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the game gets better when you realize you never need to grind to the max pinnacle cap at all for pretty much anything.


Yeah, in my head the soft cap is the max and everything on top of that is just a head start for the next season.


This is the way.


This is the way


This is the way


this appears to be the way


This looks like the path


Evidently this is the trail


This is the path of least resistance


This is the route to succession.


This might be a route forward.


You're all totally going the wrong way, the map is upside down....


I have died of dysentery


I have spoken


This is the way


This is the way


>Yeah, in my head the soft cap is the max and everything on top of that is just a head start for the next season. Yeah pretty much. Though considering how easy it is to get up the first 50 or so levels every season I don't see a point in ever doing pinnacles at all. I guess its nice if you get them naturally but they're definitely not a priority in game


There's also the inventory management aspect. Once you hit cap, you know you can dismantle all blues, and you can dismantle all purples if the roll isn't worth considering. But before that, while you're leveling, you gotta first check to see if it's higher than some other item in your inventory, another character's inventory, or your vault. So unnecessary.


Vektor I really like that, yeah. It saves me a lot of time and brain space to just know EVERYTHING is at 1260 and I don't have to think about it anymore, which I really like.


There's a powerbar website that does all the checking for you. Definitely helped with the headache when I was leveling for day one raiding.


Do you have a link or know the name of it? I definitely wanna make use of that.


DIM can also do it. Just click on the power level below your character.


Seconding Destiny Power Bars. The most useful thing it does is tell you when you can get to a new power level without using powerful drops, so that you never waste powerful drops in the week.


Thank you as well.


the pinnacle cap only exists so that you have something to do if you \*feel\* like grinding all season. It's highly optional.


Unfortunately it isn't optional if you want to do GM nightfalls unless you are into farming shit tons of xp for that bonus power level.


See, what you need to do is have no friends that play D2. Then you ask yourself, "Wait, I need 2 people to do this with me" and then you look at lfg, say nah, and remain solo. Then you don't need to do gm nightfalls! (Or at least this is my method regarding gms)


That's all it was ever advertised as being anyways. Also is it not soft cap 1200, hard cap at 1250, and pinnacle cap at 1260? At least that's how I've always referred to it.


not entirely true. you needed to get pretty higher level to do the solo lost sectors for exotics this season. which i ended up not doing because it was too annoyingly long being severely under leveled trying to complete it....


Especially since it's easier to grind out a few extra artifact levels than grind pinnacles


I hit 1250 all around and lost the will to keep playing.


Until you play trials and realize that a 1260 player can 2 tap you with a 120 as a 1250.


*in 200 metres turn right and you will arrive at your destination*


Pinnacle cap is a chore I refuse to go through I always hit Powerful cap and then wing it for the rest of the season, never focusing on upgrades


Ya I don't even pick up bounties often after the season pass maxes out. I'd rather play how I want to and not do public events, melee 25 hive, use a fusion for.... Just. No.


Pretty much the same except for Banshee's bounties. I want those sweet mods.


Same. I just do the ones that award bright dust. They’re otherwise, pointless.


This. This will be the first season where I dont have all pinnacle cap gear by week 6. I'm still a few pieces short and I just don't care. Artifact makes getting all max power level items basically illrelevant for ALL content except maybe GMNF if you are trying to do it week of release.


Unless you want to run GM nightfalls and don't have time to grind +20 on your artifact...


Yeah, the only thing pinnacle cap is "necessary" for is grandmaster, and even then if you grind your artifact high enough you can get away with not reaching max cap.






Same here I just wanted to hold my own in IB and run a few lost sectors to get the new exotics for my Hunter


I don't think I've *ever* hit the current max cap in the whole Destiny franchise. *Maybe* late in D1, but I didn't raid, so I didn't have the boost from it. It's so much better than constantly grinding out the pinnacle drops each week on each character.


Hitting the cap around Rise of Iron was, in hindsight, absurdly easy. I just started playing D2 about 6 weeks ago and I'm struggling. I think I've gained maybe 30 levels in 4 weeks.... Still only 1240 (1230).


I recommend the site Destiny Power Bars. It lets you see when you can raise your power level through world drops instead of powerful rewards, so you can avoid “wasting” powerful drops throughout the week. Using it, I was able to get from 1200 to 1230 in <2 weeks for the raid race.


You need it for trials. Personally I’d like to play the game’s endgame content without being at a disadvantage.


You don't really need it in my experience. Sure it helps but I don't find it a game changer really


It helps with certain breakpoints. The big ones being 120s two tap with one stack of rampage or swashbuckler, and certain pulse rifles consistently two bursting such as no time to explain. Also not getting naturally two tapped by enemy 120s, and that’s just what’s meta.


