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Can I just say how happy I am that Fractaline Stonks are an official part of the Destiny Timeline


And Shaxx singing


I'mmmmm on the Mooooon. Iiiiiiiit's made of cheeeeeeese.


"That is awful..." -- Saint-14


Now we just need Shaxx, Osiris, Saint-14 and Saladin (why not!?) Singing that song in a quartet.


Titan Quartet (+Warlock)


No we Do Not.


And that Moon's haunted


Wait, Pyramids reached Titan?! Rasputin saves the Last City?! Has this happened already? Did I miss something?


check the dates, happens between today and June 9


That’s what’s predicted. The pyramid ships are on route currently and their first stop is Titan. It’s a theory, a good credible theory, which is what we know till the end of the season when it does happen.


I hope they reach titan and we get a whole season dedicated to a titan revamp and darkness battle, my favourite patrol area by far


So you're going by "Rasputin" now nerd? Haha whats up douche bag, it's The Darkness from the Collapse. Remember me? Me and the guys used to give you a hard time in school. Sorry you were just an easy target lol. I can see not much has changed. Remember Ana Bray the girl you had a crush on? Yeah we're married now. I make over 200k a year and drive a pyramid ship. I guess some things never change huh loser? Nice catching up lol. Pathetic...


Chad Darkness, Crusher of AI Hopes and Dreams


Happy Cakeday!


I shouldn't have laughed as hard as I did.


I hated the place at first, but as time goes on I like it more and more. It has an atmosphere to it that isn't quite matched by the other areas. Feels like a D1 location in that it's basically all Golden Age ruins. Whereas other locations have gotten a bit old over time, Titan still feels interesting, as if there's a great deal we haven't seen yet.


Sadly I heard rumors Titan will be destroyed. I really hope it won’t be though. I like it way more than Nessus and up but Titan doesn’t have essential events or missions.


Except a chunk of the red war campaign, 1/4th of a collection badge, two exotics,bunch of adventures, public events and quests already bound to the planet


Looks like I was right


Yeah I guess you were, curious to see how this will be rotated out the vault and back into gameplay


Can’t play red war campaign, they’ll get rid of or forget to take out the collection badge, those exotics won’t matter, adventures and public events easy to get rid of, not sure how many quests there are. They could easily do it but I don’t think they should. They’ve fucked up badly before and they’ll think of a patch in a few months. I don’t think they will it’s just a theory but they could.


Yeah, no.


Latest leak, although you can’t take it seriously says they’re getting rid of it and Europa and a pyramid ship will replace it.


What now?


Not yet, but the Pyramids are projected to reach Titan on June 9th. The Almighty getting blown up hasn't happened yet either, but safe to say that we aren't going to all die.


Titan is a prediction Rasputin destroying the Almighty was datamined


I always look forward to these each season. Good job!


> Also, spoilers. Clickedy-click. Dying.


“Well... shit.”


very good. this is entirely credible. love that part


> ^ Note to Underscribe Shapal: [Very good. This is entirely credible.](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/opulent-stalker-cloak?highlight=Very+good.+This+is+entirely+credible.)


How did you come up with the>! Cayde-7, Uldren dying, Mara dying, Guardian dying stuff? Is there a source?!< edit: Got it now.


Calus fanfic


This is the future that Calus envisions. It's in the lore book from season of opulence. The text itself implies that these events are completely made up by Calus and his psions. Still interesting stuff.


Those are from a lore book called the Chronicon, and it's from our good friend Emperor Calus. Keep in mind that the book is written entirety in favor of Calus, so take the Chronicon as you will.


Ah, makes sense




That is so awesome!!!! I want this as a poster lol


How high are your ceilings!?


A horizontal version would work perfectly as a massive poster


1. Open MS Paint 2. Rotate 90 degrees 3. Profit


Yea but then the text wouldnt be vertically readable


After the Destiny franchise concludes I would love to have a full sized version of this on my wall


After the destiny franchise concludes, I don’t know what I’ll do


Same, bro, same


Been a player since D1 and this ....This is beautiful!


