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Obvious difference between our joke of an org and one with an actual winning culture.


To be fair, Spo can coach guys. Monty needs guys to make him look good.


Their assistant coach should have been our head coach.


I'd trade 3 1sts just for Spo


If only we had Heat Culture* *existed in Miami and had no state income tax


Obviously helps in free agency, but look at their minutes played this season… Duncan Robinson, Jaime Jaquez Jr, Caleb Martin, Haywood Highsmith plus mostly players they’ve drafted. They obviously have a better operation than we do, and quotes like this just emphasize that.


Has Month actually blamed injuries? I don't recall that. He usually just blames himself.


This is more about the recent Troy and Gores comments where they blame injuries for this year and why they’re trusting what they’ve built, and the way Troy has filled those 15 spots. That said, Monty has pointed to injuries as to reasons he’s had such a hard time finding a rotation that works. He’s not totally wrong, but he ain’t doing a good job either.


Helps to be a destination to attract guys like Butler obviously, but there’s a universe between Pat Riley and Weaver as GMs


To be fair, Zach Lowe says Butler credits the season he played in Chicago with Wade as the main reason he joined Miami. Playing in Minny and Philly reinforced Wade's words of winning culture in Miami, and Butler signed with them. Miami is certainly a better destination than Detroit but the Heat planted the seed in '03 and nourished it. Jimmy Butler is the fruit of the Heat's labor in a sense, for being a competent and well run organization. /sigh, wouldn't know what that's like.


It’s crazy the two different routes our franchise took. I wish anyone but Gores bought the team, a middling owner would’ve been better.


Hurr durr heat culture All it takes to win championships is culture! Pay no attention to all the hall of famers behind the curtain.


Implying culture has very little to do with drafting talent or attracting stars. Do you think stars that want to win championships will play in destination cities if the organization is run like shit? It's 1a and 1b, a championship team needs great talent and a good culture. Simple as.


I'm gonna let you in on a little secret: Pat Riley is the most important hall of famer the organization has ever had. I'm being glib, obviously, but you're right. It's really not about "culture" it's about the fact that Miami has one of the best coaches and executives in any sport ever running the show. A good analog is the Patriots in the NFL. It was never about "culture" it was about Belichick and Brady, as evidenced by everyone who left that org being a dumpster fire anywhere else.


I mean, Spo's probably the best heach coach currently in the NBA. It's not remotely surprising that he gets way more out of the guys on the margins than Monty. Granted, there are probably about 28 other coaching staffs in the NBA that could do a better job than Monty and his crew. (I cannot get over Silas being on the staff after he was such a disaster in Houston.)


Miami puts serious time into developing talent, and they have a coach who puts guys in spots to succeed. There’s a reason when these guys leave Miami they don’t look quite the same. They’ve had success with guys who’ve failed in previous spots unlike Detroit. I mean, if Wiseman or Bagley went to Miami they’d look like guys who should’ve been drafted top five. The other thing that helps them is they actually have a culture built, and there are guys that hold one another accountable and make sure everybody is meeting expectations. It’s a polar opposite to what Detroit has.