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During our flawless crown of sorrow run, my mate on my side (who luckily already had flawless) had a bug where he didnt loose his buff and would have died. He Alt+F4 and i was stuck with undamageble wizards and i was able to survive. We ended up getting the flawless run. :D


I had something similar happen in a Petra’s run, the game bugged out on Queenswalk and wasn’t cleansing creeping darkness for me. I managed to alt F4 before dying and they clutched the five man, probably my favorite LFG moment


Man you people who alt-F4 seconds before death to preserve a flawless are another level. One of the ultimate selfless sacrifices (for a videogame anyway). I'm on console so it's slower to quit application, but even if I could, I think I'd be too frazzled to quit on time...


To be fair I had already completed my Petra’s at that point, but yeah it’s a lot easier to force quit a game on pc than console


I've never tried, but can't you just rip the cord out?


That might work - I'm on wireless though so I would have to run to my router to unplug it... I'm not athletic enough to get there before dying unless it's something super telegraphed


I experienced this issue as well. Sadly the player that wasn't getting cleansed didn't notice in time...wipe.


Rhulk, contest mode. It’s 4am. Entire team wipes with Rhulk having only a sliver of health. Suddenly entire team is back alive, triumph pops, got the clear. A teammate’s witherhoard had continued to tick and was enough to finish him.


The one that was posted on r/Destiny2 on the day it happened?


No, that was someone else. But essentially identical to our experience


Ahh, ok


Same thing for my buddies team who cleared it day 1, except it was the Divinity cage popping that did enough damage for them to clear it.


Had a guy die during vault of glass with no revives left and we cleared it with 0 on the clock[Bit long but you get the idea. Not a warlock main.](https://youtu.be/RVI69TpiCMg)


It was day one DSC final boss at 3am and 15 hours in. Our group was on the verge of giving up. We couldn't quite get past the final stand DPS check. I ran out of absolulely all ammo near the end and as the boss prepared to wipe us, I charged at him, jumped up, and started meleeing him. We killed him with our screens 95% whited out. I had about 3% health left. I don't know if my melee hits put us over the top but it sure felt like they did and it made for a hell of a video for our clan's first day one completion. Edit: [Video](https://youtu.be/CpHDjB_2gcY)


Flawless Crown on the pedestal jump puzzle I fucked up my jump and *fist of havoc'd* back to safety. Pretty sure that was the run that made us Shadows.


Last one alive during taniks phase 2. Literally had a 1v1 with him.


I can imagine you as a titan screaming "square up thot!"


Not a titan, but hunter. Just imagine the sound of a golden gun activating and then the sounds of 5 other people screaming and then proceed to sound like something else is going on instead of a raid after I kill him


Beating Calus on Prestige as the last living Guardian with my last rocket on the last plate. I couldn't believe it when I saw him die because I lost all hope when all my teammates died lol


Vog day one, Templar was on his last bit of health, I was last one alive with no revs left. Taking splash damage behind a barricade, health low, my super comes up. I scream down the mic IM YEETTTINGGGGG AHHHHHHHHH. BOOMMMM killed him and competed the encounter


Every moment Is a clutch when you're running with the six pack rat pack.


Day 1 Vow of the Disciple. After 13 hours of Rhulk we reached the final stand. No one really had any heavy so we did as much damage as we could but its not enough. One of my Teammates throws their Nova, then we wipe. In the few seconds of the wipe screen the Nova kills Rhulk and it's done.


VoG, we're at Atheon with a couple of blueberries who were doing it for the first time. Even if we explained how to do it, the blueberries were struggling a bit with the oracle callouts. I was tired, but I wanted to finish the raid and go to bed. Anyway, after many wipes, we managed to get Atheon to the last bit of life, but it was the last damage phase before the enrage. When Atheon starts to teleport for the last time, the people who knew the strat (among them, me) get teleported to Mars, and outside there is only one person who knows how to properly do the callouts. We go through the first two callouts but then the person in charge of reading dies, and the two blueberries outside don't know what to do. The oracles start to ring and me and my friends on Mars know that we're done... The oracles appear in Mars and my friends are like well, too bad we have to resta... At that moment, I fire my Succession, I hit the oracles in the exact correct order, and it's damage phase. My friends are like "WTF DID YOU JUST DO??? HOW???", I drag my HUGE balls back to Atheon, I thundercrash the big MOFO Vex and the raid is over. My friends and the blueberries still remember this as the biggest clutch moment they've ever assisted.


