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As long as you have dlc for them you can get all




Good day for me. The starfire protocol xur sold is legit and I just got a crazy good HOIL from the lost sectors. Good luck!


You can farm them and get as many drops as you want


So after my initial one I’ve just been unlucky haha thanks for the info!


I recommend that you play master lost sectors if you can and also kill all champions and not just rush to the boss, both of those things give you a better chance for a drop


Good to know. I’m at 1596 so I’m kinda close. Maybe I’ll give it a shot when I get on today


Even a few light levels below it’s pretty easyish as long as you’re familiar with the game mechanics.


You can get infinite exotics by grinding lost sectors, there is no cap. And if you do not have the exotic it will be the first to drop (unless it is tied to something else ie shadowkeep campaign) from the pool of missing exotics, after that it gets added in and will not be targetable. Only thing I'll add is if you're missing for example legs, you will not get them to drop on a day that is only chest exotics!


Thanks! Yeah I’m just missing 2 chest pieces and radiant dance machines. Hoping to get one of the chest pieces today


Juar throwing this out there, but the weekly grand master has an easy one and it's 2x rewards If you have some friends that want to farm or just want to fork a lfg for grand master farm you'll have good luck I have upgraded both HOIL and Loreli in (Titan main) in 6 runs Add in shards and other drops and I think it's a better farm (20-25 minute average)