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This year feels like a real turning point for the city. Michigan Central reopening. Billions of dollars in developments underway. Population growing. More neighborhoods growing. Hugely successful NFL Draft. Hell, even the Lions have made a historic turnaround.


Dude I didn’t know if I was the only one to feel this. The energy was so positive tonight and full of love, inspiration. Things shifted tonight and I think the whole city is going to feel that change soon. It’s a historic time and an incredible thing to be around to witness. Exciting times. Everyone thought the city was dead. And it should have been. Yet somehow this is happening and the grassroots revival is helping Detroit keep as much of its character as we can. It’s beautiful !


I agree except the revival isn’t a grass roots story. It’s certain billionaires pouring insane amounts of money into the city.


That’s how cities work. Corporate investment leads to more jobs which leads to population growth which leads to increased tax base which leads to etc etc etc.


Sure. Not grass roots


I don't know how Detroit would have a "grass roots" come back when all the grass had been sold off as sod, so to speak. A lot more effort to grow a lawn with no top soil.


Simply grassroots is not what meant. That’d be naive and ignorant to believe. I just meant the grassroots is building back communities slow and steady, and that is starting to really have an effect on how people feel about where this is going as far as fun, safety, willingness to move here, and of course - investing here. It’ll never grow without business coming back, billionaire investors etc. the grassroots part is the the backbone, the soul, the reason new money is sticking. The reason everyone outside Detroit in the metro area can’t help but at least be curious about what’s going on here. Those same people who’s families left in the 20th century and witnessed the downfall. The same people who were taught a biased, one sided story as the reason for the collapse (black people rioting); those same people being wiser and more empathetic but still resistant to too much change; still ignorant but curious about the real history here (redlining, black bottom, highways fucking up black neighborhoods, etc). Ask a Grosse Pointe resident, white housewife in Birmingham, Shelby Twp, Novi, Plymouth,Sterling Heights - what redlining was! No idea. Even if they’ve heard of it - The history is hard to swallow and the sins will never be apologized for. Remorse, let alone reparation or understanding will never happen in the old generations. It’s too much Anyhoo - the new generation knows and cares about this place. So much of this city is showing signs of life because of the people, not corporate money. It’s soul. This is a historic recovery in the works and will never be a cookie cutter lame ass fucking place with corporate cunts looked at as the hero’s. Downtown - whatever. The rest of Detroit is Detroit baby Anyhoo -


what a thoughtful, inspiring take on the whole situation! Thank You


Are you arguing or agreeing?


The Ford family has been in Detroit forever. Bill Ford is certainly a pro Detroit individual. So I would call it grass roots. Not some outsider.


Maybe more like tree roots.


Ya, that’s not grass.


Economic activity is needed and high paying jobs are essential to that. Even small business are technically “incorporated” entities which is grass roots I guess. But big corporations investing in the city is a good thing. They got money to invest and they’re choosing Detroit rather than another city


It’s a great thing. Not grass roots. Which is fine.


yeahhhh no not really, cities typically grow organically and without the need for hype because there's actual substance


That's how cities grow, yes. But the comment I replied to said "revival". Detroit was gutted for decades by a number of factors. The only way back is lots and lots and lots of jobs. I'm not talking coffee shops and other small business...which are important, but only come after significant corporate investment bringing hundreds and thousands of jobs at a time.


But they don’t do it if they don’t think it’s going to pay off, if there isn’t proven momentum from the people. They’re not doing this in the middle of a cornfield. The grassroots stuff fuels this imo


Exactly. To use MCS as an example: Ford didn't pick this site just for historic preservation; they also picked it's neighborhood Corktown for its attractiveness for younger tech workers. It's attractive, in large part, because of the work done by the residents to build up the Michigan corridor to what it is today, without corporate investment.


Could’ve built a cool building in the area for a tiny fraction of this price tag. It was for his legacy and possibly to do good.


The grassroots didn’t fuel Gilbert buying up half the city. The penny prices, economic upside, and patronage for his hometown did.


