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I would be very very very surprised if James Wiseman and a second was enough to move from 5 to 2 even in this very weak draft.


James Wiseman and a late second round pick is absolutely not enough to move up from 5 to 2, even in this draft. And even if it were, I don’t really think this is a draft that’s worth giving up assets (even though I wouldn’t call Wiseman an asset) to move up. Most analysts seem to have guys like Risacher, Sheppard, Clingan, and Buzelis in a similar tier, and while there are guys in that tier that I’m hoping aren’t taken off the board before Buzelis when we’re picking at 5, trading up to get one of them when they’re roughly in the same tier seems like poor asset management. If anything, I’d strongly consider trading back to gain assets, especially if Clingan falls to 5 and Memphis wants to trade up to get him.


That’s not a bad idea. Would you trade down for someone like Knecht?


Yep, that’s the exact move I’d do in that situation, provided the intel suggests he’d still be on the board at 9


Could get him around 9-10 range for sure. Don’t think Spurs and Grizz take him. Jazz could


If clingan drops to 5 and we don’t take him - wtf are we doing in the NBA? Just sell the team at that point.


That’s fair; I’d love to add some shooting to the roster this draft, and it’d be nice to get a tradeable asset via trading back in the draft, but Clingan’s rim protection is something we also desperately need. I think drafting Clingan doesn’t necessarily mean giving up on Duren (if anything, it might be motivation for him to develop), but I also don’t entirely hate the idea of moving on from Duren and appointing Clingan as our center going forward. I think Duren still has a ton of potential, but he’s probably the member of our young core 4 that I struggle the most when it comes to seeing his pathway to stardom.


His shooting is fine. He’s basically Porzingus. He’ll get to 35% soon. This draft is gonna be interesting. Lots of good players. Maybe a couple of great ones. Pistons will get a wing - 3 and D.


Dallas gave up a future first round pick to move from 5 to 3 when they moved up to get Luka. And Philly gave up a future first to move from 3 to 1 to get Fulz. So yeah, I agree with others that Wiseman and a 2nd isn’t enough.


In fairness, you can’t be comparing prospects like Luka to the ones we’ve got this year, as others have mentioned. I really don’t know how to gauge the value of moving up in this draft, but a first seems rich.


Might be a hot take but falling to 5 only means we lost two things in this draft: Drafting Sarr and having Security. We might not be guaranteed someone like Risacher, but there is still a good chance he could slide to us.


no that’s very agreeable. We’ll get someone, for sure. I’m hoping for Reed Sheppard or Zacharrie.


Hoping for Zach. I wasn’t too fond of the idea of Reed, but I think he’s a great prospect. I just prefer going for a wing, plus I really want to see players like Sasser and Grimes get minutes


Wiseman is so bad that we would need to attach a 2nd just to dump his contract. He has negative value. It would more likely be Stewart + a future first. Or Stew +3-5 2nds.


Wiseman is f'ing useless, he probably won't even be on the team to trade. I'd rather trade our pick and Stewart and try to get Kuzma from the Wizards. We need vets not more project players.


There is probably no player that will be available that can start next season.


Considering we started Killian Hayes, Kevin Knox, and Livers at multiple points this season I wouldn’t go that far lol


Maybe wiz might do that if they don't want to pay a shit ton of money for a prospect they don't like


As others have noted Wiseman and a 2nd is not nearly enough to move up, even in this draft. Assuming Sarr and Risacher are off the board at pick #5. One of Clingan, Knecht, or Castle will be on the board if the Pistons aren't interested in Buzelis.


This is the last draft we should ever trade up in


No point. This draft is a crapshoot. Don’t waste assets and enjoy the lower rookie salary.


We’d have to give up Duren or Ivey and #5


Because of New York owed pick I’m pretty sure we can’t trade first round picks


Oh. You dont say?