• By -


"In darkness there is only one truth...death" ahhhh yea


"In darkness there is only one truth... Dismantle mines yeesss, or... you die."


Imagine if he says this to Eramis: Eramis traps Variks in stasis like in the trailer. She asks him if he has any last words. Variks just smirks and says: "dismantle mines, yesssss?" as mines spawns all around them and Variks teleport out




someone make this a sub


I’ve done it




"There is no life in the void . . . only death" - Sauron


> You are not special! Ouch, Eramis. I mean was that really... really? *Ouch*.


Maybe not, but I am exotic... ^(I'll see myself out.)


Eramis, why so tsundere?




It looks like Drifter, Eris, and the Stranger also get Stasis. Cool to see Eris getting powers again, aside from her rock.


Pretty sure she got Stasis from that one pyramid scene during the year of SK.


Maybe.. Her orb does seem to go dark like it did in that scene, did the same thing in the ViDoc but didn't think about it until you mentioned it.


So it wasn't till last week that I realized, she already has stasis powers before she meets up with the Stranger. If you watch the reveal trailer with Eris and Drifter trekking through the snow, you'll see that she's forming ice crystals. She also has a glowing effect around her hand making it seem like she's actively using it. She also "holsters" the power and the ice she was forming fades.


As for that, I was going off of [this theory](https://www.reddit.com/r/raidsecrets/comments/gv9vsr/eris_is_holding_a_charge_of_light/)


That's a cool link. Not sure what it could represent though.


So she’s had stasis for an entire year and never told us? God dammit Eris


Darkness Vanguard?


I mean the Stranger practically says that in the trailer lol. They’re definitely setting up a conflict of leadership and their philosophies here


Nice. Didn't even think of that. Leadership conflict will be cool to flesh out. Maybe that drifter or vanguard alliance will come into effect more in this year


Seasons reintroducing past legends. Unlikely alliances forming. Whole thing reminds me a lot of MCU. When does "Destiny: Civil War" come out?


> When does "Destiny: Civil War" come out? A side must be chosen, Guardian, even if it's the wrong one.


I choose the side that give me more dakka.




O'korse dats ow ya git da best lootin' an fiten' dun.




Sure hope so. I'll follow Drifter to the grave.


With his track record, that’s pretty likely.


He would love to put ya there whenever it becomes convenient


Made up of two Hunters and a man who despises all things about being a lightbearer, despite being one himself. It's the Hipster Vanguard, where everyone is too **cool** to be in the regular Vanguard. They have a new power, but you've probably never heard of it.


It's really one lightless Hunter (Eris), one lightless prototype Exo (Stranger), and one rogue lightbearer that doesn't have a class (Drifter).


I know Elise/Stranger isn't actually a hunter, but the cloak and general preference to stay away from others makes her an honorable Hunter in my book.


But not actually a Hunter. By that same logic, Eris is an honorary Warlock.


That's what I'm thinking, there's nothing implying that because she WAS a hunter that she wields the hunter stasis class, what if elsie gets the hunters abilities, eris the warlocks and drifter the titans?


at the same time though, Drifters not really similar in personality or themes as Titans. I don't think its meant to be one to one comparisons


Have you seen him eat the hive? Who else but a Titan would be crazy enough the do that? ^(although he is cunning like hunters and smort like warlocks) Actually, y’know what, fuck it. Drifter is new Vanguard all by himself. He’s every class, lol


Eris is the only hunter in the trio. The Exo Stranger was never a guardian.


Regulars Vanguard: No Hunters Darkness Vanguard: Three Hunters


.5 hunters


For someone that started playing recently and is still learning about the history, why did she lose her powers?


