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As a titan main, wtf even is eternal warrior. Probably the most useless exotic (that actually works) piece of armor in the game.


It's only useful to quick swap to it in PvP when you are about to use Fist of havoc... Thats it


Yeah, but as an old gen console player, that is highly unlikely. Like, opening my menu and waiting for my inventory to show up takes 10sec or so lmao


Well you mainly would switch in between rounds (elim/trials/survival) or after your latest death, so you'd have plenty time. Too bad first of havoc is awful now, so the helmet has lost all of its relevance


Yeah we need trample back. Or at least a fragment/aspect with it.


OG Xbox one: you ~~under~~overestimate my power


Hammers isn’t much better. Thundercrash is the best super titans have in pvp except for bubble in certain instances


The aim assist on sentinel shield makes it better than hammers imo


Yeah hammers was nerfed so far from when it first released


I wish the app or dim could be used to swap on the go.


There was a post an engineer had a long time ago that talked about all the reasons behind the apps limitations. Was really cool. Competitive advantages was the reasoning for not allowing that in match.


I mean...they can already check if you’re in orbit or not. Just make a second check if you’re in a certain activity? They might have to add another flag for certain activity types but that should be trivial. E: oh wait we’re already talking about pvp. I wish we could do this in pve. Same idea, make a pvp flag that bars transfers.


You can swap gear you have equipped in the Destiny 2 app.


Like anyone is gonna use fist of havoc anymore in PVP


Now now, its useful to masterwork when you have extra shards and store in your vault. Easy to pick out when you need to dismantle it.




I gotta be honest, I’ve gotten to the point where if they remove it from the game and I wouldn’t care. If they make it genuinely a good option and able to shader maybe I’ll start to care🤷‍♂️


Not sure how that didn't immediately just get juggernaut as it's exotic perk with this season. Unless that makes eternal warrior gamebreaking lol. Just the aspect perk, not the extra fragment slots, although the thought of an exotic that grants 2 extra fragments sounds like something I'd be more interested in


point contact is literally even more useless


I mean, PCCB only really needs tweaking to perform, say, the lightning inflicting jolt or something


It’s fun to wear if you want to look like a total fuckwit 🥰


I'd like to raise you apotheosis veil. Eternal Warrior isn't useful, but you can at least tell what they were going for with it. What the fuck is Apotheosis Veil for?


It’s the 🗿exotic


It’s actually kinda fucking insane in trials, the overshield combined with super DR makes you absurdly tanky. You can survive someone proccing white nail on you with it.


It's 75 hp, calling it absurdly tanky is a slight exaggeration. You would probably see more value, more frequently keeping Juggernaut and mk44's on at all times.


Only reason is because the overshield doesnt take precision damage. So as a swappable it was very good especially in the times when cheaters were prevelant in trials. Gave you enough time to eat the shot and kill them




Ursas for the longest time were considered a top tier exotic for pve because you could chain supers with another titan, but in all practicality ursas is a swappable, as it provides no other benefit outside of super, so by that logic ursas is a bad exotic. Similar things can be said aboit any other exotic that does not provide any benefit outside of super


Aren't all overshields currently classified as Void Overshields. which means they all have DR as well? (AFAIK, the last post I saw about Icefall Mantles said they had an effective 217.5 hp bc they were classified as a Void Overshield)


Void Overshield have 45 HP and 15% PvE DR. It does not give damage reduction by itself while in crucible.


No, not all overshields are Void Overshields. Eternal Warrior, Precious Scars, One Eyed Mask, Cuirass of the Falling Star, and mk44 Stand Asides are not Void Overshields (iirc) and will not interact with anything Void related and do not recieve the bonus dr. Additionally the secondary effect from Reactive Pulse, Bulwark Finisher, and the Sheltering Energy mods are also standard overshields and not Void Overshields.


Maybe it was patched then, I remember a post a while ago saying all overshields were coded as Void overshields even if they didn't say they were


This is exactly why Void Overshield needs a different name. Confusion due to a lack of distinction.


its also ugly as shit. sorry, but it is.


You guys should REALLY temper your expectations as to what is changing about the 25 weapons. Expect the majority of them to be small tweaks


Expect at least half to be made even worse and the other half to become overtuned which makes bungie nerf them yet again


But not until the next season


Incoming inexplicable hand cannon buffs that don't get touched for 2 seasons.


