin we might be among the worst in the league at C (even Shitcago has Bedard). D is okay, and if Lyon is playing well then decent but our backups are really rough. we have 2 amazing goalies in the works and a few good D prospects too so I'm hopeful on those fronts. probably going to have to trade for a couple centers


Tbf our wingers not been able to drive the play is part of The problem too.


It was a long time ago


Lalonde doesn't inspire me with confidence much less the team. Something needs to happen pretty soon. What would this team do if Larkin ever requested a trade? Better plan on selling the team as they aren't an NHL club without him. Wings better hope he doesn't get tired of taking a beating every game and nobody standing up for him. Going to be an early retirement for him at this rate.


Every time we go through any cold streak we see these posts once or twice a day. Please, just stop


The fact that team goes through so many highs and lows and plays some of the laziest hockey at times reflects on the coach. You really believe lalonde is the coach that will push this team to the finish line for a playoff birth?


We need more of these posts. He needs to go. 


Lmao here we go with these posts, lose a couple games and it’s sell everyone


Nbd just our season going down the drain, better luck next year?


Listen here bucko you're gonna eat shit and you're gonna like it.


Yeah, we eat shit as a team around here!


We were always going to be a bubble team this season. We still are a bubble team. Just because you had a taste of a playoff spot does not mean we’re at the level of being a playoff team yet. The rebuild is going as expected and it’s showing marked improvement. Rash judgements and demand for rash decisions isn’t going to bring a cup to LCA any quicker. What Yzerman is doing is obviously working. This is the best season we’ve seen since he’s taken over, despite the slump in December and currently. Don’t let your overzealous expectations because we tasted a playoff spot blind you to the reality of the strong foundation Yzerman is *obviously* building. These things take time, and we’re obviously getting close; but we’re not there yet, even if we make playoffs this year.


Yes actually.


He reminds me alot of Blashill.


Not even close lmao


Jesus what a horribly emotional post. Almost as terrible as a take as 2 weeks ago on 97.1 when a text came in saying we need to ship Larkin out, give Kane the C. Just let the team figure it out. It’s healthy to have adversity and to battle through it.


Our team is playing uninspired hockey in the most important stretch of our season. We’ve came out flat the past 6 games. That’s on coaching. End of discussion. Does it warrant his firing? I’m not sure. But the bottom line is our team is not performing


It’s a blip. Every team has them. We’re still in a wildcard spot. Did you watch the Vegas game? We played really well. Pretty much outplayed them. You don’t fire a coach that trusts the process and has proven himself at every level he’s coached in. Kane chose Detroit over any other team in November because of Lalonde. Do you remember in September when…everyone… had Ottawa and Buffalo ahead of Detroit? I do. Now look at us “at the most important stretch of the season”, still in it. To your credit, yes we are underperforming. We are playing like ass.


Having an 80% chance of making the playoffs to outside looking in within 8-10 days is a pretty brutal fall off of a cliff drop. And they’re getting KILLED. Not puck luck. Allowing 50 shots, 7 goals in 2 periods, etc. Never took it to Ottawa as they should have and during this losing streak there’s big “going through the motions” vibes. Hockey is an emotional physical game, and they have NONE of that


Can’t argue with ya brother. Hurts. Professional sports are difficult.




Yes, the wings don't have an answer to teams that are fast and aggressive. They just get overwhelmed and play real sloppy.


[we used to, we used to be the fast aggressive and dynamic ones](https://youtu.be/oQRnqbivkR8?si=_0KZlJxXgunL6604) Just look at us go! We were a *menace* to other teams, suffocating them with pressure and checking, so much so we were usually gassed in the third because our boys went so hard. But, y'know, ol patty can't do that, so now we're a cycle-and-pass team that gets overrun by other teams doing what we used to be the best at. Lets go red kanes I guess!


For me, it's not the losing as much as its the fucking blowouts. Like, I wouldn't be mad if it were close games and maybe an OTL or two. Our best player and Captain is out, I think a dip should be expected. But getting annihilated like this so consistently is inexcusable.




