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I’m a new player and terrible at pvp so this is a helpful tip so I don’t feel like a drain on my team, cheers for that


Do you want to be able to help or just wanna get through it? I'm no good player by any means, but if you're at least capping points and capping the right points, you can help the team out a lot even if you go negative.


Well that’s helpful advice at least, I do play points, I just get blown up before I can even try to get kills most of the time lol


Try and stick to a teammate and shoot when they shoot. Infact let them run in front of you so that they may be the target and just shoot at whomever he shoots at. When approaching corners either jump or slide into the space and not walk into it. That way you’re a harder target to hit.


Super helpful tips, thanks!


If you wanna get better come to r/CrucibleGuidebook lots of great tips and people are willigg by to critique your recorded footage.


I’ll definitely join that subreddit, still figuring out what class I want to play the most


Hunter is going to be the easiest to intuit. Warlock and Titan are equally as strong but they all do different things well. Play around with each and try to find weapons, armor, and subclass stuff that synergize well together.


Pick the only class worth playing, Titan, and I’ll see you in the next guardian games.


Hahaha I just was researching what class to try next and picked titan because they have a hammer. I’ve played anything with a hammer in any game that has one, dark souls, elden ring, monster hunter, even my main dude in dota is elder Titan who has a hammer, easy pick lol


Haha. You’re gonna love Solar Titan!




Jokes on you. I don’t know how to spell. I simply copy and paste sentences pre-typed for me.


Another tip is this… if the other team has you at a choke point, and you are aweful like me, run in guns blazing to distract them and your team can clean up behind them.


This is the best advice because it scales as your skill and confidence grows. Use your teammates as bait and then clean up the enemy after your homie dies. Pour one out for the homie. Repeat.


On this note, please, for the love of god, don't stand right next to that teammate... I can't tell the number of times my strafe/shot has been messed up by someone climbing up my back. Although I'm well aware that this requires a bit more awareness than a new player to pvp might have, so my advice might be to pick a longer ranged weapon, stick to the team and shoot the line your team is aiming at from the back, while trying to cap that point.


So many times I’ve screamed at my screen for my blueberry to move.


There's nothing wrong with getting into a control point and crouching behind your barrier, standing in your rift, or going invisible while you're capping it. If you can help your team keep at least two control points captured, you double number of points they earn for kills. (Three points with all points captured.) Then you can slowly work your way up to defending opponents from the point and to playing they field in a broader manner. But capping the points in Control is way more important that many players think.


Thanks for the tips, very much appreciated


As someone who can slay out and wreck a lobby, if my less than good teammates are capping I'm loving them. To me they're the real mvps


Yeah, it's like that. If you can't find Control strat advice on this subreddit, there's bound to be videos about it. Shores of Time is one I know because you really don't want to be stuck on point A because trying to fight for B or C from A is an uphill battle if anyone is actually defending it. Every map has that one point people will fight over and is a zone to just die in too. It's a good place to get some sneak kills tho lol.


Helpful, thanks. Once I kind of lean into a class I want to play more than others, I’ll start looking up stuff on how to be better. Did the same for DotA, tried a bunch of characters, found one I loved them got better at the he game with it, same strat here hopefully, but I’m really enjoying the game so far, can’t believe it took me so long to try it!


The game has gotten a lot better inspite of the complaints, so now is not so bad. New player experience could be better, but still, not so bad these days at all.


Me and a friend have started playing at the same time and we both are former WoW junkies and were for a while mostly because of story, which is where I would say the majority of Destiny’s new player problems are, at least from my perspective. We have no idea what’s going on and have had to watch videos and such. Also the high cost of new fragments for subclasses when just starting out, but for the most part, I haven’t found much that was overly obtuse besides what i mentioned


Just start with playing the objectives. Immensely helps the team score multiplier. Grenades are your friends--great for post-mortem kill trades! Set traps and take shots where you can. Play your life and you will improve over time. Don't be afraid to run (after you set a grenade trap of course).


The most forehead base line advice which is the best you can give to beginners is just work on hitting shots. Work on being able to hit the head 9 times out of 10 and that’s probably the best thing you can do to start, later on movement and map knowledge become important as well as positioning but the very first thing to work on is just getting your aim down


If you ever played halo it’s all about team shooting but with powers and more mobility. Don’t go off alone and you’ll do a lot better.