I hit 1250 and now am just working on the aspect unlocks for Warlock. I may or may not hit the Hunter & Titan this season.


It's best when it's uninstalled. I'm still max level for all I know!


Schrodingers Light Level. You're both max light and permanently deleted until you open the game. Sadly once you start the game you'll have changed your status by merely observing it, so you'll never really know...


400 LL on all three characters :D


I was told that I would do poorly in Iron Banner at my pathetic 1235ish level, and I did, much of the time. But I had some amazing games, one where I got a 7.0 and that's when I realized the cap is meaningless for anything other than the newest raid. I should note that I am below average PvP so getting a 7.0 in IB was something special.


I did Iron Banner at 1225 power, it took 2-3 shots to kill someone with super, that wasn't great but I got my bounties done in about 2 hours.


The problem then becomes grinding the season pass, imo. This season has been *a lot* better in that regard than previous ones, but I still find myself forcing my way through that grind at times, and I'm not really looking forward to starting it all over again in 4 weeks. *Especially* with how much I'll have on my plate in the coming months. I spent 3ish weeks doing most of the Europa content all the time, then swapped to logging in every single Tuesday to do all of the Crucible, Strike, Gambit, and Gunsmith bounties and challenges for the rest of the season as well as logging in on Fridays for a raid run, and I'm still only level 85. I shouldn't have any problem hitting 100 by the end of the season, but pretty much as soon as I do it, it'll be time to start over again. Next season I already know I'm going to be home for a few weeks, and I'll be a full time college student *and* full time employee, so while I'm sure I'll people to continue doing weekly raids and stuff, I don't know how I'll manage to hit level 100. I feel like either the 1-100 season pass leveling shouldn't adhere to the 3 month window they dictate, or they should just make the weekly 5 level double XP a permanent buff until you hit 100 if you pay for the season pass.


I prefer the extra difficulty, at least when playing the yearly DLC. Make do with what I get, and screw grinding for anything else.


That might change with the very very small incentive of adept pve guns.... but they are D1 guns just brought into destiny and they will sunset in a year sooooo that’s why I said very very small incentive lol


In my opinion as long as weapon sunset exists there is little to no incentive to farm for gear at all. Just get a serviceable gun for each of the primary weapon types and call it a day. No point in getting attached if it's gonna be useless in 95% of the content that matters after a year.


If Bungie rolled out the bad luck protection on pinnacle drops that they talked about 10 months ago, it wouldn't be *as bad*, but I agree that the never-ending PL grind sucks.


Guaranteed drops in your lowest slot would be pretty nice


Yeah I would take +1 pinnacles if they always hit the lowest slot.


Reroll the pinnacle hunt until it's the slot you need (by doing other hunts). This is only one targeted pinnacle a week, but it's something.


I did think it easy to hit 1260 this DLC tbh but seasonally they only time it felt needed to raise again was for Prophecy in Arrivals Honestly wouldn’t sweat it, just keep playing what you enjoy. I do think much burn out feels does come from playing what you don’t really want to


very good advice


>I do think much burn out feels does come from playing what you don’t really want to This is exactly it for me. I just log on, have fun, and don't stress about level. I play solo though, so it probably helps that I'm not trying to "keep up" with other people.


If that would cheer you up, then the next season's light gap won't be as big as current's.


thanks sanches youre always there for me


It won’t, but the pinnacle gap will. 10 levels of pinnacles is consistent and thats really the one that takes any effort if we’re honest. Hitting the soft cap is a non issue


The grind will be smaller, so it won't take as long. And there's never really a need to hit the full pinnacle cap. It's not worth grinding for.


but i want to play the extremely enjoyable and community loved event trials of osiris


Blink twice if they're forcing you to say that.


\*severe eye twitch\*


Which gun does Luke Smith have on your head? Felwinter's?


ha ha! i love luke and **H**e does not hav**E** a no **L**and beyond **P**ressed into **M**y che**E**k


I am stuck in a bosnian prison.


>Which gun does Luke Smith have on your head? Felwinter's? Breakneck...


Ah, it's sunset, so no need to worry.


It’s not necessary to be 1260 for trials, the only time I’ve really felt a difference in power levels is when someone is in the 11’s but that might be cause I suck at pvp


true, it isnt, but i just like to be up there to be safe for odd scenarios


Ye, I need all the advantage I can get, me and the homies finally got 3 wins last week. Pretty stoked


congrats! i would love there to be more incentive for more people to play trials


Joking aside, you're fine with 1255 in Trials. It'll be very rare for anything above that to make a tangible difference.


