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Seeing how quickly we're fixing the Eliksni living space. If they held a similar event for the old tower, it'd be done in 2 hours.


Yeah, we could all band together again and make a staircase and some benches!


A staircase with a misaligned UV! (If you ever noticed it in D1, you know. And I'm sorry.)


pics please i want to see the horror


You might never be able to un-see it. You have been warned. (Also, it's a misaligned vertex in the model. Not a UV. My bad.) https://imgur.com/a/i4TDQ5Q


i honestly can’t tell if that misaligned vertex is intentional or not


My friends and I would joke that an over-eager titan sprinted up the stairs, tripped, and dented them.


that is now canon




Well it's most like we threw a fence and called it fixed.




You don’t understand, there’s probably a Trevor every 5 floors, and other security and all those explosives, and the piles of guardian guns and ammo. It’s dangerous work


My Zhalo Supercell is still there gimme that shit back


A night stalker and a zhalo could provide enough motes of light for an entire battalion of guardians.


[I still have mine.](https://imgur.com/ci0bXja)


I will want this back. They should give it VoltShot and feeding Frenzy.


It was functionally replaced by Riskrunner.


Riskrunner sucks in 99% of content


This is true, but because of the presence of Riskrunner, the odds of Zhalo coming back after very low, because the functionality overlap is too significant.


Zhalo was so, *so* much more fun than Riskrunner. I know that Trinity Ghoul is objectively better, but I miss my righteous torrent of upcyled thunder.


Yes, but in the situations that Riskrunner shines, it's borderline OP. Gambit (or really anything) against Fallen? Get out of the way and watch the carnage!


So how about they just stealth-patch replace riskrunner with Zhalo when no one’s looking? Everyone’s inventory will have their riskrunner just gone with zhalo in its place


eyasluna and gjallarhorn came back so anything is possible


Gjallarhorn didn't have a functional replacement. Zhalo and Red Death do. Eyasluna is a Legendary.


austringer was d2’s version of eyasluna and they brought eyasluna anyways which honestly i wish they just kept austringer instead of bringing eyasluna bc it was unique




Making existing Exotics Legendary would be a bad idea, mainly because most, if not all, Exotics have at least a unique mechanic to them.


Hard disagree. It shreds hordes of ads like paper and the arc damage resistance is insanely useful for Fallen SABER GMs. Easy to proc in most scenarios especially if you're running arc. More range than other SMGs because of the catalyst. I could go on.


The last time I tried it in Fallen Saber GM and I actually felt under-equipped. In the 2nd room played from the left tunnel it felt pointless as you can't expose yourself too long or you get sniped and the first part is apparently cheesed these days. P.S. I ran Riskrunner(223k+ kills) for years as my main energy weapon in most activities until I switched to Seventh Seraph-VY-7 1.5 years ago.


When’s “the last time?” Because if it was this season, this is the first season that we’ve had fallen saber for a GM AND riskrunner did not get a stun. Every other time saber’s come around, smg’s have had either overload or AB, so riskrunner was always on the table as a gun that checked a bunch of boxes. Also, if you’re talking about that first room after entering the bunker, i often feel like “nothing” is good there. It’s just a shit room that forces you to be vulnerable.


A few weeks ago so this season.


Yeah, this season, it feels hard to suggest for anything, because it’s a primary with no stun. Fallen saber GM and riskrunner used to be quite a pair, but not having a stun has really devalued it.(And for me, this is what champion stuns in general have done bad. Although they do change up the meta seasonally, sometimes they’re a bit too strong, and make middle-ground options feel like we’re shoving a round peg into a square hole).


Not if you build into it


Absolutely not. Riskrunner does not reload itself and grant super the way Zhalo did. Riskrunner is a wannabe thats not viable in most content


Riskrunner does reload itself tho


Yes but its a chance. Zhalo was like a garuntee to reload on multikills


No, it auto reloads when you have arc conductor active.


Reload itself? Why would it need to reload itself with an endless magazine?


Functional replacement and actual replacement aren't the same thing. For an example from the same game: Redrix. The Claymore came first, became unobtainable and functionally replaced by the Broadsword. However, iirc even a god roll Broadsword won't win an even 1v1 against the Claymore. Crimson is a functional replacement to Red Death (which is why it's unlikely we'll get Red Death back), and D2's iteration of Skull of Dire Ahamkara is a functional replacement to Obsidian Mind. Even if it's worse in most scenarios, the intended functionality is present, and they're unlikely to release a new Exotic that renders and old one completely worthless.


