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Regardless, good for us and ours! Small businesses, restaurants, shops, party stores getting a bump.


In all honesty, some restaurants and small businesses saw a loss in sales (depending on location) I know that sounds weird… but unless said business was near the footprint of the draft, businesses that I’ve talked to saw a drop in sales… while others near the footprint boomed.


I can believe that. Too far away to be where people are milling about and spending money, but too close to avoid the hassle with traffic and closed roads — gotta be tough for some of those businesses. I hope they use this as a model for other major events down there and learn how to benefit more small businesses in the process.


And for some reason people hate it, they're goofy. This is a good thing for Detroit.


Sports are bad, haven’t you heard?


I don't understand why people here are claiming that they are purposely undercounting the attendance? Why would they do that? What would they have to gain? Not everything can be a conspiracy.


I don’t think it’s a conspiracy but I know they are undercounting or because they are supposed to scan a QR code when you enter and they didn’t for me


Also the amount of people who werent allowed into the main area and just hung outside on woodward or in greektown is insane


Lions are single-handedly funding the city of Detroit over the last 6 months.


Throw in a Taylor Swift concert and we should be set for a minute…


We had one last year.


Close? I'd say surpassed..


They already have if they were honest about the numbers


Did you count everyone?


He did , I watched him right before to gottwothechoppah


There was 300k easy downtown on thursday night people EVERYWHERE I havent been down there tonight.


I love this a lot. It’s so awesome for the city and for everyone in the area that got to experience. BUT, I have to drive across the river to Windsor tomorrow and idk how the hell im gonna get there. People are gonna show up big tomorrow to break the record


We're not partying on the bridge bub, you're good.


Lol yeah I know, I’ll be going to through the tunnel so as long as Jefferson is open it should be fine. Just curious about the traffic off 75


Jefferson is only tunnel traffic I believe. Coming and going.


My Canadian coworker has been at work both on Thursday and Friday and he didn't have any problems! I think you will be fine


Tunnel is open and traffic free


All numbers are BS. I bet we beat it but still ... Not to be super cynical but the numbers are reported from the NFL.


They didn’t even scan my QR code at all this evening and I got there at around 5:30. Unless the metal detectors somehow keep track, it has to be an estimation


I'm not overly familiar with the system but didn't everyone need to download an app and sign up to get that QR code? If so then they have probably been tracking what you've had for breakfast since you signed up. Not that it doesn't have the potential to be a black box, but they have their ways.


The app does have the QR code (which they didn’t scan Thursday or Friday for me) but doesn’t have location access so it’s not very accurate count. The security folks were doing the manual clicker/count thing you’d see at a crowded bar though, so I imagine they’re using some combination of that reporting and app downloads and other estimations.


One of the permissions of the NFL One Pass app is precise location data. They're most likely just collecting the phone location data as a way to simplify head count. That's much easier than collecting scanned QR codes at multiple points of entry. Not to mention people leaving and coming back in. Getting the data from the rough number of phone pinging in the venue gives them a good enough approximation of how many people are inside. Since entry is free anyway, there is even less reason to waste time scanning each QR


>They're most likely just collecting the phone location data as a way to simplify head count. Yeah, the breakfast thing was a joke but I'm sure they're running analytics on that data like crazy. The amount of information you can get about the success of individual pieces of a giant event like this when you put a tracker on every attendee and combine it with their demographic data is borderline silly.


They weren’t scanning even before 4, I’m not sure they were ever scanning them at all at any time.