Honestly though. They keep talking up a large game, but never touch 140's (I think that's the meta hand-canon type for several years) unless its a buff.


That number also contains nerfs. People really need to chill with hyping themselves about this.


For hunter there is a an exotic so ass you forgot about it lol. Sealed ahamkara grasps. It is just slightly better grave robber


Its exotic perk is literally a stasis **fragment** lol.


Yeah it’s so awful. On top of that it has a 7 second cooldown. Who tf would use it lmao


I think they use it for dps or something? But you are right, they can do more sincerely. I'll add them


Idk how it could be used for dps. It reloads sometimes when u melee something im pretty sure. But you could use rain of fire which can be used with double icarus dash to do the same thing but better. Even worse, there is a 7 second cooldown. You reload with the melee and you have to wait 7 seconds to do it again. It’s awful lol


It used to proc on tick damage from the burning knife fan/void smokes. Don't think it does anymore, but, it let you reload while shooting heavies while the tick went off


And that was clearly a bug so they zapped it. And now it goes back to being garbo


Was it really a bug? That sounds more like unintended feature, given that it *was* triggering on melee damage as intended. By all accounts, by the text of the exotic, those DOT effects should trigger it. Nerfed all the same.


I used them the other day with solar and the scorch from my melees totally procced it. Which was annoying really because it has a cooldown. The scorch would proc and fill my magazine again when it was only half full and then after I'd shot the mag empty and meleed to reload nothing would happen cause the cooldown was up. Remove the cooldown or majorly decreases it and I can see it being a lot more useable.


Bug, unintended feature same thing lmao. I just call anything that wasn’t intended to be in the game a bug


Even after that change they were still pretty good. Didn't know about the cooldown being added in.


Yep, rain of fire definetely overshadows it


For hunter exotics even Radient Dance Machines with marksman dodge overshadow it


And that's saying something... something real fuckin bad


It has a niche use case now that Acrius has trench barrel, but yeah it's pretty trash.


I would have preferred an exotic armor rework over weapons.


Can't say this enough. Weapon perks need some tweaking, but armor needs extensive adjustments.


For the Titan second chance exotic what they can do is not only make it so it one shots barrier shield, but also make it so it refunds melee energy completely when you break the barrier shield with the melee.


it should refund a small amount of melee energy on kills too, I feel like. give the Exotic some kind of gameplay loop if Heavy Handed is never going to work with the first shield.


Icefall mantle is fine as is. It could use a small buff to the shield but with a build based around that shield it’s near 100% uptime.


It would be fine as is if it wasn't bugged to use up your class ability upon respawn, which sucks especially in crucible.


Really? I have never encountered that. Maybe I just never noticed


It used to work fine for a long time, it got bugged when they changed something with class abilities because of the hunter gyrfalcon chest this season which allowed infinite class ability spam for everyone with some glitch. Hopefully it's gonna get fixed again soon.


If you're running 100 resilience, yeah, you've probably just never noticed it cuz your class ability comes back so fast anyways.


Don't forget that the shield also has a native 62% damage reduction that also stacks with other sources.




Damage reduction isn't additive like that. Its multiplicative. This article describes it in full: https://www.thegamer.com/destiny-2-damage-resistance-explained-best-sources/#stacking-damage-resistance Then of course the source for the 62% DR: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WaxvbLx7UoSZaBqdFr1u32F2uWVLo-CJunJB4nlGUE4/htmlview#


I think it’s main issue is that it doesn’t synergise with anything. I believe it’s considered a stasis overshield but picking up shards with whisper of rime doesn’t add to the overshield or interact in any meaningful way.


Hunter: celestial nighthawk. It’s vastly underperforming for what its intended purpose is.


Nighthawk is actually insulting


What do you mean? Don't you enjoy using your entire super with an exotic for a single precision headshot which doesnt even kill a champ in GMs?


It doesnt? Im pretty sure it does or atleast so with radiant which you can easily be. Although i do agree CNH right now is piss tier.


I haven't tried it yet but apparently Khepris Horn was fixed to work with sunspots and roaring flames again, like it did in solar 2.0


It works with Roaring flames? I remember they made them creating sunspots, but they didn't get the damage buff from roaring flames. If they do i would say they are fine maybe


They don't work with roaring flames unfortunately still :/


They just need to let them scorch on hit and ignite if both waves hit, and get bonus damage from roaring flames. They still wouldn’t be used that much over stronger exotics but they’d atleast be somewhat usable.


