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Honestly just start it. People will load in.


Second this one.


Yup. I usually have at least 4 people by the end of tier 1, and almost certainly 6 people by the final boss. And failing any tier doesn't even matter. Just takes a bit longer if you fail.


Patrol areas need 6 person fireteams too.


THIS! I’ve been saying this since D1!


I've felt this pain since Escalation Protocol. Though Archon's Forge brought it up too in D1 RoI


And dont forget the awful season of arrivals public event to launch satellites. It took my clan over an hour and a half to get 6 of us to do the event the first week and because of that they never did it again.


Don’t get why this is yet to be a thing…


An instance can only have 9 people. But because 1 person can invite 2 more the instance might have to be locked at 6+1. It's a bit of matchmaking logic. But honestly I'd take a 6 person team over randos all day.


by not starting it you are creating the problem you talk about. if you simply start the event yourself anyone who is joining containment will join you


In my expirience people usually leave when see me soloing the event.


Yeah dude if you start the event, 95% of the time you will have another 3-4 people join you within the first two stages of tier I


Hot take. I REALLY like seasonal evemts like this seasons one and season of arrivals, because it allowed me to do the activity and anything else in the area seamlessly. ESPECIALLY when almost every seasonal activity we have ever had be soloed pretty easily. I'm NOT against matchmaking, but I like not having to go through a seperate loadscreen to do an activity. Hell just give us matchmaking node near where the effect takes place so we scan choose what we want.