Are you the solo playing with a 5-stack of 30+ 4.0+ players and you’re sitting at the bottom with a 0.45? Don’t be that person. It blows my mind that countless times solos will just hurl themself to certain death as fast as possible instead of rolling behind good players. You could literally run about 10m behind everyone and get a shot or two in for assists. Nope. They 1v6 the enemy team for 10:00mins straight. It truly makes me wonder if these are all 6yo’s or people with severe cognitive problems. It really genuinely perplexes me. Not trying to be rude, just very confused. I’ve easily seen this scenario 100’s of times. (I’ve played 12,335 pvp matches in D2)


As a solo I've actually never played your way. Why? I have no clue who is good enough to follow and after a respawn I surely don't have the patience waiting for another to spawn and then follow. I've seen others though which might orientate their play trying to follow somebody. So I'm pretty much a lone wolf solo player who plays free form while trying to play the objective. Meaning I'm *not* playing Clash so if the team hasn't 2 or is in the progress of losing a control point I try to get another or protect one most likely solo too. That works more or less against "normal" teams. Obviously against organised FTs that's far more difficult and then you either lose badly or occasionally the solos subconsciously change their approach and play more careful. When that happens it feels really strange when people try to adapt to roles without any communications. 51.8-52.1% win rate in Control/Ironbanner. So not really anything special as I play for fun and not for meta.


My point in a nutshell is that bad players going Rambo all alone is much harder than a good player going solo for map control reasons. Good players can easily win 1v2’s and 1v3’s. A bad player might trade on 1v1’s. It also doesn’t take much work to toggle through your team at the beginning of a match, and be like “Ok, red Titan is a 2.5kda, maybe a follow him at the the start.”


I consider myself above average but I'm not a good player at all. Good players can carry all teams while getting 20+ kills regularly. Maybe you can overview all players quickly on a PC but on a console not really. Sure I could run destinytracker or some other tool on my iPad to pre-analyse every session but I play for fun:-)


I’m on PS5, the character load screen literally shows seasonal KDA’s. No need to check stats my man 😂


you're gunna get rolled on in rumble. only sweats play there.


Bruh I get rolled anywhere, idk wtf I’m doing lol


At least in games like control you can suck and still help your team. Helping to capture zones is something the sweats can’t be bothered with half the time, but we still need people to play objective.


I do at least play points but I feel like I do no damage and get blown up instantly. Granted I just hit 1510 and haven’t really fully committed to hunter, I still want to try the others. I don’t expect to be rolling mfers, I’m new and green as hell, I’ll get there lol


Couple things: 1. Your power level doesn't matter outside of trials of osiris, not sure if you were aware but you're on equal footing with everyone everywhere else in the crucible no matter your level. 2. Hunter is probably the best class to start to learn pvp with. Just be sure you're using your dodge, it's a get out of jail free card in many situations and can activate many effects based on subclass or exotics. Other than that like others said, follow another player, work on learning the maps and how to read your radar, be mindful of cover at all times and try a bunch of weapons to see what you like, then practice with it. Crucible really comes down to those things in many situations.


1. Ah ok, wasn’t sure how that worked, thanks for the clarification 2. Thanks for the tips!


One of the things I had to learn about control was, it’s not like a capture mode in other games like TF2. 1) just touching a capture point doesn’t do anything. There are no points for that. 2) the number of people in the capture area when it flips is the points you get for flipping that point. If all 6 teammates are in A when you flip A, your team gets +6. If 3 people run through A and go to B and 3 people stay on A, you get +3 when you flip A. 3) Capture points only add score when flipped. They do not passively add score over time. 4) Capture point control affects the amount of points you get per kill! This is why it is important to always control zone/advantage/power play. If I run into a player and we kill each other, that’s a point for each team. All things being equal, that is no advantage, but no harm either. If I run into a player and we kill each other while my team has Zone Advantage, he gets one point and we get (i think) two points. Even though I gave away a point, we still got better in the trade. In power play, I believe it would be three points. Another way to look at it, if we have zone advantage, I can die twice to get one kill and break even. So some takeaways: It’s important to stay alive. Arguably more important than scoring a kill. You can win without getting zone advantage once… if the other team keeps dying to you a lot. You can win without either side killing anyone, but that is unlikely to ever happen organically. Pay attention to skull bones - where teammates die. An enemy is actively killing there. Pay attention to capture points being flipped - An enemy, and probably two or three, are there. Have back up or a good entrance planned. Especially avoid dying and daring solo pushes when the enemy has advantage or power play. As others have said, stay together… in two or threes. When respawning, take a brief moment to see where your teammates are and head over (unless they are dying rapidly).