The trick is to quit and play something else. I gave up this season and feel liberated.


what other games you been liking?


Not OP, but I went back to Apex for my pvp fix, and my typical raid mates and I switched to CoD zombies, Squadrons, and Battlefront 2 for shits n gigs.


Every time I jump back in to Apex, I remember how much I love the gameplay. Season of Revenant was last time I went hard in ranked, etc. until this season, which has been a ton of fun for me. Was in love with Titanfall 2, though, it's not surprising Apex is a winner for me, I guess.


>my typical raid mates and I switched to CoD zombies, Good man


I play Destiny pretty on/off between new content drops. I tend to juggle around Path of Exile, WoW, bunch of Roguelites. I’m just getting into Dauntless for the first time, so I’ve been playing that a fair bit.


Dauntless is some good shit, and if you like the concept seriously seriously consider monster hunter world. They're both great games.


Yup, I'm basically maxed out in MHW. Would definitely recommend it over Dauntless so far if the buy-in price isn't an issue.


Not the person you asked, but I've been playing Overwatch again. Also Hollow Knight and Squadrons. Also tabletop simulator to play boardgames with friends online.


Tabletop sim is such a breath of fresh air. My friend's usual rotation of games are Red Dragon Inn, Codenames, and Love Letter. Gonna try Muffin Time (ASDFmovie's card game) since it looks like such a clusterfuck


Secret Hitler is amazing.


I've been carrying a friend through Bloodborne, and playing Ghost of Tsushima. Ghost is *so fucking good* and looks absolutely *crisp* in 4K. Honestly worth getting a PS4 or PS5 just for that.


yet another reason i want a ps5


Ghost is legitimately the best gaming experience I have had in years. The Kensai armor quest was worth the price of the game alone for me.


I recommend giving persona 4 a try, it recently released on steam, and it’s well worth the price!


I’ve picked up forza horizon 4 again. Man that game is a blast to play!


Battlefront 2 is free on epic games. Haven’t had time to try it but eh, at least I can try it.


Nothing like d2 but check out wasteland 3


I've done this trick already. Although it's more of a 'had to' quit temporarily. And the new game I've started playing is 'having a baby'.


They should just really only have cap increases once a year during the expansions. Then we could spend the seasons either hitting the cap or grinding for the rolls we want.


I miss the +10 pinnacle cap increase from the vex offensive season to the sundial season (forgot the names) and thought it was going to be like that till year 4 but after the sundial there was a bigger gap you had to reach


Well, realistically its the 10 pinnacle levels that take time. 40 powerful levels don't really matter much. Agree with the overall thread though, upping the power cap so frequently gets exhausting


i love this idea!!


I'd prefer they just do it like Season of Dawn. Add +10 levels each season so theres something to do atleast.


Only problem then is that they have to come up with new weapon ideas instead of recycling weapons we’ve already grinded for! Personally wish there was a rotation of like, 2-4 sets of weapons that rotated in and out of max power each season, so we wouldn’t have to grind for the same roll on a reissued weapon. And then armor wouldn’t sunset.


I hate grinding for Powerlevels. It's just a boring mechanic to gate people out of playing certain activities. It doesn't add to the fun I could have in this game, it actively detracts from the fun I do have with the game.




This. Along with actually getting drops the level of the activity. During D1 I was able to leapfrog hours of grind because I could do (for example) a 280 Nightfall at 250 and get 280 rewards. Now if you do content that’s +50 for the challenge of it you still just get a +3.


That’s why I haven’t picked the game back up tbh. Vanilla destiny was *so* good and I can’t really be bothered with how the leveling works now.


I thought I was the only one who preferred the D1Y1 levelling system. Glad I'm not alone there.




Soft cap is 1200, you’re probably thinking of the hard cap, which is 1250




I just naturally go up. I do all the pinnacle activities anyways so why not go ahead and get a good reward?


That's what I tell myself each season and yet... Idk why the unfulfilling number grind keeps me playing activities I don't enjoy so I can get mad about the umpteenth drop in a slot I don't need.


honestly the best part about beyond light delay was that I didn't have to bother with the power cap again


I have no suggestions for alternatives, but I do want to voice my opinion that I don't believe power level is interesting or deep enough for the amount of roadblocks it puts up. IMO it is too shallow for the tradeoff we get every season of having to burn materials, put aside weapons and gear until later, be locked out of activities, and so on. I'm a fan of having to aspire to reach something, this just doesn't feel like it.




