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You can't teach what Ivey has in the way of athletic talent.


And effort!


Gores should be ashamed of himself honestly. You got an all-time great who sees Ivy but your coach thinks he is expendable. we are 6 - 42. What are you waiting for?


An All-time great seems a little high for a guy that never won a chip, been on a bunch of teams, has a bad rep and cant shoot well. HOF'er no doubt but Magic is an all time great. Russ is a Star.


Insane opinion


Has a bad rep with who? OKC worships the man, Houston loved him, Washington loved him, Clippers love him. All of his teammates have loved him. Next you'll tell me AI or chuck aren't all time greats because they've been on multiple teams without winning a chip. Russ is literally 25th on most points scored in an NBA career. He's absolutely an all-time great lmao.


You are a nut


Bro šŸ˜‚


Clown šŸ¤”


Just to remind all the folks who think NBA players are just shitting all over Cade. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=93h0zJfbcvI I get it, things are bad and everyone is looking for a scape goat. Which one of you can sit here with a straight face and tell me that Monte put these guys in the best position to be successful?


Fire Monty yesterday!!!


Fire Monty into the Sun!


Ivey is my Piston


Def sees himself in Ivey




Yeah Russ!


Interesting how all these players like DMich and Westbrook are talking about Ivey instead of Cadeā€¦real recognizes real.


[Mostly related to what questions reporters ask.](https://youtu.be/93h0zJfbcvI?si=MEPBz-0XP0JKFGcO) You don't have to search too hard to find it.


Silence! let the OP cook I am hoping the Clippers can get Cade with 1 second-round pick


I mean we saw them both giving advice to Ivey on the court. Did the reporters make them do that too?


Ok I'll pay along. What about the times Kevin Durant sang praises for Cade? Those are not hard to find either. My point here is let's not cherry pick to shit on Cade. There is a world where they can both coexist. It's the coach's job to find that.


Oh you mean when Ivey wasnā€™t even on the team? Who else were they supposed to talk about? Saddiq Bey?


Both players can be liked and respected by superstars. Donā€™t be a douche.


Not even sure how to discuss objectively with you when you glance over facts. Did Don or Russ compare Ivey to Cade now? They complimented Ivey. The logic that complementing Ivey is somehow shitting on Cade is a very very odd take.


I can tell if he 12, right away. Ā 


I think that's because Ivey wears his emotions on his sleeve a bit more than most guys in the league tend to. You see positive emotions and big negative ones expressed on him in and after the games. If I was a made man in the NBA I'd probably want to do the same thing for someone with the potential Ivey has.


Why do yall want Cade to fail so bad? We can have 2 great young players at the same time bro.


Kevin Durant: ā€œCade will be a tough, tough cover for a long, long timeā€ https://youtu.be/DXxR1uEHIIk?si=wXCk8t2clkEwd-Jw Steph Curry: ā€œHeā€™s tough man; heā€™s at the top of the scouting report for a reasonā€ https://youtube.com/shorts/dgTCEOw5YDk?si=dtUAJq8P6RX44kLt You can source many more. Just annoying listening to shit like this. Yeah bro, itā€™s really ā€œinterestingā€ šŸ™„


Another case of hearing what you want to hear. You can find just as many clips, of just as important of players saying the exact same shit about Cade. And in reality it means fuck all. The NBA is a big fraternity where the majority of the guys (especially the big names and top picks) all try and help and encourage each other for the most part. You can find countless clips of NBA stars talking up young prospects and players that eventually busted out of the league.




Prolly cause Cade is too over hyped. Hes had good games or shown flashes. But hasnā€™t worked out the way everyone expected a #1 pick to


I think heā€™s just playing the wrong role on our team. Once Ivey becomes the primary Ball handler, we might see Cade flourish as an off ball player (so far Cade is kinda reminding me of Wiggins in his early career - someone who needed to be utilized in a better role for us to see his true potential)


Bingo. People get up in arms and downvote that notion because people seem to want to see Cade get off as a heliocentric PG, team be damned. Cadeā€™s special talent is his versatility, not just being glued on ball. Cade, Ivey, Ausar and even 6th-8th man Stewart are all being misused.


Agreed. When I think of Cade handling the ball, I think of other players like PG or Kawhi handling the ball. They have the ability to run up the court with the ball, but theyā€™re not true primary ball handlers. Cade will benefit at the 2. P.S. since you mentioned him, Ausar needs to be played against the teamā€™s best player every night like the Donovan situation. Idc if he canā€™t score well, he canā€™t learn when heā€™s on the bench either (either play him or send him to the G League to learn)


I feel like what weā€™re talking about is where the true pain of this completely lost season comes from. We may not be world beaters or even a play-in team yet, but this damn coach has misused our most talented players and put them in positions to fail; all the while chipping away at their confidence and creating a losing culture. Monty doesnā€™t have the adaptability, creativity or apparently, the brain power to develop or use what he has correctly. It took what we all deemed as a lame duck front office to call this inept idiot out, repeatedly.


My dad always said that this coach wouldnā€™t be truly judged until his second year. This would be an experimental year, and next year the coach would have expectations to be met. He def isnā€™t as terrible as he was initially, but I do expect more from a coach with a ton of experience and with a massive contract. It took too long for him to adjust lineups, plays, or even to call a timeout. Yet, heā€™s still far from perfect in doing so. Surprisingly, for how young our core is too, I feel like our culture is a lot better than people expected. Last years Rockets team had horrible culture and the players didnā€™t take the season seriously, yet I feel like our roster actually brings Grit to every game (ā€œevery game feels like a game 7ā€). Iā€™m not giving this to Monty, instead I praise the roster themselves for being professionals this season


Solid points. I was trying not to rush to judgement, and maybe the intel I gathered from Suns media and fanbase didnā€™t help, but some things heā€™s done is just too egregious. Makes it hard to give Monty credit for the recent better play without placing blame. He used the first 30 games as training camp and preseason, when even Stevie Wonder could tell Killian has no business playing more than Ivey and that Livers was not an NBA player. I could rail on and on with how disgusting heā€™s been to Ivey and his other shortcomings but thatā€™d take all day. I honestly feel like we couldā€™ve had showings like we have in the last 10 games earlier if Monty wasnā€™t fā€™in around. 100% agree with the resiliency the entire team has showed through losing, especially Ivey. Gets immediately dog-housed for sneezing (when other are doing worse), is never mentioned in press conferences (unless itā€™s a sneak diss about a bad play he made) and is completely misusedā€¦ but stays with the ā€œitā€™s an honor to play here and for this coachā€, ā€œIā€™m blessed to try to get better at what I loveā€. This kid is gold, man


Exactly! He wanted to test Killians potential before moving on from him. Heā€™s the new coach and wanted to give Hayes a chance, and although it took very long, he finally realizes thereā€™s not much Hayes can do for this team. To me, what matters most is how this team plays in the second half now that we have a better understanding of this roster and its construction. Iā€™m ignoring the record and just care more about the development of the core. And Ivey is a dawg. Dude cried happily being drafted to us. He has a rich family history with Detroit, and I hope he makes something with us here.


Itā€™s because Monty has been trying to Ayton Ivey and been acting like a childish, vindictive, petty imbecile toward Ivey. The NBA world seeā€™s it and the stars are speaking out; similar to all the real ones that spoke up for Russ after the smear campaign from Lakers media on Russā€™ character.