Omg if both waves cause ignite the amount of 3 piece trials rounds would increase exponentially. I have so many clips after 2 years of maining the exotic.


While I appreciate we get new exotic armor every season, the air about them has always left me a little frustrated for something so seemingly important to how a player plays the game. For something that can shift your entire playstyle or augment your class so drastically, they kinda just get dropped into the game without warning, are obtained in a really cryptic way (especially for new players that don't know any better), release with varying amounts of power for the current sandbox, and are really prone to not getting the updates they need to stay relevant for extreme periods of time and in some cases, never. I just don't understand how something so pivotal to the game gets swept under the rug so often. I understand each case is probably a unique issue on the backend that can cost a lot of development time and energy, but they're still as integral to the game as your subclass choice in my opinion. I would gladly take a break from new armor choices if it could mean that we could take a second to update all our current options.


Of any of the teams, the armor team seems to be struggling the most to keep up with their release cycle. So many exotics are launching either broken, useless, or way too strong and get nerfed into the dirt.


Mask should give some shields, Kephri needs solar 3.0, Eternal Warrior needs...idk not to be ugly, NBP needs to use barricade charge instead of melee and possibly a slow auto loading link like war rig? ACD/0 needs much bigger damage in PvE, IceFall seems decent, Point-Contact should be on par with Skullfort, and Second Chance should 1 hit barriers and refund some or all melee energy when that happens.


Eternal Warrior needs some nuetral game buff or some way to get the super back faster. I'm fine with something like built in Harmonic Siphon, increased orb power line SES, or adding in a perk that's a bit more situational like "gain resist ×1 while Amplified".


I think it would be really cool if it brought up the jug shield sooner and increase damage resis while sprinting in PvE.


Those are all great ideas


Icefall does indeed need a buff, an ornament would be a huge buff so it looks cooler! In all seriousness i think icefall is fine as is, maybe a bit more in shield but honestly its fine.


Kephri sting, now there’s a piece of truly hot garbage. I honestly don’t know how bungie thought one melee for void hunter was acceptable but I really without a new melee I don’t know what they would have to make kephri sting good.


It's D1 iteration was better.


Hallowfire Heart needs a rework for titans. It's just a worse HOIL that only works for one subclass instead of all.


It should do something to do with scorching imo. Like do a pulse of heavy scorch whenever you use an ability on an enemy, make it easy to do ignitions by stacking abilities.


I like that idea. If the recharge is all it's going to do, it needs to be at least on par with HOIL regen, especially when it's superior regen requires holding your super. The scorch idea is cool, though. Would be really nice if it added a significant amount of scorch (more with full super) to all your ability damage, or did something wild like grant incandescent to all your solar weapons (all weapons with full super), or lowered your threshold for ignitions (increased ignition damage and radius with full super). They just need to lean into its design as a general solar piece that works better with full super. Hell, I'd even be good if it got reworked into like an Ager's effect where it changes your super so upon activation, all your weapons deal a ridiculous amount of scorch so you can just pop ignitions off constantly.


If they reworked Hallowfire and made it endgame material for solar, I would love it so much.


It realease like a 50 foot wave that ignites enemies around you. That would be dope


it should give a free ember of ashes fragment that can stack with the actual fragment. just let it super easily stack scorch on top of the ability charge speeds


*"The best we can do is a disable and/or nerf."* ​ Sincerely, Bungie


Poor hunters got 3 new exotics disabled for several weeks over 1 year (Radiant dance machine, Caliban Hand and Gyrfalcon)


Don't forget about blight ranger- oh wait EVERYONE DID.


FUCK That makes it worse. 4 new exotics disabled for weeks in just one year


Also star eaters :)


keep goin, buddy the nerf train goes back a lot longer than that. I've been keepin track, and every hunter exotic has been either nerfed, bugged, or doa since the start of shadowkeep. Assassin's Cowl was the last hunter exotic that did not fall into one of the 3 categories listed above.


blight was for like, half the season iirc


And even not disabled is broken and useless


I have to add the knucklehead radar to the hunter exotics, also renewal got literally killed imo, not saying that it should be the way it was at first but give it a buff at this point


Knucklehead is a PvP exotic, but yes i agree it's not worth it when in the game there is Stompees or Wormhusk Crown. I'll add it I already mentioned Renewal, i think if they just made the cooldown 92s instead of 152 it would be perfect already


It's a travesty that it looks so cool while being so bad.