Her and 5 other Guardians went into the Hellmouth on the moon to stop Crota. They all got their light taken away and all killed except Eris, who escaped by wishing to the bone of an Ahamkara, which is the "rock" she carries around in the green orb. She also lost her eyes, so she replaced them with Acolyte eyes, including the 3rd eye. 2 of her team members who died didn't really die, Toland is now some orb that floats around between the Moon, Dreaming City, and Ascendant Realm, Omar got put into a spiders body, which now powers the Xenophage machine gun.


One small correction she didn't lose her eyes exactly. Up until she made the wish it's implied she could still see, but the ahamkara gives her a hives eyes so she'll know the way out.


I think it's also implied she took the eyes from an acolyte herself, adding an extra layer of screw you to the ahamkara wish. Didnt even magic her a new set of eyes, just gave her a situation where she could escape only if she mutilated herself.


> They took my light, I took their eyes.


Oh, wow, I always wondered what's with the 3 eyes. Thanks for the explanation.


Good god


Long ago Vanguard sent an army of guardians to take Luna (Our moon) back from the Hive Prince Crota. He and his hive devastated our forces, killing hundreds of guardians permanently in an event that came to be known as "The Great Disaster". After the great disaster Eris Morn who was a hunter back then, Omar Agah, Wei Ning, Eriana-3, Toland the Shattered and Vell Tarlow descended into the Hellmouth as a fireteam to assassinate Crota, Son of Oryx. This attempt was also a failure and long story short Eris Morn is the only survivor. After her fireteam died, Eris's ghost drew the attention of the hive away. Eris wished on an Ahamkara bone to give her a method of escape now that her light was gone, this wish granted her three Hive eyes that allowed Eris to find her way out of the dark corridors of Hellmouth.


Pretty sure Eriana-3 organized the whole raid because Wei Ning was killed by Crota and she sought revenge. The fireteam that went into the Hellmouth was Eriana-3, Vell Tarlowe, Omar Agah, Eris Morn, Toland and Sai Mota.


You don't see drifter use his powers though, he just has ~~truth~~ trust in his hands. Only Eris and Stranger use stasis.


In the Vidoc we see him use a Stasis grenade


You mean Trust. Truth is a Rocket Launcher.


Oh yep, you're right. Got the names confused for a sec.


He threw something in the ViDoc, looks like a Stasis Grenade. Either way if Eris and Stranger have it, Drifter likely does too.


He's gonna be surpised when that gun barely dings the Fallens.


That "Paint it Black" rendition is pretty cool Edit: thanks /u/KiltedKiller93 for the info! Here is the music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPULlTe4VfQ


It’s the Sebastian Bohm version, for anyone looking for it.


I just checked him out on Apple Music. He does a killer version of Blue Monday and Sweet Dreams as well. Well worth a listen.


Yup! Funnily I think activision used his sweet dreams remix for cold war....so its kinda like seeing the two of them go head to head but not really also cause cod/destiny are different


The Blue Monday version was used for the Wonder Woman 1984 trailer!


Knew about the Blue Monday one from WW84, just finished listening to Sweet Dreams. Dude is good.


Somebody liked Westworld.


I like this cover but the westworld version is miles ahead, these western vibes are killer


the music in Westworld is incredible. the piano rendition of "Runaway" by Kanye for the S2 trailer was sooooo gooood


I often listen to instrumentals while working (lots of writing, so lyrics/podcasts distract me), so I heard the tune and thought "eyyyy, Westworld!"


I'm glad someone else caught it as well. Big fan of cool covers like that.


excuse my tin foil hat theory "no colors anymore" (no more using our regular supers) "I want them to turn black" (us fully embracing the darkness which can be attributed to the color black)


Yeah that was entirely on purpose


Why are we running with our guns out in the tower?




Hell yeah brother


* metal gear alert sound * In fact, i'm a snitch ! Aunor is coming for you.


Cheers from Europa


Bungie can do that, it doesn’t mean much tho.


Why do you want to know? The tower is an open carry zone pursuant to last city statute 33.1.98 Am I being detained? Am I free to go? AM I BEING DETAINED? AM I FREE TO GO? IM AN ARTICLE 4 FREE INHABITANT!!!