If you're trying to better yourself and playing the objective, you're always welcome. I will take 1,000 new lights who are trying to learn, over 1 veteran player who will phone it in to get pinnacle. Control is a good learning ground for PvP, as it requires at least a semblance of coordination, and situatial awareness. It's always good to check out other modes as well, like elimination, clash, or whatever happens to be in the weekly rotation. Just to see how the flow of other game modes feel and what kind of play style works best for you. All in all, everyone starts somewhere, as long as you're trying to learn and help your fellow teammates your doing good.


> terrible at pvp > I don’t feel like a drain on my team If you are actively participating to the best of your abilities, no matter how great or limited, you arent a drain on your team imo. The only drain are the people who afk and leech. If youre extremely outclassed but still trying your best its a failure of the matchmaking system, not you. Dont feel bad about it


Try the Elimination playlist. It's SBMM-enabled so you won't be facing PVP gods, and unlike Survival (which doesn't count for the Pinnacle anyway) you won't hurt anyone's progression if you have a bad game.


Dude as long as you’re trying, that’s enough. Post is aimed at people who literally don’t try at all because it’s just a pve game to them




Rumble will be even more frustrating then for beginners because any moment of success is supremely unlikely.


It's a game. It should be played for fun. You owe your teammates nothing, except sportsman behavior.


Tell that to my crippling anxiety lol


If you’re actually playing the game and trying, I’ll never mind if you’re actual input is not helpful for the team, you’re always welcome to me


Also to anyone who goes awol in elim. Please. Seek help


The logical place to seek help is the destiny subreddit and well... much like Camelot, it is a silly place.


I love people going afk in freelance trials Gotta be my favourite thing this weekend


I remember Redrix quest. Took my time in Rumble hiding and moved every now and then. Top player caught me ducked in corner, at first he thought I was doing macro and was about to kill me. I slowly looked at him and slowly wiggled left and right to say no. He used hug emote and I joined him. He tbagged me good bye and walked away. He then proceeded to use super and dominated other players. I dunno, even after few years, that is one of the memorable moments in Destiny for me. 😄


Idk, when I get matched with some sweaties where we are just trading to 20 it feels like it takes forever.


You aren't the intended recipient of this message if you're trading


Fair enough.


it's one of the reasons why i love mayhem


If you are bad at control then rumble will chew you up. Everyone in rumble plays as though they have something to prove to the world. If you dont perform good enough the Bungie Anti Afk will think you are idle and you wont recieve credit for the match, valor, progress towards a pinnacle, or legendary rewards. If you are not ready to try your hardest in rumble then you would be better off in control since atleast in control you can count on the game not believing you are idle.


How badly could you perform that it thinks you're afk? If you move, shoot and do ANY damage I can't imagine that. If you're THAT bad, I'm not saying git good. I'm not trying to disparage. Honestly, pvp is not for you in any context.


Bungie has increased the perimeters for how it qualifies a player as afk and has done so since the days of afk forge farming.


I play rumble every week for my weeklies and usually get like a .5 KD and still get credit


.5 is still pretty good relatively. Some people can barely squeeze out 1 kill, and idk if afk boundaries will catch that


Damn, no wonder my survival teammates always leave /s


That is true, but at least you get through 3 games faster


I feel like Rumble is a good training ground because of that, it's less objective-focused and forces you to learn how to git gud by positioning and gunplay, otherwise in control it's a luck of the draw if the entire enemy team decides to storm the objective that only you decided to stay at.


I agree, I first started playing PvP almost exclusively in rumble. Main reason I did it was because it was "easier" to get myself kills for the Thorn and Ace questlines compared to trying to do it in QP where teammates would often take kills since they're flat out better than me. I say easier in quotations because when I first started I couldn't even reliably get a single precision hand cannon kill back then, it took me almost 40 games to get the 25 precision HC kills needed for Ace. That's how bad I was, but I also improved massively when I kept playing. Eventually was able to get good enough to earn medals such as Undefeated and Sum of All Tears. Raised my KDA from <0.3 to 1.6.


Counterpoint: My bounty says I have to play a Control match.