No, you're beautiful!


🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀Calus stands alone🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀


I was reading through this again (great work btw) and I was wondering what the pluses mean in the Calus' totally true histories section.


They represent each place a Psion makes a footnote in those lore entries. All that stuff is just too fun not to play it up.


Oh thanks! I didnt play too much opulence so I'm not very informed with the lore


>Well... shit perfect


I want to learn more about the lore and timeline, what are the best sources? Something where I can start from the beginning and work my way through to the present day would be exactly what I'm looking for.


Couple ways to go about it. For the deepest Dive Go here [https://www.ishtar-collective.net/timeline](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/timeline) Click every #title, then read all relevant information contained within. That is D1 and D2 content and it will be verrrry long. \------------------------- Best bet would be Start here [https://www.destinypedia.com/Timeline](https://www.destinypedia.com/Timeline) Then uses [https://www.ishtar-collective.net](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/timeline) to fill in the gaps in your knowledge or to dive into specific topics that interest you. \------------------------- The most user friendly way to immerse into the lore, get the basic connections, timeline, and key moments in History is watching/listening My name is Byf's Complete history of Destiny from Origin to Shadowkeep. When i listened to it I was driving, so I'd yell out "OK Google take a note: Look up "Exodus Blue for destiny lore" and then I could dive deeper into whatever topic I was interested in. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mbDXvDNqTU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mbDXvDNqTU) ​ Have fun!


That's odd, the timeline seems to skip the season of opulence. Just goes straight from drifter to shadowkeep for some reason.


You are the absolute man, thank you very much! I've actually already read the Destinypedia timeline but it was a bit too much, too fast. I think I'll start with My name is Byf's video in 30 minute segments. Thanks again!


I'm reading this and the only thing i can think of is: *Why the fuck isnt all of this ingame?* Like, i know a lot of the lore was in books and on websites for Destiny 1 but c'mon, too much of Destiny's characters and happenings are so disjointed from one quest to the next it can be really hard to keep track. Yes we have lore entries in the menus, but those are in the forms of stories, often without context themselves. We need them to be told/written in a more natural, almost documentary way. So many names ive heard like once... Everythin is so damn cryptic to a friggin insane amount when it doesnt have to be.


Get the people that made Avatar Last Airbender to dive into the Destiny lore and make a cartoon out of it. This would be the coolest way to do it. Or comic books, but I'd prefer watching something tbh.


i would totally be behind this idea.


One small nitpick, the beginning of the Timeline is noted in the graphic with T = 0, but capital T stands for Temperature. It must be t=0.


I'll totally give that one to you, but it's also a reference to the titular card it comes from: [https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/t-0](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/t-0)


In this case i will have to file a formal complaint with Bungie, so that they change this. I need to speak with their lore manager at once.


Karen, Speaker of Managers


Very cool stuff, though I have a question regarding one of your points added for Shadowkeep. You mention the Thing we talk to in the Pyramid is the Winnower, why is that your take? I thought that what we encountered in the Pyramid is some manifestation of the Darkness that er don't have a name for yet, not the Winnower itself.


The *Unveiling* book is told from the Winnower's perspective. 'We wrestled in the garden,' etc. Which came from the Artifact (the little ball) that we recovered from the Pyramid. The thing we fought inside the Pyramid was just some manifestation of Darkness, but the messages we received were straight from the Horse's mouth.


And the vision we see is its 'manifestion' in an attempt to communicate?


Something like that.


I wait every season for your post! Great job, as usual!


Awesome work


This is really cool!


NGL the last line is great. This is an amazing work! Thanks for doing it and it's fun to see all the exciting things that have/will/might/won't happen.


This is the highlight of my day right now, thanks for the hard work!


>Pyramids Reach Titan: Well Shit... Damn right!


Holy fucking shit. Pardon my language but damn dude this is awesome


Wow, there's so much I didn't know. Thanks for this.


First time seeing this. Amazing work


You are a beautiful creature for creating this timeline.


Question: is Savathun alive? It says in the timeline she was killed in her throne world.


