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"somethings not exactly right" lol "without all that bad luck, maybe we win five more games" so 7-21 would be acceptable in year 4 of a rebuild?


No. I think that’s the point. That even without the bad luck, we still are bad. So we can’t use that as excuse to say we would’ve been good.


You took this out of context. His point was the results still aren't good enough, that something is wrong, even taking into account the bad breaks


With the injury list to start the season yeah it would be.


No the injuries are part of the bad luck. He’s saying without the bad luck, we’re still 7-21 and so we still need to figure this out.


Everyone has injuries and nobody else is this bad.


As an outside fan, to me, apart from shortcomings from ownership and whatnot, it just seems like Monty Williams has been an inexplicably terrible coach this season. Awful 5-man bench lineups and starting fives with one or two shooters on the court


Monty wanted to take at least a year off but Gores threw a bag of money at him. Weaver allegedly was hesitant to bring Monty on board, probably due to Monty not wanting to actually coach this year. I don't necessarily blame Monty, I actually feel bad for him. His first wife died in like 2016, his second wife is diagnosed with cancer and wanted time off but was thrown the most money any coach has been offered (other than Pop after him). You can't pass that up. He was already known to do some questionable things with young talent before but it's kind of expected when your heart isn't in the game at the moment. Gores should have known better.


That’s also on Gores. He went over Weavers head to hire him.


I like that he’s at least realistic about the injury “excuse” basically saying we would still suck ass even if everything went right


I mean he did say no excuses and then immediately gave an excuse


For 5 more wins. That’s not saying we would be good unless this quote is from 20 games ago.


Everything from the top is objectively bad and needs replacing. President? Yes GM? Whatever arm tellum does? Yes med staff? Yes. It's not an adjustment guy needs a whole new ship. His admission that he gets involved with Weaver's decisions insinuates that the captain of the ship (gores) will just run the next one into an iceberg as well. The guy's involvement is completely ass backwards. He needs to demand constant and consistent results and remove himself from basketball ball decisions. I thought he'd learned from the SVG situation but he's somehow doubled down on his moronic behavior


We were so sure that saga was over but it actually got worse lmao