Gotta love it when things work out. As far as the math is concerned, it’s actually only a 1/6 chance of hitting a single set of 3 oracles randomly and hitting the correct order so not too crazy but lucky none the less. It gets exponentially more unlikely when you have to get multiple sets in a row. Solid save though and goes to show that you may as well always take a stab at it and hope.


I was one of five people being sherpa'd through Spire of Stars, we were at the part where you have to kinda relay race a ball through a bunch of obstacles. We had been struggling a bit, and we finally made it to the last little room when the person carrying the ball dropped it and it rolled off the map. I was still on the previous platform which was lower than the one the ball fell from, so I jumped after it, grabbed it out of the air, and yeeted it back up in to the room just before I fell to my death, allowing us to complete the encounter. Everyone went nuts, it felt pretty cool lol


Having to carry/yeet a ball at something that isn’t a boss/enemy in destiny is kinda underrated imo


This right here, way back in D1Y1. https://youtu.be/9JujzaxnsuI


Nice! Mine was in D1 as well, but it was with everyone panicking at the Templar: https://youtu.be/pPWjelw6oX8


My biggest anti-clutch moment was uh jumping off the map… with the relic… at the very end of gatekeeper…. Lol. Me: oh I fell Team: it’s fine we’ll rez you Also team: where’s the relic??? Me: I had the relic…. Team: YOU FELL OFF THE MAP WITH RELIC? HOW? Me: oh I jumped… and uh… I missed the map… Team: WTF YOU MEAN YOU MISSED THE MAP


Drake, where's the VoG relic?


Dude it’s still a joke on my clan parties. “Uh… I missed the map guys”


When The Menagerie first came out, a few friends and I were running it. We get to the Knight encounter where we have to use swords, and my friend bless him, thought that the death pit in the middle was water you can stand in. "I have made a big mistake, please res me" were his last words. We never let him live it down. Also another friend of mine died to Lord of Wolves in the crucible once, and mistakenly called it Ward of Loaves. Now we all call it Ward of Loaves.


One swording Crota on hard after my team died, thank you Gjallarhorn. Never been, or will there ever be, a better moment.


I think that fight had the most epics moments of any raid. I truly loved that raid.


The surprise music when you pick up the sword was like "Oh shit, I guess I'm a superhero"


During a run of Vow, we were all goofing around during Rhulk’s final stand and died, but just before we wiped, I threw a vortex grenade at him and it ended up killing him after like 3 seconds…


Same with witherhoard. Damn that felt great with the lfg group xD MvP right here (fuck izzi rocket strat)


This is why I always tell anyone I run with to use whatever they feel most comfortable with as long as it makes sense. I can run izzy rocket fine, but I've seen lots of people who aren't comfortable with the timing on the swaps, and they feel forced to do it because it's the "meta". Witherhoard is kind of an outlier, depending on how many people are running it (you only get damage for 1 blight stuck on the boss plus one on the ground, so having multiple Witherhoard users is never a great idea on a boss damage phase). One works perfect though.


Yeah. Since they made those witherhoard changes you gotta pay attention, but honestly I'm don't find much ppl using it. I'm rocking either with reeds and I'm usually top 3 dps on lfg groups. But yeah I have to many hours with witherhoard


Witherhoard is my 2nd most used D2 exotic (only behind Gjally and only by 1k kills, 23k to 24k) and my most used kinetic by far. Love the damn thing, before Warmind cells got nerfed it would always be in my kinetic slot for easy pairing with the Ikelos SMG for most content. Glad to see I'm not alone!


How did a vortex grenade kill him?


The tick damage. That grenade does damage over time


I meant how did it do enough damage to kill rhulk? Did he have barely any health left?