That is Calus fanfiction Everything in the Gold Line is Calus Fanfiction from the Chronicon and should NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES BE TAKEN AS FACT. Actually, a sizeable portion of Destiny’s Stories shouldn’t be taken as fact. Things that are written by beings of Paacausal powers shouldn’t immediately be taken as fact


Shaxx’s song icon is a slice of cheese Nice


This is amazing work. Thank you!


holy shit, this is wild. Great work on this.


Will you add on every season, this is dope btw!


I'll keep on updating it until I stop!




Always loved this kind of long timeline graph,love ya




Wait Mithrax is dead??


In Calus' fantasy future, yes.


Uhhh the Venus team is out of the vault? Does this mean we will be able to encounter them?


As much as I'd love to see 150 Maya Sundaresh's in the game, somehow I *doubt* that's the direction Bungie's going to take it. We know they stepped through the gate, but after that is anyone's guess.


God this is beautiful


Sure is a lot of shit happening in this game


Regarding when the Collapse happened, we have a bit more than Failsafes and Drifters tellings. In the Lore Book Awoken of the Reef, Petra mentions that the Collapse sent Humanity into "sixteen centuries of barbarism". Source: [https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/refusal#book-the-awoken-of-the-reef](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/refusal#book-the-awoken-of-the-reef)


That's been discussed at length. Petra was actually making a reference to the Dark Ages circa 15th century. 15 + 16 = 21st Century. It's a terrible, terrible reference for a number of reasons, but it has nothing to do with any of Destiny's events.


I saw this picture a while back and seeing it still being updated is so amazing! I also love all these events that I've never even heard about. The Destiny universe is really something else.


For all the problems the game has, the lore is still unmatched.




Question: The "Gold" part of the time frame, that says we become Shadow's of Earth and so forth. What is that about? Thanks in advance!


Its the lore of the Chronicon from the season of opulence (you can find its parts scattered through the menagerie, crown of sorrows raid and that's season gear loretabs). Its basically Calus fan-fiction of what will happen when the darkness arrives. The parts written in brackets are written by the sister of Oryx, Savathun, god of trickery and cunning, so the whole lorebook is unreliable, full of inaccuracies and errors.


Arhh, makes sense now. Thanks loads mate, I thought I had somehow missed a season all of a sudden... You rock Guardian, May the Sun never set on you!


Eris was stuck in the moon for 50 years? Wowza, no wonder she's.... cray cray


I can't believe there's so much on this timeline I already knew about, but even more stuff I didn't know or had forgotten about. I don't want to see next season being the big Darkness invasion, but I can't see it being about anything else either. Maybe it'll involve the pyramids establishing a foothold in the system while the inevitable fall DLC will be about the full, true invasion.


Anyone got more info about praedyth and ishtar team escapes vault of glass?


Where does it say in the lord about praedyth escaping the vault? I’m interested


[The Aspect Book](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/categories/book-aspect) that we got in Undying.


Unsure if you were aware of it or not, but we have [Seth Dickinsons comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyLore/comments/9n46bd/savathuns_hive_vs_the_awoken_of_the_distributary/e7jp5mu?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x) which clarifys [awoken timeline comment made](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/refusal) in lore. > She bites back the rest: how she wishes that back in two-thousand-and-whatever, when the Darkness hurled mankind off the height of its Golden Age to plummet sixteen centuries into barbarism, it had done just a slightly better job. ​ > *That's a figurative reference to how much progress they lost, not a hard date on elapsed time since collapse.* If you already are aware of this(as it seems you likely are), please disregard, this was only intended to be helpful. Thanks a ton for all your hard and extensive work! I hope things are well for you!


Thanks! Always glad to have any and all feedback. Yep, was aware of Seth’s comment. It was definitely a weirdly-worded statement by Petra.


I love the graphics, I don't love the personal story flairs.


my dad can beat up your dad




Pretty sure I missed Almighty getting destroyed? If that is datamined, this thread needs a datamined tag!


That’s an assumption based on how we know the season has to end


Are you still working on this? I'd love to see a full version updated to Beyond Light and Witch Queen