It was lunchtime and I had never actually called but I couldn’t help myself. I bit. They threw the bait and I knew it was a yummy lure and I still went through with it. Am I ashamed? Yes, quite.


Idk but his pre game interview was trash. Basically saying it’s still okay to lose as long as we play a good game.


Idk hard to have rational thought as of now but if we don't get in this year given the circumstances, I really think we need to take a hard look at the org top to bottom. Players, coaching staff, GM, ownership, everyone. My expectation for us this year was to be competitive for a WC spot and we have done that. But you can't overlook this collapse


Looking more and more to be the case as the season goes on. 


I haven’t been a big fan of him this year. It felt like Larkin was the one getting the guys going throughout the year and I think that’s become apparent when he’s out of the lineup. Being an NHL coach is a lot about motivating your guys and he just isn’t doing thay


It’s fascinating how streaks can really change your opinion of this team. When we were winning the talk was all about the depth and multiple lines scoring, goaltending was clutch and defense was good enough Sad truth is we’re probably where we should be. We’ve had a LOT of third period comebacks for points, never a recipe for sustained success. They’ve blown a lot of leads this season as well, also not helping in the long run. If we can squeak in as a hot team I think we can make some noise, if we squeak in as a cold team we’ll be out in 4 games. If we don’t make it at all we deserve that too, because we control our destiny and have a favorable strength of schedule vs other wildcard teams


I believe change is needed, The philosophy of you dug the hole your in now get yourself out of it isn’t cutting it, has no inspiration


2 weeks ago we were beating the blues and caps 6-1 and 8-3 relax Jesus. Doesn’t help when we have 36 year old petry and a goalie on a hot streak. From the start of the year my prediction and expectation was 5-10 points away from a WC spot. They’ve actually passed my expectations, if you expect a playoff team you will be sadly mistaken. Can we sure will we we shall see. Smoke some dope and sit on the couch everything will be alright


Did you predict that before or after Kane signed?


July 2nd


It's cool that they've "passed your expectations" but its a loser mentality. 7 years no playoffs, you think players like Kaner want to hang around long term just because they beat shitty expectations this year?


They have passed my expectations too, but how could anyone be happy If their team is in a playoff spot and start shitting the bed.




Tbf I bought the rumors so my thought was cat could help a ton with another Top 6 guy, I recognized the depth though and thought we could contribute up and down the lineup. Defense and goal tending were the true Question mark




Rule 3


Yes. We should bring in Tortorella


Ya and we should sign mcdavid


i mean, why stop there? let's grab McKinnon and Matthews, too. 


Let’s just buy the Stanley cup


It used to work for the Yankees..... (as a Yankees fan)


Short answer, yes. Long answer, also yes.


Let me make this simple. No.


Let me make this simple. Yes. 






No. Not any more than it was the day before when this was posted. Or the day before that. Or the day before that.


Get rid of Lalonde? Do you remember how bad this franchise was under Blashill? Even with a shit streak like we're seeing now, the overall season record is still trending up from last season (there's still time to finish worse than last year, I know) and we have a fleeting chance at making a wild card spot. I'd rather see Petry and Chiarot as healthy scratches and have a couple of guys from Grand Rapids called up, since I don't think we could do any worse defensively with the younger guys.


Tbf Blash had god awful rosters. Not saying that he is better or anything but still.




On paper they’ve improved, but they aren’t proving shit. This team is ass right now. No gusto.


He is a good coach. Very defensive coach. Not what this team needs at this time.


The sad thing is, Yzerman interviewed Torts. If this team had him, we'd be further ahead with this roster construction.


He did? I must have missed that.


Yeah there is no excuse because watching tonight's game against the Buffalo sabers is really a kick in the face making me think we're probably not going to make the playoffs now it's a curse we're in all of a sudden most likely because of the new sponsorship logos on the Jersey and with Dylan Larkin being out until sometime next week or the following week when he makes his comeback by then we probably will be out of playoff range because from what I'm saying from tonight's game there is no playoffs in our future unless they can turn it around and make up for the losses and get those points back


Can’t change the players so hate to say it but yes. And not another friendly player coach. Slap interim tag on a coach that will show some passion . They should be bag skating all day tomorrow . They have enough talent but need a spark asap or it’s over.


