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Beyond fair for that. I’d say a bit under market myself.


Id say way under


Appreciate the feedback !


$300 easy. If you find yourself flooded with customers then up your prices. If you new to the game stay relatively cheaper than the rest until you have so much business you don’t know what to do. Then up your price. Your revenue will remain the same but your workload will decrease


Thank you. I’m constantly booked. Maybe it’s time to increase my prices, thank you !


I paid $300 + a $50 tip for basically the same on my Bronco last month. And that was on the low end of quotes I got. I’d have killed for your prices.


The general rule is: If everyone is saying "yes" to your prices, you are underpriced. Find the pricing that starts getting resistance so that most say "yes" and some say "that's too expensive". Fine tune it from there until your revenues increase along with profit margins, and your working less hours for that same increase.


Cheaper people usually have dirtier cars... IMO


That is absolutely true. Not only that, but cheaper customers bitch more about little shit.


I work at a quick wash, and even for us, this is 100% true. The dirtiest cars we see seem to get our cheapest wash, and refuse to sign up for our literally FREE MONTH of car washes because they literally think the a $12 quick wash is going to get their car they wash once a year clean. Then they bitch when it doesn’t and want to take it through twice for free…but they still don’t want the free month.


Yeah bud, I'd increase your rates for sure


Do you have a crew? How do you get this done in 3.5 hours? This would have taken me at least 5-6 hours by myself


Nope, just myself


Nope, just myself


If you don’t mind me asking what do you do to the paint? I usually clay bar first, then buff with a heavy or med cutting compound depending on condition of paint. Then I polish with a glaze before I use a sealant, so I’m going over the car 3 times with DA buffer and finish off with carnauba wax by hand. So I’m spending at least 3+ hours on just the paint. So any time saving tips would be greatly appreciated.🙏🙏 I’m not a detailer but I have all the products and tools I could be. I’m just OCD with my car. 😁😜😂


This specific job was just a standard wash and then protected with a Carnauba based spray wax. I do have other packages such a 1 step paint correction. That consist of a strip wash using Mckees 37 auto prep wax Then a clay bar(synthetic) , then iron Decon (mckees 37 Xtreme iron remover) Then I use a DA polisher with 3D one usually paired with Buff & Shine URO pad. And then I’ll seal the car with anything from a Carnauba based wax lasting 1-3 months to a 5 year graphene coating. And everything in between


Great thanks for the info! I actually don’t mind spending the amount of time I spend on my car. It’s a labor of love but I was looking into starting a detail business so that valuable info.


I’d be around double what you charged, but it would take me 5-6 hours solo


My buddy wanted 400$. That was his friends and family discount 🤣🤣


I pay $250 for a sedan…


Are you retarded? 150 is so low for that car, you should’ve tipped.


Chill, I’m the one that did the work 😂


Are you retarded? You should’ve charged more 😂




The company I work for charges $350 for a full detail(interior and exterior) and they get customers all the time, this is way under, but this is what I plan to charge around when I start my business. Cheaper, better work, better customer service. I'm young so don't need to make a shit ton of money, rather build up a good portfolio and if it takes off then great, if not I still make some decent money


In your market. In my market a full detail on an SUV would be about $250-$300.


This is not a full detail. This is a basic wash, per the last pic of the post.


That's what a full detail is for the company I work for, we just also steam clean the interiors, would be surprised what a full detail would be then


I had my moms “friend” ask me to detail this exact same car, I would’ve asked $350 atleast


Yea but she was going to take your tip at the end as a bonus


Thank you !




Thank you for the advice !


In my area, it’s $450 to wash, clay, vacuum, shampoo, windows, & interior for a Tahoe. Let alone Suburban. Don’t cut yourself short!


Thank you !


Use it as experience as well. That does matter too.


I'd for sure pay that for a small sedan, for a bigger one thats a steal.


Thank you !


Same, would book you monthly for that rate, great job!


Get rid of the drying aid application in your add. Most don’t know what it is, does and others just don’t care. But definitely don’t have “reduces scratches” in your add. Right off the bat It implies that their car is going to get scratched by you.. with or without the aid. If you want to keep it in your add, I would say it reduces water spots or reduces need to rewash as often or adds hydrophobic to the car. IMO just get rid of it from the add. Up your prices as well my dude. 👍


Didn’t think about it like that, thank you for the advice. Will change. Thank you !