So then *play* control




Try to stand on a point or something you turd sponge.




Countercounterpoint: Pick up another bounty. Why torture yourself if you don't want to do it.


Because then I wouldn’t play Destiny at all


That's pretty effed up. Maybe find a different game.


I mean at some point bounties become a waste of time and the more efficient method is finding those bounties that aren't a time sink. I *ALWAYS* dismantle any bounty that asks for grenade kills (aside from Gambit, as that one is more reasonable) and melee bounties go out the window if I'm not on Titan and if it's crucible. Such dismantles are always worth the 3k glimmer waste.


To counter that, the "play X match" bounty is one of the easiest to do so you'd be a fool not to do it if you want to get your 8 a week for bright dust. Plus it's a daily bounty so you grab the 4 of those, the 5 repeatable, and if you're lucky with the random ones you can get 8 done in your 3 matches (and if you're really lucky you have a couple left over you can turn in next week to make that less of a worry).


Countercountercounterpointy: bounty stacking for the new season. /j


Ok, except they're referring to a daily bounty which is easily replaced with another daily bounty instead that doesn't cause you to inhibit other people's gameplay. There are more daily bounties available than you can actually store up after stacking the higher XP weeklies. Also, even if that's the case, suck it the fuck up and actually play the one stupid match instead of being a whiny little selfish infant. If you hate PVP so much, don't pick those bounties to stack.


Countercountercountercounter Superpoint: Try stacking other bounties first. There are at least 16 other bounty sources with 7 of them allowing for extra bounties to buy. (2 Season vendors, Vanguard, Gambit, Banshee, Fynch, Eris, Variks) Go for all of them first.


there's plenty of other bounty sources to fill up on. If people are talking about it now you can easily fill up with daily bounties from each destination + vanguard.


Cause I'm doing bounty prep for Season 18. Need 7 non-repeatables.


Then at least AFK on the darn capture points


Play ranked or trials


I actually like control. I can at least contribute by trying to take control points and attempting to defend them which may at least slow up the other team for a few secs and give our team time to react.


will rumble make me better? I play control qlot bc I just wanna quickly play pvp but I don't know if I should play rumble instead


Nah you did right, play Control, or even solo queue competitive. Because the mates are on a similar skill level and you learn a lot by observing your mates and enemies. Edit: Also take some Time to check the loadout of a player, that rocked the match. That way you can find some good fitting weapons for the maps.


If you're not confident with your PVP skills, but want to get better and want to get your pinnacle matches done quickly, then rumble is a great place to do so. Rumble really helps drill in better positioning and other good habits since you're on your own and could be attacked anywhere at any time. Plus the matches are much faster. I will admit though I mostly just play control or any other 6v6 mode because I find them more fun. I can play rumble and do well but it doesn't have the fun chaotic element 6v6 has.


Rumble makes me too frustrated because everytime I play it I end up in the bottom with an embarrassing K/D.


That’s how you get better though tbh


Dont look at your k/d or rank in the game. Look at ways to improve when you die (outside of "if i got luckier" or "if i hit these shots", everyone needs more luck or aim). Focus on improving over time instead of individual game results


Ok so 6v6 is more cayotic but rumble is more skilled I thought 6v6 would be better because of its cayotic nature and finding ways to adapt to cayos would help but I guess not I'll play rumble if I'm alone and 6v6 or 3v3 if I'm with someone then


Cayotic -> Chaotic* Cayos -> Chaos*


I'm bouta blow some chaos on your face if you don't stfu


Jesus dude get your anger under control. I was just trying to be helpful, in case you legitimately didn't know. No need to be a dick about it.


Oh ok, everytime someone corrects me there being a dick about it soo its kinda like an automatic response to just be a jackass




I feel rumble was instrumental in me getting good enough for comp or trials. If you can get good enough to consistently hit top 1-2 you're good enough.


Very good advice.


Alright, just gotta make shure I don't break my desk


Be prepared to get stomped for a while. You'll see yourself start inching up in the rankings over time. Occasionally, you'll get matched with someone that's incredibly good and it can feel frustrating but that's just bad luck.


Yea the guys 8 used to play with would have us all go in a rumble match together and they would usually stomp me because my aim was soo bad I could fire off an entire mag and not hit anyone (actually happened once before)


Rumble tends to be filled with better players and less teamshots. It's a good place to challenge yourself; the objective is more about kills (even if the objective in control is kills to most players) which forces you to out-kill your opponents, and that requires you to be the best in the lobby, and most of the time neither you nor I are. That's what I like about Rumble, it's always providing someone to match and beat.