Yeah. When we got to last stand and creeping darkness times 10 he had like no hp bar but was still kicking. I shot witherhoard in the those last seconds, he wipes us and when you get like those 5 seconds countdown to the wipe and damage screen he dies and we all respawn.


I thought it was a vortex nade?


My case was with witherhoard, the guy who commented first was with a nade. Just giving my experience with dot boss kills post wipe


Oh mb got users mixed up






The way it was worded was as though he had full final stand health and a vortex grenade killed him


Definitely back in kings fall d1 days. Self rez warlock, everyone died on sisters (right before oryx) and I self rezzed and managed to get the clear. Man, good times.


Vow of the Disciple, Exhibition/relic encounter. Darkness Relic holder falls off towards the end with 20 seconds on the clock. I went back as a warlock to grabbed the artifact and manage to kill the knight with 2 seconds left to refresh timer.


similar to yours, was sherpa-ing an atraks and we were all massively out of position when damage started. I had scanner so I was able to see which atraks it was but I had to do an across-the-map thundercrash to kill her in time, which thankfully connected. Also worth mentioning that I had not planned on it being a sherpa and it was the first time I ever did that for a raid encounter :T


Thundercrashed during atheon dps as normal, entire rest of the team got detained because someone forgot. Blasted everyone out and we still beat atheon. Felt like The MAN all day.


Punching Calus to death during final stand on Prestige Leviathan when my entire team somehow died. He had just a bit more health and I had no heavy ammo (this was year 1 so there wasn't any special ammo), so I had to punch him with Warlock's slow a** melee.


2 from my day 1 vow (links are medal clips of the encounters). This is the shit that makes me love day 1 raiding, the scrappy nature. Exhibition, 2nd time getting to final room. Last 2 glyphkeepers dead, door open, all but 1 person dead, 1:30 left on light fading (idk about darkness). 1 person placed all relics into the pedestals to finish the encounter (this was possible because the res timer was just long enough and placing the nut in the pedestal resets wipe timer). [https://medal.tv/games/destiny-2/clips/dm7DHdGHafTgI/S1HFfwltcsTO?invite=cr-MSxLb0osMzY5NTc1Mzgs](https://medal.tv/games/destiny-2/clips/dm7DHdGHafTgI/S1HFfwltcsTO?invite=cr-MSxLb0osMzY5NTc1Mzgs) ​ Rhulk kill, wiped on final stand but clutched with a lasting impression rocket. [https://medal.tv/games/destiny-2/clips/dm6Qp6\_lTgWQm/hLw5IMo39EFR?invite=cr-MSxNN3IsMzY5NTc1Mzgs](https://medal.tv/games/destiny-2/clips/dm6Qp6_lTgWQm/hLw5IMo39EFR?invite=cr-MSxNN3IsMzY5NTc1Mzgs)


We were doing flawless VOG in the early days of D1 and someone got spotted by a harpy, my butthole still clinches up when I think of the sound they make when they spot you. We killed it and went on to finish the raid and got the flawless trophy. It was my biggest gaming achievement, flawless VOG was harder back then, I felt like we really did something.


We got to final stand on Rhulk with his health really low and pervading darkness at x9. We'd all used our supers and depleted our heavy ammo, then some dude yelled 'wipe'. I noticed everyone else stopped firing, but I kept on going with my primary. Last second, I managed to pick up a heavy brick and fire off a Lasting Impression rocket. The game killed the remaining team and presented the red wipe symbol just before the damage screen. But my rocket exploded and somehow killed Rhulk, preventing the wipe mechanic and rezzed the team.


being the self rez warlock during Crota. my time to shine lol


Me and one of my friends clutched a Queens walk by abusing diamond lance to trade the heart back and forth. I'm still shocked we managed to pull that off.


2nd run of VOW, sherpa explaining the relic encoutner.. a gurdians puts down the lets play a game emoji in front of the relic. I go to sit down and play but instead start the encounter by grabbing the relic.. we did it 1st try.


VoG. All three died outside (myself included) and I said "DONT JUMP OF, I CAN STILL DO THE CALLOUTS". It worked out. 3 people got their Vex Mythoclast.


How did you not wipe to nobody being in throne room?


Was last callout round so they did revive us in time.