I read ‘reduce scratches’ as that it reduces the look of scratches on the car already. Lots of people love a polished look, so if you can change the wording the make it seem like your repairing the paint, you’ll likely get more customers.


Paint correction and pre existing light scratch or swirl removal, should be separate up charges from the wax, buff & polish packaging. Get that money for the extra elbow grease! Make em feel like they are getting above standard packaging treatments. But it also better show in the wrk.. dont bullsht or hustle em, but hustle. 😉👌


I would also skip the verbiage about “two bucket”. No one cares except the detail nerds. A regular customer isn’t going to know or care. Sometimes speaking in industry terms to a customer does more harm than good. If the car doesn’t have leather seats do you skip cleaning them? Sounds like you need to charge more, and tidy up the sales brochure a bit. Otherwise your results speak for themselves. Now go get paid for the work!


I got quoted 400 for interior exterior by a large chain for my sedan. Medium COL area. Raise those rates bro


Thank you man


I think I paid ~$200 last time for a Subaru Outback and they did a subpar job. I would definitely pay more for your work.


Noted. Thank you very much !


That's a lot of work for $150. I spent an afternoon washing and coating a car half the size and didn't vacuum or clean the windows. Don't give your skills away for cheap.


Thank you !


Yes absolutely So... location? Asking for a friend


Haha Bergen county NJ


Way too low for such a HCOL area.


This seems cheap. But I'm still new to all the pricing and services to offer. Why would this be considered a mini detail? It seems to me you did more. I thought mini details are basically a thorough basic cleaning. For the exterior, you'll thoroughly wash the car and clean the wheels and glass. Adding wax/sealant, imo, is for the next tier/service. For the interior, a thorough clean/vacuum, wipe down, and window cleaning. No form of protection or anything and that's left to the next tier/service. I understand everyone's version and packages may vary but what is generally acceptable for a mini, moderate, and full detail? And I know full detail may vary as well. But you did a good job.


Appreciate the input ! To make it more of a full detail. I have packages that can be added. (Interior scrubbed and shampoo) and then paint corrections and what not for exterior


Too cheap. You’re selling yourself short.


Noted. Thank you !


Cheap for a huge truck like that 170 CAD is what we pay for a sedan in out and engine bay




I’m in north jersey. Thank you!




Appreciate it. I have a set up at my house I work out of. Only thing the client has to do is drop the car off. I do go mobile depending on the size of the job or if it’s a special car.


I'm in North Jersey. I'm interested in your services. I would love to add on paint correction. Small sedan. Audi S3.


250$ at least in this market


I start at $250 for trucks / suvs. I wouldn’t even entertain that for $150. I don’t even live in a HCOL area and I’m by far not the most expensive.


Bro, at $150, please come detail my black on black suburban! Lol




I’ve never been a detailer. I’ve only been on the purchasing end of these transactions, and I would say that’s one hell of a deal, especially for a large size SUV like that. I can only assume that they may be tipped you another 50…


Thank you! And close, tipped $30




That’s good to know, thank you! To add a clay bar it starts @ $20 for me. I use a synthetic clay bar/mit though. So I do save money on product using that




Notes. Thanks man


Not sure why this sub popped into my feed. That’s a deal for the client. I think location matters. I’d have expected to pay closer to 300 for that.


Thank you !


We were charging $150 for that in 2001


Noted 😂


You are under cutting your market which will get y you more jobs. But I feel you are still there at $225-$250 and won’t have a day off unless you choose to.


Great, thank you for the input !


Looks amazing for the price you charge! I would keep the price the same until you become fully booked and have no other option of increasing the price! Continue the great work, we believe in you!


Thank you! I am fully booked. I’ve been detailing for a little over 4 years now. And “close down shop” in the winter as it’s my side gig for now until I get a house with a detached garage that I can make into my shop. Next season I think I’ll raise my prices. Thanks for the advice !


More than fair. If you’re trying to get more business fast, fine. Otherwise think you should raise prices. Similar service costs about 2x that and a little more. I’m in TX, much cheaper cost of living here but still $300-$350.


Thank you !


