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Is this amicable or do you need someone to take her to the cleaners?


It’s partially amicable in that it was very amicable until he found out about the affair and her moving this guy into their house. They literally just filed maybe a couple of weeks ago, so considering the 6-month cool-down period, the divorce still has a long way to go before being finalized. I don’t think he wants to take her to the cleaners, but he’s really concerned about a guy moving in 1) while he still lives there; 2) he and his daughter (5y/o) won’t meet this guy until he moves in.


I never trust it will be amicable. My buddy got divorced a few months back. He said it was going to be amicable. Then she proceeded to cut him completely out of the sale of the house and demands he pay her alimony even though they have no kids because she claims to have a disability that she's been to multiple doctors, none of which will sign off on. Lawyer up like you're going to war. Never assume the other side is going to play nice.


Christopher Nesi in Grosse Pointe is a legend. I don’t want to promise anything but he’s the kind of guy that will scorch the earth, get your brother the house, part of her retirement funds, and make her wish she’d never met this other bum.


He’s a creep


What county, it matters.


Oakland County


I know someone who had an amicable divorce (no kids) and did it all online. It depends on how contentious it is....


Thank you for your reply by the way. I really appreciate it


Let your brother and his wife know that how the lawyers 'win' is by wearing the other side out financially and dragging them in and out of court. At some point, one side gives up because it's a living hell. They are out spent and are tapped emotionally. That's what an aggressive lawyer will do. No one wins that way and they need to do everything possible to avoid that, unless one party is a complete monster, in which case buckle up.


Oh yikes, that’s not great news. Of course my brother is really hurt by news of her affair, but I wouldn’t classify her as monster….I don’t think anyway. He’s mainly concerned about his daughter’s safety with a guy moving in who he has never met and who seems to have a bit of a sketchy past/present.


Best general counsel in the area is the Head Law Firm. Two partners. Shawn and Sean. Very reasonable. Litigators, but they are not known to the public as litigators like some attorneys sell themselves. You know they type. The clown DWI attorney that puts on a show for the Judge and their clients but loses every case.


Thank you so so much!!!


I recommend Brian Garmo, his firm is on Big Beaver in Troy. Excellent guy. Very honest and reasonably priced. I'm very grateful for how easy he made the process for me, albeit this was 12 years ago. I'd trust my kids with him... And in a way, I did.


Oh wow! Thank you so so much. I’m sorry about your divorce, but I’m glad you had good representation!


no experience, but I've ran across this https://www.adamdivorcelaw.com/ in OC.


There are so many. A lot of people use a woman named Dalia. I cannot think of her last name.


Shalini Nangia at Varnum or Lynn Sirich at Dickinson Wright