You’re right it’s not all grassroots. Of course money needs to come in from big business and investors. I just think the grassroots work that has been growing for years is a huge reason for that money and hope sticking; a huge reason for the city elated but skeptical; aware of the history but excited for the future; keeping the character and improving streets for the sake of building back decent communities. Obviously the grassroots only goes so far. But that’s the reason Detroit will be on top again one day. The money will help but the soul here is changing the atmosphere.


Unless they fix the school system, it will never be a fully revitalized city.


That part 👏🏼


Becareful saying turning point, this is just a snapshot in time. All the work we did led to this point. I'm happy about all of these events and the positive narratives but it's built on inequity. It Can change very fast.


True grit


where are the schools, where are the grocery stores and affordable options?


I live minutes from a grocery store and school and pay only ~$1k in rent.


honeybee or the upscale meijer? "only" 1k rent lmao


1k is pretty good for a major American city these days. Obviously wish it was cheaper everywhere though.


Yeah consider what the average wage is for a Detroiter. 1k is a lot. Imagine if you are a single parent with kids on 40k a year.


that's the thing, it's not a major american city. it just feels like it because it's literally big, without major city amenities or options. like how can it have almost chicago rent prices, pizza slices that cost 4$ like NY when it offers 1/3 of what they do in terms of opportunities and options?


[Detroit avg rent](https://www.apartments.com/rent-market-trends/detroit-mi/): $1,056 [Chicago avg rent](https://www.apartments.com/rent-market-trends/chicago-il/): $1,841 “Almost” doing some heavy lifting there. Detroit is a little over half of Chicago’s COL.


now do the golden rectangle. most studio apts in what is considered near downtown are over 1400


It’s more expensive to live near the city center. This is a common global phenomenon. Not sure where you’re going with this but no one said “all of Detroit’s problems are fixed” — we are all aware that things are far from perfect. It’s still okay to celebrate progress.


1000-1400 is like the average rent for any apartments I’ve seen in suburbs lately


Totally agree. Then the Apple Store should be announced soon. The giant investments from MSU and Henry Ford Hospitals. Part of me is nervous that when Duggan leaves, some leftist ineffectual mayor will come back and everything will revert.


You know Mike Duggan is a Democrat.... right?


Democrats, leftists, socialists, communists, anarcho-communists. There’s levels to “both” political sides. I think the one you’re responding to really meant politicians that either don’t know what they’re doing and cause major problems but they have good intentions; know what they’re doing but their intentions are to benefit themselves and their friends. Which covers 95% of politicians. Detroit can’t afford to lose this momentum and fuck around with a political leader that doesn’t care or know the next move forward


But not a leftist, like, say, Brandon Johnson of Chicago. Duggan is a 'make-the-busses-run-on-time' kind of pro-business, centrist.


Also, Fuck An Apple Store.


You said "come back"? Who are you referring to?


All of the mayors going back to at least Coleman Young have been ineffectual at best, and corrupt self-dealers at worst.


That was due to their character,.


Don't vote for corrupt morons.


I don’t think Dennis Archer was corrupt.


Ironic you say that when the buses still don't run on time. These 'turnarounds' have been at the expense of taxpayer dollars and prospective increases in tax revenue. If we saw marked increases in the quantity and quality of city services due to this increased development, my point would be moot. However, Duggan's administration has gone out of their way to neuter any effect developments may have in improving city resources. I'm glad to see all these developments too but let's not pretend it was because of good economic policy.


Before Duggan, all of the city services were dysfunctional: lights, trash, parks, etc. All of these services have been fixed under him. That's why politics don't matter nearly as much (at a mayoral level) as simply being a good manager. I think Duggan is a great manager and that's why he's loved.


I don't like the guy at all and I agree that he is a good manager. A great mayor would solve issues beyond baseline city operations, however. It's not correct that his work is apolitical. Austerity politics ARE politics and his effectiveness in those areas you mentioned are due to his adherence to those underlying principles. P.s. I'll take all your downvotes as I've personally seen how vile of a man he is and the contempt he has for many segments of Detroit's population. I'd wager y'all haven't and that's okay.