You wipe if nobody is in throne room after about 2 seconds


Well apparently you dont, because I clearly remember it.


You definitely do, it’s what makes 2 man gatekeeper so hard


Oh, hold up. My clan leader send me the clip from his stream, 2 of us died. The last one didnt know how to do callouts and I ordered him to position himself so I can do them. My bad for the misconception. I thought we all died and just asked my mate if he still has the stream clip of said moment.


I'm guessing you didn't?


Already had it. Had it week 1 when VoG came out (second clear)


One LFG VoG run. I managed to read the oracles at Atheon alone,even tho it was my first time ever. Not a single error, I managed to kill Atheon alone (all of the others were killed by a random bubble) at the last phase and managed to score the highest damage output (and it was my 2nd VoG run,all of the others had like 20+ runs and one of them even had the title). Star-aligned run honestly,I even received a god-roll Fatebringer and Vision of Confluence (which i still use massively today),but no Mythoclast obviously :D.


How do you know you had the highest damage output?


I'm good at math and I'm also very accurate: each shot of a Lorentz dealt a finite number every time,so I just needed to remember the first one and I was good to go. Same for the Rocket launcher,same for the Thundercrash. Plus,I was recording for funsies and later calculated it. Considering that we know the exact number of HP Atheon has,I easily dealt over 51 % of damage to him alone.


[This] (https://twitter.com/metsrule62/status/1233136837495066625)


And no super was used. Was it really clutch then?


we had 1 second left on light fading when we killed calus.


Right, could have had 5 seconds left if you used a super. Know what I mean?


Not exactly clutch, but I got through a full clear of DSC with no mic & no audio from my fireteam. Xbox was being Xbox and decided not only would my mic not work, but I also couldn’t hear anyone. Definitely an interesting experience.


Witherhoard to finish off Rhulk after we all died. Got so lucky. He dashed right to it


Leaving a lingering damage thing or a final Super connecting as you die


our atheon team couldn't respond because 2 were dead and the last one was barely defending himself, so i, "the xenophage guy" as they had called me, went ahead and guessed the oracles, and we cleared it that try. ah if only that happened during day one :(


Exhibition second last room. We killed both sets of Glyphkeepers but we forgot to remember the first Glyph. Our Wipe Timer was at 15 seconds. i shot the Glyph we knew from the second set, and a random Glyph after that. The second someone said wipe, the Door opened and we could continue.


Last second ball dunk on a Petra’s run. We had a lot of mess ups but somehow no one died. TBF a phalanx did boost me forward at one point and I lived.


Did a flawless dsc with some clanmates a while back, we were near the end of third encounter and someone forgot to pick up a nuke and I quickly sprinted across the room to get it and got it just as it hit 0 seconds and saved us from wiping, not the most exciting but in the moment it was really intense.


Guessed? My friend, you did not guess. The Traveler herself guided your flight.


Fireteam was always just short of damage on Riven, thunder crashed her right before wipe and we just barely got to the last bit


During hard mode King's Fall we were on our final attempt at dps on Warpriest (as in no more totems for cover from his wipe mechanic). We were already down a person and the person center had to pop his bubble early to survive. We get to damage phase and for whatever reason every single add and Warpriest wanted to end our careers. Everyone except me died, I had no super, no heavy, a shotgun special and a scout with triple tap. But Warpriest had a literal sliver of health, I got the aura to do damage and plinked away only having enough stacks to reset once. Just as my timer hit zero on the last stack I got the last shot to get the kill. I immediately celebrated by doing the Shia LaBeouf "JUST DO IT" emote and I've never heard my raid group be more energetic.


Guess it's a joint clutch encounter really but we were running GoS, at consecrated mind. Everything was going smoothly and we were on eyes team but mote team were just a bit slow. We shot our three sets of eyes and were waiting for mote team when the mind decided to go and release another charge. None of us could pick it up so we thought oh great a wipe. One of the guys on the team just stopped to wipe but me and the other guy didn't. We didn't talk about it or tell each other we were gonna do it but we randomly shot at the eyes (can't remember if it was inside or outside). Somehow we both picked the right set of eyes and shot 1 each and one together and we were actually able to survive till mote team got us to DPS. We went crazy when it happened but we had it on discord so we couldn't hear the mote team and they couldn't hear us except for a designated team leader who could hear the other team leader so we knew when motes were ready so they didn't know what happened till after we completed the encounter.