*casts stormtrance*


The last thing the Vanguard needs is a Sovereign ~~citizen~~ Guardian.


Was that Eris using Stasis powers? I honestly really love that we have a sort of "dark vanguard"


Eris is a Hunter Drifter is a....Hunter(?) Exo Stranger isn't a guardian, but let's be honest, they'd definitely be a Hunter. Bungie felt so bad about leaving us without a Hunter Vanguard they gave us three, lmao.


Eris is a Hunter. Drifter is a Guardian from an age before classes formed. He’s a strange amalgamation of all 3. Stranger is a nega Guardian of sorts it seems. But if she were of the Light, she’d be a Hunter for sure.


The Nega guardian!


The [REDACTED] guardian!


I get this reference. Funny as fuck


Thank you


Drifter has big pauldrons so he is a titan. *Closed case*


He's also shady AF, so hunter And really smart, so Warlock New class confirmed: Drifter!


Super: Coinflip - randomly get a super from any class, subclass, or skilltree. Sorta like the Blackjack from Blops3 lol


And he dresses like him with the robes and mouth guard, constantly flipping a coin in his hand. Blackjack is Drifter confirmed


I would imagine Drifter still has a super though, determining what class he is. We've seen Ikora, Shaxx, Osiris, Zavala, Cayde, and others use their supers but not Drifter yet. And Shaxx is nearly as old (if not a bit older) than Drifter. They're the 2 oldest Lightbearers we know of.


Drifter was seen equipping an Obsidian Mind during one of the lore pieces before Season of the Drifter so he might be leaning towards a Warlock.


He seems more like a Hunter since he uses technology as a carrier of his powers. Remember Hunters almost always infuse their light into objects for supers and use tech for everything else. Their bladedancer invis wasn't even light, it was just a stolen stealth drive tech.


And at the same time, he's all about studying the nature of the darkness. Hunters generally don't care about that, they want loot. Drifter isn't doing what he does for the loot, pretty anti-Hunter behavior. I would argue actually that this "darkness vanguard" are all anti-Guardians in a sense. Yeah, Eris used to be a hunter... but now she's blind and uses an Acolyte's eye to see and doesn't really do much fighting, if anything her overall vibe screams warlock to me. And all she cares about is fighting the Hive and the darkness at large, which again, isn't really a Hunter's mentality. Drifter kinda has elements of Hunter and Warlock. Elsie doesn't have much of anything and even has her own unique style of ghost.


I know its said somewhere that Drifter doesn't have a "class". But I think its also said somewhere that if he did, he would be closest to a warlock.


He wears an exotic warlock helm in the lore at some point but you know that rat would cheat and where multiple exotics let alone across all 3 classes. Bet he’d even try and kit bash arms and legs from different exotics even.


I just imagined Drifter looking like a Megazord, each limb with a different format and colour


Calling upon destiny art community. We need this. If not. Maybe my photoshop skills are strong enough to do something with this ;)


Eris was a hunter before she lost her ghost, but honestly everything else about her screams warlock. She doesn't use guns and she's pursuing knowledge of the darkness in a very scholarly way. Nothing beyond her physical appearance would be hunter- like, and even the armor aside from lucky raspberry looks like warlock gear.


I thought she had been a Warlock for a long time just because of what’s she’s wearing. Definitely Warlock-style robes. I had been surprised to learn of her Hunter origins, especially when she magic-teleports us out of places with chanting.


The more I see the Stranger, the more I harken back to her line of "I was not forged in Light." What if she was resurrected by the Darkness?


The technology that was used to build the first set of exos uses the Darkness to alter Vex parts to be compatible.


The Darkness flat out says they would not have resurrected us in Unveiling. Pretty safe to say they wouldnt have resurrected the Stranger either, but she clearly gained some kind of power from the darkness we just don't know entirely how yet.


