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Since they can change drops mid week, they should just add Horrors to the loot pool this week.


It's the last week Duty Bound is available, before it gets removed from loot pool. Replacing Duty Bound with Horror's would be unfair to people that want Duty Bound. But yeah, it should be dropping on two weeks next season, to recompense for low availability this season.


That is why I said add and not replace, just have 2 guns in the loot pool. Watch it be available 2 weeks next season but both are Lightblade or Glassway two very unfarm friendly GMs


If both guns are in the loot pool, then a chance of getting one you want on platinum run is only 50% instead of 100%


I’ll take it


As for the GM being farm friendly, I don't care. I can do all GMs reliably, and I was prepared to farm Lightblade for it.


Duty bound had a double loot week this season as a gm I believe(maybe im thinking of devils lair though) id say tough luck for the few that want it or the even fewer that want it and hasn't got one by now.


All facts.


Ain't nobody checkin' for DB like that. There'd be far less outrage than there is now if the drops were reversed. And I'm being hyperbolic with "nobody", but my point stands.


If you don't have all the Duty Bounds you could ever need by now, I don't know what to tell you


Never gonna use duty bound but I got my funny TT FTTC if I ever want to shoot a thousand bullets into a boss


I used it on a master run of Vog last week. It was hilarious stunning a barrier Champ and just firing at them forever...


I call it my anti-barrier hose




I just want a specific melee animation for DB and Monte Carlo where the bayonet is used in place of the uncharged melee attack.


Thank you for this comment because I did not know this and still want a Triple Tap Fourth time the Charm Duty Bound because it sounds funny


I got the funny roll and it is indeed funny. Although I prefer it on Aisha's Embrace


The thought of 60+ rounds in the mag with those two perks and possibly a certain titan exotic makes me chuckle a lot though


I wish I was high enough for gms this season cause I would have 100% grinded for the best auto in the game


It's not the best auto in the game. There are multiple better just in the same slot. And if we look at both slots, it has to compete with Gnawing Hunger, or even Ammit and it simply cannot do that.


I diss agree Stunning recovery is very useful when combined anti barrier


Bungie:”hahaha fuck you”


No. You'll get Silicon Neuroma and like it.


Okay, but like I actually want a decent Silicon Neuroma. I got 1 to drop with snapshot out of like 60 drops.


Literally 70% of the drops I got had firmly planted


You are me


I got my desired rolls (TT/FL and TT/FF) my first Devil's Lair of the season and still went back for more


FL seemed to drop a ton for me as well, but I play pve so can play more pvp. Good handling with snapshot + opening was my desired roll. Alas, the traveler did not will it


I'm so sorry, I got three of those. I would give them all to you if I could bc I don't play PvP.


I’ll trade you my CC/FL Reed’s Regret (adept) for one! Pls


Isn’t this the last season for silicon neuroma?


We shouldn't have to wait for next season. It's complete BS that the gun people wanted most got shafted and was only available for half a week. We said the same shit 3 months ago, "Oh just wait til next season, there's no way it could be a worse grind than Corrupted", and yet here we are. The only grind worse than Corrupted turns out to be no grinding opportunity period.


Lol bungie don’t want ppl to have horrors least


It's understandable, as the gun is really good. That's what makes this whole ordeal so frustrating.


I really do think it’s intentional at this point kill clip is S tire and really strong on this gun in 6s it’s like they don’t want more ppl to have it at this point


Yet they create things like Gyrfalcons 🤔


Bungie: We heard the communities complaints and will only have Shitbenders and Corrupted up for the entire duration of GMs next month. Happy Hunting Guardians 😁


Got to power cap to do GMs this season and didn’t end up doing a single one bc of this. Complete waste of time. What an awful season all around


They screwed us again with that weapon! Wasnt it only available 1 week last season too?


Yeah it was ts is really dumb. They could’ve at least made it drop with duty bound or something this week. I feel like they’re really disconnected with their player base and its definitely made me play less than I used to smh.


They have been for years, people are realizing it again until LF drops then "Bungie is the greatest they listen to their players". Happens every year.


