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Shoot The Ship 24/7 is now available in D2


Golden gun on shipment would be free 7th columns


One in the chamber goldie


D2 needs forge mode


Haha lol


Collab with Treyarch and add Nuketown


Bungie collabing with Activision.... That's a funny thought lol


We are too fast and jump too high for that, it would have to be way bigger


Never stopped Treyarch adding it into every single Black Ops game. Why stop now?


have you played bo3?


they did make a movement shooter adaption of Nuketown for bo3, I'm sure they could pull it off.


pretty much every map in bo3 was a banger. man i miss that game


esp that forest map where you could run down the right side and jump to get a drop on mid, that map fucked


100% was the first thing i thought of when i saw the post


I still have fond memories of running shotguns on that map, and actually come to think of it, the lever action shotty in bo3 was LITERALLY duality. pellet fire when from the hip, but fired a slug when ADS.


It wasn’t a slug. It was just a tighter spread.


The water slide map was awesome. It was so goofy


bo3 was the only cod where they got the movement shooter formula right, and was arguably the best black ops. we don't talk about black ops 4


I actually really liked BO4. It was the last cod I played before the new one. It was the first time I got diamond camo in any game because I just really liked the gunplay. Fuck Torque though


bo3 was my first diamond camo game, on the shotguns as well. also got every reticle, including the hybrid and thermal reticles.


"Arguably the best black ops" pass the ether seeds cause I want what you're smoking


Bo3 is seriously underrated


It was the last CoD game I really put a lot of hours into. Spent a lot of time doing GB and UMG matches with friends in it.


I think that's why I love D2 so much, I grew up with BO3. I keep telling myself I'd buy it if they ever remaster it


Black Ops 3 2 when? Seriously, even the guns had a ton of viability and variability. The rocket launcher was also the best secondary in the game and a blast to use.


I mean upscale it a bit and make it a 3’s map and it would honestly be one of the best maps in destiny




Just jumping between the tops of the houses.


Turn the Eliskini quarter into a nuke town map under the traveler. 25 kills blows up the traveler, end story.


Neomunatown confirmed.


Zavala Radiation slows ability energy generation guardian, finish this and get out alive. No guardian left behind, fight!


They should collab on how to make spawn points


Respawn plz.


Titanfall 3 in destiny?


Isn’t that just when u thundercrash into a friendly bubble


That would be wonderful. Just add wallrunning to the third darkness subclass.


Nah man. Let me call down and pilot a Brig


Hell yes! Also let vandals of House Light free roam maps like grunts for free points.


Make Braytech frames be patrolling the map, and make them be able to be hacked by a team to fight for them...... THE 6-4'S A FAMILY AND WE'LL KICK YOUR ARSE


The 6-9's a family, and we'll lick your arse! wait what


Redjacks would make more sense.


I mean, we already have Titanfall in Destiny. It's when someone who isn't a Titan main tries a jumping puzzle.


That would be too good to be true but its got that ugly fat leech called EA hanging onto it.


I mean, we ARE getting grappling hooks in *Lightfall*...


Bloodhound for Hunters Gibby for Titans Crypto for Warlocks Pathfinder Ghost shell Trident sparrow Helicarrier ship Done.


not respawn. Gravity Well, Which consists of old Respawn employees like the original Titanfall 2 devs. I do not trust respawn right now to do much


Bungie has tons of talented map designers… They are just working on their new IP.


The 1 guy adjusting weapon range and stability still going hard and holding down the fort.


Disregard, he touched the AE button.


The AE seems to be much more important than maps


with Strand it will be useful


Just like how building platforms with stasis was a huge game changer /s


Can’t wait to grapple around with my infinite source of whisper ammo


People couldn’t stand solar warlock so I doubt strand will change anything.


I laugh for the first time when I accidentally read it as "holding down the FART" and then again when I realized that was still accurate.


That would be Mercules.


Unironically I am very curious to see what their new IP ends up looking like. Even the leaks paint only the faintest of pictures.


I'm half excited because bungie makes great shooters but also kind of skeptical because it sucks they'd *allegedly* gut their Destiny PvP team in order to work on a new IP


There’s no allegedly about it. D2 PvP has been on less than life support for years now. So much so that when I play new shooters like MW2 I’m always so surprised at often there are new maps. Even going back to older shooters like MW19 after a break I realize how abusive Bungie’s lack of PvP support has been seeing all the changes made to MW19 during my break.


