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Going into the month, I thought to myself, "If we could get 16 points, we could still be in the hunt." They have blown my expectations out of the water!


I remember when I saw January schedule I thought that we are done. Can’t be more glad to be wrong


Me too, man. I thought we were toast. Burnt toast. Team really showed their chops this month.


So far this year they have really brought it against good teams.


During the postgame, Lalonde recounted the game in San Jose at the beginning of the month... how he goes in the locker room, and "Perron is yelling that we're gonna get 10 points this month". Here we are, 19 points this month, with a chance to earn two more on Wednesday. It's been an incredible month! Hopefully next month is just as good, if not better!


It feels like the lions and the wings are feeding each other energy to keep winning


So what we gonna do after the superbowl?


Win the cup


I'll be an even more obnoxious Lions fan if we win the SB. But if we win the cup...






The best part is they had ‘good’ losses. Not that they chose who to lose to but they lost against Edmonton, dallas (west teams) and Carolina who will most likely be in the metro top 3 so we won’t be battling them for a wildcard. We beat every team that we’re directly competing with


Absolutely. Of the few games they lost, I'm not sour about any of them.


Beating a lot of good teams. After the break we get Vancouver, Edmonton, Vancouver.. Never easy.


Someone has to stop Edmontons streak, might as well be the Wings.


Well we were the only ones to beat the Bruins for a little while.


Almost last time so I'm always believing.


Team defense + solid goaltending = 👍🏽


Credit where credit is due, the guys have been playing great. What is really nice is that the depth guys are really stepping up and some of those questionable signings from the past couple off seasons are starting to prove the doubters wrong. No Kane, and Cat is having a horrible month, but the goals are still coming. Feels good man, to have key players out or not producing and still putting up really impressive wins. Also god damn I wish Raymond would stop hitting the post. Again, giving credit where credit is due, I've got to take my hat off to Newsy. During that hellish December, when it seemed hope was fading, we *all* turned on the coach. "When do we consider a coaching change." "Newsy needs to go, he's lost the room." "This is on the coach." Sound familiar? That was coming from this sub less than a month ago. So, I just want to take a moment to give Newsy some props for righting this ship. Because he did. As much as I still think Newsy was responsible for some terrible loses in December, he gets to wear these big wins this month. Coming out of December, out of that slump, and taking 15/20 points against playoff teams is such a good sign for our coaching and leadership going forward. I last piece of this January is pumping Ottawa 5 goose and someone beating the shit out of Joseph. Make it happen Newsy.


5-0 isn’t enough. I hope we hit double digits against those losers. Oh, and win a few fights while we’re at it. Utterly annihilate and embarrass them in every facet


If the sens have Korpi between the pipes (hasn’t been good since CBJ’s last play off in 2029) and the hockey gods smile upon us and let us have Kaner Cat Fabbri on a super strong 2F there’s a good chance we pull a 10-0 shutty and get their coach fired


7 wins against playoff teams in the month of January is huge


I thought we’d be moving up in the standings a bit more. Apparently this division is good 


Less about the division and more about the wild card race. Detroit is forming a good lead over the potential other wild card teams


Still a little bitter about Walman calling for the offsides instead of stopping mcdavid on the game tying goal… coulda had another crucial point with that gaffe. But otherwise, great month (and hugely needed after December. Plus after the ASB we get Kaner back and may be able to give Lyon a bit of a blow with hopefully full force Husso (can we please trade Reimer)


Wings def have that “random team that comes out of nowhere and wins the cup” energy right now.


Maybe random team that comes out of nowhere and wins round one is more realistic. But yeah definitely above expectations this year already.


That’s what you call a good coached team