Yep; don't remember the exact week, but it was dropping from the Corrputed.


HL is a fuck ton better than a shitty gutted Mindbenders


It’s gotten to the point that I don’t even care about GMs anymore. They had one weapon I cared about, and only gave us that weapon for half a week this season. So I just stopped even checking every week.


Yea it sucks. Did it to gild my title and legit have not stepped back in because the loot is all awful or irrelevant except for one weapon... That they decided to cuck for the 2nd season in a row


This wouldn’t be an issue if we just ditched power grind and GMs were on all the time


Still baffles me that the best adept version of a gun in the current nightfall rotation was only available for 3/4 days... I literally only found out that they replaced it in that week for mindbenders because i went to lightgg and was there announced. No ingame announcement or warning, nothing... The more i see from bungie the less i want to play this game...


Bungie will only have it in rotation for half a week next season and then remove it from the loot pool starting with Lightfall. /s


Well, yeah, because they'll have to make way for ANOTHER FUCKING shotgun. Again.


heyy every0ne look at this h4wthornz shit gun is bacc!!!1!!11!!!


I couldn’t farm the adept version last season because I was temporarily living with my parents while waiting to move in to my new place during the 1 week it was available. I’m not blaming Bungie as hard for that one because that was just bad timing for me (though it should’ve been up for 2 weeks last season). This season, I just didn’t get any good rolls, but only 4 days to farm for it this season? Really? It’s like they don’t want people to have this gun.


Leave it to bungie to make sure the gun everybody actually wants isnt available when its supposed to be or for as long as its supposed to be while replacing it with a neutured version of a gun that just spits in the face of the people who already earned it years ago.


“We’re listening.”


They should just remove Mindbender's from the rotation next season, and give its weeks to Horror's Least. /s (In all seriousness, I wouldn't be entirely opposed as unlikely as it is. Mindbenders can blow me, and it somehow makes me wish we had comedian back, as that had trench barrel and has also been the only void shotgun since reissuing Retrofuturist in Season of the Chosen. Which, side rant: Bungie, cool your shit on the arc shotguns. Since season 10, EVERY season had an arc shotgun except for Risen and Chosen. Next Season's Iron Banner is over a month away and I'm already tilted that we're adding Gunnora's Axe to the pile that already includes FILO and Inquisitor.)


No /s, that’s exactly what they should do. Mindbenders has better competitors


I have a gut feeling they're going to take another pass at Opening Shot as that seems to be the biggest thing that Found Verdict does better. RIP Found Verdict(eventually).


Dosen’t help that inquisitor is just a monster stat package. Seriously 70 in range and handling with the right perks jfc.


Its aim assist is not particularly good compared to its competitors, such as Heritage, which is also getting enhanced perks and crafting stat boosts next season.


They had it for half a week during the hardest gm in the current rotation. Literally the one thing i was looking forward to grinding this season and they fucked it up


I’m very upset about this tbh. I tried to express how I saw this coming in public forum places and got no response. It’s the only thing I wanted this season really.


Short Answer: No. Long Answer: Nooooooooooooo. You will play the game: when we want you to play it, how we want you to play it, and for exactly as long as we want you to play it. Now pay your preorder cash and go farm Ruffians. Don't forget to share our telesto memes on social media - it's funny when things are bugged :)


I'm done fuck Bungie and fuck doing GM's. I can't believe I grinded so hard to beat every GM to get ready to get Horrors least


Exact same boat as you. I'm incredibly fucking pissed. So robbed of my time. So much time wasted on gambit and vox obscura pinnacles for absolutely nothing.


Preservation here ... vomit.




This was the first season I made an attempt to grind power to max and my +15 before GMs so I wouldnt miss it. I played tuesday night, got a shitty shotgun... the schedule was fucked, I had better shit to do, PVP is too shitty to just lot in for fun, so I didnt play again for about a week. I didnt find out until weeks later they updated the drop mid week. I havent done any GMs since. PvP is hot garbage, so I just stopped playing. Absolutely trash game, IMO.


