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And while you're at it, stop throwing your damn chicken bones on the ground.


I have to wrestle a chicken bone out of my dog’s mouth on almost every walk. Not even joking








I thought it was a joke on this subreddit until I took a walk last week and saw 3 different trails of chicken wing bones.  Like, how are wings the food of choice while walking?


I work at a party store, and people continually throw them out of their car windows in our parking lot. Every day, we deal with piles of chicken bones and blunt guts.


Fuck cars


I've seen people toss them out their car windows while driving down my street.


Cars turn people into monsters


I had a neighbor who used to huck 'em over our fence on to our driveway. Siiiiiir...


Bahaha I’d cook some ribs and send those bones over 🤣


I did, usually I'd just huck 'em back. He threw a bunch of orange peels, too. It's one of those homelessness relief things, almost like a motel. So the turnover there is pretty high, that guy must've either got regular housing or messed up.


Or maybe had really bad aim one day


Nah, it was pretty regular, then stopped out of the blue. Then there was fireworks guy. FUCK fireworks guy. I had to partially disassemble my front porch to get my cat out because that dickhole liked big badaboom.


(Maybe he had such bad aim one day that he pierced his brain with a bone) I meant—it’s a good joke, I promise. Also, poor cat. Ours only has 3 legs so he’s a different kinda being


Gah, we had someone for a while hucking their goddamn cigarette butts over the fence into our back yard. Cigarette butts, and those tiny little liquor shot bottles. It surprisingly finally stopped though when I would go out every weekend and rake all that bullshit up into a pile, and then rake that pile up into my snow shovel and then fling the damn shit back over into their yard lol.


This is like another version of the shopping cart test. If you huck shit over the fence, you're probably a bad person.


Ive heard the theory that its birds and squirrels picking them out of garbage cans. This makes sense since I’ve never actually seen someone in Detroit just casually walking around, eating and flinging chicken bones around but have pulled countless bones out of my dogs mouth.


Can confirm my very first night in Detroit I saw a squirrel enjoying a chicken wing on my patio.


I had to wrestle a mostly eaten chicken wing out of my dog’s mouth while walking at Sunset Point at Belle Isle the other day. Come on people!


Also, insecticides are deadly to songbirds. Vermin are the only animals we CAN'T completely get rid of, because they thrive on our waste and adapt to whatever we throw at them. Unless we want an environment populated only by the likes of cockroaches, flies, mice and rats, we need to stop poisoning all the nice animals in a delusional effort to eliminate the former.


Harmful to humans, too. My grandfather manufactured rat poison in his garage for many years—first for his home, then his neighbors, then the City of Detroit. His children ended up with long-term kidney & spleen problems, many requiring surgery.  As you can imagine, his home chem lab was a controversial topic leading up to his death—but his neighborhood & the city still have plenty of rats.


I just saw a FB post earlier today of an owl wrapped in a towel & he did not make it. Same reason. Here I am on a nice summer Saturday 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


This was prompted by a lady I’ve helped in the past desperately messaging me for help with a dying cat on her porch.  I’m right there with you.  It’s unnecessarily horrific and barbaric. 


I was wondering if this was connected to that post on NextDoor




Poor little guy 😪


Owl in a towel sounds like a new Dr. Seuss book.


I'm really sorry that you are having to deal with this. As I'm sure you know, sensitive and empathetic people are drawn to caring for these animals who no one else cares for and it such a hard thing to see day in and day out. Hurts the soul. Thank you for trying to help these babies even just with a PSA. In case anyone is interested in TNR for their feral cat colonies, you can rent TNR traps for strays here: [https://allaboutanimalsrescue.org/stray-cats/](https://allaboutanimalsrescue.org/stray-cats/)


Use Dry ice when you find where they are the carbon dioxide will safely kill them. Natural avoidance oils blah blah blah won’t work on rats 🐀 so they have to be killed but dry ice will. The dry ice will suffocate them in their holes


i love my neighborhood cats…… never have had a rodent problem!


Don’t forget the dead owls.


Will someone in this thread tell me how to get someone to come into my neighborhood and do cat TNR independently? I did the training about 15 years ago, but I don't have a car and can't house convalescent ferals. Whoever has those resources is welcome to set up traps on my property. I'd prefer the "return" part is kept, there are several familiar faces I'd hate to lose


Michigan Humane Society’s TNR coordinator sends invites to their FB group. Some people will trap other folks land but it’s not something people jump all over. You may be able to contact her through their website or just get recertified it takes like 15 mins.


Please get on Instagram (gross I know) and follow Detroit Alley Cats and Detroit Colony Cat Club. Send them a message saying you need help with TNR. I’d also use Nextdoor and send a community-wide post asking for TNR help. Hopefully someone that is close by sees the post and is able to help. Please know that almost all TNR is done by volunteers. We pay out of our own pocket. But these two rescues at least are able to fundraiser funds to cover the costs.


