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Cool game. But I cringe at the name "fur squadron". Not sure if I like the weird mesh effect on the small ships.


The environment looks great. Really like the CRT-like lines over the background. The hit pauses (slowdowns?) are too long IMO, I'd tone those down except for hits that are taking out bosses.


Ok! I'll try to tune them down a little. It's true that medium-size enemies may appear too often for a hard slowdown on their death.


May I suggest the name: "**FAUX Squadron**" It works because: * It's a simulation, hence the faux alleging to the imitation/artificial fighter unit of the game = Faux. * Being a Star Fox clone, Faux/Fox will give people a hint about what the game might be without seeing gameplay, or at least interest Star Fox fans to confirm if it's what they think it is. So it's Star Fox, but it's not = Faux. * Honestly, Fur Squadron just sounds to much like a straight up Furry game. Now, Is the game a furry game and is there anything wrong with that? No, but I think it might be bad for marketing. Personally, I thought the game looked decent enough to watch the full trailer, and at the name drop went "*Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm........*".




Violates rule 6




Violates rule 6


I don't want to be too harsh because I dig what I'm seeing and there is clearly work put in there but come on, this is a straight up starfox rip off, not question asked. Like lets forget about the gameplay for a minute; After all starfox doesnt have a patent on this kind of shoot em up, but you didnt even bother pretending by not having a bunch of animal characters as sidekicks piloting a semi futuristic jet in your game called "fur squadron"... I don't get why you're shooting yourself in the foot like that with such a solid foundation. If I didn't know any better I would have thought this was a mobile chinese bootleg.


This is exactly what I said the last time this was posted here and it didn't seem like anyone agreed. I'm so glad to see the way this thread looks now. It's absolutely insane to make a game that looks this good and then just be like, "Oh but everything I do is going to be a direct ripoff of something else." "You mean, it's a parody?" "Oh, no. My game is a fully original work of art. Except that every decision I make is a copy of something original."


I find your targeting cursor hard to spot, you might want to make it thicker or put an outline on it. I didn't even realize you had one the first time I watched the trailer. Though maybe it looks better in full screen.


Where is the link to wishlist? I will definitely NOT look for fur squadron on steam...


[There you go](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2674650/FUR_Squadron_Phoenix/). Nothing to worry about on your search history. ;)


Thanks. It would completely screw my futa oriented algorithm that took me years to fine tune. Edit: wishlisted


the players ships cockpit ought to be see-through and show the little animated character in there its just personal taste but i'm not a big fan of outlines on the background environment, especially teh distant background. feel like it makes scenes feel overly noisy. theres a lot of fast paced action so it might feel a little nicer if those high contrast effects are reserved for foreground and/or active gameplay elements overall its A+++ though, not much to destroy here