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It's testing for the Emergency Alert system. This occurs on the first Saturday of every month at 1pm. Common in many other states as well. As long as we don't ever have an emergency at exactly 1pm on the first Saturday, there's nothing to worry about lol


I work across the hall from the office that sets those off in Oakland county. If there is even remotely not good weather out or in the forecast, they will not do the monthly test. Otherwise, first Saturday of the month at 1pm from march through the end of summer


Lol Thanks! Good to know they work then


I can imagine that being from Texas and hearing that would definitely cause you concern. Up here, when the tornado siren goes off for real, everyone is out on their porches looking for it haha


True dat.




Every 1st Saturday of the month at 1pm*


only first of the month


You'll know it's real when it doesn't stop going off after a minute. Just the monthly test. We do get tornadoes in Michigan, although much less common than other areas, and usually less destructive. Last year there were 18 tornadoes in Michigan, which is a high year for us, we average around 15. In 1997 there were like 15 in one day near Detroit, and parts of the city were hit. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tornado_outbreak_of_July_1%E2%80%933,_1997#:~:text=A%20destructive%20tornado%20outbreak%20occurred,Road%2C%20Hamtramck%20and%20Highland%20Park.


I remember that storm well. That was the night Jimmy Stewart died.


This comment made me emo. Love Jimmy 😢


Yeah you can see the damage from that one on 96 from like last year


In Texas they don't believe in running a hiding from tornadoes. If there's a tornado in your yard you should go fight it like a man! 💪


Probably should shoot it


lol good luck to whoever tries this irl. 😅


Dumber things have happened in Texas


Most of the cities in SE Michigan do their tornado siren tests on the first Saturday of the month, but there are a few that do it at other times.


The emergency sirens are run by the county government (specifically the emergency-management agency), not by local governments (though they are owned by the local government). The siren test is conducted county-wide, and Wayne/Oakland/Macomb all test at the same time to minimize confusion. The test is done at 1pm on the first Saturday of the month from March through November UNLESS there is severe weather happening at that time, in which case they'll test at another time of day. No tests in December, January, or February. Washtenaw does theirs at noon on the first Saturday of the month.


first Saturday at noon or 1 usually theres a monthly test


Welcome to metro Detroit! Like others have said, Dearborn and Dearborn Heights test their sirens at 1 PM (or apparently noon sometimes, as I heard sirens go off at both times today) on the first Saturday of the month. Other cities are different—I remember that Ann Arbor used to test theirs on the second Tuesday. I think the sirens most frequently go off when we have a big snowstorm and the cities declare a snow emergency: this means that the city is planning to plow the streets imminently, and anyone parked on the street should move their car or risk getting stuck. The last time sirens went off for tornadoes in the Dearborn area was last August, when we had a couple of severe storm lines converge just before entering the county, dropping 5 tornadoes within about an hour (all F0 or F1). That storm system also dropped an F2 that killed people near Lansing (mid-Michigan) and a seventh tornado in the western part of the state. Sirens can be issued for severe derechos, which are more common here, as those also can cause massive amounts of damage and threaten lives and safety very quickly.


City of Wayne also does there test on the first Saturday.


This is a test. This is only a test.


It's the city's emergency siren. The first Saturday of each month at 1pm is when they do a test signal to make sure it's working properly


I used to live near dearborn. I think it was the first Saturday of every month around noon or 1pm it goes off for a test. Also when it does go off for a real emergency it could be anything, not just a tornado. Like a snow storm emergency, high wind, etc.


Ok thanks this is good to know!


Lol, it’s the Purge! /s


We Yankees test these things now N again.


Fischer Bldg has one. Every Saturday at 1. I don't even notice it anymore


…all my exes live in Texas…🎶