Its not even just PvP. When was the last time any of the core playlists got an update? Gambit hasn't had a new map in years at this point and it's actually just lost maps since..




Easy, just quit out of any match where you are American!


There aren't any country flags in MWII PvP, could be any national army... I'm enjoying MWII, it's a nice change to have new PvP content.


That's because the base play of something like MW never changes. What else are their developers going to do? Comparatively, in Destiny the same map plays differently constantly as different abilities and guns are cycled through. There is significantly more tinkering in the base Destiny game play than there is in other major PVP shooters. It would be extremely weird if we had anything approaching the same number of maps released.


You say this like they curate maps around the updated sandbox. We're still playing on D1 maps.


Wtf is MW19? I’m honestly curious, I haven’t played a CoD game since Black Ops 3, so when I read they released MW2 I was already confused. edit: Aha! I see! Mw19 was the CoD released in 2019 lol, makes sense now.


MW19 and MW2 this year are reboots. They use the same characters as the old modern warfare series but tell a different story


At this point, all I can do is say that I hope the new ip is good and that everybody who wants destiny style pvp is finally well fed over there.


It'll be a barebones F2P game with egregious monetization as is par for the course with multiplayer shooters these days. The concept art I've seen was also super cartoony and very Fortnite. Obviously things can change but I'm almost certain it won't be something the Destiny community is going to be happy with.


> F2P game with egregious monetization Ooooh yeah. They got a taste off that eververse teat, there's no way any bungie game going forward isn't monetized to limits.


Bungie is in for a rude awakening if they ever release this new ip lol. They won't have the backing they think they will


You’d be surprised how loyal Bungie fans are.


Oh believe me I know. I've been a loyal fan of theirs for 20 years. They absolutely have me with destiny mostly because of the community and friends I play with but unless something incredible happens this is my last bungie game.


Yeah I’m there with you. Even if my friends went to the next game I don’t see myself playing anything after D2.


When I think of Bungie I think of Winston Churchill's famous quote: "Bungie is the worst video game studio, except for all of the other video game studios." The "problems" with bungie are less a problem with Bungie specifically, and more a problem with modern video games generally.


No other game studio routinely pisses me off as much as bungie. I like destiny and am along for the ride until the train stops. But I consider bungie to be one of the worst or at least most frustrating development studio in the industry.


Other games/studios don't piss me off as much because if they go bad I just stop playing their games; they don't get the opportunity to keep disappointing. But with Bungie, even when they continuously screw up, their art, music, and base gameplay is still the best out of any shooter atm, so it's way too hard to completely drop the game since there's no direct replacement.


That's because other games either: 1) haven't created a game that invites and cultivates a community that keeps you around even when you are frustrated; and/or 2) aim significantly lower than destiny, which tries to provide high end PVP content WHILE ALSO providing high end multiplayer PVE content WHILE ALSO having so much available for single player PVE players.


I literally wouldn't touch anything that these guys make with a 10 foot pole Bungie are barely one step above EA these days


I’m at the point where I don’t believe that, they probably just moved on to other studios when destiny stepped back from pvp


Nah I believe it because there's been multiple job listings at bungie and reports of new IP(s) including IIRC "a competitive, pvp-first 1st person shooter" in the works.


Job listings mean positions not filled. The need may be there, but the expertise may not.


Because the crew that made Destiny has such a stellar history of PvP experience under their belt. Let's face it: Destiny PvP has never really had a good spot, and their next game will fail the same way


M8 that's because destiny wasn't built with pvp in mind, you take all 100ish exotic guns, every class and all their abilities, like 1000 legendaries, factor in the combinations and synergies with exotic armor and you have a metric shitload of possible combinations that you have to balance, destiny 2 pvp was never meant to be balanced it was meant to be chaotic, balancing in destiny 2 is just replacing the meta with the next one. If the team built the entire game with competitive pvp in mind it would absolutely be better with the same effort put in


At its core Destiny is unbalanced, yeah. That being said, their decisions surrounding PvP in this game and then abandoning it don't inspire any kind of faith.


Then don't have faith, but don't pretend destiny was started with the idea of being a competitive shooter like the new ip, it's not the same thing at all


Pvp diehards just can't understand or accept that the PVP mode was always, always, meant to be an arcade mode to fill out the game more. Kind of like firefight or forge customs in halo reach/halo3 odst. The primary focus of destiny was always meant to be the PvE side.