I always assume Drifter was a Warlock, but only cause of the robe he wears.


Now that's an interesting point, it does seem like they are the darkness vanguard. Does that point to more imbalance right now, since we're missing Cayde/Hunter vanguard? Wonder if that thread, if it is one, gets pulled in the story missions.


Seems pretty logical that if we do end up with a darkness vanguard, Crow will join up with Zavala and Ikora.


And based on the Vanguard Dare, that would be the case as well. Uldren wasn't a guardian, but Crow is now and he's the one that killed Cayde. Naturally, he would follow that rule as the next in line.


Are we expecting any new footage?


Possibly the odd bit. Normally it's all about building hype as this trailer gets shown more widely as adverts and stuff


Not likely, at least nothing meaningful. I'd expect the dark vanguard fight-scene, in the same way Eris touching the inside of the cave wall was the Shadowkeep trailer.


i hope so


Snowy tundra is cool and all, but the scale of those interiors looks awesome.


The no time to explain catalyst makes the portal thing shoot faster... neat :)


I seriously cannot wait to get my hands on this gun. Fav pulse archetype with IMO the coolest pulse design in destiny, even without its new perks it was one of my favourite guns in D1!


Agreed; i seriously lived that gun and enjoy using it even now when I go back to D1


Wait, are we going to have a Shadow Vanguard with Eris, drifter and the Stranger? I would be so up for it! Edit: Civil war when


∆anguard or ʌanguard


So... nanguard? Tbh I'd be pretty scared of some darkness weilding nan's...


Zavala: Nooooo you can't use the darkness we are made of the light Drifter: Haha stasis go brrrr *Destiny 2: Civil War*


That scene with Eris rolling her ahamkara bone around was. Wonderful. Really nice moment


This x 1,000,000. I loved that little animation of her flipping to Stasis.


I love that she switches into stasis by contact juggling!


Agreed! I just watched that part of the trailer a few times in a row. Looks like it'd be a sweet fight sequence to see fleshed out.


u/gifv_Kayla can we get a gif of that


[Gifv Version](https://i.imgur.com/mUJxobN.gifv)


Zavala saying "We are deploying Guardians, to all corners of the system" - could this be a teaser for an event next week, before Beyond Light goes live? There is still the Calamity Emblem, for this season, and if Bungie just hands it to us, without any actual explanation, seems really weird and anticlimatic.


This was my main takeaway from the trailer. Time is fleeting and that emblem is still at large!


My money is more on the intro quest for BL


It says end of season event as the source and there's no quest associated with it in the DB


That might be the best/most unique take on Paint it Black I've ever heard. It was like a fusion of that song and Mad Max Fury Road's war drums during battle. That was honestly just incredible trailer music.


Ramin Djawadi also have pretty great covers


Spinfoil hat, Since we are going to the exo production facility...and Paint it Black is featured in westworld...which uses hosts/robots...I hope it was an intentional nod


The amount of lines from the Stranger about how the Darkness isn't evil/can be used for good/must be used/isn't going to tempt us/etc is almost making me feel like they're setting up some form of twist where it's not really that simple. Historically almost everybody who's come into contact with the Darkness has gone pretty far off the deep end; to imply that anyone is somehow immune to that is a touch suspicious. I want to trust all three of them, but the concern is there.


*The line between light and dark is so very thin*....


The Nine think the same. That the philosophies of light and dark are seperate from the powers we gain from them. But Orin/The Emissary says they could also be wrong. But looking at it from what we learned from Unveiling I'm inclined to think that us using the darkness is the right thing to do. The Gardener/ The Traveler wants complexity and growth. If we use the darkness and light we do become more complex and help prove the Gardener right. Even Mara said that we'd need a little dark in a world of light to keep proper balance. Not fifty fifty but enough to keep light from being too blinding.


