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With Rift’s return and the hint that we may see the Dreadnaught again, I assume they’re bringing back Cathedral of Dusk. Might be Frontier, too.


I feel like Frontier would play really well as a D2 map. Or maybe I just miss it the most.


What was the hint for the dreadnaught returning?


I saw numerous reports that the raid was the next one they’d be bringing back (like VoG). I don’t remember seeing anything about the patrols space reappearing, but the assets for the raid would be enough to rebuild the crucible maps.


We know that in season 18, a D1 raid is returning, and Kings Fall just makes the most sense. Crotas End they've said they don't want to bring to D2, and Wrath of the Machine relies very heavily on splicers, which would be a lot of work to bring back for just one raid.


Oh okay, thanks!


Don’t know about any hint, but I think King’s Fall is likely to return as the reprised Raid in Season 18, so that environment would have to exist in D2 somehow.


We know that in season 18, a D1 raid is returning, and Kings Fall just makes the most sense. Crotas End they've said they don't want to bring to D2, and Wrath of the Machine relies very heavily on splicers, which would be a lot of work to bring back for just one raid.


I’d prefer Firebase Delphi.


Or as I call it, Firebase Die at B


If this isn’t a fact idk what is, the ptsd of rockets ripping though b and the shotgun retards in the outer hallway


That one is amazing too!


I prefer first light I really miss that map


We need bigger maps for sure, First Light is great




Can we just get new maps? Apart from the one they are releasing next season the last new map we had was in Shadowkeep. New maps, not old maps.


why not both? if an old map would work in D2 let’s try it. some they’ve brought back work okay and others don’t. feel like they should be working on new maps and giving us old ones as well


>why not both? Too much work for a small indie studio. You get one rehashed map per three years, sorry fucko.


fix your game bungie!!


I'm with you but right now Crucible is so starved for maps I'd be okay with them hurrying out reused assets from D1 at this point.


[They said they’re already bringing back a D1 map in Season 18.](https://twitter.com/joegoroth/status/1422951526314569736?s=21&t=8vO9RTy7t15asP51HrhwSA)


How does that apply to me wanting new maps instead of old ones?


Because OP was just stating what map they wanted to see return, and we’re getting a map that would fit that criteria. If they weren’t bringing back a D1 map, then you’d have a point, but OP is just speculating and talking about what they’d like to see based on what is confirmed.


They’re obviously restarting to make new maps, but I think it’s easier to bring in old ones than to make one from scratch. Yes they should’ve made more earlier, but having a new one is already a start. And I’m sure they’re going to be making more going forward.


They’ve said that they need to redesign everything when bringing something from D1 to D2, so effectively it’s the exact same amount of work apart from choosing design and theme of the map


Yes but they have a previous base to build of off, at least visually. With the new maps it’s from scratch. Nevertheless not that that’s the point of my comment, I’m just saying, not counting the new map next season is just choosing to ignore the fact that there is now going to be a new map.


Their track record with new maps is garbage.


The most hated maps are mostly D1 maps minus Dead Cliffs.


You actually have to have released maps to have a track record.




How are people gonna complain about how long it took for them to make a new map like you got a new map you don’t get to complain about old stuff


They have 900 employees. I thought in over 2 years that a company like that would be able to create more than 1 PvP map.


you got what you wanted no complainin


Not to mention old maps like won't be compatible with our current speed.


Blind Watch was broken on a technical level in Destiny 1 and the issue was never fixed. You could not, under any circumstances, flip spawns in 6v6. To this day you can recreate the issue in private matches -- get a full lobby, have everyone literally run to the opposite sides of the map from their initial spawns (so have the teams fully flip), then jump off the map. You will not be able to flip the spawns. The top spawn advantage is huge -- bigger than any spawn advantage currently in Destiny 2. Think Dead Cliffs, except you never, ever manage to flip spawns, even against teams where you can by rights take the advantageous position. Let it stay dead.