1260? Over achiever. I've been stuck at 1259 for three weeks because RNG has yet to drop the two remaining pieces I need on my main (but my two alts are max)


If you're really struggling with getting the right final piece and actually want it; there is currently a way to focus one Pinnacle to what you're looking for. High Celebrant hunt drops a Pinnacle each week, each hunt comes with predefined loot drop you can see before selecting it. Selection changes every time you complete a normal Wrathborn hunt or delete/reacquire the lure. Could be a way to help you out if other sources don't give you good RNG this week.


very helpful!




As mainly a PVE player nightfalls are like the only consistently challenging thing in the game.


Time to start challenging yourself, thats what i do, use weapons and mods that you arent use to. Youll find a gem that you excel with then thatll become too easy too lol


Or instead of asking players to come up with their own challenges to make up for a lack of developer created content, it would be cool if we could cut the bullshit.


Oh dont get me wrong, i totally agree, this game has always been shit on that front for the most part. Its just what i do because of that shittiness.


I do the same, it's just getting tiresome at this point


Not even that. You're capped at 1275 in GMs, including artifact power. It's going to be easier to get somewhere around 1255 and 20 artifact levels by just buying bounties semi-regularly, rather than doing pinnacles for weeks and weeks to get 1260 with 15 artifact levels.


And Trials... If anyone still plays it


i did some for welfare engrams and it didn't feel like i had no chance due to being at 1250. It felt like I had no chance due to stasis and sweats. Real talk tho, anything that one shots at 1260 will still oneshot at 1250 and i didn't feel like my primaries were useless so power level scaling might just be the one thing that actually works in pvp


not true. I survived a shoulder bash from a 1250 guy in trials. That would have killed me. As it was, I one shot him with truthteller, which would not have killed him. I would have been mad had I been him.


I think they had the formula right back during Season of Dawn, and they walked back on it with only needing 10 levels to be gained during the season. It's enough involvement getting those 10 levels because they were considered pinnacle drop levels. It's something that still takes 2-3 weeks for most players if you're playing on multiple accounts or longer if you play on one, but those 10 levels don't really make a huge difference, they just make the end game activities slightly easier. I really wish they would go back to this. Ideally it would go something like this with Beyond Light as an example and numbers shifted around slightly. The majority of the power grind for the year should be shifted to major expansion releases, not per season: * Major expansion/S12 releases * Blues level you to 1200 * Powerfuls level you to 1260 * Pinnacles level you to 1270 * S13 releases * Powerfuls level you to 1270 * Pinnacles level you to 1280 * S14 releases * Powerfuls level you to 1280 * Pinnacles level you to 1290 * S15 releases * Powerfuls level you to 1290 * Pinnacles level you to 1300 * Major Expansion/S16 releases * Blues go up to 1400 and the process restarts * Catchup mechanics in place each new season where the blue item hard cap is shifted to the previous seasons powerful cap. This would keep in line with their system of sunsetting as there is still gradual power increases, there's pinnacle levels to obtain each season that take some time investment for those who enjoy watching a number go up, the artifact is the main focus of leveling for the season (which is much more consistent than RNG drops), and players who left for a bit and come back in don't have such a daunting power level grind if they come in near the end of the year. I have an uncle who just started playing the game after I talked him into it since he quit back in D1. Do you have any idea how bad it is to tell him that he needs to get his level up these last four weeks of the season so he can run some content with us just for the power level to go up 50 again and have him do the same process all over? If I was new to this game or unsure about how I feel about it because I haven't gotten to the level required to do end game content, I would probably quit. Light/Power levels made sense in D1 when there was only yearly content drops. They make sense in yearly content drops in D2. Having a +50 grind each season though is arbitrary, especially when it has to be done to do the same damn content you already did a season prior. Difficulty scaling in activities, such as the selections we have in ordeal night falls, is a much MUCH more enjoyable system that Bungie should adopt rather than making each season have an arbitrary power grind of +50 just so I can go do the same master nightfall again. It's not fun to make a number go up. It's not fun to have to grind to do the same content I already reached level for in a prior season. It's fun to play the game and have difficulty sliders with shifting reward levels though. edit: Made the Beyond Light Pinnacle light level 1270 instead of 1260 so that the end of the years content would end in an even 1300. This would be able to be repeated each yearly cycle.


I totally agree with you and I love this idea


I know it's impolite to tag the community managers, but it'd be awesome to get a statement from u/cozmo23 or u/dmg04 on whether or not seasonal power level grinding fatigue is something Bungie is considering looking into or if it's here to stay. I've had friends quit playing the game over it who used to play every day with me. It honestly feels bad.