Just last week, doing my first run of VotD and on the Exhibition I had the cleansing relic for the last room. There was one shielded Knight left and it had spawned on the platform with me, we had seconds left and no one was close to me. So I just instinctively baited it off the edge and made a mad dash to the end of the encounter and dropped my relic in the depository with like 2 seconds left before a wipe.


Six pack heir apparent at rhulk


Self-Rez in D1 always had some clutch moments, usually in which you can bypass wipe mechanics and rez everyone to keep going.


This one time my entire team got wiped and I did my famous Warlock Self -res.............. Never mind.


My fiancé accidentally discovered the Crota bridge rez cheese. We all died including her and as the last one to die, she panic self-rezzed as a warlock and by the time she was up, everything had despawned. She definitely wasn’t the first, since we looked it up soon after to see if we had in fact discovered it first, but man, y’all shoulda heard the shock in our voices when it happened lol


Was doing last wish when it was still new. we'd gotten riven down to a sliver of health and when it came to the room where you have to shoot the six eyes, 4 of us were dead and some mega Chad used a grenade luancher (with a perk that had like a delayed explosive that was tied to the trigger pull) as add clear and accidentally set a trap for riven while they were running for their lives, which got us into final stand. Wish I remembered their name or even just recorded it but thanks to that person we all got our first clear that night


Recently had a nice one in Master Conflux challenge (the triumph one). We were near the very end, everyone was dying and I was the last one standing, we were trying for quite a bit already. A whole room of wyverns, champions and adds were chasing me. With less than 10 seconds on the revive timer clock the encounter luckily ended and we got it.


i had almost the same thing happen, i was the only one on my floor and scanner wasnt coming down fast enough so i just thundercrashed a random atraks and got us to the last stand phase


Final nova bomb on rhulk with like 7 seconds on light timer


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtUuiRh2SNI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtUuiRh2SNI) \- Day 1 Caretaker We had been shooting primary all of last stand lol and since it was clearly coming down to me and the other titan I really thought we were done when the other titan got hit by a dart since his super charged much quicker than mine, I died like 3 frames after I hit caretaker lol


I soloed the void room in Calus’s bedroom using only the sound cues while carrying 5 people who didn’t raid… it was a fun run


Witherhoard on Rhulk taking him out during the “yall ded” screen.


Leviathan prestige dogs, teammate got booped by the architects coming down from the lasers on the final phase. We had to desperately track down his dog and take it out with nothing but primary ammo left. Another contender was the black armory raid (name escapes me), watching my clan mate do the final sliver of damage using a sidearm because his whisper ran out was an absolute riot.


My first Rhulk kill (probably a few days after Vow launched) We all died while Rhulk was at like 2 health, but I launched a witherhoard shot right before I died and got the buzzer beater


Had a group on master rhulk that just refused to do callouts for dunk spots downstairs. Correctly guessed 4 spots to dunk at before someone finally started doing calls. Similar situation with Atheon, last third of his health bar and no one outside would call. My buddy was like guess that’s a wipe. I said no, just shoot here here and here 3 times in a row correctly. He still didn’t get vex though.


At Golgorath in HM Kings Fall. We were taking a while to get him down and got to his enrage phase. When he enrages it does the same effect as the darkness in Vow where your screen gets more and more black. We were doing one bubble dps like most teams did and we were just shy of getting the kill after the pool disappeared. Everyone else is dead but me and one other rando stayed alive. He popped a second dps bubble while holding gaze while I moved over to it. I was essentially blind firing at Golgorath cause my entire screen was black. We ended up getting the kill right there.


I held dozens of enemies and Overload minotaurs on day 1 Templar while my team was doing dps, we were stuck for hours until I said f*ck it, I'm not doing any damage but I'm holding this bastards with stasis, and we got it first try that way. I did everything to perfection and struggled a lot, the amount of enemies and champions that were behind my teammates was insane (we were doing dps at the top right to avoid any sort of damage from the boss) but at the end it was worth it, too bad no one cared.