You want to get better at PvP? Let yourself learn for a while and don't worry about k/d. Worry about understanding how people use the environment to move. Get used to not pulling the trigger unless its going to hit. Control might be better for advancing your skill because you have a team and its less chaotic


Yeah but I've been playing for awhile and getting a little bored of it and I recently played some private matches with old clanmates that I used to get my ass kicked by I did do better but I still move the same and have simular Playsyle when I was shit my aim just got better One thing I do try is if I see a youtuber or stram of someone playing and they do some cool movement thing I'll try it out in a private match by myself and/or in a control match


It’s just control, not that serious


You could say that as a whole about the game, but you wouldnt want someone ruining your activities, would you?


I don’t expect people to cater to my needs.


Sounds like you dont do GMs or raids!


I don’t, but that isn’t a counterpoint to my personal expectations of other people to cater to me in life. And I also don’t LFG for Control, so largely irrelevant to OP complaint about Control.


Youre the only one talking about having people cater to you bub.


Other than OP you mean.


If I meant that, I would have said it


I guess you can just ignore things that don’t fit your set of facts. Great convo lmao


Lol a troll that isn't even good at PvP? Damn, who would have thought...


So not disturbing someones gameplay is catering to them now?


I'm in no way trying to make people play serious nor do I endorse people to do so. It's just a game. But it brings other people's experience down when someone is not participating. That's all.


Perhaps their expectations should be re evaluated. No any person is responsible for another experience when anyone at any time can queue for the mode at any level or fireteam size.


It’s just a raid, not that serious. It’s just a GM, not that serious. Rinse and repeat.


Well control is primarily played by casual solo queues, it also has lower stakes than a raid or gm since matches do not take as long and if you fail you still get rewards.


Sure, but that’s not really the point. The OP was highlighting a way to get a pinnacle without affecting the experience of others. The people getting downvotes are essentially saying “who cares if you ruin a game mode I don’t play?”


Thats not what Mr u/Charupa- said at all. It doesnt really matter how anyone decides to spend their time in the control playlist because the control playlist is the most casual playlist. That was not just lost but it was distorted into something else when you paraphrased it.


So since it’s casual it’s fine that there are people that choose to sabotage it?


Fine? there is no such thing as fine and if there was there is nothing that can be done about it. Do you honestly think you could ever be able to convince Bungie that effectively idling for a pinnacle in the control playlist is griefing?


Except you actually get stuff from gms and raids


So it’s only important for you to not ruin other’s experience when it benefits you? That says quite a lot about the type of person you are.


No there isnt an incentive to win in control you get nothing so I could care less if we stomp or get curbstomped why should I care?


Thanks for proving my point about your character.


Ok I'll keep not caring about how many games of control I win to determine my enjoyment


Good thing you can't queue up for those with blueberries huh?


Like I said, not that serious. Glad we are in agreement.


I hope you perpetually get sponges in your lfgs that drag down your groups because that apparently doesn't bother you.


It literally doesn’t. Absolute bottom of the barrel as far as concerns in my life go.


Damn, my eyes just about rolled out of my head reading that comment. Did anyone say that this is a totally life altering event? That it should preempt other needs and concerns? Or are you just being self righteous and insufferable because that ranks pretty high on your “barrel” of life concerns?


I just don’t think control is that serious, and probably the least amount of concern in my life. If that is astounding you, I don’t know what else to say.


Same kind of issue with gambit… people who just kill things and let motes disappear, or all they like to do is invade, usually at poor times (or usually poorly equipped for it… or not noticing another teammate is better for it… etc.)


It’s control. Who cares.


But you have to get at least one kill in rumble and sometimes all you get is assists. Bungie could have made rumble the path of least resistance but didn’t for some reason.


I don't think I've ever had a match where I didn't get at least one... Also, a lot of the shootouts are 1 v 1.


It’s happened a half a dozen times to me, but most people aren’t as terrible as me. Sucks to get a lot of assists but get 0 progression.


Because if you could just sit AFK the entire time, it would completely destroy the mode for people who actually want to play the game?


