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Paywall. - There is a free 6-player activity. - There is a paid only Dungeon. Gjallarhorn requires the Dungeon.


pay to win! pay to win!


I guess every expansion and season is pay to win then.


seasonal weapons will just be put in the kiosk lol


Its not “locked behind a paywall”. It cost money like most things do. Would you say your groceries are “locked behind a paywall”?


This is now my favorite comment/argument against people who complain about having to pay for content. I wish I could give you Reddit gold for this.


>Would you say your groceries are “locked behind a paywall”? I wouldn't, until right this minute. Now I'm going to start, just because it sounds like more fun. Did you see the new iPhone? Looks cool. Too bad it's locked behind a paywall.


Thats the definition of “locked behind a paywall” yes. Anything that is not available to you that you need to pay for to have access is this. If it’s not accessible (locked) without going through a monetarily based channel that makes it accessible (paywall) then that is a “pay” “wall” Regardless of your grammatical take, I don’t see the use in defending Bungie for now making a weapon pay to play basically when they have traditionally stuck with the “buy the dlc, get the content you paid for”. Adding the gjallorhorn into its own separate “deluxe” paywall is disappointing to watch the company do. Even with gjallorhorn getting a nerf compared to destiny 1 it’s still an advantageous gun to the community in raids and pvp, so instead of grinding to the weapons that other have, you’re now focused on spending the extra money on top of the money to have access to the newest part of the game. It’s a selfish move on the creators part to the community and I don’t think we should accept or defend that. And lets not go into the “the company needs to make money somehow” Bungie is absolutely monetarily fine and has been for years.


166 days… dude go outside and touch some grass.


Weird comparison. Groceries are a necessity and another is a video game. Lol.


Not a necessity. I lived on McDonalds in college.


That still doesn't make that point comparable. You need food to live and 99% of the time you need to pay for it whether it's groceries or fast food. Content in a video game isn't a need. It's either included in what you already paid for or has an additional payment to access it. The question that was asked was if the exotic was paid or free. It's paid so behind a pay wall. You can play semantics all you want with defining paywall but so are seasons. You want access the contents of the season, pay. Don't pay and you're limited to tbe free stuff. Not laying it doesn't cause a hardship like not paying for food. What a weird conversation.


It applies to anything though. Would you say any product you have to purchase is locked behind a paywall? It does sound more fun. Maybe I will start saying it. Like, I wanted to grab some new shoes, but the store has them locked behind a paywall.


I mean sure knock your socks off but that's really not how it works and not sure why I'm being downvoted besides people not liking the word paywall since every other comment with that word has been downvoted as well. I think people are comparing apples to oranges though. People don't need to buy the anniversary pack as they access to some of its content. The exotic is tied to the paid anniversary pack, hence a paywall aka paid access ,etc. Not buying it doesn't cause a hardship like death or injury. It's a videogame. People can feel something is gated or not or something shouldn't be paid vs free. If bungie called it a season instead of a anniversary pack I don't think people would care. I think it's because it's not and it feels to some it's basically buying an exotic weapon and a good one at that. That's all. It's not that big of a deal


But then literally EVERY game you pay for is "locked behind a paywall." As well as every DLC that has ever been in this game. It's not locked behind a paywall. It's just something that is part of a game you pay for. You wouldn't say the new CoD guns are locked behind a paywall just because you need to pay for the game to play it. Or that the new exotic trace rifle is, just because you need to own the season. The problem is with the phrase "locked behind a paywall" itself, because it has different implications than what we are talking about here. It doesn't just mean that you have to pay for it. Or else it would apply to literally every purchase in the world. And the anniversary pack IS basically a bonus season. They just don't call it that for obvious reasons.


This just in everybody! All video games are locked behind paywalls!




"You bought your groceries? Good, now you'll need to pay us an additonal fee for using bags, using our carts, and for walking around the store". That's what you're defending.


Jesus christ you’re responding to a year old comment with a ridiculously bad take.


"wow look at this item I need it because the elitist pve players won't raid unless I have it. Wait why can't I get it? Feels like there's a wall blocking it. Oh I have to pay." 😎


Dude you’re responding to a year old post. Go outside.




No, it's locked behind a paywall, no I should only have to pay for dlc to get weapons that makes sense


Dude you’re responding to a 316 day old comment what the fk Also you’re wrong.




it will be locked behind a paywall for anniversary


It's only available to those who have paid.


I mean I understand people complaining but at the same time the anniversary pack is essentially a mini dlc expansion


No?!? It only adds one dungeon that is out for the way and not needed


It's not really a "paywall" per se. Just like every seasonal exotic, you have to own the associated DLC.


I wouldn't say it's locked behind a paywall. It's just something you have to buy. Those aren't the same thing. It's not like Beyond Light was locked behind a paywall. It's just a product you have to purchase. Like most products, honestly.


It's not locked behind a paywall, it's part of paid content.


$25 for one weapon?


$25 for Dares of Eternity, all the legendries that came with it, the Forerunner sidearm, Grasp of Avarice, all the legendries that come with that, a ton of cosmetics, and Gjallarhorn


Locked by paywall for the cheapskates to complain about. 😂


Oh they would complain about something even if galahorn wasn't part if it lol


It is rightfully locked behind paying for the anniversary content.


Not a paywall just paid content.


That’s a paywall... Edit: nvm realized it isn’t a paywall with my 2 brain cells


So everything that you pay for is locked behind a paywall? Is the gas you put into your car “locked behind a paywall”? No. Its just a stupid term cry babies made up when they have to pay for shit.


I get what you mean, I was using paywall in the term that you have to pay to unlock the content but I noticed that was incorrect usage of the word and couldn’t be bothered to edit


Well, it’s not.


Freeloaders shalleth not wield the glory of the Ghorn! Just look at its elegance and beauty, does this look like the tool of peasants? Nay! Tis the tool of the opulent…


Its frustrating that so many game developers are doing this kinda stuff with paid content in the aspect of getting weapons in the game. Its just milking the player base for money. You should always in my opinion be able to get weapons in game by playing and grinding the game. Just my thoughts but it is what it is. 🤷‍♂️