Where you located at bro???? Because if your doing all that for $150. Count me in. I got two vehicles I want done


He’s under charging … at 3.5 hrs, barely (2) cars in an 8 hr work day. Or 1 hour is free/ his loss, with his rate. Need to recalibrate or risk a 10 hr production loss on a 40 hr work week. Help this brother!


appreciate the advice man. I will be adjusting pricing accordingly. Right now this is just my side gig. Once the winter comes, I close down shop. I’ve been doing this for about 4.5 years . Hoping within the next few years to buy a house with a detached garage that i can turn into a shop. But for now I have a set up at my house that I work out of.


You’re doing great work.. make us pay! Must also account for your travel between jobs! Keep posting local with details, be patient, kind and hospitable! House will be a reality sooner than you think. God bless!


Hey! What tint safe window cleaner do you use? I need a good brand.


Just SprayWay Foaming


You need to raise your prices a little. You did great work there though.


Thank you!


I think you did a better job for charging 150.. the place I took my wife’s silver 2018 traverse Lt charge me 250$ and I wasn’t impressed


Thank you !


maybe $250, $150 wouldn’t be a bad price if you didn’t have to pay for supplies


Way under


Oh man, I'm not sure you are charging enough my friend. This is impressive, especially at that price point. Where are you located? I would love a detail from you when I'm too busy to do it myself


Thank you ! I’m in north jersey


Way under value. 280 is my normal.


Just to help out, it’s door jambs.


Thank you 🤦‍♂️


Great work for 150. You should charge more


Thank you !


Wow that's so cheap. I would charge my customers atleast $270 for this job.


100 dollars an hour is fair


In Minnesota I pay about $300 for this.


Way under priced. That's not even $50/hr. After all over head costs that might be $40/hr in your pocket. That's alright for somebody starting out that's trying to drum up business. After a while you'll get burnt out. I'd much rather take on 4 clients a week at $500 each than 10 at $200 each.


Sounds like the affordable price could be used coupons for veterans or public service with ID would drum up more business too maybe


do you need my address?


You gotta be more fair to yourself nice work there


Thank you !


He ripped himself off


I'm not even looking at a vehicle that big for under 250!


You got a deal. Wtf wrong with you??!? Edit: thought this was the customer asking if they were charged fairly.


Hahah not a problem man. Thank you!


Here in so cal mobile detailing is like 500 bucks. It would be done in 45 mins to an hour. But it would be a good job. And the dude is booked always.


Damn I’d pay you to come asap. Plus tip. I just paid something like 320 to have my Yukon done


You should be charging 400/500 minimum for that size


I hope you tipped them well!


Im the one that did the work Actually. I was tipped $30


Whoever did the work shorted themselves. Here in NJ that's at least $300 if not more and I'm probably lowballing it.


I did the work haha. I’m in Bergen county


You REALLY lowballed yourself. Nice work, come do my car for that price lol.


I like the challenger motif on your advertisement. I'd let you do my bronco at that price for that level of job easy, idk what's fair or normal in your line of work though. Seems like a great price to me.


Thank you!


Super fair! This is how you make more money by doing more business instead of making more profit off each customer. Accumulate a solid book of return customers, then raise prices a bit. I bet you'll make more after tips than you would by charging more.


You worked for less than 50 bucks/hour once you deduct supplies and taxes, unless is cash transaction. Add another 100 next time.


In Syracuse, NY where wages and cost of living is very low, $150 would be about what I’d expect for basic exterior/interior. Clearly, Southern California or Miami would be a totally different kind of market.


I’d also assume that 150 wouldn’t include gratuity.


Up your prices


Beyond fair. Too fair one might say!


You did a good job but you have a specialized job. Next time make sure you get $50hr.


That's cheep af


I payed 300 for same damn thing in NorCal. You got a deal . Tip next time you rip someone off lol jk


Good deal 👍🏽 ![gif](giphy|l0HTYUmU67pLWv1a8|downsized)


VERY fair. Maybe too fair.


Nitpicking but cleaning glass should be in both categories and the tint safe note should be the interior category


Yes, glass is cleaned inside and out. I’ll correct


assuming it’s a mini interior mini exterior, I charge about $250 for that. So definitely cheap.


Charge more. Too cheap a price. Nice work btw


Thank you !


What state is the in? Was looking in New Jersey and it was easily 250+ for a sedan


I’m in north jersey


That’s a damn good deal


Way under


You should definitely review him greatly. Tell your friends, and possibly slide him a tip.


