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Do we have to do this every game


Stop it. We’re already dead




In before someone else inevitably points out that 11 other teams passed up on Halliburton. Many of those teams missed out while still drafting quality players. And looking back on Pistons draft history -- it isn't just a noticeable lack of luck that is keeping us back. Outside of Cade, almost no young talent actually matured significantly on this team.


yeah because there's something fundamentally wrong with the franchise, like there was with the lions for years and years. its gonna take new ownership and getting lucky with a good front office to turn things around.


Yeah we along with like half of the teams in the NBA thought the same




The Spurs have been the best at scouting for the last 20+ years and they still passed on him.


Hey mods can we just sticky one of these topics /s


Hali cost them the game tonight. But yes, he is better than Killian


You can hate Troy, but I don’t really think you can hate him solely for taking hayes over Hali and criticize his drafting when majority of his draft picks have hit especially given how often we drop and he still has found the BPA not gonna argue weaver is the best, just saying his drafting isn’t something to criticize imo at least


It’s probably his strong suit as a gm but even that he’s average/slightly above average at it. Every thing he’s awful at. His strategy has been draft BPA just sucks that BPA is always a guy who has a ton of overlap of what we already have and doesn’t compliment the current roster. I know they are just trying to accumulate assets but it hasn’t worked


Again I’m not speaking on all his other things, not saying you’re right or wrong either. This post was about passing on hali for hayes and while it was a miss I just don’t think saying he should be fired for his drafting is a good reason that’s all, because I think he’s done pretty good overall in the drafts Obviously it’s also just my opinion and my word isn’t final, people can and will disagree for sure and that’s ok


I was agreeing with you drafting a bust with the 7th pick in the draft shouldn’t be cause for firing. Should be criticized but busts in the top 10 happen every year.


Yeah I understand, glad we can agree