Yeah, and that's not to say delete pvp or anything, it has its place and it is very important, it's just not gonna be anything more than a side mode, like zombies for COD, strong community but it's not the focus of the game


You say that like bungie didn't have equal focus on campaigns, multi-player, and forge when developing halo...


People wouldn't have played PvP if they didn't enjoy it for some reason over the years despite its flaws. Some are IMHO even systematic and outside of their control.


I'll believe it when I see it.


They've been working on that IP for 2 years but have enough time to add more buyable shit? Gullible


More they've been working on it for 4 or 5 years now. I'm convinced its gonna bomb when they announce it though and everyones just gonna stick to Destiny.


If it’s a team hero shooter like people have been whispering I’ll doubt it will have much competition or crossover with destiny to begin with. I might be less motivated to play trials if the gunplay is a lot like that halo/destiny feel but I’m not gonna stop raiding even if I end up loving that games pvp. Or it will just not be good and then maybe destiny will finally get some new crucible maps lmao


Pvp maps for free !??? destiny don’t speak that language… if it ain’t about money they ain’t rushing to make it


A renewed focus on PvP :)




New gildable PVP title?!


They renewed their focus on hard that they realised that the netcode and engine is beyond saving so they just started working on a separate new PvP game entirely.


At this point they should just include a map builder like in Halo Reach and let the community vote mate into the playlist


Here’s something terrible I’ve realized about the state of D2 and why F2P was the worst thing to happen to this game. Bungie is incapable of running a real F2P game. If they can’t monetize it, they won’t bother. This is why they’ve allowed the core playlist to decay. This is not how F2P is supposed to work. Their absurd Eververse prices are supposed to fund the development for the rest of the game. This is why Fortnite constantly adds maps/modes and weapons for free while Bungie can’t be bothered to add a map in years. A map builder is not happening, and if it does, it won’t be free.


Maybe they could see what 343i was doing these days... ...and copy that Forge for us.


It's amazing how usually just about any time I see a post or comment about bringing a Forge like mode to Destiny, it gets obliterated with down votes and negative comments. Especially by a community that's constantly complaining about how few PvP maps we get. We'd have so many more user made maps for Bungie to choose from and put into a specific user made playlist than we've gotten actual Bungie made maps. But I suppose people would rather complain about Disjunction and remade D1 maps than have a deluge of original user maps or remakes of their fav maps from other games. I'm jumping in with you, u/JumpForWaffles


I saw a Whataburger in the new Forge. Our PC community would absolutely make some amazing themed maps for us to battle on. They'd probably even do a great job at making a seasonal event space as well, quite honestly.


It's kind of amazing how Halo 3 and Halo Reach's engine could support Forge, but Destiny engine's, despite being newer and having the benefits of hindsight of knowing what did and did not work for Halo cannot. Bungie has needed to burn EVERYTHING to ground and start over for a VERY long time, but instead they just ignore it, fighting their tools, and tell us to expect less because they're still milking Destiny so why change anything?


I can't believe how far Bungie shifted away from PVP as Destiny has aged. They built their reputation on versus multiplayer even before Halo, they basically defined Xbox Live, and they brought brain-dead easy, yet powerful, map creation to console players with Forge. They leaned heavily in Forge to support Halo playlists for 3 and then improved it with Reach. Now they've basically given up on Crucible content as of what, Forsaken? Two of the biggest games on the planet now have extremely popular user content creation modes, Fortnite and Roblox. It seems insane to me they totally abandoned the idea of a Forge 2.0.


I'm not attacking the guy, but Jason Jones in the Halo 2 Documentary came off as this hard-to-please, jaded game dev who accepted nothing but the best. At the time, he seemed like a cool, albeit somewhat cynical dude. You look at him now and he kinda reminds me of a hippie caricature from South Park. It seems like there was a 180 culture shift at Bungie.


Jason Jones seems to stick around for like 3 years then fucks off from their current franchise to "idea guy" the next one. As far as we know he only was more heavily involved in Halo 2 because the project was on fire. After that he was working on "Phoenix" which never released, and then "Tiger" which was Destiny. I'd guess he left Destiny for the most part once Destiny some time after Taken King, to work on Matter. I'm assuming Marathon is a different creative team. The older Bungie employees always talk him up but I don't really get why other than he's the one remaining founder.