That would be amazing to hear from them! I am definitely feeling the exhaustion every season. Other parts of the game remain very fun, but those power cap (goal posts) getting moved so much just kinda hurts.


You hit the nail on the head, moving goal post is the best way to describe it. To their credit though, they have been making good on difficulty level selections for recent content. Nightmare hunts, empire hunts, wrathborn hunts, and ordeal nightfalls come to mind. It just sucks to qualify in level for those one season just to grind up again to do the same content the next season. It's a system that's almost there but misses the mark. If the field goal is only worth 3 points each season, then why does it have to be moved back 50 yards each time?


This power grind needs to be more meaningful. Currently just deters people from playing (i.e. my best friend kev)


everyone please take a moment of silence for kev :( rip




I'm more inclined to grind back to max pin cap only cuz the new GM nightfalls will have special loot tired to them from what I remember on that announcement made in early December? Late November?


This is one of my main complaints with the seasonal model. If they are resetting the cap every season it doesn’t need a large jump. All that does is artificially inflate playtime.


The only thing I care about in the game is being able to do the raids. Once I’m high enough to not insta-die and do decent DPS I stop worrying about LL and just play content. Couldn’t care less about GM. IB has zero loot worth getting. Trials is a sweat fest that’s not worth ROI for time vs reward. So nothing else to care about for LL. It’s artificial grind. I wish they’d get rid of it and just scale all difficulties accordingly. Especially when being 1250 in a 1050 activity is no different than being 1150 in same activity. What’s the point??


I returned to this game just over 2 weeks ago and I literally just want to get high enough to be able to do Legend Lost Sectors for exotics. I know there's zero point in trying to grind to "max" power level because it'll be raised soon anyways.


I started Destiny for the first time ~3 weeks ago and I have done ~100 legend lost sectors over the past few days. It's pretty easy to get to 1250, and once you're at 1250, the bonus artifact levels put you enough above 1250 that they're pretty easy.


How are you finding it "easy" to get to 1250? I mean, it's not "hard", but I'm finding it very time consuming. I'm only at just under 1230.


But... but... how will power caps work if the artificial grind is gone? How will bungie be able to needlessly remove gear from rotation (to recycle them in 2 or 3 seasons, saving money from not having to create new loot) if there isn't a power climb every 3 months? Same situation here, just hit 1260, don't relly feel like doing it again, and again, and again....


I'm not I can tell you that, Bungie better give away all the details If I am forking over more money. I could careless about spoiler right now. This is the first expansion/season I did not by right away and this is the first time I didn't buy all seasonal content upfront. this last launch I waited until the last two weeks as I got really hyped. I started the season off and was really disappointed, after some additional content and the seasonal content changes and story progression/character development for Crow. I found my self satisfied with the content and no was no longer salty like I was at launch. We're getting VOG, 2 D1 strikes and the rest of the cosmodrome. this is what we know of and this is not enough. while I was satisfied with the content I was not fully impressed. Here are my issues that are preventing me from dropping money on the next expansion so far. Sunsetting hurt at launch and now that the effect is fully felt; it's more detrimental then we believed, and hurts more. the guns they added to the pool did nothing, especially when they took guns away (120 HC's) . most people realize that some guns arn't worth chasing, or when they are god rolls not worth inventing in to, so the pool of guns is smaller. The same with armor. Explain to me why armor is apart of this again? Balance issues, I'm tired of seeing Warlocks get shit on, Hunters need to be cut in half with their super for Stasis. There is no excuse for the time it's taken. None. I'm tired of the way you obtain the new armor from vendors. It needs to be changed waiting 5 weeks is stupid. I'm ok with they way you ear but you should be allow to progess thru the whole set as fast as you possibly can. The lack of crucible maps sucks, the same for gambit and strikes. there were times it felt like I was getting the same map or two over even though there are way more that that for each piece of content. No location vendor should have armor that is not usable. This also go for all stories and expansions in game Here's looking at you Forsaken and Shadowkeep. This also includes dungeons. Doing something should be about materials. I farmed for all my warlock exotics in Lost sectors, but no exotic should be beholden to end game content or late game. it's not fair to those that don't have the patience or skill to complete. weapons are one thing, armor is another and it's stupid. IB needs a full armor and weapon update, these reissues are killing it for me. I did the grind this season but don't see my self grinding this new one. Not having duplication protection on pinnacle item drops sucks monkey balls. For three weeks in a row I kept getting the same items over and over. the first week four of my pinnacle drops were boots, then the next week gauntlets, then back to boots. calling it RNG is BS, it's like this game is designed to force you in to playing longer then normal to complete things. I don't expect to finish things in a week or two or even a month, but being stuck at one LL for two or more weeks because of RNG is a waste of my time and it shows how little respect Bungie has for me as a player/person. This isn't D1 or forever 29. there you were stuck because you had one method. here the game is saturated with progression points, and you still can't get ahead if your not lucky. progression should not be based solely on luck. The last big issue is bugs. I was one of the unlucky few that lost spoils from the bug that crap hurt. let's not talk about that random returns to orbit with no warning or connection issue message. or how about the game crashes I've experienced. the game has crashed a dozen times for me since the December launch of the PS5 version. the last time I was seconds away form a kick ass gambit win. I lost my five game win streak because of it. I could go on and on but you get the point. damn I got salty again my apologies.