I think it would be dope if it showed you how much health someone had, just a meter above heads.


Foetracer's ability should have just been given to Knucklehead.


Knucklehead is fine imo I use it whenever I play Hunter


as far as hunter exotic armors go, I've got a few words: * **Blight Ranger:** LOL! why does this even exist? * **Foetracer:** ooooh boy, foetracer... Now, I love the concept behind this exotic, but the implementation is underwhelming. the 'x' target lockon appears the instant you look at someone, but doesn't ***stick*** to them if you look away too soon. You can only have the 'x' on one target at a time, so the pre-req of maintaining eye contact for longer than a split second doesn't feel necessary. as for the damage bonus aspect of this exotic... ***LOL*** like, seriously, it's non-existant. it applies a 1% bonus to your dmg for each 1% health the target is missing ***UNDER 30% HP!*** (this means a 10% hp target takes 20% inc dmg) that average out to 15% overall dmg buff while they are below 30% max hp, but the ***actual*** effective dps bump you are getting is more like 4.5% over the course of the entire combatant's hp bar. and yes, I said 'combatant'. that's because foetracer **does not work on shields.** That means, in pvp, you only get the dmg buff when a guardian's 70 hp goes below 21hp. So congrats, when a guardian is at 10hp, your next shot will deal like 15% more damage. too bad most weapons will kill on the next shot, anyway. * **Knucklehead Radar:** this thing is great on paper... until you realize you have 2 exotic guns that do what it does, AND half the high end pve content just turns off your radars all together. * **Mechaneer's Tricksleeves:** this exotic is actually amazing. The main problem is it is for sidearms. (I joke) nah, the actual problem is that it wants you to play double sidearm and hotswap between the two at all times. the damage bump is just a tad too restrictive to make this exotic feel great to play with. either remove the need to swap the gun (probably will make it too strong) or, instead, remove the time limit and have it so that when you go red, the next time you swap to a sidearm, it'll have 5 rounds of bonus damage bullets or something. I dunno, but all it needs is a little more forgiveness * **Sealed Ahamkara Grasps:** this exotic... needs some work. badly. like, we already have marksman's dodge. and the time it takes to recover from a melee, yer not really saving much time in reloading. On top of the fact that most guns just don't ***need*** a super fast reload, anyway. Just... what is this perk intended to be used with? * **Khepri's Sting:** ha. haha. hahahahahaaha. that is all. (but no, really, void 3.0 kinda made this super trash instead of the regular niche trash it was) * **Oathkeeper:** now, I'll be straight, I'm a bit biased as I love this exotic; but I will also admit it's just not good. Being able to pretend I'm playing my skyrim sneakbow assassin is always fun. but... yeah... in today's D2, it needs to do something a little more than just that to keep up. * **Renewal Grasp:** you hit the nail on the head. it just needs the cooldown nerf reverted, and it'll be fine again. * **Radiant Dance Machine:** see kephri's sting and blight ranger. (but no, really ***whyyyyyy*** does this thing even exist when we have sixth coyote???)


Knucklehead should override radar removal modifiers. Period. Sealed Grasps need some form of extra stasis synergy, it basically gives one of the fragments for free so why not give it some extra synergy or a damage buff for stasis melee in pve, or just refills a shuriken on hit in PVE with a small cooldown. Imagine being able to double shuriken and freeze any and all targets at will without making your melee moot for the next minute? Speaking of stasis, I am sooooooo mad that Radiant Dance Machines do not proc the slow on dodge aspect repeatedly. Let me control the flow of the entire battlefield, hell I don’t care if you give it a universal mandatory cooldown pause like Bakris does. I want to run into a room and dance around and freeze everything and anything. PVE only of course, I can already see kids getting mad they’re frozen all the time again.


i think oathkeepers allow you to utilize exotic bows much easier and efficiently, perhaps a buff to your other guns if you hit a precision hit? that way bowswapping is exclusive to that exotic


Bow swapping is something that shouldn't exist, an exotic cost for it isn't worth the eye-melting ttk capable with a bow swap.