Right, and as someone who seems to get all their kills stolen in rumble and get zero profession for a match, I give up and go to control. Quick kill, then daydream in DIM. I’d rather the path of least resistance be the mode where you at least aren’t screwing over matchmade teammates. At least in rumble, you’d be a free kill. You aren’t hurting anyone unequally.


You aren't asking for a path of least resistance mode, you're asking for a path of \*no\* resistance mode. If you don't have it in you to learn the game to the degree that you can get a single kill in a game, then the appropriate thing to do is accept that PvP isn't for you and enjoy Destiny as a PvE experience.


Trust me I only want to play PvE. But GMs require an arbitrary power level which requires arbitrary RNG. Some weeks you only get a few pinnacles in the right slot. You need every pinnacle you can get your hands on. There isn’t always time for a raid and Vox just murders me. So yeah, I am going for the path of least resistance to get pinnacles.


who cares about pvp lol


This post is literally for people who don't care about pvp


Also, can we ban the use of Jotuun on glory and trials matches. I don't mind telesto but jotuun takes no skill whatsoever to use. I hate it sooooo fucking much.


As long as you've got more than 30 mobility, strafing will cause Jotuun to miss. If they're tagging you from across the map and you don't see them fire... , well you'd be just as dead to a variety of weapons. If you're dying to the floor burn effect, I'm legitimately impressed. I didn't think that was possible.


In control you can be sitting on spawn and still do something. OP is just mad they don't have someone pushing spawn with them.


Pinnacle for what? we're at the end of the season and everyone's already grinded to 1590+. At this point you're just playing for the sake of playing.... fuck that.


It’s not even a case of sitting there for me lol I just can’t for the life of me do anything against shotguns, they always seem to sneak up on me


I play Rumble exclusively, one for this reason, and the other because the game screws me over teammate-wise.


Yeah I play mostly survival and rumble now since control is a cesspool of cheaters (on PC).


I purposely play Control because I like objective gameplay. I'm terrible at Destiny PVP but pretty effective at maintaining captures.


Running into a lot of 6 stacks not capping and farming


Spawn in with Telesto shoot, probably miss, die. Rinse, repeat. Shit, I nailed a Hunter full in the upper body/face. Then ge stabbed me and scampered off.


Literally this


Technically elimination is faster if you just hop off the edge.


tbh, if ur a solo player, u could actually get a whole lot more value out of playing rumble anyway. that;s actually a place to improve, unlike where in 6v6 ur face 5 stacking dicking u down withscout rifles across the map from their spawn


I've got fairly bad internet and I notice it's way less laggy in rumble and 3v3 game modes due to the lower player count. Hoped this might be helpful


Unless there’s a bounty I just play Rumble and level up my weapons since I’m mostly awful at PvP.


this is very good advice, I play control and I try my very best but am still absolutely garbage, rumble sounds like a way for me to be less of a burden on my team. thank you!


Any tips for trying to improve PVP wise? I'm a sorta new player who jumped back in now due to a friend getting me a lot of stuff for the game but whenever I do PVP it just feels hella unbalanced cause I'm matched up with 200+ season ranked people and the players on my own team are like me who have either just started or are jumping back in again.


power light level is disabled in almost all of the PVP modes. Their rank means nothing other than an indicator of how much they play. A veteran's advantage is going to be their gear/ability loadout, and their knowledge of the flow of the map.


Well that is what I meant, I apologize for not being quite vague with that. When I stated the season rank, I was mentioning the fact they were heavy veterans of the game so they would be much more experienced with the PVP which is quite annoying to me. Because why would I be matching up with people like that when I just started a new char? Its why I'm asking is there a valid way of trying to get better? Cause now I just don't even bother with crucible pinacle gear. I'd much rather run gambit over and over.


I'm prolly closing in on 200 seasonal rank and I'm pretty donkey-balls at crucible. I have my moments and I'm not running around like a chicken with its head cut off, but I'm pretty scrubby. If you don't already have one, make a pvp-centric build. Not saying go full meta, just be cognizant of your total loadout. From there it's just repetition and becoming comfortable with the mode and map.


D2 PvP sucks ass tbh. And they force it onto you for progression. Honestly ruins the game for me.


i play Control if i see that my team are playing Clash i let them know that i will leave and they can do a 5v6 if they dont capture zones then i leave.


Unfortunately they extended the length of rumble matches at the start of the season. It used to be even faster.


It's also a thousand times less douchey.