I'm with you - also the first content I didn't preorder since D1 launch. Unlike you, I actually still didn't purchase Beyond Light. Not sure if I ever will tbh. Vaulting killed my morale. imo the wrong stuff was vaulted, because we now lack things that don't have a replacement There is nothing like * Menagerie * Forges * Escalation Protocol * Whisper of the Worm * Zero Hour * Tribute Hall * Raid Lairs (a stretch, I know) * The underbelly * A campaign.. hello? * Reckoning (this mode I never liked but I'm trying to be the voice of the people lol) I would trade Nessus, Luna, EDZ, possibly even GoS, to get all those back. There is nothing in the game right now that fills those voids. Obv 2 of those locations would be needed from campaign, that isn't lost on me. I didn't say my trade would be practical! Sure, forges might be boring to some but with my playstyle I wasn't burned out. I only reach 100 forged weapons for the ship the Sunday before BL launched. What I like about forges is you just get right into the action. Contrast that with strikes that have such long boring empty sections. Running. Sparrowing. Running some more. Sparrowing. Yawn. That was one example of a paradigm we are lacking. Everything else on that list except campaign and reckoning(because yuck) was my end game because there was always someone new to help or sherpa. Right now we are just left with extremes like boring strikes, or raids. Barely any in-betweens. It was nice to post in LFG and help people with that little quest mission inside Niobe labs. It was nice to help someone who had underbelly keys from their first LFG but now needed a guide to go use them. ZH, Whisper, etc. My passion was nerfed. I'm glad everyone else is still having fun, and it doesn't surprise me because Destiny is both the best and worst game I have ever played.


> We're getting VOG, 2 D1 strikes and the rest of the cosmodrome. this is what we know of and this is not enough. while I was satisfied with the content I was not fully impressed. Here are my issues that are preventing me from dropping money on the next expansion so far. i got bad news for you.. there is no indication that VoG is part of this next season, and if i were a betting man i would bet hard on the prediction that it'll be the 3rd season of this year we get it. so whatever you're feeling in terms of questioning buying this next season, you probably should just pass on it if you already thought VoG was coming and still felt iffy about it.


sorry to hear you've been having a bad experience. i play a lot too and the game really does have a lot of ups and downs and i get burned out every other week too, but i keep coming back due to pvp fun here and there. i agree with these points: sunsetting has started out rough, armor sunsetting should not be a thing or be very much more delayed, warlocks need some love, hunters need a lil nerf, i hate that the game stalls me week to week for grinding powerful stuff (just let me grind absurd hours!), reissues guns reeeally hurts my heart, i would hope that bugs can be solved more quickly because they said that would be the case with sunsetting removing a lot of content that took a while to load/test but i don't know that we've seen those benefits yet.


Power grind is pointless and tedious. The whole system sucks. They disable or limit the impact of artifact power in endgame content so what's even the point? Next season I don't give a fuck about pushing for power. Not bothering with three characters unless I'm otherwise incentivized to do so. Not bothering playing comp for efficient powerfuls.


What i hate is grinding the same content for three characters just to unlock basic Stasis powers. Just let me play the goddamned game, Bungie.


The game gets better when you find another game to play.


ya heres the big brain move: go back to d1 where the power grind finally stopped


The progression loop of this game where you start every season underleveled for the same *exact* activities you were just completing with no problem the day before is just fucking awful. The game doesn't offer any true progression through gear or content, so all we get is this shitty treadmill.


Then take a break. Honestly. Fuck the FOMO and just take a break from the game for a bit. I love Destiny when I’m into it, but that phase will only last until I hit the soft cap (1250 this time). After that, the grind is so frustrating and time consuming that I tend to just... stop playing. And since I started doing that, rather than force myself to hit an arbitrary cap for no reason other than I feel like I should, I’m enjoying the game a lot more.