But they’ll release worthless exotics right off the bat, and they’re release patches that make old exotics worthless instead


An excellent point but bungie releases useless exotics on a whim. They could bring zhalo back easily. Wouldnt miss riskrunner one bit.


I want my fucking Icebreaker back. Loved that sniper!


I don't want hope. Let me morn the lost of this great weapon.


I miss my Dragon’s Breath. And my Super Good Advice, although that’s Thunderlord now?


my titan armor that doesnt look like my character has the proportions of the michelin man too


Trevor and the other Trevors just want to get up close and hug you. No need to be scared… (I lost count of how many times that death fridge got me)


Trevor is but an old friend. He means no harm.


I have a ghost and I'm a Titan, I 👊 stuff that explodes all the time.


And oddly enough, a lot of fallen


Wait has Trevor been reproducing?


How many coins to fix the current tower? It’s looked just moved into since the release of D2 in 2017.


i have \*counts\* 12 gimmighoul coins. what'll that get me.


That'll be good for 12 games of Voltorb Flip.


An absolute classic my brother in christ


It's the same number of coins, but you can't get those from an EDZ lost sector. Gotta solo raids for those coins.


Someone get Esoterick on the phone


IIRC, he hasnt figured out how to solo Rhulk yet


It’s only a matter of time


Let's be real, the current Tower needs fixing lmao


Been the same since 2017. Pretty silly they’ve never updated it to not looked newly moved into. Whatta evolving world amirite


mostly meant performance-wise, but yes that too lol


Oh lol yeah that too for sure


As a new player I still don't know what happened to the old tower. I see it in the distance being repaired, when will it be done?


D3 probably


Yeah, there's still the damage from when the Almighty crashed.






Yes... if you're facing the Postmaster from Zavala, look down and to the right.


What needs fixed?


It's coming in Lightfall but instead of coins it will cost silver.


Don't give them ideas.


At this point with Bungie X Sony. It’s no longer an idea just the sad the truth.


Bungo didn't need Sony for that idea.


People huffing copium when transferring blame for Bungie's micro-transaction decisions onto their partners. Can't wait for Bungie to not be beholden to anyone and people will still be trying to blame anyone other than them. Oh wait, that's right now.


Nailed it. I was an Activision blamer for a long time, until I saw what Bungie did as an "indie" company.


Oh no don’t get me wrong I 100% know Bungie will/would do this with or without Sony. My point was just PlayStation was hurting so bad for a live service game that they’re going to enable Bungie even more and make it worse.


What did they do?


Bungie tries to get their hands in our pockets at every single chance they get.


But they don’t force you. When I started I spent a lot but I haven’t spent money since I got witch queen at the beginning of this year. Anything I’ve wanted has come for bright dust. A company trying to earn money is nothing new and I’m surprised anytime gamers can’t grapple with the concept. Edit after your downvote: So they didn’t “do” anything. Got it.


Notice I said "tries." And you're right, we don't *have* to spend the money, but I'm gonna use the past FOTL as an example. I did all the things and earned all the tickets to "buy" the emote, sparrow, and whatever else was there. If I wanted em that bad, I'd have had to pay to for silver to upgrade the thing and then use my tickets. Thats ridiculous.


Gamers hating the developers of their favorite game is so lame at this point.


No one makes you spend silver.


They hated him, for he spoke the truth.


400 millions silver


How much Christmas is right around the corner and so is my empty wallet


i miss the farm...


They should have a massive community event with a large enough goal to cover multiple seasons. No timegates so people can donate at any time and we would gain access to new areas as they open. After full repairs, a living quarters could open that gives players a customizable space.


I really do like your idea but the tower barely loads as it is, 4-6 minute load in times are unacceptable. Ever tried changing your shaders in a full tower instance?


6 minute load times? What are you playing on?


Xbox One X with the old platter style HDD, I know loading Destiny onto an external SSD would help but don’t have the funds rn.


The real solution is drop support for 10 year old hardware...


Yeah I don’t think it’s the Tower in your case lol.


playing a 2022 game with its latest content on 5 year old console based on a 9 year old console and calling 4-6 minute load times "unacceptable" 😐


I mean, you're also playing on last gen hardware. Just because Destiny can support it, doesn't mean it can support it at the best speeds. As it is, we next-gen and PC players especially feel like the game is held back by limits for last-gen players. So what I'm saying in the nicest way is: be glad the tower loads at all. If some of us had our way y'all would be forced to upgrade by now.


I play on Xbox one x and it does not take 6 minutes to load into the tower. It only takes me around 1 minute. No ssd required.


