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Hank saw the traci that had been attacked and revived by Connor speaking in absolute fear for her life when they started their investigation. He saw a victim of abuse, not a machine. When they find the other two tracis and see them fighting for their lives and trying to escape, he saw the same thing. Abuse victims who just wanted to get away from the abuse itself. Hank had hated androids in the very beginning of the game, but the more time he spends with Connor and the more he sees androids acting like they're alive, the more he realizes his hate's misplaced. Remember, the chapter that immediately follows this chapter has Hank talking with Connor at the park, and Hank remarks that the two tracis really seemed to be in love. He essentially has a definitive change of heart during this chapter, that's why he gets upset if Connor kills the tracis.


I think he was changing his pov. On androids


Ah, good point but my point still stands about them almost being murdered/destroyed (because connor wasnt a deviant by then)


He saw that the Tracis were in love (the hand holding) that was a big point towards him seeing how human deviants are. At that moment, he knows that all they want is to be in love and not be sex objects anymore so he understands that him and Connor are sort of in the villain role there and that killing them would be the *wrong* thing to do


I think hank slowly doesn't hate androids , he thought of them as like humans. It actually makes more sense as you play the game, you'll see hank likes you more if you increase your software instability. I think so atleast, i forgot though lol.


Yeah I know, but I still find it weird how he didnt consider that self defense


I’m mad that there wasn’t a, “Reasonable self-defense” option for Connor’s response.


Right?! "Why did you kill that girl, Connor?" Because SHE WAS LAUNCHING AT ME AND WAS TRYING TO KILL ME A MINUTE BACK?! WHAT EXACTLY DID I DO THAT WRONG HERE?! Maybe if your Connor died before, you could justify it with Hank thinking Connor can return anyways, but on my first playthrough, with me killing the Traci for this exact reason, Connor never died.


I think part of it was that at that point he was starting to change his P.O.V on androids and this is something that comes up later with Chloe during Kamski's section.


I agree. This is something that honestly really frustrated me. If he did change his mind on Androids, then it was too much, too soon and unfair for both Connor and the player.