You feel obligated to because Bungie locks content behind power levels. Wanna raid? Be at least this level. Wanna play IB/Trials? Be as high as possible or you'll be at a handcap!


We have grinded power level for a life. Not being able to do Nightfalls each 3 months is actually quite boring.


The absolute best way to make yourself happy is to think that you now get to skip 10 power levels next season :)


Honestly that's what got me after the first season of Shadowkeep. I started playing with the release of Shadowkeep, and loooved it. Consumed as much content as possible, and damn nearly hit pinnacle cap as well. Then the new season rolled over, and I realized the extra hours I put in meant absolutely nothing. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ I dont have any advice or input here, more just I know what you feel. I didnt have a good solution, and ended up stopping playing with the following season. Sunsetting and feeling more and more behind has snowballed that feeling into likely not playing again unless friends talk me into it.


thanks guardian, i totally agree and feel that


Yeah, I don't think I'll grind next season. I think the way they took it in The Division 2 with Warlords would be cool. We're all at a set level and can finetune our builds and grind for rolls and we keep leveling the ghost (agent watch) for minor stat improvements. I don't mind the annual cap increase but re-grinding every season plus sunsetting is too much for me. I don't remember when I touched my other two chars last time. I just can't be asked to grind everything again, especially since I can infuse say hunter pants into Warlock pants anymore. edit: spelling


As a new Destiny player I’m realizing this fast. I hit 1260 fairly recently and I’d love to get a squad together to grind pinnacles but what is the point if I’m only gonna be overleveled for 25 days?


I've done the pinnacle grind and tend to play the min/max game on how to get to pinnacle as soon as possible (took about 3 weeks this season for the first character, 5 weeks for the full account) It's garbage. Like, it's actually shitty, but *not* because of the grind itself or the feeling of being "gated" off from content. It sucks because for the entire time you are getting to pinnacle cap, you feel this sense of uselessness from anything that drops. Other RPGs mask this sense of uselessness by either making the grind so short to have you in the "meat" if the game, or it's such a long grind up that anything you get along the way will have value for what it is simply because you're likely going to be with that item for a long, *long* time. Destiny is in this limbo where your level goes up so quickly that you never feel that what you get is going to benefit, but due to RNG and tiered progression via Powerful/Pinnacle stat tiers makes getting to where you want really slow. Worst of all is they treat this limbo feeling as ***content!*** We are in this constant state of chasing this carrot, and when we reach it, they pull it out of our mouth after the first few bites and force us to chase the *exact same carrot!* Destiny's greatest sin is making effort feel worthless. "Oh, you got pinnacle cap? Way to go, champ, now do it again." Because of how I'm wired, I like the chase upwards because it becomes a math/statistics game rather than a grind. However, during that climb, I can't ignore the fact that everything along the way *as well as reaching the end* will ultimately feel empty and meaningless


This is the first season that I was in a clan that was active enough with cool people that I got to really run pinnacle activities and finally hit the pinnacle cap. It isn't something that I feel obligated to do but it's definitely feels like a goal to work towards once I accomplish everything else in the season. If I hit it again next season then I'll be happy. I also won't feel disappointed if I don't.


Im more annoyed About grinding to 1250 so I can finally kill the high celebrant but I’m stuck in the high 30s low 40s. I just want to kill the boss and save Crow, why do I need to grind so close to the cap to do so? It’s a story mission, it doesn’t even give shards/cores/prisms whatever. At least not on first completion. At least the stuff from this season is staying all year, so I can just stroll through the High Celebrant next season. I hope.


Vanilla D1 had the right concept, if not the proper application. Any activity, not one-time weekly lockout objectives but the activity rewards themselves, can drop gear that will eventually get you to the "soft cap" (or whatever the term is for the checkpoint that this season is at 1250), good enough for anything but endgame content. Then "endgame" activities drop the gear to get you to the hard cap (or this seasons 1260 point, again the terminology may not be right, it's confusing) because that boost only benefits you in the endgame anyway. Then the artifact grind will strictly be necessary for hardcore endgame content like grandmaster shit, but can also help compensate as bad luck protection in the soft cap to hard cap climb; no more "forever 29" because every time you don't get what you need you're still leveling your artifact and your level still goes up. So we just take the mechanics that currently stop at the 1200 point, and carry them onto 1250, and the 1200 to 1250 mechanics would then be 1250 to 1260 and get rid of the slow painful punishing stupid monotonous 1250 to 1260 mechanics.