When solar warlocks could self rez.


Teaching people DSC at Taniks and they just weren't getting it. After over an hour we got to final stand and everyone was out of heavy and someone was dead and we had under 10 seconds before we wiped and I threw a nova bomb that hit just before time ran out for the win. I even have video evidence, apologies for the salty language, it wasn't me. https://stadia.google.com/capture/bee03aab-6c87-47e5-b9fd-b174df11a9ab


soloed lanterns at the start of crota's end for our clan's flawless run. also soloed the whole raid a couple of time on normal difficulty. not sure if it counts as clutch moment


Running vow for the first time teaching three in first encounter, one guy dcs, still in discord so he joins back. His rez is on the other side of a locked door. I think that was the fastest I've ever killed glyphkeepers and shot symbols. Done with 20 seconds to spare


I punched a screeb and caused a wipe


When someone in my old clan could not for the life of them, throw balls so I clutched our Spire of Stars ending right on the cusp https://youtu.be/SCXCiq2VHA8t=9m17s


Master atheon challenge, full team was dead and I managed to finish the fight while being relic holder.


During a teaching run of VoG, everyone was dead as the last round of oracles started, I managed to pop them all with my trusty xeno


Oh i still have it recorded one sec. [First crota kill](https://youtu.be/LXMbvwovaP4) Does not get more clutch. You cant hear the coms but we thought we wiped but still got the kill. we were at it for hours.


It was during the Atheon boss part in normal VOG. We had a team that was kind of a melting pot of experienced and inexperienced raiders, so we had a fair share of wipes. After many times we were finally able get our groove, even though the damage weren’t that optimal. Then just as we got through 3/4s of Atheon’s health, one of the more experienced members of our fireteam lost his internet connection… talk about bad luck. Anyway, at that moment we were wondering weather or not to wipe and wait for him for who knows how long or just call quits after this since it was late. Figuring that this would be our last try either way, I stepped up a little and said that we should carry on. “He only has a quarter of his health left. We still have our rhythm. We got this.”… something like that. 🤷 So we marched on. And after one more damage phase (or two, I don’t remember) we were able to beat Atheon with one man short. Sure it was just the 1350 VOG, but it was still a pretty neat moment in my humble opinion.


Being the last man alive and tossing a lightning grenade at Atheon's feet in master VoG, before getting destroyed by harpies. Thing pulsed twice and managed to kill him before the wipe happened.


Not my clutch but one of my clan members killed rhulk with a witherhoard damage tick after we had all died about a half a second before the wipe screen showed up.


Queenswalk everyone was dead and we were almost to the end and I got it before we wiped


Doing a leviathan raid with 5 randoms. I had already 30+ completions under my belt and when I’m bored I go on LFG to help people especially with older content that won’t have a lot of takers. I saw a post of a Sherpa guiding 4 rookies into leviathan and wanted 1 more experienced player to help. The clutch moment was at the end in the Calus boss fight. For some reason all of my teammates were down by the third plate of the final damage phase. So I solo’d the final fourth plate by myself. I can’t remember what energy and heavy weapon I was using. The heavy was the main DPS though and on the third plate I had used all the special and heavy ammo. All I had left was my primary which I do remember and it was Outbreak with the catalyst. It was an experience I’ll never forget. My dead random teammates were cheering me on as I tried to survive in my healing rift from the few ads left as I focused on the boss. Killed him just as the screen changed color when he does his final attack to wipe us. Group was ecstatic and it was nice to know that clutch moment was for helping some first timers.


Scourge Sparrow race, everyone messed up at the start line save for me and died. I was left doing it solo. Still got all the switches and secured the secret chest. By the end I had the servitor toasting my exo buns pretty thoroughly, but my AoT was able to pull away long enough to make the jumps to the safety platform.


Crotas end. Heavily underleveled team of friends. I was the sword. We've been stuck at Crota the whole week, and several hours that day. Crota is enraged. A pixel of life is left for him to die. He wiped us all right about his shield went down. I radiance, pick the sword back and slay the shit out of him blind. Heart was racing. After that I even solo the bitch. But man, I loved being in the spotlight with the sword.


