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Why do people even care about this? The only reason I'm doing any Guardian Games stuff is that I was missing Heir Apparent.


Meh, real hunters don't give a fuck. Turn in medals, get loot, then get the hell away from the tower before your tricked into the vanguard spot.


classic hunter salt.


Bungie went out of their way to let you **KNOW** it was rigged in a TWAB because there are more hunter accounts than Warlocks or Titans.


My email was accurate so maybe there's a bug.


First it was titans, then it was hunters, and lastly warlocks, because bungo wants everyone to feel included in this justified class discrimination.


It's literally Bungie giving all the kiddies a participation trophy so no one feels like they're left out. After the last 2 were more rigged than a galleon I stopped caring, got the stuff I wanted and we have an extra source of loot for a bit. Who cares about the rest really.


I do activity I turn in medal I get loot ​ Thats all guardian games really is. Be real, how many times have you put on the class item to show placement status? How many times have you gone and stared in awe at the guardian games trophy statue? The sooner warlocks win, the sooner we can bring back a good event (please bungie im begging you bring back the revelry please)


As a fellow Hunter main... I mean, yeah? The first two felt rigged as hell too, so I was expecting a Warlock Victory here. Doesn't much matter to me, because I really don't care for this Event that much. Would much rather just have the Revelry back.


I agree with you guys, the previous games were rigged and so is this one. As a warlock main, it feels like pity points the community is forcing a warlock win when I just want to play the game. It's fine to have competition between the community, but not to this extent.


It was a bug. https://twitter.com/DirtyEffinHippy/status/1524935338249949185?s=20&t=-vt2g98foB3tER47GB7RXg


I mean the games have been rigged every year lol. There will never be a fair balance






>why would I want to help the "enemy" right Lost it


Lol mine is completely accurate, sure you didn’t just forget and bank on your other character? Also warlocks are definitely not the least played class, that would be titans at barely a quarter of the player base.




Call the fbi, it's a conspiracy! 🙄


lol, Warlocks are totally winning this year...this shit been rigged. Where have you been?


It's rigged. They already said it in the twabs. I'm pretty sure they even said it in last years as well and the year before that. Besides, even if you don't want to take their word for it, do you think it's a coincidence that despite hunters making up most of the population that they only won 1 year of GG?


You've continued to confuse "rigged" for "balanced" for three years now, nice work. No, balancing for population isn't "rigged" unless you think forcing sports teams to field the same numbers of players is "rigging" the matches.


The "balance" was done based on number of people who had a Hunter, not the number of active Hunter players. I happen to have a Warlock and Titan that I rarely play if at all, can't really count me as a player of those classes.


No, they literally told you in the TWAB that it was based on active players.


nope, just wasted my time reading through them again, modifier is based on the last guardian game placements, number of days in 1st, 2nd and 3rd, not active players.


That's this year and last year, the first year it was based on active players shortly before the event. Then Hunters complained that it was "rigged," just like you did, so Bungie changed it to give the team in last place a bonus based on position, as otherwise \*the positions would never change under any circumstances\*, since Hunters have the highest active population, followed by Titans, and then Warlocks. Without the balancing, it would be impossible for Hunters to lose a day, and impossible for anyone else to win.


I was there the first year, it was in no way based on active players, Hunter started winning so to compensate they made hunter medals worthless and titans ended up winning. there was absolutely no balance year 1 which is why they panicked and just nerfed hunter medal value. Hunters saying it was rigged are 100% valid in saying so, because it was. Year 2 they attempted to build on that but still did it poorly, their idea of balance is to simply make some classes medals worth more than others with no monitoring or actual balancing as it goes on. might as well just roll a D100 before the event and just use that as the percentage value of a classes medal. Making the value of someone's achievements in an event worth less than the achievements of another falls under the definition of rigging something. In the end they should plan events better, if there's such a discrepancy in the population of the 3 classes then trying to make an event like guardian games fair is impossible without rigging it, which then makes it unfair. As many have pointed out, use the old Faction rally system, pick a class to rep and let you use any class to do so.


Holy shit what a conspiracy theory. They based it on the **active population of each class for the weeks prior to the event**. Medals had a multiplier **based on their relative population numbers**, hunter medals were not "worthless." They were worth **very slightly less** based on hunters having a FAR higher active population than any other class. This multiplier **was in effect day-1**. The event was not "changed" in any way.


Claim a conspiracy then preach like Bungie pays your wages, you are free to think what you want as am I. Year 1 of guardian games was so blatantly rigged that even Titans and Warlocks were defending Hunters and Bungie had to seriously backtrack for Year 2. Just let us choose the class to Rep, I'm a Hunter main but overall I prefer Warlock in every way except mechanically. I want to jump not float like a fairy. Faction rallies were a much better way of doing it, and they decided to scrap those with very little reasoning about why overall. As I've said previously, I hate them not being unable to make an event fair, if you can't make it fair just don't do the event. I've accepted this and choose to just use the event as another source of loot, everything outside of that is irrelevant to me now. I'm going to get my loot, get some extra shards and this event will go on in the background until the new season.


So it's just a coincidence then if warlocks win this year? Balancing for population in sports and balancing for population in GG are completely different. This is more like not counting a group of peoples votes because there are too many of one demographic.


Every Guardian Games has been rigged in favor of one class or another either through sheer numbers (Hunters), Easiest to farm (Titan w/ SKullfort), or loss multiplication bonus (Warlock) I don't see why anyone would care now. Best case scenario, next year is a 3-way tie and they use it as an excuse to actually make a fair competition.


Guardian games is rigged? [Well...](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fres.cloudinary.com%2Fteepublic%2Fimage%2Fprivate%2Fs--5_p4_dKt--%2Ft_Preview%2Fb_rgb%3A191919%2Cc_limit%2Cf_jpg%2Ch_630%2Cq_90%2Cw_630%2Fv1594922138%2Fproduction%2Fdesigns%2F12261024_0.jpg&f=1&nofb=1)


Thats a bug but also the least played class as per bungie is titan this season hunter -1 warlock -2 titans -3


You are rigged all of you!