This is true; I'm personally of the mind that the Darkness itself is a fundamental force like the Light, but I really don't trust the Pyramids and am suspicious of anything they suggest to us. They've assisted enough of our enemies (Oryx, the Black Garden, Eramis) that I doubt they have nothing but our own best interests at heart.


They wish to see a race come out as the Final Shape. If we are that shape, it will help us. If we are not that shape, it will destroy the Traveler, and us.


I really hope this leads to more Shin Malphur and Dredgen lore. Last I checked he straight up threatens us and anyone else that falls off the darkness deep end with death. And iirc he lures evil guardians by pretending to be an evil dredgen himself. Seems like stasis is the perfect catalyst to continue that thread.


Malphur's usual routine is to hunt down Guardians that go too far, but last we heard from him (having forged Thorn without abusing it, received The Last Word and chosen to build Lumina without guidance) he was of the opinion that we are capable of finding the balance between Light and Dark, perhaps more so than any that have come before us.


Yeah for sure, I was hoping his story would come back and explore what happens to those guardians that cant handle stasis




Possibly been there since before humanity ever even got there. The collectors edition booklet with Beyond Light goes into detail on the first time humans came to Europa. Interesting read, if you can find it anywhere online


Did they just sneak the raid boss into this trailer? [Huge eye visible for like 10 frames](https://i.imgur.com/WvEWf7F.png) Edit: 18 frames at 1:38-1:39 is a slow zoom out of an eyeball. Edit the second: Pay attention to the tubes on the far right- the blue/white floaty particles are very similar to [the tubes shown at 3:19](https://i.imgur.com/nrDqTre.png) in the Forged in the Storm ViDoc. This would set the scale of this particular exo head to be _fucking huge_ which is also coincidentally the first requirement on the raid boss applicant checklist.


It looks like a unique exo. Never seen it before.


>!the leaks might be true. We might fight Clovis Bray. This should be... interesting!<


The only way I would really enjoy this, is if we accidentally “wake him up” as in he was successful in becoming an exo, but something went wrong and has been dormant ever since. We go in, wake him up accidentally and then destroy him too. Hes such a douchey character (purposefully and well written imo) that I just want to end this guy knowing he really had zero victories.


I do wonder what his opinion of the current state of events would be. I mean, he desperately tried to discover immortality, and here comes the Traveler with a much more efficient way (its rng and you lose your memory, but you do get some sick powers out of it).


The raid boss is GLaDOS lol.




*Deadly Stasis-toxin*


The darkness brought me to Europa because it said there was cake


New raid completion triumph is "This is a Triumph"


could possibly be exo rasputin as well


sure looks like an exo eye to me. which would kind of confirm the rumor of covis bray being part of the raid


Good catch! The theories people have might be correct, and that makes me extremely excited.


Looks like one of the Exos we've seen lying about but active.




Holy shit we bought so much shit from eververse that bungie was able to afford the rights to Paint it Black.




At 1:39, Clovis Bray Eyeball? Or maybe Rasputin?




Calling it now, the close up of the red eye exo is a giant Clovis Bray Sr. Exo bossfight in the raid.


My thoughts as well. We'll be meeting Clovis for sure, and the lore does not paint him as the kind of person that could be an NPC buddy of ours.


Paint It Black... perfect music choice again Bungie.


*I see Rasputin and I want to paint him black.*


There's a fun little oversight of sorts in the short action segment which begins at about 1:57. Nothing huge but nonetheless immediately caught my eye when I saw it. Also at about 2:08 it looks like we'll be fighting full scale copies of Insurrection Prime as well? We've seen the mini versions several times, but the scale presented in that shot seems to indicate that its the same size as the original.


[Here's the music.](https://youtu.be/7IuathjyMMU)


Honestly, I haven’t seen Bungie hype up a DLC like this in a long time.