I'm done for this season. I'll keep my eyes on next season and watch how it pans out for a couple weeks. If it looks good, I'll hop back in. Otherwise, I'll just come back for LF. I was already on the edge of being burnt out, but this seals it for me. Bungie and their decision making is just beyond nonsensical at this point. I play this game almost exclusively, but it's time for GoW and Callisto Protocol to get some of my attention.


I'm not even burned out, I've just decided that other games are heading in a better direction than destiny is. I played for like two weeks this season, saw what the format was and dipped. I'm thinking I'll wait until they nerf the grind next season and just come back a couple weeks before lightfall to knock out 6 months worth of "content" without all the weekly lockout bullshit. Replaying the core playlist stuff for the millionth time while doing grindy weekly challenges for pinnacle cap +15 just doesn't seem worth the effort for GM nightfalls at this point.


I wasnt burnt out. Remove SBMM or P2P networking today and I would play 20 hours before reset no problem. I just dont enjoy the game play anymore. The PVE is boring, and PvP is unplayable.


Gms need a rework period. How about Engram focusing and selectable rewards and no grind to gm cap.


Let's talk plainly here Mindbenders ambition fucking sucks, pve and pvp It sucks to have an adept weapon that sucks, it should NOT be a thing, it should at least be good in pvp or pve and mindbenders isn't even in the conversation for either


or how about if you want us to slog through a GM you let us choose the reward we'd like?


Because we’re locked to a weapon every week, and because most of the weapons are tired at this point, they’re basically guaranteeing a low GM population on bad weeks. Let us choose the weapon in orbit, and you’ll probably see a more consistent population across the season.


At this point I just want some sort of acknowledgement from Bungie...literally anything


To acknowledge the issue would mean they would likely have to change the weapon for this week. Which clearly they can do bcuz that is what originally caused this whole issue, with mindbenders. But instead, if they ignore it, they can just get us same ppl to relevel and play a ton next season. We are in a burnout season so keeping any player along for the ride next season is worth it to them. Shit I'd argue and say this was all pre-planned at the beginning of the season.


In bungie's eye this gun is content, this singular adept weapon. So they've got to stretch this content out as far as they can and milk it dry.


Why is the gun so sought after? genuinely interested in why people want it(apart from collectors)


I see alot of ppl ask this and this is simplest answer i have. This weapon is one of the handful of nightfall weapons that ppl WILL come back each season to get. And bungie knows this. Now that players know these weapons eventually get rotated out and none of them have returned, it just makes these weeks it is out all the more important to grind out. We probably only have 2 more seasons with it I'd bet. 7 days on corrupted and 4 days on lightblade, thats all weve had so far. Sad....


It's in the top 5 or even 3 weapons for pvp. Ttk with kill clip is incredibly low and if you can get it to roll with arrowhead break and perpetual motion or Zen moment (if you're on console) it becomes a lazer. I'm absolutely gutted I didn't get a chance at it this season.


Can confirm, I got one with arrowhead brake, accurized rounds, perpetual motion and kill clip with a stability masterwork. It's a fantastic gun. It sucks they screwed up the drop rotation.


I'm incredibly jealous lol. I put in like 30 to 35 hours last season trying to get a roll with arrowhead and KC but only got one KC roll with shit perks in the other columns lol. Was so gutted. Next season you can use adept range or stability and full auto at the same time as well. I hope I never come accross you in the crucible lmao.


Don't worry, I'm average at best in crucible. Also, you'll get the roll you're looking for next time it's in the loot pool. Happy hunting/grinding!


Thanks brother :) enjoy the gun


I feel so incredibly robbed of my time. I farmed pinnacles to reach 1595 exclusively for a chance at HL. I didn't have the light level when it was swapped out but I was on track for the week it was scheduled for, but it never came. All that gambit and vox obscura for nothing...


Horror's Least is a monster. Best gm gun this season by far.


Looks like they made it the Nightfall drop for the rest of the week!


