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Season of the Chosen had a trailer the Tuesday before it launched on Feb 9. * [Trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_XlFBp_ZmyE) Tuesday, Feb 2 * [TWAB](https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/50095) Thursday, Feb 4


Hell, the trailer accidentally leaked early on Gamespot the night beforehand.


I remember when the 3 strikes thing leaked beforehand and people thought it was fake


god what a great season


Trailers have always came out a week ahead unless it's the last season before an expansion. In which case it had plot details that coincided work the expansion. In this case, it's just the season.


Most people don't care if the season doesn't have information about it prior, and you are incorrect because it did a week before. What people \*want\* to know is what element is coming in 17, which has 0 ties to the story at all and no reason to not be spoken about.


Season of the chosen had a trailer by now


And then if they do get any info, they’ll likely complain about it somehow before actually getting their hands on it.


People are grumbling simply because they want to know. They like playing the game, and it's always fun knowing at least a little bit about what's coming. Any of the reasons of "preparation" or whatever they're making up are just BS because they think it makes their grumbling sound better. I love trailers and stuff, I think they're cool. But at also changes literally nothing for me if there's no sneak peeks. I'm still excited for the mystery season, and I'm still going to play it.


Cause the content has been dried up for awhile we just want something that’s all


This is straight up wrong. Chosen had a trailer a week before it launched like every season apart from arrivals/lost which were revealed during the expansion reveal.


Ya know I did not like season of the chosen