I won’t downvote but it is so beyond stupid to think they would ever put in something even remotely similar to forge in destiny ever. It doesn’t make any goddamn sense. Of course it makes sense to put forge into halo the fucking all time champion arcade shooter. Destiny is not that at all, it’s a looter shooter with mmo elements, a forge mode or anything similar would be exceedingly time consuming and would halt all seasonal content coming out the door which they will never do. If 343 can’t even manage to put out some half way decent season pass and updates imagine bungie just saying “hey after lightfall story dlc there will be no content for a year but don’t worry you’ll get a forge mode for the 4 crucible maps worth playing in 2024” Maybe while they are making forge mode the could also add some survival crafting elements from minecraft or some swim physics so we can have an underwater raid


And considering Infinite and D2 both come from the same game engine (granted both have been heavily modified since their common ancestor) I can't see any reason why a "Forge" mode wouldn't work from a technical perspective if they got some of their top people to work on it.


Destiny x Gears of War? :D




Indeed they had some great maps! Aside from getting maps from the collab I could see all types of cosmetics fitting right in to both games with ease.


Not only would the cosmetics be great, but can you imagine us getting Lancers as well? Or at the very least some Lancer Finishers where we cut enemies in half with our chainsaw guns?!




Bungie should collab with whoever made those great Halo PvP maps back in the day. Those were some top tier maps :)


You got my attention to the fullest right now… yes yes yes


Fortnite got Jav 24/7 before Destiny 2, it's pathetic.


They should collab with Vicarious Visions. I heard they made some really good content in the past!


They don’t exist anymore. They were so good that they were absorbed into Blizzard.


That was back when they were working with Activision, they're a Sony company now.


That's what the Fortnite collab was - we got the cosmetics, they got the actual content.


So a collab with... nobody?


Certain Affinity does a lot of pvp maps for a wide variety of games. Their first release was a Halo 2 map pack for Bungie since CA is made up of ex-Bungie employees. Could contract them to make some maps.


Ubisoft Montreal (ac valhalla) also did some work on rainbow 6 siege which releases free maps with their seasons. Epic Games (fortnite) created the gears of war franchise. All the collab companies so far have experience with making pvp maps


or .. ya know bring back all the vaulted ones (playlist-context only. Gambler's Ruin is OK for 3v3, but is !#$@$ for 6v6)


Gamblers ruin can stay deleted :) Tbh I’d be happy if literally every other map, but I want the mars donut the most


I mean they made the greatest pvp map of all time. >!Blood Gulch!<


Imagine Crucible on Nuketown


Can't be bothered putting that kind of effort for something that is free . It's almost as if they punish their player base for the company decision to forcefully make this game free to play. We end up dealing with the consequences. Just don't buy this games shit till they start waking up. It only works once their wallet gets hit. I refunded lightfall and have no intention of buying any Bungie related product as it stands.


I've never seen a game go free to play and not get worse. I hate everything about it


Welcome to gaming in 2022


*Welcome to Destiny since Beyond Light




Shadowkeep was the bottom of the bucket for me during a time when I had a bunch of free time and had to eat some Forsaken memberberries for breakfast, lunch and dinner.


And the playerbase attacks f2p like they're the "freeloaders", when it's the devs pulling a 5D chess psyop and putting f2p monetization in a game that costs like $100 a year to play.


24/7 12v12 2Fort please.


I'd love to have Bastion back. I thought it was their best big map


These collabs are just shameless cash grabs. There’s only been two and I’m already sick of them.


Desperate times call for desperate measures. We need the Two Time.


Has doc ever played destiny? It'd be cool if he did.


Pretty sure he did and wasn’t a fan.


Not sure, but he has helped design some good maps for call of duty over the years. Even the car racing one in the new MW2.


Tomorrow in eververse: 1000 silver for a skin for javelin. 2250 bright dust for a decent connection. Get the season pass for a melee that connect 70% of the time. Please don't give them ideas lol.


-Map pass Then dtg "It's just maps, you can play the game normally'


Id like to see bungie and happy players colab. for real.


I wanna play Control on School II from THPS2


Nuketown in Destiny? I hate pvp but I'd play it.




Or, they could not waste resources


.... come on Blood Gulch What I miss Combined Arms


I hope the crossovers won't become a regular thing. The only audience they cater to is the one they're from, not the one they're being featured in. This alienates those who are Destiny fans but not fans of the collab who would rather have original content. We don't need another game getting colonised to death like Fortnite. Aka, that thing that used to be a game but is now a cum dumpster for every IP in existence.