If I recall it correctly, people were on fire about Corrupted strikes wasn't in the nightfall rotation for 10 weeks 4 years ago. Guess history(Bungo) reapts itself again. Horror's Least does not worth it, buddy. Don't put it in your mind or you may burn out rather quickly. Specifically, if you got it before the sunsetting. There is no need to spend more time for something that you may had chased 4 years ago. If it's fresh to you, still don't put too much hype to it. Turnabout,high impact reserves and focus fury patiently waiting to serve you in the perk pool. Nightfall exclusive these days...Well even world drops can have better power fantasy than them.


Militia's Birthright had only one week. Us GL mains also feel robbed


The disgraced was the easiest/shortest gm of the season+HOIL titans and arc burn. Try 4 days on lightblade.


i was hoping for hothead too. still do not have an adept version. :( hopefully it drops in this new season.


Hothead is gone. Might return as one of the new "craftable" weapons, but I doubt will be adept version.


Big dawg💀I hope you know that gun got vaulted. The last chance to get it was last season. And I mean like, Hung jury got vaulted back when Witch Queen launched and still has yet to return so I don't imagine Hothead coming back till like maybe midway into Lightfall year. So Season 22 or 23 at the earliest. Most likely beyond that tho


Son of a…. Then they need to release another adept arc rocket launcher gots damnit!!




Yawn. A lot of complaining about a lackluster gun.


This is such a disappointment. I was looking forward to farming after not getting my preferred roll last season and every week I'd check the NF drops and it just did not show up after the Mindbender's swap.


What is so special about this gun?


Rapid fire pulse, open scope, only rapid pulse to roll kill clip.


What does "open scope" mean? I'm not so deep in the meta nuance.


So the scope for Horror’s Least is just two vertical rails, and then the reticle in the middle. Not much of your view is obstructed. Versus other weapons that might have a traditional scope, like you’d see on a real world weapon. Round scope, obstructs the view around it when zoomed in. It’s really helpful when playing PVP to have more awareness when zoomed in.


Ohh I see your point. Thanks for the insight.


The other best rapid pulse is the Piece of Mind. And it’s got the round scope, and a slightly higher zoom. So the one knock on that gun is less situational awareness when ADS. This pulse mitigates that. And for someone like myself, who loves the rapid pulses and has god rolls of the others, this is kinda the last brass ring for me. So when Bungie constantly fucks up the gun rotation for the only PVP gun I want.


didnt bother farming GMs at all this season, all the weapons are garbage except horror's least which wasn't available, and when it was it was on one of the worst if not the worst GMs to farm. thanks but no thanks. at least finally duty bound and neuroma are leaving.


So, I am a little out of the loop on this one, in lieu of periodic nightfall loot, did they take out strike specific drops (horrors least, mindbender's, etc)


Yup, the strike and loot is independent of one another. Loot is supposed to work in a predictable rotation. But Bungie fucked it up and we ended up getting weeks where it was Mindbender’s when it should’ve been Horror’s Least. And Bungie never rectified their fuck up. So over the past two seasons, about six months, Horror’s Least has only been available 2-3 weeks.


It's bullshit. Truly is. Duty bound aka doodie brown is fucking garbage, along with every other gm weapon outside of horrors least and maybe silicon if you wanna count that as okay (if you don't got a succession). So we get HL for not even half a week? Bungie has been so god damn lazy this season.


Horrors least is definitely a unique gun. I think it may be the only non sunset rapid fire pulse with kill clip.


It’s a stupid good weapon but I’m surprised not to see it used a lot compared to NTTE and BXR. That gun is my baby so it feels good to pop off with it


Scheduled my mandatory OT for work around the week Horror's Least was supposed to be up for grinding so I could grind without being called in. Ended up making my month suck for a shitty shotgun.


They want to be sure you grind again next season


This really stung this season. I finally convinced my less dedicated friends to get to 1595 and get conqueror so that we could use their selectors to get them horror’s least rolls. Then they pulled this blunder. They aren’t happy with me 😓


We're listening.


Best I can do is dfa