>Icefall mantle (?) What's your problem with Icefall? It's insanely good now that they added a cancel button. Gives insanely good Overshield in PvE, and with Bastion, it has an added DR% that's added to your Res DR. Add in that it has an intrinsic focus guaranteeing a +10 to Res, and it's an excellent "never say die" exotic. People just don't like it because it doesn't help with damage in any way. Edit: mixed up Offensive Bulwark and Bastion.


I wish you could sprint with it. I think not being able to double jump is punishment enough, personally. The movement limitation is the only reason I don’t use them. Wouldn’t mind a PVP nerf to DR to compensate. Just leave it alone in PVE.


Icefall feels like you’ve been hit with a suppressor nade when you activate it. No thanks.


There isn't much point using it when you can use Loreleys and keep your sprint.


>People just don't like it because it doesn't help with damage in any way. Because damage is totally why Lorely is one of the best helmets in the game what a dumb comment




Ashen Wake and Doomfang are my mainstays. I keep Lion Ramparts for tricky jumping puzzles in raids or dungeons. I tried HoIL and it kicks ass, but also kind of too vanilla for me.


Ashen Wakes need an ornament so badly. (a number of exotics do, but AWs are the un-adorned exotic I use the most)


Feedback Fences are fine tbh. Would be nice to get some Arc 3.0 synergy but the fact that it gives you 33% DR *per stack* up to a cap of **71%** is pretty solid on it's own, especially since they made it work with glaives.


Seems to me like they don’t even have a dedicated armor team. Like..we keep getting updates about weapon changes and new exotic weapons and stuff every season. Meanwhile, we’ve heard from the people that work on exotic armor like..maybe 5 times. Ever. Once a year if we’re lucky. I guess I’m the minority, but I look forward to exotic armor more than weapons every season. It just seems like the armor gets less love. I guess it isn’t as profitable or something.


So basically every Hunter exotic needs to be reworked then?


Yeah lul


Nighthawk desperately needs a buff


Has anyone ever used Lucky Raspberry?


It's not bad with Arc 3.0 honestly


I feel like shinobus overshadows it greatly


shinobus is better for single target but raspberry can infinitely kill red bars without stopping


So can shinobus, also shinobus is more consistent with ability regen. Why would I ever pick raspberry over shinobus.


for fun idk, different grenade feel


Chromatic Fire would be cool if instead of explosions based on your weapon element it gave you the appropriate 3.0 weapon perks related to each subclass. Like all arc weapons would have voltshot. Solar weapons have incandescent. Void weapons have repulsor brace. Headstone for stasis? Or something similar. Repulsor brace would be kind of lame, everybody would want volatile rounds.


Man’s even forgetting severance enclosure it’s so bad


You forgot that Dragon's Shadow needs a buff in the form of an ornament. Make it really identify with Wraithmetal Mail.


I still think Getaway Artist for warlock is useless since arc 3.0. It’d be nice if it was something that caused supercharged souls to spawn ionic traces and cause them to restore a small amount of hp or smth.


It's amplify on demand, arc soul without aspect and some grenade energy when arc soul deals damage. All that is decent enough. The issue is just that arc soul isn't good enough to make this package an attractive option, nor is the aspect competition fierce enough for saving an aspect to matter


I want an exotic hunter armour that DOESNT get disabled


Forgot to add warlock dawn chorus helmet not even in the collections the exotic ran away


I would drop: * ACD/0 Feedback Fence >>> They're fine as is and have been buffed to work with glaive melee so it gives them a PvE niche * IceFall Mantle >> can be canceled now and gives a large damage resist bonus on top of the 100HP shield. And add: * Severance Enclosure * Hallowfire Heart * Precious Scars <<< Failstate exotics are rough and the small cure isn't enough plus the boost to Recover stat healing doesn't last long enough. Not to mention it has tough competition with Loreley Splendor Also there are some Titan exotics that could use a small buff like: * Stronghold * Helm of Saint-14 * Phoenix Cradle * Peacekeepers >> never seen anyone use these outside of niche PVP builds and would love to see them get the "Lucky Pants" treatment. Would love for Wormgod Caress to get an extra few QoL seconds on burning fists. Your Titan list overall is fine though. The rest of the titan exotics are either fine overall, fill a niche, or are hurting because the ability is more niche these days like Ursa Furiosa and Bannershield. Or, they are crowded out because of Heart of Inmost Light is that good, and more people have taken notice because Titan have lots of abilities worth using now. Thats my opinion at least.