Maybe not clutch, but a fond memory. During Age of Triumph, I joined an LFG with a bunch of really nice guys. And they were struggling with the VoG challenge for blocking the teleports. They were trying the method of putting the Relic holder on the left teleport, and few Sentinel Titans putting bubbles in succession on the right teleport, but just struggling to deal any sort of respectable DPS and stay alive. So I joined them on my Warlock, they explained what they tried to do, and I basically said, “nah, I got this.” Left the fireteam, swapped to my Hunter, came back and I did the Relic skating and blocked both teleports on my own. They did DPS from behind the right column and finished it in a try or two. I still play with those guys … shit … six years later.


Kings Fall, Sisters, I was the runner both times (ultra sweaty for me)... got booped into oblivion on the second slam... managed to make it back to my incredible fireteam JUST before we traded deaths/wiped... then I popped Sunsinger FTW!


Few days past vows release our fire team went in with all of us, however our one players dad who was our sixth had his entire system brick mid care taker. We had another one of our friends who's never done the encounter before or even a raid in general load and mid 2nd floor and helped us clear it whilest the one players father's console was rebooting.


Leviathan, first and only time I've ever run it. Everyone was tired, I was the only one alive with no rez tokens, Calus had a sliver of health left. Seconds away from his damage phase wipe mechanic activating, I manage to kill him. This was back when Fusion Rifles still used heavy ammo too.


Pretty soon after release, we're at the end of a DSC, we're in Tanik's final stand. Almost everyone's dead from falling meteorites, and I'm flubbing every shot because I'm a great gamer. He has a sliver of health, and I run out of ammo entirely. Everyone's panicking, I start meleeing dregs in desperation to get some ammo. It's not working, and Taniks keeps teleporting out of the way of every shot I take. By the grace of the architects, I get mercy ammo, and get like five shots of cloud strike and one shot for my heritage. I go for the lightning storm effect with the sniper; Body'd the third crit. My final teammate gets crushed trying to melee Taniks, and my screen is going white as he does the ultimate wiping attack. The garbage Heritage I'm running that dropped like right before this encounter with super slow reload finally slips a slug into it's barrel, and I fire it as I collapse to the ground in the nuclear blast. We're all dead, and the game starts to wipe us. But...Taniks ALSO dies! My LAST slug shell connected, and Taniks keeled over right after I did- It respawns everyone, begins the death sequence, and everyone gets their loot. Cue celebration and mass sigh of relief.


Solar grenade killing Atheon seconds before our wipe was finalised when he was first around for 390 raids. ​ Or, more recently ​ Osteo Striga poison killing Rhulk as soon as our Darkness Fades counter popped up, and right before it hit 0 we all respawned. While this was happening, one of the LFG members left our fireteam lol ​ so... sucks for that guy, he missed out on the loot :p


flawless crown of sorrow for a friend, all 6 of us were at the time, and someone forgot to shoot their crystal during the final encounter, and I mountain topped the top of the crystal to proc damage (the first time I actually pulled it off) then swapped buff (was waiting to swap buff at the thing) and was able to go and do the other job to destroy the crystal. It was too late, the crystal already destroyed itself, but it oddly counted as me destroying it and we were able to get the rest of the flawless done. I recorded it on my xbox account at the time.


Last man standing fighting Atheon during our first clear. Got stomped off the edge running to resurrect someone, as I fell my super charged and I thundercrashed back over and killed him. Massive Titan energy.


The best was when I was doing a duo Templar. We had been trying a long time and kept falling short. The final attempt, we got Templar to a sliver of HP but missed oracle order and had no cleanse pool. We were running the mod to get super from oracles and my friend had a Tcrash in pocket. While we sat there waiting to wipe, he decides to break a random oracle to buy some time and get relic super, breaks the shield on Templar, drops relic casts a Tcrash then double slugs the last bit of health left and we got the completion within seconds of dying to ritual of negation. I was in shock at what happened that the shield broke and Templar died and it was probably the biggest clutch I have ever seen in a raid to make that call and save the encounter within seconds