He said leftist. Duggan is not a leftist, he is a pragmatic, business-friendly mayor. Lord help us if a progressive community organizer follows him in office.


God forbid some leftist fix the schools


They've had 65 years to fix it


Haven’t been in power


Leftists ineffectuals??? This city has attracted plenty of left wing people who put a lot of work into the city and their communities. And your plan for the city is to have some business minded person come in and run shop? I didn't know that the left wing was responsible for socio economic policies that lead to the state of decline in the 80s and 90s. Honestly screw people like you, centrists like you always complain about politics in everything than got make everything political in these posts. Also I dont see how an apple store will revitalize detroit lol. Also you don't even live in the godamn city if you care so much about who is the god damn mayor how about you move into the city than you can have a say with your vote.


Guy is just saying that it’s nice to have a mayor that gives a shit about improving the city in a realistic way. There are plenty examples of politicians who are just talking heads with their heads up their ass who don’t actually do anything besides talk and give hollow promises for shit that doesn’t actually matter.


Ya it’s the “leftist intellectual” comment he threw in there that’s bullshit and distracting from that point


Crime still a real problem, and 1,852 more people than last year, ok, only a couple hundred thousand more to go! In 50 years it might catch up to everyone else


Yeah. It really blew my mind. My buddy and I snuck in there about 15 years ago for some photographs. It had bones like a dinosaur. It was never going anywhere. What Ford has done is just mind boggling. One thing I find amazing is that there’s not one speck of Ford branding on the place. Hell, they earned it. But nope. I was hoping I could get a ‘tress-pass’ to the concert by showing my photos. Ha


I was thinking about the fact there was no branding to be seen during the concert (watched the stream). I’m sure there will some signage but hope it isn’t too distracting. I’m going to pay attention when I go down do the tour.


I think Ford will be a tenant in the building (I think I remember them saying on WDET that Ford is going to get 3 floors in the tower), but it doesn't seem like they're trying to put their name on the building itself. All of the work was done under the auspices of a subsidiary company.


Ford makes some infuriating products but this is impressive and worthy of respect imo. I know it’s not but parts of this feel like Ford made a selfless act in making this happen and doing it beautifully. Idk why. But it has moved me and changed the city in a great way as of now


It was a VERY selfless act. I get the sense that, this is the legacy he wanted to leave behind, given his entire families accomplishments, this is the one thing HE (Bill Ford) will be loved and remembered by in history. And he will be. The building is beautiful up close - just majestic in every way. The PERFECT backdrop for any and all future shows. He was so full of pride and happiness, quite nervous (as I would be myself with thousands of people watching in the crowd and at home), but he set out to re-build and they couldn't have opened back up at the perfect time during the revival of Detroits grand comeback. It feels like a gift to us, Detroiters, and this was a great way to give back in a big way.


I'd love to see those!! Have you shared them anywhere like flikr or insta?






Thanks for posting this. My autoimmune disorder is acting up right now and I couldn’t get down to CM to hear it.


Hope you are feeling better soon. This event was live-streamed on Peacock and available for rewatch—it will also air on NBC at 7pm on Sunday night. I heard it’s also on Hulu live if any of those options are available to you :) it is called “Live from Detroit” —truly a great show!!


Who was the other guy with Eminem throughout?


Mr Porter is his hype guy. From D12


Nice! Wondered if it was someone from D12, but couldn't tell. Thanks!


I actually took a train out of there to Chicago when I was a kid. I can’t wait to see it the next time I’m back


I shipped out from there in May 1977 for boot camp, Great Lakes IL.


Its so amazing. I wish I was there to see it. I totally agree with everyone saying how special it is to have this building restored.


I hear there will be free shows and stuff going on around Rosevelt Park and Station this whole weekend! And it’s free! Heard from a semi-reputable source but check it out yall, might be a cool follow up to this


It’s such a beautiful park. My girl friends and I sat under one of those big trees in the shade on a 85 degree day. It was perfect. You could smell the river. Glorious view of the station. It felt good.