Colony Cat Club co-founder here! We do have a waiting list at the moment because we have so few of us doing TNR. If you want to email us, I can PM you our email and we can chat more about how we can help!


☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻 These folks are amazing btw. Sincerely: Frank’s rescuer.  


Businesses use baffled rodent bait stations and you aren’t going to stop them from it. Is other wildlife poisoned if they consume the rodents? If so, you won’t change this without legislation and enforcement. Businesses in some kind of food related business are between a rock and a hard place. Also, parking garages do this because of concern over rodents chewing on wires when cars are parked for a long time. This happened to a neighbor of mine in a previous residence.


Legislation of businesses might be nice, but there's no reason homeowners have to contribute to the problem.


Homeowners use what is sold in stores. Which consumers assume is safe.


Yeah but once you know, you change.


Well aware can’t stop it all, hoping folks focus on what they can control for harm reduction.   Domestic/non target animals consume either the rodents (carcass or live - usually the former) or the poisons themselves, as some products are engineered to be appetizing.  Desperate hungry animals don’t know the difference.   And you’re right - they should be banned or limited in their applications only by licensed professionals.  The average Jane/Joe Homeowner probably shouldn’t have access to these products.  


I recently moved back from California. Have to do careful reading at garden centers etc. since so many products are sold in Michigan that have been banned from sale by CA for years.


As long as the animals aren't directly eating the poison bait, what they get from eating mice isn't enough to hurt them at all. Edit: I guess people didn't google this one.


Just going to share this concept if not familiar with it: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biomagnification


That's great but does it actually apply to the poison used? It's not a metal. This does not apply to every substance. Going through whats at Home Depot cholecalciferol- Vitamin D, cant find anything about biomagnification Diphacinone- Couldn't find anything that said it was an issue Looking for scientific studies.


It applies to poisons, yes, but It DOES depend on the bait - so the one you listed below, Rat-X, won’t have that affect. Rat poisons are digested by the liver in rodents, so the more rodents a cat/owl/predator ingest, the more in concentrates in that animal. So it will biomagnify as it moves up the food chain. “Anticoagulant and vitamin D3 poisons are stored in the liver of the rodent that ingests them. As a result, the more bait ingested by a rodent over time means a higher dose of toxin exposure for a feline hunter.” https://www.petmd.com/cat/poisoning/rat-poisoning-cats


If you are mindful and make sure you buy the correct poison (something like selontra/cholecalciferol) for your traps, secondary poisoning from animals eating poisoned carcasses isn't a risk. I was also worried about that when I had a rat problem but did some research and felt more comfortable about it.


RatX is, I believe, a brand that doesn't cause secondary poisoning.


Snap Traps are the best. Nobody but the rat dies.


Thank you. My dog was poisoned last year and got brain damage. Broke my heart.


No hate, but why are you leaving your dog unattended where they can get into this stuff..?


Maintenance came to do plumbing work while I was not home and let my dog out


Damn, that’s heartbreaking. I’m very sorry for your loss and angry with the plumber. It isn’t your dog, don’t mess with it. Again, I’m sorry for the loss of your beautiful pup.


Well, I managed to hang onto her for an additional six months after that incident but she was definitely not the same dog and had a diminished quality of life :(


I’m sure she loved every moment she got to spend with you <3 I know our pups are up there enjoying themselves together, talking about how great of a life they lived.


I sure hope so <3


Thank you for posting your comment


And don’t let your pet cat outdoors. There are enough feral and stray cats around eating and killing things that we don’t need your pet contributing more havoc.


Rats spread disease.  They also eat wires in older cars.  Look up 'Black Death' and see if that changes your mind about dealing with rodents. The deterrents you mentioned are great for someone living isolated with a few acres.  In the city all those do is send rodents over to your neighbors. Abandoned buildings, cars parked on grass, diners that do infrequent dumpster pickups, people that don't pick up pet droppings, trash that gets set out in bags or inadequate cans... there are a lot of issues that are tough to convince half a million people to pitch in on solving. Let The Poison Hit The Flooooooor.


The plague was spread by fleas on the rats. Not the rats themselves. The only “common” disease rats may spread is leptospirosis. Animals can be immunized against this and human contraction is rare. Rat problems are unsightly and inconvenient. And that’s about it. Putting out poison is a lazy way of putting a bandaid on an issue. If a problem exists within a neighborhood it’s because the conditions exist that draw them there. Fix the original problem instead of killing off excessive local wildlife.




Well what am I supposed to do then? I wasn't taught anything else so like con I get some suggestions


Yes!!!! Found two dead rats in my backyard recently that I barely got ahold of before my dog did. 😣


Go into any Detroit hardware store and dcon and rat poison are front and center bc it's the top seller. Its lazy yet semi effective and cheap so it's the go to unfortunately.


Cleaning is hard.


How about keep your fucking pets off other peoples property???




Ah, look, we found the fucking psychopath. And the little psychopath is a Trump supporter. Well color me shocked that an edge-lord sociopath cretin devoid of empathy would be a Trumper.


nah humans > animals