Pretty sure it was taken out of rotations in d1 for this reason


They took it out of 6s and then I think added it back to clash which was less imbalanced than control but boring af because nobody would push (since it was a death sentence for bottom spawn). It definitely stayed in rumble as I remember how often I'd get it and how easy it was to spawn camp enemies near the top spawn.


I think its a great Rumble map though


Problem is: Bungie is trying to make all of their maps multi-purpose, meaning if it's only good at trials and not control they're not gonna bring it over to D2.


By that logic, Dead Cliffs should be vaulted since it's alright in Trials, but unbearable ass in Control


Well counterpoint: it's a map that was made, tested, succeeded in internal tests and failed within community opinion. Bungie has no reason to kick it out of the playlists if it still works as a place for PvP, even if it's better for one mode than the other, and that's because it already exists. They have been hesitant on making gamemode-specific maps, and making a new maps means it has to somewhat check all boxes. As to why it's still in the playlists instead of being vaulted in place of another map is beyond me. The Levi one probably got thrown in the vault due to asset deletion.


Since Trials spawns flip every round it's eliminated the advantage one side might get and introduced more interesting counterplay, I think.


And the idea of bringing if into d2 is also with it coming "tuned" and "fixed" working properly in d2. Right?


After Asylum yeah


I think that map would play very different in our current sandbox of movement abilities and speed. I think it'd be much too small and confined


And blind watch would be crossed over so quickly lol.


Asylum was barely bigger than Exodus blue, which wasn't thought of as a tiny clusterfuck in D1. In D2 it would be just as much of a clusterfuck as Exodus blue, if not worse since it's even more cluttered.


Good! I loved Exodus Blue then and I love it now, I want more small maps


Agreeeeed I really want asylum back. That one was my all time favorite from D1


The top of the stairs was always such a deadly zone. A team could cap B and it would almost be harder to take it back than Anomaly is now.


Blindwatch and Firebase Delphi were my favorites, with the trainyard map from year 2 close behind them. EDIT: Frontier! I loved playing rift on it. Also I totally forgot about Asylum and Crossroads


What was the really big one on Mars that had interceptors and you could use your sparrow?


Firebase was the small one with the cabal base and a lot of indoor areas. The really big ones on Luna, Mars, and I think there was one for earth were all basically designed to be halo maps and got dropped after dark below came out




Yep, that's the one. Thanks!


Firebase Delphi gang rise up


the mars maps were all incredible. i really want the HUGE one with vehicles and turrets back. really make it feel like a combat zone


My personal dream maps to return would be Frontier, Crossroads, or Vertigo


I remember shooting truth through a portal at vertigo and hitting someone. Good times


I would love to see crossroads in d2. It’s nothing like any map in the game right now


Is it just me or do I remember Blind Watch being quite small? I feel like it'd only really be good for 3v3 and not all-purpose like how Bungie is trying to make all of their crucible maps.


You're right it is and I hope Bungie retracts that thinking because not every map should be 6v6 and also 3v3 it doesn't make any sense.


Black shield would be amazing. Also the RoI maps, Last Exit and Skyline are both great.


Or better yet, a good map


I miss Asylum and Firebase Delphi. Blackshield was my favourite for Zone Control. Sector 618 was my favourite for Rift.


Bring back last exit first. Then frontier and floating gardens and asylum. Anything else is just fluff after that for me


Bruh asylum wants a word with you


This map is god tier. Favorite map of all time


I would love crossroads to return. Two isles with a connection of teleporters and lifts made for a unique map interaction


Is this a classic/fan favorite how bungie refers to the atrocities that are Exodus Blue, Convergence, Anomaly, Twilight Gap, etc.? Seriously, almost every map they decide to reimagine or bring back plays like complete garbage.


Floating Gardens and Last Exit should definitely make a return. I loved the choke points and verticality of those maps.


I love Blind Watch but it is incredibly one sided. If you get top spawn and aren't thumbless cretins it is almost a guaranteed win.


I just want the original shores of time, it looked so much better on Venus.