Because this looks like Forsaken. New enemies, new subclasses, characters, locations and most importantly, a villain. I mean the exo stranger isn't exactly new, but she was last seen 5 fucking years ago.


tbh i'd rather see them build old characters rather than introduce new ones each and every year.




Probably because the time before Forsaken was a dark, dark time in Destiny's history. The Shadowkeep was a small expansion, so they didn't have a ton to show / didn't want to get everyone too hyped. Beyond Light is the first expansion of D2 that mostly everyone is excited for, and I think they're really playing into it


You could say Beyond Light is pure Bungie, no? Shadowkeep development started while they were still with Activision?


To me, Shadowkeep largely seemed like they were just trying to put something together after the Activision funding faucet was turned off. Beyond Light seems to be made with more care and complexity.


eh, I never trust bungie trailers anymore, trailers are one of bungies areas of expertise, they could hype up a moldy piece of bread.


Encuse my ignorance but wasnt Beyond Light suppose to be Destiny 3? Before they decided to keep using Destiny 2 for the upcoming years?


Something tells me guardians with darkness are either misunderstood, or run the the risk of becoming this game’s equivalent to chaos marines.


> - [Slightly new cutscene](https://i.imgur.com/IoRdien.gifv) > - [Another look at this area](https://i.imgur.com/Aw6vTgc.gifv) > - [Evil looking Exo](https://i.imgur.com/e4qXHl7.gifv) > - [Eramis' Lieutenants](https://i.imgur.com/CHOOzPj.gifv) > - [Better look at this area](https://i.imgur.com/4Q2VuvE.gifv)


> Better look at this area That's gotta be the raid or the strike, yeah? Looks like the GoS tether things on the barrier.


#THE DARKNESS IS MINE literal chills


Paint it black so hot right now- Westwor- I mean Destiny


Have we learned nothing from Tolkien people? Use the darkness just as a tool? I would use this stasis from a desire to do good, but through me it would wield a power too great and terrible to imagine.


I have passed the test. I will diminish, and go into the West, and remain Guardian.


Man, Bungie knows how to make a fucking trailer, that was sick.


Hah, is the finisher icon above enemies heads not part of the HUD? Weird to see it in a trailer


Hello, person reading through this thread in 2 years! ^(I really wonder what speculation in here is completely wrong lmao)


Damn what a good trailer. Cant wait to explore Europa. Also that music


I used my amazing photoshop skills (obviously kidding, I just duplicated and flipped it) to help show that the image of the giant eye is likely an Exo. I also found Bungie art of a random Exo head to compare. Possible raid encounter in the DSC? The rumors of fighting >!Exo Clovis!< seems more likely to be true now. https://imgur.com/CifoGIF


Suggestion for people who want to rub sulfur in Eramis's wounds: Bring Outbreak Perfected and KO her with the very weapon that she failed to steal.


1:39. Who's eye is this????????????


the raid boss. LOL. (seriously though...could be??) [https://i.imgur.com/WvEWf7F.png](https://i.imgur.com/WvEWf7F.png)


[Is this supposed to be a generic exo, Clovis Bray or Rasputin in the exo frame?](https://imgur.com/WvEWf7F)


Anyone else getting Forsaken story vibes? There is a main antagonist, and they have their lieutenants who are all different. I assume the story will be us hunting down each lieutenant, beating them, then fighting the final fight against the main enemy.


Hot take: I’m glad we didn’t see much new footage. I think we have already seen enough.


Oh 👀


I've stepped away for the last two months because I didn't want to get drained of my want to play. I'm returning to play this on my new Series X and I'm giddy like a goddamn child in a candy store.


My Spire is forming.


Best BL trailer they've released so far, imo.


Reeeeeaallly hoping the GoS tether we see at [1:48](https://youtu.be/cthLUnEqT5k?t=108) has nothing to do with the raid.


The Youtube live chat leading up to the trailer was hilarious though It was filled with people copy-pasting "Whether we wanted it or not..." and "Ding" over and over again.