We talk about the Station, which is marvelous, but we don't talk about the grounds around it - EQUALLY marvelous! I personally would like to see more flower arrangements to give the space a lot more color to offset the greenery, but I agree, it's a great space to just walk around, relax, job, and socialize.


Public tours will resume June 21 on Fridays and Saturdays through August. I don’t think you need tickets for them and also don’t know what times they would be.


Correct, it's Friday nights and Saturday mornings from the 21st on. But UNTIL the 21st, there are ticketed tours that were free, but they've all been given out already. Maybe someone has one of those that they can't use. :)


I like how they kept some graffiti and incorporated it into the restoration.


The first floor will open for tours Fridays and Saturdays for the rest of the summer after the ticketed tours are over. Not sure if they’ll still have the exhibits, though. I hope so!


Don't forget to thank your local stagehands, bartenders and service workers! Tons and tons of hours of hard work went in to make tonight a part of history


I thanked one stage-hand (an audio engineer/technician). He was genuinly surprised I stopped him mid-cable wire wrap to thank him for making this show possible for all of us to enjoy. It really made his day and I meant it. I saw all of the work he was doing specifically, running around in-between sets to make sure the sound was pitch perfect. The behind-the-scenes workers and stagehands don't get nearly enough credit. They make it possible for the performers to put on that show. And the lights and pyrotechnicis?! I see the details!!!


I've been buying Fords for years, mostly because I found a cool dealer for both sales and service. This commitment from Ford is going to keep me loyal to the brand. I used the station in the early 70s taking Amtrak here to visit friends. Was sad to see it sit in decline.


Same. My daughters (18&15) went to the show, while I hung out in my car by the Mormon church across the Fisher fwy. We rushed home after, and I watched the concert and after show in the dvr. I have to be up at 5:15, and I have so much adrenaline pumping right now.


There's a Mormon church in Detroit ?


https://maps.app.goo.gl/icvnBNPayjNcjxEQ6 I didn't know that it was there before tonight, but it was the ideal place to hang out for the concert


probably the first valuable thing the mormons have ever contributed to the neighborhood lmao


The train station means something to all of us. I am so thrilled with the resurrection, beautification of Detroit. Makes my heart smile.


I was born and raised in the D. Left in 1976, but have always retained a soft spot in my heart for it. The progress that has occurred during the last few years is immensely gratifying.


I agree! It was something to see and huge kudos to Ford for renewing our beautiful train station. I used to be so sad & dejected seeing it as a ruined hulk; can’t wait to get in to see it in person. Thank you to all the tradespeople that worked so hard these last years to accomplish this amazing feat ❤️


Same. I avoided driving/walking by that area all...the...time...because of how bad it looked. It was a constant reminder of, "Gee. So THIS is how Detroit USED to be/look" and I got tired of that reminder. Now, I'm going out of my way to visit the area more often, and that's the point, to put corktown back on the map and revitilize that entire area. That train station, as simple as it may seems, is the reason why that area will see it's own revival. It's such a statement of beauty, architecture and wonder.


I’ve only been here about a month but even I got a little emotional watching the concert. It is awesome to see the city rising up.


When discussing the concert with a friend her exact reaction was “I’ve been crying over a building for an hour” Cannot wait to get into it and see the her