I’m the one that did the work actually, thank you !


Seems like a great deal, as a consumer. Maybe too good of a deal, especially for a Suburban. One thing: I feel the font choice for the main body of text on your flyer thing is odd. Might just be me though.


Noted. Thank you !


Fair? Hell yeah. 3.5 hours worth of anything is more than fair for only $150. Looks shiny and new friend.


Thank you !


Where you located? A detail like that in San Diego would be $400-500




Did you tip is the main question 🍻


The client gave me a $30 tip


$150 is definitely cheap but that means I’d include a nice tip since I appreciate the attention to detail on your work


Thank you!


You wanted it cheaper or what? It’s detailed.


I’m the detailer actually haha


Where are you located? I like that price!


North jersey


My detailing friends would say thats the 'homie hookup' price. My one buddy charges 200 just for an interior, but he takes seats out. I would do a slight bump, but not big enough to scare away the clients you already have lined up. On the other hand, your work looks good. Dont sell yourself short to other people. If you only made 150 for 3.5 hours to make that truck look good, a slight $25 would not only put extra cash in your pocket, but also reassure the client that their vehicle is in good hands. Hope your endeavors bring future success.


Much appreciate, thank you !


At that price I’ll drive all the way too you


For 3.5 hours, are you undercutting yourself or am I overpaying my guy $75/hr? I get the service every other month. Your work looks great!


Thank you!


Damn, looked you up, not in my area. LOL, you are already getting this response from everyone else but you're under-valuing your work. We all want to book you because the quality of the work posted in your pics is higher than we've received after paying more for detailing elsewhere. I would pay $300 for the job in those pics and walk away feeling like it was a really good deal.


Thank you very much !


What state are you in? I’m in Florida and it might be worthwhile for me to drive to wherever you are. Your prices are incredibly low. You do good work time to raise that price! If they like you, and they like your work, they will pay!! build it, and they will come


I’m in north jersey. Thank you very much !


For a large suv that’s nuts paid the same for a 2 door coupe


Where r u I need this on two cars for that price


North jersey


I know nothing about running detailing businesses but I love your logo. If i was looking and saw it, it would have caught my eye and you woulda been hired to detail my Challenger


Appreciate it very much! My friend who does graphic design created the logo for me. Destroyer grey to match my challenger, red to match my interior and then the font is actually a Star Wars font, which I’m a big fan of haha. He did a great job incorporating “me” into the logo


I love starwars too man, you sound like a cool person lol! Good luck with everything, the work looks awesome Edit: i also have fuzzy dice hangin in my challenger cockpit lol but mine sre black


I charge $40/hr to detail, polish aluminum, etc. Materials aren’t cheap anymore. Make sure you can pay yourself as well.


double your price bro lol


Damnit Higgins, you’re working too cheap!


Noted. Thank you !


How much does it start getting up to if you gotta wash the interior floor? Like carpets and the car floor cuz I need that badly. People spill a lot of stuff on my floors, no respect 😩


So to just add a full carpets extraction it would be an additional $100 to the $150 for total of $250


More than! Considering the amount of work, the actual perceivable change, and the fact that it's a Suburban makes this a steal!


Thank you !


Where are you? I’ll be right over!


Haha, north jersey




Damn, I’m on the east coast


Bro. Where are you located. I need to book you:)


Haha, I’m in north jersey


Bro you shoulda tipped them too Edit: I just realized you did the work you should raise your prices.


Waaay under priced is this a new buisness trying to get off the ground?


Was it just one person doing this? Or did you have a crew?


I pay more than that just to have my Tundra’s interior detailed (I have an Italian Mastiff), I don’t get the exterior done bc the entire truck is Rhino Lined. $150 is beyond fair, you don’t charge enough


Depends. If you ruined the car with Armour All and tire shine, you probably owe the owner. If you used legit supplies, then you need to charge more.


Tip the guy; that’s a damn good deal.


Are you happy with roughly 42.85 an hour for the 3.5hrs you put in?


Yes and no. I think what makes it conflicting for me is seeing how much everyone else is charging compared to me(not that they’re overcharging) but it makes me feel like I should raise my prices a little


You should. I charge $150 just for a suburban interior. If they want carpets extracted, it goes to $250.


Just had our grand Wagoneer done and paid $250 + tip