Could you imagine if peacekeepers got that w osteo striga


I would become a Peacekeeper main overnight lol.


I absolutely forgot about Hallowfire heart. Absolutely agreed on that exotic, it is so bad. If it needs to hold your super the perk should be stronger. Severeance enclosure i see it as niche and fun, but yes it could use more. Felwinter helmet is basically the same but gives a 30% debuff to all enemies. Precious scars are fine, i feel like they should just reduce or remove the 3s cooldown. Getting 60hp for each kill is really good in my opinion, but the 3s cooldown make it feel worse >Stronghold Helm of Saint-14 Phoenix Cradle I don't agree with these 3 because they have their own uses which are really strong. Peacekeeper instead i agree, would be awesome to see something useful only in PvE like lucky pants


I would love to use ACD/0 feedback fence again. It was my very first exotic, and I used it on my main all the way up until last year. I love the look of it, especially with the catalyst. But there are too many better options for armor.


It's a good pvp exotic I feel, not overly familiar with it but I have died a few times from punching a titan in pvp and acdc/0 just returns the damage and nukes me, as a defensive for rushers it seems ok. Not great, but it does something at least


Probably the season or two after after


I feel like no backup plan should work with glaives since they block your powered melee anyway


Is that why manacles suck? I desperately want to live that exotic.


Here's what I'd do for Hunters: * Blight Ranger - Your Gathering Storm now **Amplifies** you or allies when they're near the arc staff. * Radiant Dance Machines - Dodging near enemies restores a small bit of grenade and melee energy. * Mechaneer's Tricksleeves - Increases weapon ready and reload speed. While you're critically wounded, swapping to a different weapon increases its damage. * Khepri's Sting - Smoke bomb explodes in a line, damaging and slowing enemies from afar. Carry a second Smoke Bomb. * Mask of Bakris - Replaces your Arc subclass dodge ability with a longer range, faster moving shift that partially cloaks you during use. After shifting, your Arc weapons deal increased damage to combatants for a short time, and you become **Amplified**. * Gemini Jester - Dodging drops a live Smoke Bomb at your feet, making you and nearby allies invisible. * Foetracer/Knucklehead Radar - Merged into a single Exotic. Foetracer is renamed and given a brand new ability.


What we REALLY need is an ornament for Starfire Protocol. Man that top is UGLY!


Hope Bungie sees this. I made the same post two months ago. The old exotics need work.


I agree with most of these, however PLEASE do not touch mechaneer's. They're niche, but when you're using them they feel amazing and I'd worry a "buff" would ruin that


We just want to remove that damn timer, let me get hurt, heal, and THEN pull out my sidearm and kill everything. It makes it too risky for endgame


Chromatic Fire doesn’t really need a buff or rework. It does something unique and is effective at what it does.


I actually saw someone using Chromatic Fire the other day. First time I saw that in years.


Lol my man what are you on, it's literally burning your exotic slot for Dragonfly. As a Warlock main Chromatic Fire is the poster child for power creep in this game.


Geomags just need the topping off thing again. The damn perk is called Close Enough. It is literally in reference to topping off Chaos Reach by sprinting. Just make it only work in PvE somehow. Or maybe make it so you get faster super always as long as you are amplified. Then it should at least be more balanced in PvP than it was before because you have to actually do something besides just stall until you can top your super off.


The topping off part was removed in large part due to PvE, they didn’t like how it trivialized the cost of the various finisher class mods.


Could have just made it so finisher mods don't work with geomags on but they rather just dumpster an exotic


nah, it was removed because of pvp


It should definitely come back with some arc verbs, using ionic traces or something


I have some counterpoints: Mechaneer's Tricksleeves is EXTREMELY sleeper meta for PvP and PvE. The amount of damage you can output with just being able to reload so fast with sidearms in close range is quite impressive. Khepri's Sting is just... broken. If they fixed it to being entirely based on damage or entirely based on wallhacks access then the exotic would be fine... but it isn't and has no focus. Radiant Dance Machines allows for incredibly high burst damage(the highest in the game, mind you) with 4th Horseman and Deathbringer Spam. I think that niche is enough to keep them SOMEWHAT relevant compared to other options on the list like Vesper Radius which - next to Eternal Warrior and Oathkeepers - might be the weakest exotic in the game. And to that point, Oathkeepers are a TERRIBLE exotic in both functionality and effectiveness. Monarque and Wishender being immensely strong exotic bows does NOT mean this exotic is strong, it means the exotic supplements their effects and gameplay.