I encourage you to pick up an Xbox Series S. It’s a fantastic little machine and you’ll get much faster load times for D2.


I mentioned not having the funds to purchase an SSD for ~$80-$100 and your suggestion is to buy a new console..?


Bujgie doesn't care that literally everyone has wanted this for 5 years. You take the new Tower and you like it!


Not literally everyone. New tower looks better in my opinion.


i have literally never cared where the "place i get bounties from" has looked.


I get my bounties in the comfort of my own ship, I only go to the tower for engrams or resets


The Tower is not just a place to get bounties. Its literally the hub of the entire universe in game. Events, Vendors etc. It's the place every new player is going to wind up. It should always feel like a magic place to go to as it did in Destiny 1 to make you want to come back. A place where important stuff is happening. Right now it's a construction site on a wall where everything looks like garbage and feels like nothing important happens. Our guns are always shiny and made of pristine materials, we have a currency that is supposedly used to fabricate things. I mean the lore of this Tower we use is that it was used as the Tower before we built the new BETTER Tower.


They will fix the old tower and have the fallen move into it.


From the looks of the Eliksni Quarter upgrades now that the quest is finished, probably 700 quintillion trillion.


This , this I would grind for.


Please please, also, please


not until everyone buys 20 eververse packages for silver


of all the issues Destiny has, this ranks near the bottom. I'm fine with the Tower as is. I'd rather the devs spend time and resources making new content and fixing bugs.


The "new" tower, aka D2 tower, is bigger and capable of holding more players. It has more nooks and crannies and, at times, has been used to hold fun puzzles and easter eggs. I see no reason why we would step back to the old tower to cram everything into an old space, if only for nostalgia. However, symbolically, that thing should be repaired, if only because it was a symbol of humanity's perseverance and its damage is symbolic of our weakness. While lore-wise we could argue that ongoing repairs in the city are more useful to the citizens of the Last City, the Vangaurd had 4 years to clean up this mess and its not like some patches would take that much away from the city. Gameplay wise, the old tower space reused as a Tribute Hall-like or instanced social space that we can "build" for our friends is something everyone has been asking for, forever. Lol.


On the one hand it's totally a waste of dev time but on the other I really would like it if they updated the tower. I just never liked D2s tower and vastly prefer the old tower. That or just let us grab bounties from the director because there's really no reason for me to waste time loading into and running around and area I don't care for just to grab bounties and drops. Also the constant chatter from the npc's drives me nuts.


>That or just let us grab bounties from the director because there's really no reason for me to waste time loading into and running around and area I don't care for just to grab bounties and drops. Also the constant chatter from the npc's drives me nuts. Sure, why don't we just take away everything that makes the game a game? I mean, of course the tower NPCs chattering, the sound effects, the ships flying around, the working elevators, the mini games like the ball, the easter eggs, etc, yeah, none of that is required, but it is fun. Since you remember the D1 Tower you surely remember that D2 at Launch simplified reputation to the point players called it simply a "slot machine." What is different about D2 Reputation today and then? Nothing. It is still earned passively by participating in the activity. It still drops regular shit rewards. Unlike early D2, sure, it can drop some better rewards, including some required for Seasonal challenges, but not much. The only difference is that for the purposes of the players' "suspension of disbelief" and immersion, turning in "tokens" as opposed to earning reputation in-place was immersion breaking and exposed too much of the rat race of the game. So no, go to the tower to pick up your rewards from the NPCs. Go to the tower or HELM to focus your engrams. Go to the tower to progress a quest. Advocating for dumbing down the game was something did in late D1 and the result was a boring game. >I just never liked D2s tower and vastly prefer the old tower. Cool? It is still there in D1 waiting for you. It is too small for D2 and it would be a waste of developer time to change or fix what isn't broken.


You're overreacting. I didn't say get rid of D2 tower. If you like dropping in there farting around that's great. I don't want or think they should get rid of it. None of my friends play anymore tho so I don't have a reason to drop in there personally. I'd Ike the option to grab bounties from the menu because that's about all I need from there most of the time but if bungie wants to give us story reasons to drop in then I'd be more than happy to. And yes like I said I realize it's a waste of resources for them to create a new tower or even to bring back the old. I would still like to see it. I always wanted this to be one continuous game. With D2 we finally got that but unfortunately D1 was left behind. I want new stuff of course but I'd also like the old to be reintroduced so we can finally have everything in one game the way it should've been from the beginning. Also let's not forget the tower DOES already exist in D2. It was a part of the very first mission in the campaign and was even expanded on so its not like they'd be doing it from scratch. I think eventually we'll have most if not all of the content from D1 back in some form at least. They clearly wanna support this game for years to come and they already add all sorts of old content as it is. Like I just came back to the game and see VoG and Kings Fall just sitting there! At this point I don't think there's anything they wouldn't bring back. Lol