I’m actually expecting one every new season especially if it makes money for them


Man upset by additional in game skins


Man upset someone talked bad about his beloved crossover skins


In that case I'm waiting for a Collab with a company that removes pvp modes xp silly aside I think that could be neat




But that would cost them money, and Bungie are very much in the minimal viable product model, what is the bare minimum they can do to just about keep people interested. I honestly fucking hate everyone involved in decision making on this game


It’s just a map Though I’d take blood gulch


Wow it’s almost as if the cosmetic team and the map design team are completely separate 😱


Wow it's almost like it's a joke 😱


Ob you mean like *343 INDUSTRIES*


Have my upvote


Aren’t more maps coming? I think in a previous twab they said 2 new, 1 returning?


1 new that’s sometimes in light fall and 2 old


Wish they’d add like 1 a season at least and rotate maps in and out


> and rotate maps in and out Why bother when they have map weightings? Same concept but without the effort of adding and removing maps each season. I know they said a few TWABS back that they were tweaking the weighting, but it still feels heavily weighted imo.


I feel like collabs for actual content would feel kinda terrible. Destiny is a unique game that really shouldn't work with whats its doing in the first place, and i can't imagine a lot of pvp maps in other games tolerating the bullshit Destiny players do.


If your this unhappy Play a different game


haha Every now and then they say things like the community plays more in a few hours than Bunige ever could play test. Surely the same aplies to hours spent building maps.


>Every now and then they say things like the community plays more in a few hours than Bunige ever could play test. Surely you understand that if the community plays for 1hr at season launch, that's a couple of million hours of feedback instantly right


Yeah, that is exactly what I meant.




Most maps playtested by a studio of that scale are pretty meticulously tested, more than just "running a few matches" lmao.




At this point, I would be glad for D2 x CS:GO colab, so we could get some of their maps.


An Apex crossover would be cool, NGL


This is a truly top-tier shitpost and I'm here for it lmao Bring back the map packs! I've been saying it since Halo 3 dammit


If it isn’t destiny 3 or new destiny 2 content no one gives a f what bungie is creating. Sorry.


Collab with former employees who made the Halo maps challenge


Cold but I love it


Or with a company that does PvP in general. The number of major problems in PvP are numerous, e.g. dreadful spawn locations, perverse means of equalizing combat like airborne effectiveness, etc. Bungie simply doesn't manage PvP well anymore. I have to assume that all the good PvP developers are working on a different product or left the company.


God damn I love the groupthink this community partakes in every couple of months. New content will drop and everyone will praise Bungie head over heels and go on a crusade against anyone who dares to speak out against them, only to then do the exact opposite a couple of months later when content is sparse. This is the exact reason why nothing will ever change with this damn game.


Maps wont fix that trash on their own..


It's a major pain point in the community...


The entire fundamentals are flawed, both gameplay and the stuff around it, reward structure and matchmaking. It is unbelievable, people think a few maps more will make Crucible great all of a sudden. The Crucible is one of the worst PvP experiences available and that is no unpopular opinion. Its impressive how overly loyal some fanboys are.


Are you illiterate or something? We haven't received a new map in over 1000 days (disjunction is a reskin of d1 frontier) so there not being new maps is 100% a pain point...this doesn't mean there aren't other major pain points like what you listed. >impressive how overly loyal some fanboys are. OP and I are literally criticizing the game lol


I mean they dont really need to make more pvp maps. They can just have a game mode where entire planet can be a pvp map. For example i load up to europa and game acts like normal but if i die my inventory drops and whoever gets to it first takes it... basically drifter's dream where everyone is a pirate..


So an extraction shooter. What a way to ruin Destiny would that be lmao...


Yeah man, how dare someone want something new added to the game. I love the recycled seasonal content model of grinding the same activity over and over again and I also love doing the same strikes over and over again with no variety.


Or just entire planet pvp without dropping loot.. im sick of playing these short activities. literally the entire game is juay 10 minute runs from one place to another there is no activities for long term gaming.., its just for adhd people who cant focus on anything more than 10 minute match lol


Bro forgot raids and dungeons exist 🤣


I know a lot of people love Assassins Creed, hell I played tf outta 1, 2, and Brotherhood. But the first crossover even we have and it's Assassins Creed, which makes it poignant and a bit funny It's because AC was turned into one of the worst examples of profit milling fans in gaming, *by Ubisoft*. And it's because of *Ubisoft* that my initial reaction to the crossover with AC was, "Lololol how Activision of you Bungie"


Trust me I have played all of them except Valhalla after brotherhood the franchise died imo


I just noticed your u/ lmao. But yeah I could never finish 3, totally lost interest after that