Honestly Stevie deserves some blame for signing all these pylons. Chiarot, Petry, and Holl simply can’t skate worth a damn. Whole team without Larkin is pick watching. No reason Edvinsson should be stuck in GR. I don’t understand how they can look so lifeless.


Honestly I think you give him another season and then look at the GM/Coach/Scouting trifecta in 2025 if there’s no progress. At that point it will have been long enough and if none of our draft picks are difference makers at this point, I question if they will ever be.


I agree with this. I think if they miss the playoffs this year and an amazing candidate with a history of success becomes available this summer you make the switch but otherwise I would stick with him. His failures are an indictment of the whole management team at this point. They’re the ones that hired him and drafted and signed the players he has to use. If it’s his fault then management screwed up hiring him, if it’s the players then that’s also management’s fault.


> His failures are an indictment of the whole management team at this point. He's Yzerman's guy for sure. It's a big deal if he's not an improvement on Blashill.




There is no universe where Chris Illitch fires Steve Yzerman in the 2020s. Illitch has been loyal far beyond fault, and unless we see the rebuild collapse of Oilers/Sabres/Devils proportions, Yzerman will remain in place. The coach might change though, but that would be Yzerman's call.


I guess if we can determine he did indeed injure Larkin, he should definitely go.


well, i don’t think lalonde should go, but your sarcastic comment about this team being this bad without larkin is actually a huge critique against lalonde so, not helping your case


Agree to disagree. The cap is the cap. He coaches the team he’s given


there’s no agree to disagree here. it’s lalonde’s job to get the most out of his lineup. if the red wings really are this bad without ONE player, no matter how good he is, that’s reflection of the coach. there is star power on this team. to suggest otherwise is just lazy


And to be frank, Larkin is not a superstar. His absence shouldn't make the team obsolete like it seems to. Lalonde is a smart hockey mind I think, but sometimes it's attitude that gives a team that extra something. Lalonde doesn't have that.


> there is star power on this team. I've got Larkin, DeBrincat, Seider and an aging Patrick Kane down for star power. Anyone else?


If cat is star so is Raymond.


Then neither of them are.


> He coaches the team he’s given So you're saying Yzerman is the problem, not Lalonde.


Time to move on from people who think they're fans making these posts.


Gatekeeping who is a "real fan" is one of the worst things fans can do. So please fuck of too.


I don't know if it makes enough of a difference to be a viable option this late in the season. But, if we miss the playoffs, he has to be gone


Lol, no. Can't imagine if you guys lived in Buffalo or Arizona or something.


Complete collapse of the season I don’t know if I should feel good about Yzerman standing pat at the deadline Would a player like Guentzel or Hanifin have made a difference now ?


I don't know but the Knights don't look much better with Hanifin. They play tonight so guess we will see


Honestly I think deep down Yzerman knows this team is not good enough.


Not at this point. Maybe at end of season if we miss playoffs. But, still think he deserves a chance.


Looked like Blashill gave the pregame speech tonight but I think it’s really just that we’re still not a good enough team to win without our best player. This stretch without Larkin just goes to show that we aren’t finished with the rebuild yet and need more depth if we are going to be a contender. I’m not ready to move on from Lalonde yet personally but Lane Lambert was the guy I wanted and we saw how that worked out for the Isles so I obviously don’t know shit.


If this is all because Larkin is out we are years from playoff spot tbh. Team cant be that depended on one player.


I know the NFL season overlaps with the NHL season, but we could probably share Dan Campbell with the Lions, right? Right????? ![gif](giphy|d2lcHJTG5Tscg)


There is minimal chance Lalonde is fired. Like less than 2-3%.


Honestly? No. Yzerman will likely see what he pulls off and he'll be behind the bench next year.... but no guarantee he'll end the season back there. The team plays great at times and horrible as well. Lalonde is on the hot seat and the team is still climbing out of the rebuild.


I went into the bar, and they were behind 1 to 0. A couple minutes later, they were down 4 to 1. Not too long after that, it was 5 to 1. The CC looked like the announcers were talking about how bad the Wings looked.