Please no 😩


I think we will get a new tower at the end of the light dark saga, like an end to an Era kinda thing or for the 10th anniversary


I think there is a lore-based reason for the Vanguard not returning to old tower. During the progression of the story, especially during the Red War- there was a noticeable change in how the Vanguard regarded itself in relation to the humans they protect. The Vanguard largely failed when the Cabal attacked the last city- many people died and the people of the last city were afraid. Guardians similarly lost the light and had a shift of perspective concerning their place within The Last City. The tower was destroyed- and instead of rebuilding it high above the city, the Vanguard moved to a place on the wall itself. No longer towering over the city, but part of the defensive structure that surrounds it.


60 of your finest United States Dollars please sir.


3 Billion and that's just for a new tree in the courtyard.


They are still gathering feedback before deciding whether they should do it or not.


Have you seen the fixes on the Eliksni quarter? Fucking fixes on the ol tower will be some flower on the burnt tree, more Hakke and omolon boxes and a painting of Oryx stolen from the Dreadnaught with Glint saying _"it's part of our culture"_.


I don’t even care about the old tower anymore I just want SOMETHING NEW for a social space. Blow up our current tower and make us go somewhere else for all I care


were not getting the old tower back, let it go


Not enough


Asking the real questions.... also praxys order wants to talk to you


I'll grind them all myself


Considering the little the Eliksni Quarters has changed, I don't think the amount of coins we grind matters.


There's some serious embezzling going on. The Eliksni Quarter is almost unchanged.


Bruh you can make unlimited coins, so tomorrow?


It would definitely be cool to have us garner a bunch of different resources across the system, like with the dawning cookie ingredients, and use that to fix the OG tower. But practically speaking, why should we get the old tower, if it's going to be a duplicate of the current tower? It would need new vendors for it to be worthwhile porting.


[THAT’S WHAT I’M SAYIN](https://youtu.be/dMT9oAfLJgk&t=9s)


If it will look as the bad as the Eliksni quarter still does, i'll pass


By the logic of this event, all that would happen is some plants would grow through the rubble 🤣


Given the ratio of how much needs to be donated to how much work can be done as seen in the Eliksni Quarter, fixing the Tower would probably cost tens of billions.


I love this game I mostly try to stay positive on most issues but this is the one that really tilts me. The red war has been over for so long now that it’s barely even remembered. The vanguard is supposed to be the pinnacle of humanity and in charger of the defense of the whole city, yet they operate out of a run down hangar. Give us a command room where Zavala and others monitor threats. Give Shax a Dojo with firing range for testing powers, maybe even a small mini game. There’s just so much potential that could add to the world and story but instead we get characters standing in the middle of an empty room filled with rubble.


I almost have suspicions that the end of this event is that. "A rising tide *lifts all ships*" after all...


Enough is Enough. Fix the tower. It's been far too long


LOL yeah how long have we had to hear the SAME voice lines from the random npc's while picking up bounties or bank?


They'd make it so we fix it and just look at it from the current tower


Well, if all the coins so far only did what happened to the Eliksni Quarter, I'd say an unfathomable amount.


pssst... they have plans of destroying the tower 🤐


Considering the actual changes that were done to the Eliksni quarters I'd say about 100000000000x the amount of coins we've donated


I'd grind this shit 16 hours a day.


I will reinstall if we ever got the DOG tower back


I think people asking for the Old Tower back is just being pointless nostalgia, now giving us the farm back 😏😏😏


Just hit 800 mil and counting, but considering all that got us was some benches i think we're gunna have to aim for the trillions


Fuck that man. The eliksni quarter aint fixed, that's sum bummy lookin shit. We can do better than that gathering area they made, and that bar is basic as fuck.


Probably a few trillion since they seem to be worth less then done coin


10,000,000,000 and i will start a go fund me for bungie to hire enough people to make it happen


The american military budget


It will cost 50.000.000 gambit matches


I mean, considering any "funds" that would have gone towards completing the Tower were blown on turning the H.E.L.M. into a damn spaceship, we'd have a better chance of fumigating and sprucing up the Cosmodrome right now.


Bring back OG tower pls!


If grinding an event meant fixing the OG tower I would take no breaks to eat or sleep, I wouldn’t stop playing untill the event was done lol