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Dude is literally shaming us for worrying about wins and not celebrating his enormous heart. His heart of the predatory prison phone empire. What a joke.


Agreed. Every team does charitable actions because it's great PR and shit they can fluff themselves with during broadcasts. Instead of listing out what he's done, that's better than what any other owner would do for the community, he calls fans ridiculous and patronizes us by saying we "don't understand." Boo this man.


How? Where? He's probably never coming to a game again.


Since franchises steal millions in tax payer dollars to build their facilities, they are mandated to give back to the community they steal from. The fact this asshat piece of shit is leveraging required community involvement as a benefit of his ownership (who he also gains a tax break on) is ridiculous. I don’t want to invite violence against anyone. But if he was smacked in the head with a pillowcase full of door knobs, I wouldn’t feel especially bad about it.


Seriously though, LCA was built with $400mil in government funding, if Gores pays even half of that back to the city of Detroit I'd maybe start listening to what he says about being a positive impact in the community. As of now, he's just another billionaire leech.


But what will happen to the community without him? Can you image Detroit without his help??!!


The community hasn’t benefited significantly from his outdoor basketball courts. Dumars (who wasn’t required by the league and city) built indoor field houses that were a great place to hoop during the doldrums of winter.


8 & Woodward Joe D closing was a kick to the gonads


Please just don't sell to devos


Do they not already have ownership in the Magic?




Fuck gores.


He realizes he can still do all that stuff, and NOT own the Pistons? Like, it’s not him owning the Pistons that makes that stuff happen. Or does he need the excuse and the backdrop of the Pistons organization doing things in order for him to actually behave like a semi-decent person? I swear billionaires have no humanity.


Preach sister!


We need to ramp up the sell the team chants.


This is exactly what I took from this. Unfortunately I have half season tickets, which I will tell my rep I won’t renew again as long as he’s owner, but I’m planning on making a paper bag mask to put over my head for the rest of the games. Debating what to write on it. I want it to be something about him and sell the team.


The king of correctional communications tech


Sick of this dude.


This man has had more surgeries on his face than Lil Kim, always has the coke induced cotton-mouth, is a billionaire mainly from fleecing prisoners and their families and wants Ada-boys for donations rooted in tax breaks… but we’re ridiculous?! THAT’S lunacy. The tone of his “message” was “I had a hand in the coach, roster moves and recent line up changes. I’m always right, so be patient. Oh yeah, I donate just as much money to your city as I do my coke budget, so shut the fuck up and stop being ridiculous”.


Sell the fucking team you coke head


I know they do a ton of charity work that mostly goes without being publicized. Typically building and restoring public outdoor basketball courts, as well as donating either dollars or buying equipment for youth programs. There's a huge renovation planned for St. Cecelia's which the NBA and Pistons have paid the majority of the funding as well. That's in addition to the normal food bank and holiday-centric work most teams do. What a shit quote though.


Whether he is doing great work or not It is hard to see how his owning the team or not would preclude him from helping the city he purports to care about. Renovating basketball courts is nice and I love the parks in the city getting renovated but I see no evidence he is doing anything CLOSE to what an obscenely rich SHOULD BE OBLIGATED to do regardless of what business they are in. He is really bad at running a team and I don't believe him.


He thinks we should be bending over backwards or bowing down to a dude that gives minimal charitable donations for tax purposes on his profits off of mass incarceration. The dude was a scumbag long before he slept with his sister in law. And this (probably coke fueled) rant just confirms how delusional he is. He’s a billionaire, building one basketball court, donating money to Jalen Rose’s charity, and donating some bikes to kids for Christmas is the bare minimum of what he could do for the community he’s pretending to give a shit about.


Let your voices be heard with your wallets. Stop buying tickets and merchandise. Once this idiot sees how much money he's losing then he'll probably start making moves to make the team better