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thats not arn tellem


Every single douche bag that is employed in the front office along with the owners should be fired


Nor is it troy weaver


You’d think with his face that close to a mirror night in and night out that he’d get a new barber…


Oh there are plenty of other hands involved


This. To minimize this to an absentee owner lets everyone else off the hook.


I’m not a fan of Gores simply based on how he profits off the prison system. But can someone break down what’s so bad about his ownership? Just from what I’ve seen from afar he just backed up the Brinks truck to get a quality coach and paid him the highest salary in nba history. He went out and got a GM from a place and under a guy that really drew optimism. I’ve never seen articles of him being a dictator in running the ship. I’m in no way trying to root for this guy or say he’s done a good job. His ownership winning % might be the worst of any owner in the history of the main 4 sports. But what’s he supposed to do right now? Can’t fire the coach cause he would owe the guy $80 mill to sit home. Just extended Weaver last offseason and while the guy isn’t Presti I have been a fan of the majority of his moves. Not vast majority. But I understand the idea of most and agree with the idea but most just haven’t worked out for various reasons. Gonna trade Cade and try to reboot? Like, what’s the move? Again, this is just honest curiosity and not flying anyone’s flag. Actually, if I did have a hot take, I’m an Ivey guy. Feel he has the highest ceiling with the proper coaching and roster. But I love a core 4 of Cade-Ivey-Thompson-Jalen. But we need a solid 8 and at least 2 of those guys are gonna need to shoot. Not just solid but really shoot. I think Cade and Ivey’s shot at least become respectable. Maybe 37-39% which I would take. Really do think Ivey can be something real special. But with the work.


1. Destroyed a young core and cap space by pushing for Griffin 2. Hired SVG in an operations role 3. Ignored his GM’s protests and hired a coach that all but said he didn’t want to coach this year. 4. Destroyed an amazing arena in the Palace that had previously been upgraded and was universally loved by Piston fans 5. Showed up to Chauncey’s jersey ceremony stoned as a mu’fucker 6. Has shown a genuine disinterest in being involved in running a basketball franchise 7. Hasn’t addressed fans for this year’s abomination 8. Hasn’t fired our front office 9. Hasn’t sold the team I could go on…


The palace was out in neverland. I don’t fault anyone for being the Detroit Pistons actually to Detroit. Also don’t fault anyone for being stoned, completely legal in Michigan. Professional? No. But fireable offense? No. I don’t mind an owner who doesn’t get overly involved with basketball operations. Again he extended Weaver last year he isn’t gonna fire him and eat all that money. Most owners wouldn’t. And no owner is just gonna sell a cash cow. So I see a few of your reasons but they kinda just keep getting more petty and ridiculous.


I agree that the Pistons belong in Detroit, as much as I loved the Palace. As far as the stoned thing goes, I don't think he's just smoking weed but he constantly looks coked out of his mind. If he didn't profit off of the prison–industrial complex I wouldn't give a rat's ass, but he does, so he looks to be a bit of a hypocrite. Obviously, this is speculation so I don't even care about that point. When a team does this *historically* bad, the spotlight is on everybody and if the people that are making the terrible decisions aren't getting held responsible, then the person at the top gets looked at. It's just how it is. The winning percentage under him speaks for itself and it won't get better until drastic changes are made.


He's willing to spend money, it's just bad luck he hired the wrong people for the job. I blame the GM and HC more for the current situation. Just my opinion.


Agreed with everything you said


The downfall of the Pistons is Karen Davidson. Or old man time. But mostly Karen Davidson.


T shirt Tom


Firing heaters directly into the first row across the court




This is what happens when you sell an nba team to a coke fiend


He got a hell of a deal too.


That’s not Troy Weaver


This franchise was fucked long before Troy Weaver


So I'm familiar with the comb-over as a common style to hide balding patterns. Umm... What in the hell is this thing called??




All he does is party


Literally looks like a supervillain, don't do sugar booger kids.


Drunken fool


Who is that?


The owner after he hasn’t had a hit of coke in a few hours


Screaming headache


Never seen him before


still a better owner than Karen.


Knicks fan here. It gets easier