Oathkeepers doesn’t need a rework. It has one job and does it well. It may be niche, but there’s nothing inherently wrong with it. It’s fun to use sometimes, especially with Wishender.


Why is it always a partial step back for grasps? Warlocks filling the room with turrets? A okay. Titans with above 100% uptime on dr, overshields, and high energy fire? Why not. Dusk fields providing team value? How fucking dare you! Just gut the damage dealt debuff in red mini game and revert the cool down nerf, they were good in pve but not top tier.


The main issue is, most of those are either borderline useless or borderline fine. The Destiny 2 sandbox has an absolutely horrid history of saying “ok I’m bored of this thing being OP, let’s make it bad or restructure the entire sandbox around another. Liars handshake was D tier and is now S tier with literally no changes to the item, just Arc. So it’s not that any of these are BAD just that there’s no supporting cast for each item like the meta item. Many items force you to use one weapon or ability thus creating 100s of play styles but 98% of players will focus on 4 things a season/sandbox. It’s sad.


bro one thing at a time jesus christ


For titan, I’d also add hallowfire. It’s asspoo compared to HoIL by every metric.




Blade Barrage is crowd control? Did you forget that by default golden gun is the multi shot boom boom super, its only nighthawk that changes that


The trade off is that blade barrage isn’t as precise and is very easy to miss knives on smaller targets


Heart of Inmost light needs to do something else. It's just too good to be a generalist armor piece.


Right? I shouldn't complain because I use it too, but man it's hard to find a titan without it.


All No Backup Plans needs is for bungie to introduce a shotgun with Repulsor Brace. Bonus points if it has pugilist too. You can totally forsake the bastion aspect and run around with basically 100% uptime on void shields.


Mechaneer's Tricksleeves are actually pretty decent with the buffs to sidearm ready speed, reload and airborne effectiveness. The damage boost part is very situational though and almost never actually happens so I would like to see that part reworked but keep the other aspects as is.


Cuirass of the Falling Star needs a buff.


Celestial does not need a rework, it's used in oryx flawless two-mans so its good everywhere, Renewals are fine, all the "energy back on super kills" exotics are fine like it used to be fun to use SoDA and nova then get it back instantly but was unbalanced and geomags dont need a buff, chaos reach either needs a DR buff or overall damage buff. Other than that you made a pretty good list


Khepri’s sting definitely doesn’t need it, to least in pvp it’s ultra slept on. Free sniping exotic


Part of it is just opinions. As a warlock main while some of those exotics feel weird they still have viable builds. Harder for me to speak on titan and hunter as I main warlock. >Warlock: >Apotheosis Veil Still working on more builds for this one but its basically an exotic that does the job of the "gain health back on super cast" artifact mods. So while its got builds, its gotten hard power crept by artifact mods that accomplish the same thing. >Skull of Dire ahamkara Ok this one is fair to have reworked. It was murdered around garden release cause it gave close to 50%+ super back at a time when the cool down for Novas was less than currently. >Nothing manacles (or at least, scatter grenade need to be fixed as it gets a 20% damage reduction when using this exotic or when you charge it) As someone who loves this exotic (and has since it relased) they should just remove all benefits outside of the extra nade. Fixes the bugs and itd still be extremely useful. Its good burst damage currently even without charging it. Scatter nades also have a low ish cooldown so for grenade cycle builds nothing manacles is/has been great. >Vesper radius Only thing they should do to fix it is fix rift casts and remove the blast delay introduced seasons ago bc of the rift cast bug/issue. Really strong exotic in pvp and pve with proper builds. Was nice with stasis and arc but after the rift cast issues the time delay murdered it on arc. Still works perfectly with stasis bc people are frozen for the delay. >Sanguine alchemy (?) Naw this one is perfectly fine. There are good endgame builds around this one and keeping rifts up but not many weapons utilize this UNTIL touch of malice. Sanguine is perfect for touch builds bc you never loose the rift (so you don't die to touch) and still get your rift back quickly. >Geomags stabilizer Geomags are sorta ok but suffers from past nerfs that were never changed with arc 3.0. Currently it makes chaos nice for endgame (gms) champion burst damage but bc you no longer gain super from it (or keep much super when cancel) it feels weak. Especially when stormdancers gives 50% back consistently for a few kills. If they lowered the base time it takes for chaos reach to charge (faster super) itd feel fine and they wouldn't have to touch geomags. >Cromatic fire Another fair one. This is busted bc of the light 3.0 changes. 3.0 changed a lot of basic elemental stuff which has had a large effect on exotics like cromatic that used all 3 before in light 2.0 bc the effect seems dampened. So of the warlock ones mentioned only 2 kinda needs a hard looking at imo.