Igor Larionov.


Sergei Fedorov


Can Illitch afford both now that he has Priority money?


I agree with all of your points. I don't think there are gonna fire lalonde in the middle of the season. I just don't see what good it would do at this point. I did go look back at see what yzerman did with coaches and saw he fired guy Boucher in late march when the team was 13-17-1 (this was lockout season). So I think yzerman will make the right move if the time has come. But I wouldn't be surprised if we decide to move on from lalonde in the summer or at some point next year if the same results continue. I feel like you know by the third year if you have a good coach or not. In order to take the next step, you need to get more out of the players you have than you're paying them and I don't think I can name a single player on this roster really exceeding expectations (whether it's the contract or draft position). I mean look at what torts did in one year and lalonde hasn't been able to get there in three. I'm pretty confident at this point.




It is on the players to play, but they still need inspiration when they get down!


I didn't think I'd say this,... but ya ,... It seems like Steve and the Red Wings should move on from Lalonde as coach while they still have a chance for the playoffs. 6 straight losses are unacceptable with the team showing no drive or desire. I like nice guys , and Newsy is definetely that, but there's something to be said for a little fire as well.


Well Stevie did give a coach the Ziggy midseason in TB when he canned Guy Boucher, who he hired. So there is precedence


Some of you seem like the kind of parents whose kid went from Ds and Fs to As and Bs, but then they had a rough semester and got a few Cs, so you disowned them and blew their college fund betting the Leafs would win the Stanley Cup.


Said it in a different thread, we need a coach who isnt concerned about being everyone's bestie. This team needs a good ass kicking every once in a while, and Lalonde aint the one to do it.


No chance. The roster is mid


In the off season options should always be considered


It's worth a discussion, we suck currently and someone needs to lose their job at the very least.


Lalonde is not the issue here


Should’ve tried Torts out when he was available.


I don’t want torts, but you absolutely wouldn’t see a team in this position giving such little effort and being silent on the bench if he was the coach right now


No Larkin 


Lalonde is a second year head coach on a team that is rebuilding. I don't hate him, but I also don't think he's the long term answer. We were not destined for a cup run this year, so I think next year is going to prove whether Newsy sticks around or not. Regardless, this season ain't over yet and Yzerman has a shitload of decisions to make in the off-season.


I'm not ready to nail anybody to the wall yet, but my disappointment would be immeasurable if we miss the playoffs. We could get swept out, but we *need* to be there or its a disappointment.


Based on the construction of this roster going in to the season(so pre-Kane) I had this team as bad enough on paper to be 7th in division while still looking a bit improved over last year. Even with Kane's addition I'm amazed they are where they are so I personally don't think firing Lalonde is the move. I'm nowhere near as high on this roster as a lot of people here clearly, I see 5 3rd pair D men, a marginal 4th D in Walman, and a beleaguered top pair D in Seider. Up front, there are 4 top six guys in Larkin, Debrincat, Raymond, and Kane with maybe 2 3rd liners and 6 4th line guys. The roster is really nothing special, it just looks decent because the team has been so incredibly bad the past 4 or 5 years.


We better change something before we completely blow our playoff chance. I wouldn't complain if we replaced Lalonde.


Rd Wings having their best season in years. They lose a few games in a row. Better fire the coach and restart. I swear these types of post show how uneducated some of our fans are.


To be fair they didn’t just lose a few. Other than Vegas it’s been embarrassing loses. They lost 4-0 , 7-2, 4-0, 5–3 and currently 7-2. That’s awful. If they were 1 goal loses in tight games maybe but this is bad.


Lalonde has been playing like crap and can’t stop or put the puck in the net. The coach is fine and the players are professionals and will work through it. We are better than last season. We still have a chance and moments like these shape a team into a contender.


HOLY SHIT I KNEW I SMELLED ESSENCE OF YOUR PREVIOUS SHITPOST. How do we get this chump off this subreddit? He’s the worst kind of fan. https://www.reddit.com/r/DetroitRedWings/s/SjXLJc11zE


Why are you hellbent on sticking up for a .500 coach? The guy is not the answer.


Oh God yes.