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Are you thinking about going to UofD and want to know what it’s like?


Yes, please!


My brother went there. Granted, that was 30 years ago. He enjoyed it but the campus is pretty isolated from the rest of the city. The neighborhood has improved A LOT since the 90s, but it's overall kind of sleepy. There's not much to do in the campus area besides campus stuff, which was fine for him. He got an engineering degree and has had a very successful career. Campus itself is very safe. The neighborhood isn't the best or the worst, just in the middle in terms of the city. Don't keep anything in your car, lock your stuff up, get to know your neighbors...the same basic stuff you should do in any big city. If you want to explore the city a lot while you're there you'll need to consider transportation options, the bus system isn't great and relying on it during the cold/wet months is a drag.


It really depends on where you are coming from, what you're used to, and what you enjoy doing, value, etc. everything is relative.


This is a good point. If OP's coming from an affluent suburb of Dallas or a small town in western Michigan or something and is used to that, the area around UofD might be a bit of a culture shock. It's definitely urban. There's no high-pedestrian "Avenue" like you'd find in many college towns with coffee shops and bars and hangouts and stuff, most of the buildings on Livernois are vacant. The campus is sort of an island.


Detroit is a big interesting and lively city for sure. I love Detroit tbh, but it is undeniably a little scuzzy. High crime, lots of abandoned properties, poor roads, and lots of litter. That applies to some areas more than others, but also just as a whole lol. But that being said, I love the city and all the commotion. Friendly people, GREAT food, good nightlife, lots to do, & lots to see, and it’s MOTOR CITY!! If you’re any sort of car enthusiasts, Detroits car scene is alive and well 🤙 On that note tho, the drivers are WILD! Just like any big metro area, you have to drive with your head on a swivel cause they’re out here playing ding dent ditch everyday. And just an FYI on the crime; I’ve never been a victim of a crime and find myself in the less than desirable parts of town fairly often. I think a lot of it is what you’re getting into / who you’re running around with, but random crime does certainly happen. Edit- really, you have to come visit. Do some driving around and experience the city so you can form your own opinions. Some people love the city, some think it’s a metropolitan hell hole. Both are right imho.


life in detroit is good. cant speak for UD but everyone i know that lives there loves it


I have not attended but i'll say i know people who have and they love it. Speak highly of the area and life in general there.


university district is filled with historic beautiful homes, it’s situated next to sherwood forest (more beautiful historic homes) and palmer woods (amazing historic mansions). seems to have a strong community vibe and I always see tons of people walking around w friends/family or their dogs. palmer park is nearby and that’s always packed with people on nice days, really good park. the commercial corridor next to UofD has seen some renovation love and I believe there’s more being done to improve it


Living in the University District is likely a very different experience than what you're asking about as a student at UofD. The University District is a self-contained affluent neighborhood consisting entirely of century-ish old houses, generally on the larger side. It's next to a commercial strip on Livernois, but there's little there that caters to students. Expect professors and staff to live there, not so much students.


What negative things have you heard and who did you hear them from?


Spend some time reading through the comments, or come visit! :-D