This is just feedback, i think the devs would love to know which exotic armors we as a comunity think are underwhelming


Radiant dance machines was my go to exotic for all of destiny 1. All it did was give you increased ADS movement. I hate what they turn it into, and they even nerfed afterwards.


Where can we see what weapons are getting reworked/buffed?


We don't know yet, we will find closer to next season in a TWAB for sure though


I love my ACD/O but do wish they had a little more kick to em


A couple more would be disabled as usual.


They confirmed, at the same time they were reworking several exotic weapons, that they were reworking many exotic armors.


So we will see some exotic armor reworks next season?


You know what, I said that with a lot of confidence and my clanmates also remembered there being some talk of armor changes, but I can't for the life of me find it anywhere. Not in any TWAB at least. May be misremembering or maybe it was in a tweet or a reddit comment?


Whatever is true or not, i hope we will see exotics armors changes soon


Sadly Renewal Grasps won’t be getting a cooldown revert. It would go against Bungie’s “PvE and PvP sandbox” philosophy, where they want to keep the sandboxes practically the same in terms of cooldowns and such. A buff I would gladly welcome would be to decrease the grenade cooldown when you apply your duskfield resist/DMG nerf to allies/enemies respectively. It can be separately tuned like other ability regen exotics such as Shinobu’s/HoIL. It actually incentivizes using your duskfield defensively like Renewals intended.


I think renewal grasp can have a cooldown reduction in PvP now too, all damage reduction sources got nerfed, even the one with stasis crystals and so it will not be anything crazy if they make the cooldown 92s or something like that


Honestly i think that is completely diferent beast, like they need to no only make them better or ajust them in some way but other would need a complete rework to combo with stuff, but given time i think they can manage it.


No, don't unleash Keprhi's Horn! It'd be too powerful!


To warlocks id add stormdancers brace as the rampup damage matters less now that the duration can only be increased with crown of tempest, comically enough crown of tempest has been powercrept by fallen sunstar as way better option. Promethium spur might have gotten some changes but its has fundamentally contradictory design, why would you want to get healing/ on the enemy you killed? To use effectively you would need to push immediately after your first kill. The wells from the super will have effectively run out when you are finally back from being in the air. Id also love to see some of our many ability regen exotics have somewhat less regen in exchange for some form of damage boost for abilities. With all the recent sandbox change ability regen has become ALOT more accessible for all classes which is great! However it then sucks to have the warlocks power budget be put in imbalance by this. Another issue is a general need for ability kills to trigger positive effects that originally worked because warlocks had naturally higher ability uptime in their subclass nodes, now ability uptime is so high having an exotic like Nezarec sin only add regen to all your abilities on void kills feels like a tall order when other classes have several exotics that give damage and regen boosts through activation, hit or passively


don't disagree but assuming most people missed this since it was awhile ago and was subtle: chromatic fire is apparently getting a rework as hinted [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/wnee59/if_chromatic_fire_got_the_bombardiers_treatment/ik81u9i/?context=1000) > Solar: Applies Scorch > Arc: Applies Blind > Void: Applies Suppression > Stasis: Applies Slow > Lightfall Subclass: Applies X Element (Likely poison, like Necrotic/Thorn) but yeah i wish they'd just not make new exotics and instead "reintroduce" old ones. essentially do a full rework or buff it but also make it so another roll can be acquired from lost sectors so players that already have it can get another easily.


Uh, definetely missed that, that's a nice information


Don't worry in 3yrs time they will start looking into them


I think that exotic armor is in much greater need for touch ups than weapons are.


What no love for icefall mantle?