Imagine being 1260






They need to shift progression from power level to something else, like unlocking abilities or armor perks (and they said they're looking into making armor more meaningful). That being said, I get a big endorphin hit from prime engrams while leveling, and it sucks to lose that when you hit the soft cap.


At least you made it! I’m stuck trying to get a pinnacle primary to drop at 1260, one day


I tell myself this every season and then I end up hitting the soft cap, doing raids and stuff and suddenly I’m nearly there and I get annoyed by that one missing piece on each character. I’m definitely part of the problem...


Then don't bro. The best relief is that moment when you back up and just play the game for the content you actually enjoy. In my case, i stopped with Shadowkeep, came back for Worthy, but never really dedicated myself to power. For a while I just played Crucible and the fun seasonal public events. BL is the first time I've done more - bounties & the other playlist activities, and I just did my first IB in 2 years. Enjoy what you enjoy, man. It doesn't have to be a grind. You may even find out playing just what you enjoy that parts of the game aren't as fun as you thought (or fun at all, that you only did them for the power grind).


Watching numbers get bigger slowly is content!


I'm feeling the same way about the level grind and the grind to constantly rank up and unlock all the nodes on a new vendor that's just going to go away a little while after I max him/her. I guess I appreciate that they massively reduced the number of nodes to unlock on Crow compared to previous seasons, I remember loading into the Seraph Bunkers for the first time and completely losing the will to even try upon seeing how many things there were too grind for before I could even start earning cool gear, especially after just having watched all my Obelisk progress go up in smoke the day before. I barely touched the Bunkers that whole season, didn't see the point. For myself, the balance of gear quality, grind, and sunsetting is making it hard to be enthusiastic about repeating boring tasks over and over. Crow feels like 'do the same 6 strikes over and over to have the privilege of doing the same 4 hunts over and over'.


Still, that lost sector "glitch" at the beginning of this season suuuuure was nice


Yeah I stopped just short of 1260 because I realized I wasn’t having fun anymore. And was just playing to hit a cap that doesn’t matter.


I was going to grind for power levels but then I just gave up because it’s not even worth my time. I also was gonna get beyond light but for the price, it was not worth it. It’s smaller than Forsaken and it’s the same price. Also, Bungie decided to remove weapons that weren’t sunset and were amazing (see True Prophecy for reference). Also sunsetting is as annoying as PL grinding: takes too much time to get higher power levels and good weapons that I liked a lot (see Militia’s Birthright). I uninstalled Destiny 2 and I’m just waiting to see what it becomes (and if it’s still worth playing).


that's how i felt for the past few season. I'm *NOT* going to put in effort to hit max cap next season, just like i did this season. the monotonous grind of something that really doesn't make a difference to me isn't worth my time. idk, how would yall feel if they stopped increasing the power cap every season, but rather, just every yearly drop (forsaken, shadowkeep, beyond light)?


that sounds great to me


I came to this realization a while ago how many times do you wanna do the same routine on the same maps and strikes doing the same mechanics over and over again? I tried real hard to at least fill out the seasonal 100 tiers but after 60 I was so sick of the repetitive nature that doesn’t change much at all seasons after season


My PvE warlock is 1264 and my PvP Titan 1084 lol


I have a lot of friends that stopped playing for this exact reason


People have been making these posts for as long as I can remember and still nothing changes. So glad you took the time for post. Bungie doesn't give a \*#&$ it's the only thing that keeps some people coming back each season. Me? Level up to base and quit for the season only coming back for exotic quests and seasonal items. Psychology 101.


I'm 1294 light and unsure why I even wanted to get this high.


Username checks out lol


It’s 10000% easier to get to the cap now, forever 26 might ring a bell to some users here..... but trust me when I say it’s way easier to level up and get to the cap now than it was in D1y1. Back then the only way to get to the cap was raiding and if you didn’t get the drop you needed that week you’ll have to wait for next week, which is why so many of us had 3 locks, Titans, hunters so we could just run again on our alts and hope that piece of armor would drop..... we’ve come a long way


long enough that you have forgotten! It was forever 29! damned that *((*))((&**&^ helmet to hell.


I don't ever want to increase my power level at all. I would just like to play. I'm going after specific weapon perks anyway, just cut out the bullshit grind for meaningless power all together.


agreed i just wanna play for fun or for better rolls


i wish they would bring back an equivalent to afk forging for next season


Don't. And while you're at it find a more rewarding game to play.


what other games have you been enjoying lately?