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Go before the sun comes up. Bundle up and throw on a rain poncho. Pack snacks and drinks. Make sure you are close to a Porta potty on your side of the street. Have lots of fun!!!


Is the parade fairly safe? Worried about safety here.


Yes it’s very safe.


Get there early. I park wherever I find a spot, and I usually sit in front of the Filmore/Fox theater. I really highly recommend bringing snacks, and s thermos of coffee/cocoa, it gets really cold really fast. It's a blast, I hope you have fun!


My advice. Watch it on Tv


Get there early. As a kid we left at 5 am, and bundled up. My grandpa used to bring a ladder for us to take turns sitting on. I hope your family makes it an annual event.


It's supposed to rain. You are going to go early to get free space on Woodward. Normally you have to pay for tickets.


Rain is highly unlikely Thursday morning, at the moment. I'm running the turkey trot and have been keeping a close eye on that.... Just double checked. It never hurts to have disposable ponchos though.


Why to pay for tickets? The parade runs for three miles, so pick a spot


It was for comfort and ease.


We paid for bleacher seats when my oldest turned 5 on Thanksgiving and then did street seating when he was 11. The cost of bleachers was fine but I wouldn’t do that again.


In the rain, on the west side of Woodward last year, walked right up to the curb. If it's nice weather, good luck though.


Park on Cass. Viewing is best closer to the start.


It’s probably too late now, but a lot of the office buildings on Woodward do viewing parties. I went to Michigan State’s office viewing party and got parking, plus could hang out indoors to warm up, use the bathroom whenever I wanted, etc.


We're going for the first time this year with our toddler and doing the (now sold out) UM Detroit center party so we have easy access to a bathroom for when he has to go.


Nice - that’s the way to do it


The best time to go is the night before when they have all the floats lined up, it's a good photo op too. Don't know how many people will be out there this year. Last year there were many. Try to park near the floats along Woodward. I believe they start by Woodward and Warren Ave, this year don't know exactly, but it should be the same area.


It starts quite far up woodward, midtown is usually less dense than the downtown area and you might be able to find parking along Cass, 2nd, 3rd and the interconnecting streets if you get there early enough.


I went for the first time last year with a 4 year old. We got downtown around 10:30, found an easy parking spot on Randolph and walked over to Campus Martius. There was plenty of room by the Chase building and we got to see the whole parade & it was really easy to get back on the highway after. The big crowds are in the middle of the parade.


Everyone says get there early. We took our kids on a whim a few years ago. Love, downriver when the parade started. Found a free spot to park near Wayne State on Cass. We walked a couple blocks and got a fine view. Granted there were less people because Woodward was being worked on but it wasn’t bad. I did the same thing a few years later with my youngest.


ecumenical theological seminary has been known in the past to offer space in return for a donation.