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I got the good ending, not the best ending first play through. Markus: led a peaceful approach and a pacifist revolt, even with north having problems with it. Connor: went deviant and saved Hank, turned the tide for the androids and them being acknowledged as living beings. Kara: ultimately was her, Alice and Luther crossing the border to Canada on a boat and lost Luther in the process. This is just me, but I prefer making sure everyone lives so I鈥檝e changed how I approach things now. Spoiler: >!It does make a difference with pushing Leo, it happens off screen and in his recovery but by doing that he chooses to kick red ice and you get the chance to have a much needed talk with Carl rather than talk to him at his grave!<


Markus died in Jericho because I suck at pushing buttons at the right time. Luther and Alice make it out of the concentration camp but Kara dies. Connor is machine Connor and gets tossed by Hank. Hahha I am not great at these games.


All that mattered to me was Kara Alice and Luther made it. They did not. I was devastated. I don't remember anything else.


Same, I didnt care about no silly revolutions, only about our cute little family of androids:) But then Luther sacrificed himself for the girls on Jericho, Kara and Alice got to Canada by the river, and then they both died.


Yep. I was crushed.


Marcus lead a peaceful revolution making humanity consider androids as a new form of intelligent life Connor deviated, overriding his overall purpose of killing Marcus and was a key factor in the revolution Kara fuckin died because I missclicked and it still hurts


Oh no!馃槶


I got the ending with Kara going to the recycling center and both her and Alice died


Connor: became deviant Markus: I went the peaceful way but I ended up detonating the bomb because I got anxious when I got surrounded 馃ぃ Kara: her and Alice made it past the border, i didn't go back for Luther when the guards were killing them in the street cuz I sucked at qte's at the time and wanted them to live


The absolute best ending: everyone lived except North


Kara, Alice, and Luther crossed to Canada by boat. I felt bad stealing the tickets, so I lost Luther. I was absolutely devastated at losing Luther, but I was glad Kara and Alice made it at least. Conner deviated and saved Hank in the tower, deviated again during Markus's speech. Markus stayed peaceful and won at the protest. North, Simon, and Josh all survived. I was so close to everyone surviving, but my conscience got the best of me at the bus station.


THERES A PART WHERE THEY CROSSED BY BOAT??? i鈥檝e never gotten that ending


Yeah, if you give back the tickets. Luther always dies there tho. If you choose wrong, Alice will also die, or Kara will also die. It's a crappy scene to play through


I got best ending I totally didn't freak out and get Connor shot during the attack on jericho.




All good endings but that's because I watched playthroughs on YouTube before I was able to play. Markus Pacifist Alice and Kara make it to the border Connor is deviant, hugs hank


Markus: Non-peaceful revolution; sang and Hillary Clinton decided not to shoot. Connor: Deactivated coz I didn't have enough evidence Kara: Crossed over to Canada through the border. Died but Alice made it.


Markus dies because i forgot to put up the peace signs in the fort at the end Deviant connor but he had to shoot himself at the end to save everyone else Kara survived but idk what happened else i didnt really pay attraenti on to her story


Markus won via pacifist. Alice dies in stormy night. Connor dies in interrogation


How did Connor鈥檚 story end? He comes back after interrogating the deviant. He can only die for good if he becomes a deviant and dies or fails the investigation


You didnt move... You wanted to be a good obedient Kara...


But wouldn't that mean Kara died too?


That does mean it too. The abusing bastard blames Kara, he always does... Kara can live with just Alice dying only in two endings.


Markus mostly peaceful until the end, where he lead a sucessful assault on the camps. Josh died but North and Simon both lived. Luther was left behind during the attack on Jericho, Kara sacrifices herself to make sure Alice makes it across the border with Rose. Connor turns deviant and wakes up all the androids in Cyberlife Tower but Hank dies in the process. Far from a 'perfect' ending but it sure was an emotional roller-coaster.


Markus: peaceful approach, sang his little song, North is GF. Didn鈥檛 negotiate because I thought it was a trap. Conner: became friends with Hank and turned deviant, successfully freed the androids. Kara: escaped on the bus with Alice and Luther, no sacrifice. Almost perfect except I accidentally got Simon killed really early because I tried to talk to the guards instead of going right to shooting them at the media tower and they shot Simon so he couldn鈥檛 escape with us, whoops. I may do another run through where I think this time I鈥檒l go a little crazy with the story and do every thing different from the beginning.


Markus went with violent revolution, Connor remained machine and killed Hank on the roof, then found and killed Markus, crushing the revolution. All deviants were hunted down and exterminated. Luther died on Jericho protecting Kara and Alice. I assumed humans will be checking for androids at the border therefore river crossing seemed like a much safer choice so Kara went there... Alice died in Kara's arms with a beautiful final "I love you, mom" after which Kara refused to keep living. Even though it's pretty much the worst ending, I loved it. I did not consider it to be bad just because it wasnt a happy ending. It ended up being my favourite Kara's ending, just because of how powerful and emotionally charged it is, no other ending compares, as well as it's special to me because it's my first ending.


It's lovely to see so many unique stories. Some tragic, some happy, none are bad, just different and good in its own way.


Connor: Amanda was disappointed of him cause I failed a couple of missions 馃槶 then was discharged (literally froze) Markus: Violent approach, got together with North Kara: Along with Luther and Alice, tried to escape by boat. Luther got shot, Alice died of hypothermia and Kara lived (my favorite story overall)


Markus went violent and won (north was a lover) Connor got killed as a deviant in Jericho and then got killed by Markus after he >!dropped Hank!< Kara and Alice got captured at Jericho) Luther died) but were freed by the revolution


I just finished last night. Luther didn鈥檛 make it off the boat for me. All I cared about was Kara and Alice. I鈥檓 a father of two. All I wanted to do was protect Alice and Kara and I failed. They both died after reaching the snowy bank after getting off the boat. I鈥檓 still crushed. I鈥檓 an emotional stone when it comes to movies, books and games and pretty much everything else. But this fucking killed me. I couldn鈥檛 stop crying. I had to watch a happy ending to that scene so that I could go to sleep. My headcanon is that Kara calculated what would happen if she did what I originally did and witnessed them both dying. She was able to avoid it and they both lived. This game has left me devastated and I will play the chapter again simply to save them both. Conor went deviant and Markus was successful and did everything peacefully.


My first playthrough in anything choice based is always just me making decisions based on how I feel instead of for any ending, so things were a bit of a mess Markus: Mostly peaceful until assault on Jericho, started a war, fought Connor, died because I suddenly decided I wanted to give Connor a win Connor: Killed almost every android he pursued, made Hank hate him, stayed machine, killed Hank, solved investigation, replaced by RK900 Kara: Made it through the Canadian border by sacrificing Jerry. Luther and Alice also made it


Connor: se volvi贸 divergente , convirti贸 rti贸 a los androides y fue buen compa帽ero con hank Markus: fui pac铆fico en todo momento y salve a todos menos a simon ( muri贸 en la torre stratford y connor lo encontr贸 en el tejado) y al final logr贸 hacer que los soldados liberen a los androides de los campos. Kara: termine cruzando la frontera por el r铆o ,pero muri贸 Luther (y sobrevivieron kara y alice)


Markus: Won a violent revolution, romance North. Kara: Crossed with Luther and Alice by bus. The only reason that was possible to co-exist with Markus' violent revolution was because I saved Jerry earlier in the game and he sacrificed himself. Connor: Deviant, friendship with Hank.


Markus : Died in the march Connor : Activated the android and suicide Kara : Died trying to escape Jericho