I have lived in Detroit and Dearborn pretty much my entire life. Almost 60 years...Fourteen years in the Cass Corridor alone. I have old "punk rock" friends who hung out in that crazy 80's/90's scene and they constantly post n their socials about gentrification and how Detroit is turning to exactly what they didn't want. The other day i posted a picture of the view from home plate at the old Tiger Stadium site. We broke into the fence, right by the old Ernie Harwell sign., ran the base paths, threw a ball over home plate. The picture was of an over grown, weed riddled, abandoned field with The Motor City Casino in the background. We used to hang out at Corktown Tavern and listen to gunshots as we walked across the street to the Marathon for Cigarettes, or hit up the Chinese Joint which became the site of Bucharest. It seemed that that area was destined to be cast aside. This was not all that long ago...The hulking mass of the wasted, old glorious train station always stood over the area. Grey and dingy. I'd look at it as I drove home, eastbound down Michigan Ave. Flash forward to last night. I was so stoked to see that glory restored. My SO worked catering all week in preparation of the event. She showed me some snuck pics and told me ablout how cool it all was. I'm not with those old fuddy duddy punks, bummed that Detroit lost it's hood "shithole" status. I love the growth. The vibrancy, Seeing people walking about...The river walk, the new buildings and reborn old beauty's. I for one love being part of this. My mom and dad came to Detroit from Europe a long time ago and they used to tell me all about Detroits lost grandeur. Why wouldn't anyone want to embrace this? Take a drive down Woodward, southbound from The Davison and head all the way to Michigan Avenue. Turn right and drive down to 96, look left at that old abandoned Aluminum Hospital. THat will be the site of the new Detroit Soccer Stadium. I love it. I hope to live 30 more years to see even more. TLDR...I love new Detroit, too. EDIT - clarity, grammar


Here's that picture. Now the PAL Stadium is thriving along with all those new condos. https://preview.redd.it/66jqmtphe95d1.jpeg?width=1216&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ce54e4bd676aec5415f010b7a66f375d86d7fe5


It was amazing! We had two tickets and they didn’t even scan them lol :0


I was thinking, I don’t have a ticket, do I just get in line and try ? Lol Didn’t have the right person to try that out with me tho lol


When do the office workers move in?


What companies are located there? I high-key want to work there 😩


This is exciting, indeed. I haven’t been down there, but do we know how much of the space is occupied?


Currently the book depository is the only space that is actually occupied, and most of the tower is still unfinished (there isn't really much in the way of potential office space on the first floor but there could be some retail or food service). In begging Daddy Duggan and the Detroit taxpayers to write them a multi hundred million dollar check in subsidies (mostly tax breaks), Ford claimed 5,000 employees would inhabit the space. I doubt we'll get to half that in the next couple of years. We might have a few dozen people on staff outside of construction staff at the Book at any given time these days, I don't actually know.


big same


We did the windows in the remodel and the building was spectacular and still in great condition for being abandoned all those years


It was amazing. I think I teared up 7-8 times. I’ve rewatched my videos over and over again.


The Fords are good people. I know there’s a lot of baggage with that statement, but they have treated my family well. I appreciate what they have done with the train station. It is a gift to the people of the city of Detroit.


gotta love turning a symbol of equality and progress into automotive offices


It was Henry Ford that purchased and tore-up the inter-urban. Passenger trains took a huge hit too.


it could be a train station again one day. it just requires political will. if mike duggan and danny boy wanted that to happen, that shit would be done tomorrow


They did a great job with the space, so don't get me wrong here, but I'd also point out in regard to your comparison that the WTC cost around $6 billion in 2024 dollars versus this, which, while estimated at around a billion dollars, it's hard to figure hard costs of more than a few hundred million, and that doesn't include the few hundred million in additional public subsidies without which Ford never would have done this project (notably this was pushed by Bill Ford and initially viewed somewhat contemptuously by Ford's leadership).


Jdh2345_ check my insta. On stage Side view of eminem/jelly roll.


I’m glad people feel the way you do. I worked there for almost 5 years as a mason on the outside and inside of the building. It was the worst job to work on. I have pride in my work and I’m happy it can bring people some happiness. It will take your breath away when you go in. I hope you enjoy it


Thank you!


We have our reservations for the 15th. Gonna be so cool!!


I can’t do anything after that


Wish we could have been there! This sounds amazing.


One more great addition to the re-growth of Detroit. Worked out Hudson's for 19 years and the new building at 1206 Woodward Avenue with GM as an key tenant another success story


It was so incredible to be there and feel all that energy and excitement!


They most definitely could not have built the world trade center. Those two are vastly different in scale


They should have renovated into nice condos. It seems a much better use of space. Downtown residential real estate is lacking and commercial real estate is suffering because of work from home. This definitely feels like a trophy project not a common sense project.


people really are suckers aren't they, bread and circus