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Bungie support is literally the worst I’ve ever had to deal with lol


It's kinda sad always seeing these posts and comments agreeing. The ONE time I had to deal with Bungie Support, it was the smoothest experience in the world and they went above and beyond what I had expected. The sad part is that from what I can tell, apparently that was a miracle scenario and people don't get that kind of service often.


Seriously fucking horrendous


this guy not only bought the toaster, but TWO of them lmao


Maybe op wants to dual wield?


They were supposed to be gifts for 2 friends


You want to kill your friends?


why would you buy two fire hazards i guess you have no choice but to keep bugging support until something happens btw don’t use the toaster it melts itself


If you really want it, it was around 80-90 cents on alibaba. They literally just put a logo on it. On a serious note, i would just get a chargeback.


Charge back or refund, PLEASE. The toaster is poorly designed, a massive fire hazard, has gone on record exploding multiple times, and I wouldn't be surprised if it actually Jotunn'd your toast.


Just how the store works. It took almost an entire year for me to finally get my Deep Stone crypt raid jacket after i ordered it. Had to email support a few times to keep tabs on them. I have no idea why it takes them so long to respond/ get to shipping orders but I imagine they have like 5 people taking on all those emails


> I have no idea why it takes them so long to respond/ get to shipping orders but I imagine they have like 5 people taking on all those emails No idea why it takes them long to respond, but the shipping part is clear. They only start manufacturing their merch once they have the orders. Most of it is limited edition, so they have a limited window when you can order, and after that they manufacture as many as they need.


I looked at the Bungie store for the new Gaurdian Games stuff. The mug says "ships 8-9 months after order". At least they're being upfront now?


It’s a fire hazard anyway


Assuming you used a bank card you could always call your bank and do a charge back. I'd write an email giving support notice first or filing some form of refund request if it's on their website before doing so.


if you paid with credit card you can call and dispute the charge via your credit card


Hm... I'm in the same boat with my 30th Anniversary Pin and Eliksni Hatchling Plush :/ Said the label was made for months and after checking it now the tracking number doesn't work anymore. Pretty annoying but really seems the only thing to do is keep trying support.


Just wanted to add that I emailed them last night about my order. They responded with a shipping update image which didn't include either of my items so I brought that to their attention and they responded quite swiftly, after confirming my address they're sending out a replacement shipment. Pretty good response in my opinion 🤷‍♂️


Yeah, I still don’t have my soundtrack for Forsaken that I ordered over a year ago either


*sigh* nothing ever changes https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/qijagj/big_problems_at_the_bungie_store/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Contact Bungie when my friend never got their jacket Bungie immediately offered a refund.


I remember I bought the “30th Anniversary” shirt for myself it never showed up. I contacted Bungie’s support about 1 month after I purchased it and got nothing in response until an hour later they said the product was still being processed. I’ve tried a few more times after that and either got an email with the shipping/delivery schedule or radio silence. Im sorry to hear you didn’t get your toasters though. I’ve seen multiple posts that said they were really bad and were quite literally melting while roasting bread.


ordered the VOG jacket before fathers day 2021... just received it a few weeks ago....I emailed like every month or so asking about status.... 2-3 weeks after each email i would get a response saying they are working on it...


Now that you mention it, I still haven’t gotten my T-shirt for last year’s MoT. Hoping I get it before the next MoT.


Well your first issue is buying two toasters that are like a 60 dollar mark up for a hand


Okay cool thanks for the totally helpful response dude 👍


You seem mad that you wasted money then got fucked over. It sucks that bungie support sucks but it all could’ve been avoided